Swagger's Soaring Eagle

The Bearded One

Love is not admissable evidence.
Last night on Smakdown, Jack Swagger had his Homecoming. By his side he had his very own mascot, Swagger's Soaring Eagle. The Eagle didn't really do much, but was just there to act silly. Ultimately, the Eagle was on the receiving end of Edge's Spear.

I got to thinking about Swagger's Soaring Eagle and his future. I think it would be a brilliant way for Swagger to gain some heat by having his very own mascot. I don't think any wrestler has had a true mascot like that. the Eagle can be by his side for his matches and promos. And better yet, the mascot could be the one who takes the beatings, like we saw last night with Edge. This would keep from Swagger getting beat down himself and keeping him looking strong. I honestly think Swagger having a mascot would work.

Do you think Swagger's Soaring Eagle should stay? Or should it be a one-time thing? If it does stay around, would it work or would it be a total failure?
I don't think it would make Swagger look strong at all...so no. Having an Eagle follow Swagger around would make him look like a total joke. It would be hard to take him seriously and hard to take him as a threat to anyone on the roster including the World Champion. It would be refreshing to se this though. Jack is obviously not going to hold the championship for a while and if that's the case, then sure, why not? Swaggers focused attitude mixed with the Eagle's shenanagins would be classic and would equal RAW's Santino/Koslov in a way. I think the angle would get old after a while but it would be a good way to entertain the kiddies,, and hell, give me a giggle or two.
I can see it. He's talking all swaggerific with the eagle running around, jostling the interviewer, or especially fans as he comes down the ramp.
The eagle should be retired and I think he will be. The eagle was there for the 'home-coming' gimmick and I dont think you'll see it again any more than you'll see the cape or hear him coming out to JR's music.

Would it "work"? I guess it depends on who you are. Im over 30...it wouldnt work for me. Last thing I want to see when I tune in to SD is eagle mascot put over as one of the ancor gimmicks on the show. I think Swagger gets enough heat as it is anyway, he doesnt really need the eagle.
I wouldn't mind seeing the eagle come back. As a fan of over-the-top gimmicks and happenings in my pro wrestling, I found the fact that Swagger actually had a mascot to be hilarious. It really added to the segment with its worshiping of Swagger and running around the ring. I'd want it to accompany Swagger to the ring. I mean, Swagger is supposed to be some hyper-patriotic American parody, right? And what's more patriotic than a bald eagle mascot?

This could work into storylines, as well. Perhaps if Swaggie is in the middle of a feud with someone, he could be having an unrelated match when the eagle causes Swagger to lose. After the match the eagle could unmask to reveal whoever it is Swagger is feuding with. That would be fun!

I'm all for the eagle being Swagger's valet. Some may call it ridiculous. I call it entertainment.
I actually welcome this addition of a valet for Swagger. He needs to expand on his personality b/c he doesn't work as the serious type of competitor. He needs to show emotion and a sense of cockiness like Kurt Angle during his initial run in the WWE. I think the Soaring Eagle can provide that element for Swagger. I think in order for Swagger to push towards the main event he needs to bring back the swagger (pun intended) that he first showed in ECW. The eagle can help him do this.
I actually welcome this addition of a valet for Swagger. He needs to expand on his personality b/c he doesn't work as the serious type of competitor. He needs to show emotion and a sense of cockiness like Kurt Angle during his initial run in the WWE. I think the Soaring Eagle can provide that element for Swagger. I think in order for Swagger to push towards the main event he needs to bring back the swagger (pun intended) that he first showed in ECW. The eagle can help him do this.

I agree, I HATED serious Jack Swagger when he won the world title. I say swagger embraces his goofinees and runs with it while still killing you in the ring like Angle did.

Unless they completely retool him he will always be seen and Kurt Angle lite.
Why all the Eagle hate?

I liked the Swagger Soarin' Eagle because it helped Swagger feel unique. It made Swagger stand out without him having to job again or get beat up.

Hopefully the Eagle stays because it could help give Swagger something to do for awhile which is what he needs.

As for the eagle, I think it was someone like Chavo(It would make sense because it runs in the family, look up: Gobbledy Gooker)
I loved the mascot.

The Soaring Eagle did for Swagger what the World Championship didn't: Make him look like an original superstar. He didn't look or have the feel of Kurt Angle like some of us have been ranting on for some time. He didn't seem bland at all in my opinion like he was as champion. He was interesting. I believe it's all thanks to having a little bald eagle by his side.

Some of you really think it's a bad idea to have a mascot on your side? Do you know how many situations WWE could come up with if they decided to keep the eagle (like I think they will)? What kind of push Swagger would get with something like that? It's a phenomenal idea and I can't stress it enough. It gives Swagger more character, and it gives us something new to look at while he is ranting about all of his achievements.

I think....just this once....the bird is the word.
I love it.. I could see this working in so many ways. At first I could just see the eagle parading around and acting like a mascot. After he gets stale.. they could use the eagle to debut a new wrestler. Have the eagle help Swagger win matches by interfering and after a while have some body de mask him to reveal a new or maybe old wrestler.

This could work in so many ways. I say the Eagle stays.

By the way... Swaggers promo was really good.
I loved the segment on SmackDown with Swagger, the eagle and Edge. For me it was the highlight of the show. Swagger was very funny and Edge was on top form.

However, an eagle constantly at the side of Swagger would make him less serious and therefore, for me, would make him more Zack Ryder than Kurt Angle. The eagle would have worked before Swagger won the World Heavyweight Championship. Back when he was a bit more over the top with the pushups and everything that went with it.

On the other hand though, Swagger can, at times, be at bit boring. With the eagle he really wasn't. He was funny and unique. And that is a real positive for Swagger.
I really like the idea of Swagger and his Soaring Eagle. Given his gimmick is that of a very patriotic American, you really can't beat an eagle for that. Also, the eagle really gave him some easy heat; it was amusing, but because he's Jack Swagger, you want to hate the eagle. The eagle being speared by Edge was a good touch aswell, it really shows how cowardly Swagger is. I think it would take the seriousness, which is boring in my opinion, down by a lot. Nobody has a mascot in WWE, so it would be a cool addition, and if they decide to have a Superstar in the costume, it has the possibility to create an interesting mid-lower card angle, even though Swagger should be better than that.

Furthermore, with the theory and speculation of Edge moving to Smackdown, it could create a feud between Swagger and Edge, considering Edge wants to 'rid WWE of all things stupid'. That feud could help elevate Swagger back into the main event, which would be ideal.

Keep the mascot and bring back the push-ups!
I think the Swagger and the eagle would be funny. If this feud with Edge continues, we could see Edge constantly trying to rid the WWE of Swagger and his stupid mascot and it could help Swagger gain more heat than he already is.
Absolutely man the eagle should stay i jumped on his band wagon last year i think around this time he reminded me of a Kurt and Brock mix. But we all know that his 1st world title reign sucked(at least he had one unlike Shelton faileman). So i was sitting wondering why they have him putting on such good matches and still giving other men a push when he deservingly needs one him self so when i saw the eagle and how it worshiped him i got me thinking but its only after you posted this that i struck me. Your right it would be new different and would surely get him heat and keep him fresher from not taking so much the beat downs.
it was fun and everything but in a grudge fued and a eagle following swagger? hell no for get it. 1 time thing. A way to get swagger over? have him fued with some1 oh wait he is with edge and i hope it works out.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who really enjoyed the mascot Swagger brought with him. For me, it was the most interesting Swagger has been since he was World Champion. It was funny and quality all at the same time.

I think the mascot should stay, or at the very least be a sporadic thing. Hopefully they do it again without driving it into the ground.
I would love it.

Hell people compare him enough to Angle already, having a mascot would almost be the equivalent to Angle's gold medals. Okay not exactly, but you get what I'm saying. Swagger needs supporting figures it would seem and this fits perfectly. There's something about Swagger that just doesn't click. I like his in ring work so far and he has shown signs of being damn good elsewhere but it just ends up falling flat. His mic work is pretty mediocre or even less so any other way he could build up his character is a good thing.

The more ridiculous with Swagger, the better I say. Hell, bring in a marching band and cheerleaders, the whole nine yards. Anything to get us to forget how boring he is by himself.
I thought it should have only been a one off thing, but, we'll see how it goes. I think the Eagle should take off the costume, to reveal Swaggers new Valet. The Homecoming Queen. That would be better then having an Eagle, a hot Valet!
Umm I don't know about everyone else but I want Swagger back in the Main Event not with some Eagle that reminds me of the Gobbly Gooker.:disappointed: With that Eagle he would look more like Santino then Kurt Angle. THe segment was great and really funny don't get me wrong but i think and hope the Eagle was a one time thing.

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