SVR 2006 Prison Book This thread

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
Because I may as well have fun while I'm in here. CCS did a tournament so why the hell not?



Booker T (H)
Chris Benoit (F)
Chris Jericho (F)
Chris Masters (H)
Heidenreich (H)
John Cena (F)
Kane (F)
Khosrow Daivari (H)
Lita (H)
Muhammad Hassan (H)
Randy Orton (H)
Rene Dupree (H)
Ric Flair (H)
Rob Van Dam (F)
Shawn Michaels (F)
Shelton Benjamin (F)
Sylvain Grenier (H)
Triple H (F)
Trish Stratus (F)
William Regal (F)


Batista (F)
Big Show (F)
Carlito (F)
Chavo Guerrero (H)
Christian (F)
Christy Hemme (H)
Danny Basham (H)
Doug Basham (H)
Eddie Guerrero (F)
Edge (H)
Eugene (F)
Kurt Angle (F)
Orlando Jordan (H)
Paul London (H)
Rey Mysterio (F)
Stacy Keibler (F)
Tajiri (H)
Torrie Wilson (H)
Undertaker (F)

All titles are vacant and there will be tournaments over the next few weeks to determine the new champions. Each tournament will feature 8 WWE superstars,divas,or tag teams and all first round matches will start this week.
Welcome to Monday Night Raw!

Opening Pyro goes off and J.R and Jerry the King Lawler are here to bring us the action!

JR: Hello WWE Fans and Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm your play by play commentator Good Ol Jim Ross, joining me at the broadcast table Jerry the King Lawler.

King: Thanks J.R. We got a great show tonight. I can't wait for the Women's Championship Match later on.

JR: That's right WWE fans as a special treat just for you were gonna have two of the WWE's most talented womens competitors facing off as Trish Stratus faces Lita with the Women's title on the line.

King: I hope we see some puppies JR!

JR: You and the WWE fans everywhere King.

The Bell rings and we get set for our opening contest.

Intercontinental Championship Tournament Match Rd.1

Shelton Benjamin vs Ric Flair

A very good opening contest that saw WWE's most talented athlete use various throws and holds to wear down the Nature Boy. The action would spill outside the ring where Benjamin dropped the sixteen time world champion across the ring barriar. Back in the ring Shelton would throw Flair against the turnbuckle and hit a splash in the corner, as Flair came off the corner Shelton caught him with a picture perfect T-Bone suplex which Flair kicked out of. Shelton would then go up top and hit a crossbody followed by a second T-Bone for the win. Winner Shelton Benjamin

JR: That was one hell of a contest King!

King: Yeah it was. Shelton is a great athlete, but I just can't keep my focus on the male competitors when I know we have a Women's title match tonight JR!

JR: You'll have to be patiant King, that match isn't until later tonight. What we do have up next though is the first match of the World Tag Team Championship Tournament!

World Tag Team Championship Tournament Match Rd.1
Kane & Heidenreich vs La Resistance

Kane got the early power advantage over Dupree wearing down his lower back and neck. He hit a few backbreakers and high angle suplexes on Dupree before connecting with not one but two Tombstone Piledrivers! Dupree would get the tag and La Resistance would start to work over Kane's back with submission holds, but when Kane would reach the ropes they wouldn't break their holds. Kane would tag in Heidenreich but Greneir and Dupree would have no part of it fleeing the scene. The ref would start his ten count forcing the frenchman back to the ring. Both men would get tags and Kane would hit the Chokeslam on Dupree. Kane went for the cover and Heidenreich took out Sylvan as the ref counted to three. Winners Kane & Heidenreich

Intercontinental Championship Tournament Match Rd.1
Chris Masters vs William Regal

Regal started the match off working over Master's legs with submission holds and targeted strikes. Masters would get back into the match with pure power. He tossed Regal out of the ring and proceeded to remove the turnbuckle pad. When Regal reentered the ring Masters threw Regal into the exposed turnbuckle, then tossed him back out of the ring where he targeted Regal's ribs on the outside and once the referee reached a count of nine he rolled back into the ring and took a countout victory. Winner Chris Masters

JR: I can't believe the Masterpiece took a countout victory there.

King: Rules are rules JR, I hope we see a rematch soon. Is it time for the puppies JR?

JR: After this next match King. An opening match of the WWE Championship Tournament!

WWE Championship Tournament Match Rd.1
Shawn Michaels vs Rob Van Dam

Michaels and RVD lock up in the middle of the ring and Shawn starts things off by shoving RVD down to the mat. Both men go for a few signature moves but counter each others every move before Van Dam gets the advantage with a leg trip. He then locks Michaels in a submission hold that outs pressure on both Michaels' neck as well as his back and knees. Michaels is twisted up in knots as the crowd chants HBK HBK! RVD breaks the hold and starts to wear down Michaels' knee by dropping his knee across it and sitting on it while pulling back on Shawn's ankle.RVD kicks the knee a few times before Michalels gives Van Dam an undetected low blow. Michaels grabs Van Dam's leg and pulls back a couple of times tightening up his hamstring. Michaels than applies a hammerlock and drops the knee across Van Dam's shoulder. Michaels pulls him to his feet and irish whips him into the corner. He runs at RVD but Van Dam runs out of the way and attempts a suplex which HBK counters and hits a side headlock takedown, when RVD gets to his feet he hits an arm drag and a firemans carry, Shawn gets to his feet and hits another side headlock takedown and this time stands up and stomps RVD's shoulder. As RVD gets to his feet he is brought down by a vertical suplex courtesy of HBK. HBK covers him for no count. Van Dam gets up and is welcomed by a flying forarm followed by both men simultaneously getting to their feet and Michaels hitting a single arm DDT. Michaels puts Van Dam up top and hits a dynamic Superplex. Michaels goes up top and hits a Missile Dropkick! Michaels went up top again but missed a crossbody block. RVD capitalized with a running dropkick once HBK got to his feet. RVD then hit a little Rolling Thunder. RVD stalked HBK till he got to his feet and attempted a bicycle kick, which HBK countered and attempted Sweet Chin Music which was also countered so Shawn hit a clothesline. As RVD got up Shawn hit another clothesline then a scoop slam. Shawn would go up top and deliver a flying elbow drop before connecting with Sweet Chin Music for the win. Winner Shawn Michaels.

JR: What an amzing contest! RVD should feel great about how far he took the showstopper.

King: RVD did a hell of a job, but you know whats next JR!

JR: Yes King I know.

King: Puppies!!!

WWE Women's Championship Match
Trish Stratus vs Lita

Both women start brawling the instant the bell rings. The action quickly spills out to the ringside area, where Trish delivers a beautiful running dropkick to Lita. Trish then drops Lita facefirst on the floor with a facebuster and gets in the ring at a count of seven. Lita would barely make it in at a count of nine and the match would continue. Trish hit a jawbreaker and started to work on Lita's knee. Trish stopped the pressure on the knee to attempt a high risk maneuver a double axehandle off the top rope, but Lita would move out of the way before being greeted with another running dropkick. Trish hits an arm drag sending Lita back out of the ring. On the outside Trish hits her theird running dropkick of the match, Lita seems to have no answer for it. Back in the ring Trish attempted a Chick Kick but Lita dodged it and hit a Russian Leg Sweep into a pinning combination for two. Lita hits a spear followed up by an Edge O' Matic she is starting to build momentum but its quickly slowed by a firemans carry by Trish. Trish hit a reverse DDT and then the Chick Kick for the win and the title. Winner Trish Stratus

JR: Are you happy now King?

King: No JR...its over no more puppies. I sure am happy for Trish, maybe she will let me celebrate with her.

JR: King thats gonna have to wait we still have our Main Event, the second match of our WWE Championship Tournament.

WWE Championship Tournament Match Rd.1
Triple H vs Chris Benoit

They start the match off with a grecco roman knuckle lock. Triple H gets the advantage and gives Benoit a kick to the midsection. He then comes off the ropes for a clothesline before being backdropped by Benoit. As Triple H gets to his feet he is irish whipped into the turnbuckle and chopped multiple times by Benoit. Benoit sets up a superplex but Triple H shoves him off the top rope and comes off the top with a knee drop crushing Benoit's skull. Triple H then works over Benoits neck with a few nerve holds, a DDT, and three consecutive swinging neckbreakers. As Benoit gets to his feet Triple H hits a Pedigree and Ric Flair comes down to ringside. The ref is busy with Flair and Triple H hits Benoit with a piledriver. The ref turns around and counts the three. Winner Triple H

The EMT's rush down to ringside and put Benoit on a stretcher he is put in a neck vice as Triple H and Flair look on.
Wrong section. Bant.

Respect your elders, kid.

Who the hell are you anyway? Pretty lame to get your rocks off by taunting the people in prison, with the obvious exception of deadman who deserved the berrating that he had handed out to him.

You pretty much reek of patheticness and loneliness.

Respect your elders, kid.

Who the hell are you anyway? Pretty lame to get your rocks off by taunting the people in prison, with the obvious exception of deadman who deserved the berrating that he had handed out to him.

You pretty much reek of patheticness and loneliness.


Profit, we have a lot in common. We both have a hell of a lot of haters yet beneath it all we're pretty smart guys. Only thing is you have a lot more haters, you're less known, you're not as smart and you need to fuck off before you piss off the wrong people and go out screaming like the pathetic Shawshank scum you really are.
Profit, we have a lot in common.

Really? The only thing in common that we have, that I see, is we both have computers with the internet and are members of this forum. Other then that, i'm pretty much better than you at everything. But, don't worry about it, I know how much it helps to compare yourself to someone so great such as myself.. lets face it, you lead a pathetic life so you gotta leach onto someone who is actually successful and great.

We both have a hell of a lot of haters yet beneath it all we're pretty smart guys. Only thing is you have a lot more haters, you're less known, you're not as smart and you need to fuck off before you piss off the wrong people and go out screaming like the pathetic Shawshank scum you really are.

Do I have a lot of haters? I guess so, I don't care nor do I notice that petty shit. And who would I piss off that could put me in prison? I don't say anything to the mods or admins that could put me here, nor do I break any of the rules to warrant such an action. I will never be a member of Shawshank, something you probably can't say.

Bottom line is this, you acted like a pathetic little bitch, like a bratty little baby. So, naturally, I had to call you on it and put an end to it. Now i'm done, and I will no longer clutter up Battlez's thread with this back-and-forth between you and me as it's lame.
Really? The only thing in common that we have, that I see, is we both have computers with the internet and are members of this forum. Other then that, i'm pretty much better than you at everything. But, don't worry about it, I know how much it helps to compare yourself to someone so great such as myself.. lets face it, you lead a pathetic life so you gotta leach onto someone who is actually successful and great.

Do I have a lot of haters? I guess so, I don't care nor do I notice that petty shit. And who would I piss off that could put me in prison? I don't say anything to the mods or admins that could put me here, nor do I break any of the rules to warrant such an action. I will never be a member of Shawshank, something you probably can't say.

Bottom line is this, you acted like a pathetic little bitch, like a bratty little baby. So, naturally, I had to call you on it and put an end to it. Now i'm done, and I will no longer clutter up Battlez's thread with this back-and-forth between you and me as it's lame.

thank you profit. and I expect feedback once I finish smackdown
Nice first show, Christian. I never even thought of going back to the older versions of the SDvRaw game and making stories. I guess it's because the graphics aren't as good - and that's my worst hang-up these days. I'm so picky with graphics.

But overall, nice show. Can't wait to see more.
Respect your elders, kid.

Who the hell are you anyway? Pretty lame to get your rocks off by taunting the people in prison, with the obvious exception of deadman who deserved the berrating that he had handed out to him.

You pretty much reek of patheticness and loneliness.

This is probably the only thing i will ever agree with you about
Nice first show, Christian. I never even thought of going back to the older versions of the SDvRaw game and making stories. I guess it's because the graphics aren't as good - and that's my worst hang-up these days. I'm so picky with graphics.

But overall, nice show. Can't wait to see more.

The rosters are so much better though. I'll admit after I downloaded the new characters for 2009 I love that roster. Now im torn because Im doing some epic things on my 2009 game and I just started this 2006 one. Once I get out I'll do a 2009 show as well as this one.

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