Survivor Series: Team Phoenix vs. Team James


SmackDown! is MY Show

10 Divas Tag Team Match
BethPhoenox, Jillian Hall, Melina, Victoria & Layla Vs Mickie James, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Kelly Kelly
This match was destined to happen. It looks somewhat interesting because we haven't seen a Women's traditional match for a while. Yet the talentless women in here are going to bring the match down for sure. If Layla, Maria, and Kelly Kelly are pulled out and possibly Torrie the match would be great. We are in desperate need of a good Womens match Because now all the women look horrible and until they start putting on good matches they are going to be portrayed horribly.
This match may be used to set up the long awaited pheonix vs. james feud. Is it me or are the heels(except) in this match more superior(wrestling ability) than all the faces except mickie. I think mickie & maybe michelle will have to carry the face side. I hope the heel's win b/c they have the talent including Melina(my fave), Jillian, Vic, & beth.
Just wondering, is this a traditional survivor series match? From what I've read, im interpreting it as just being a 5 on 5 tag match, though I really hope I am wrong cause that would be just stupid. If it is an actual traditional match, I kind of expect the finish to be Beth Phoenix being the final member of her team against all the members of Mickie James' team, and then single handedly eliminating all of them. That would just seem to continue to progress the character of Phoenix as being the most dominate diva.
We all saw this coming and we all know how this will end. James will be the last to be eliminated and she'll be taken out by Beth Phoenix. Everyone else will "fall to the Glamazon" and all that crap. Five or so minutes wasted.
I'm both, excited & disappointed. I'm excited, because I can honestly HOPE that a 5 on 5 diva's Survivor Series elimination match has great potential. I'm disappointed, because out of the entire list.. Marie, Torrie Wilson, Kelly Kelly & Layla are wasting valuable space. None of them have talent, except for standing in place & looking pretty. (I'd even argue that Wilson & Layla have issues doing that.)

I think the match has the ability to be good, because Victoria & Melina could match up nicely against James, to try & run the table.. & ultimately falling to Pheonix in the end.
You know what, I'm changing my opinion on the finish. Why would they "feed" all the face divas to Beth, if they wanted to further a Mickie James feud? Therefore, I can see Mickie James possibly getting an "upset" pin over Beth.

I'm still not saying the face team would end up winning, but now that I've placed more thought in it.. I just can't see Beth being dominate enough to destroy the entire face side, because it wouldn't result in ANY feuds to come of it.

Also, clearly Layla & Kelly Kelly will be the undercard feud, as well as Michelle McCool & Victoria.
I'm both, excited & disappointed. I'm excited, because I can honestly HOPE that a 5 on 5 diva's Survivor Series elimination match has great potential. I'm disappointed, because out of the entire list.. Marie, Torrie Wilson, Kelly Kelly & Layla are wasting valuable space. None of them have talent, except for standing in place & looking pretty. (I'd even argue that Wilson & Layla have issues doing that.)

I think the match has the ability to be good, because Victoria & Melina could match up nicely against James, to try & run the table.. & ultimately falling to Pheonix in the end.

I'd argue that Torrie is better than what you think she is (and I'm not even a fan of hers). The WWE likes to waste her, and that's a shame because I've seen some of Torrie's houseshow matches and they're decent, if not as good as Candice's matches. But, unfortunently you're probably right- they'll make Torrie stand there and look pretty.

Now, onto the match, I'm looking forward to it, but I don't want to get my hopes up because I have a feeling it'll all be hairpulling and what not, like most diva tag team matches. Hopefully Melina, Mickie, Beth, Jillian, and Victoria will make this a great match and something akin to last year's amazing match between Mickie and Lita.

Probably not, but hey a girl can dream.

Flames Out
But, unfortunently you're probably right- they'll make Torrie stand there and look pretty.

LOL Goodluck with that dream. Torrie couldn't stand in place & look pretty if she was in a room full of transexuals.

And I think the match will be better than what most people would consider. So it'll actually be entertaining for what its worth. I'm personally hoping that Victoria & Mickie get some time to work together, as well as Melina against Michelle McCool. I think those two match-ups could be nice. Again, Torrie.. urgh. lol
LOL Goodluck with that dream. Torrie couldn't stand in place & look pretty if she was in a room full of transexuals.

And I think the match will be better than what most people would consider. So it'll actually be entertaining for what its worth. I'm personally hoping that Victoria & Mickie get some time to work together, as well as Melina against Michelle McCool. I think those two match-ups could be nice. Again, Torrie.. urgh. lol

Ooh harsh. Good thing I'm not a Torrie fan! :lol2:

A lot of fans, wait let me rephrase that- a lot of divas fans always get their hopes up when a unique Diva match springs up, like the one scheduled for SS. But, with the slew of horrible divas tag matches we had to go through this year, not to mention the horrible 10 Divas Tag Team match before WM, you can't blame people for being a little bit wary.

Flames Out
Ooh harsh. Good thing I'm not a Torrie fan! :lol2:

A lot of fans, wait let me rephrase that- a lot of divas fans always get their hopes up when a unique Diva match springs up, like the one scheduled for SS. But, with the slew of horrible divas tag matches we had to go through this year, not to mention the horrible 10 Divas Tag Team match before WM, you can't blame people for being a little bit wary.

Flames Out

Yeah, well.. I got some more (possible) bad news for you. I DON'T think this is an "elimination" match. Do you notice how they'll advertise the 10 "man" (Triple H/Umaga teams) match, as an elimination, traditional type match.. but they kept refering to the divas match, as a "tag team" match. (never once refered to it as an elimination)

I think its gonna be first fall wins. If thats the case, whats the point even MAKING it 10 divas? That'll ONLY turn disasterous, because it'll end in one big cluster, with all of them running around & Beth or Mickie will get the pin on likely Layla or Kelly. If this isn't an elimination match, I'm stating right now its going to not only suck big time.. but be a huge disappointment. Again, why even HAVE 10 divas in a match, 5 per team, if you aren't gonna allow it to have the same possibilities as the guys version???
If this does turn out to be an elimination match then I think It's pretty easy to predict. It'll end with Mickie getting the victory over Phoenix.

If it turns out that it's not an elimination match the ending will be the same, either way I don't see Phoenix winning.

On paper it looks like an intresting match. WWE has two good female wrestlers, shame there on the same team. But the problem is that more than half the competitors can't work for shit. So Jillian & Phoenix have got there work cut out for them. At least Melina will generate a little heat for the match. When Kelly faces off with Layla the place will be dead.
I've never seen a womens traditional match before...but I have soooo many doubts. These bitches are going to botch the hell outta this match. I jus wanna see one thing and one thing only...another girl on girl kiss with mickie and layla.....that made sitting through that 6 diva tag match on raw last night so worth it *hits dvr button and rewinds as we speak*
From the looks of the match that went on last night on Raw this match will probably be B-O-R-I-N-G.
9/10 Mickie is going to win over Beth, I see that in my head BUT I wouldn't mind the "Glamazon" being the one to get rid of the girls on the other team to emphasize her image as being the dominating female in the WWE.
I just now figured out who Michelle McCool was last night, lol I always get her and Kelly confused.
Layla... she's useless.
I didn't even know Torrie Wilson was still in the WWE *shrugs* go figure.

I just have a feeling this match won't play off very well and will be used as a bathroom/snack break.
i dont know why people diss torrie wilson so much, shes a very talented diva who wwe underestimate her, you will see what she will do in the match
People diss torrie b/c shes not very good in the ring and has been in the wwe for many years and has accomplished next to nothing(but i cant talk cuz i like ashley & mccool)any way i really hope it's an elimination and kelly, layla, torrie, & maria are quickly eliminated. Melina, Jillian, Victoria, Beth, Mickie and possibly Michelle can probably put on a decent divas match. I see either it coming down to mickie & beth and either one winning or beth totaly dominating all the face divas(the first being more plossible) but I would hope they allow Jillian & melina have some time in the match.
The big question about Survivor Series 2007: What match do you want to be the shortest, Diva Tag Team or Hornswoggle/Khali? Haha.

The one good thing about the Divas match being a tag team rather than elimination is that we don't have to sit through the inevitable things:
1. Kelly Kelly getting in one move offensively and being taken out by something simple, like blowing really hard in her face.
2. Layla walking around the ring like a robot to perform every move.
3. Michelle taking forever to execute a move (though she's getting better)
4. Torrie just being pathetic. Poor girl.
5. Maria getting decimated.

Melina, Mickie, Beth, and Victoria aren't bad...for the women's division, mind you. The trouble though is that they're still not entertaining and the rate of suspension of disbelief to think they're being real tough is uncanny. Just because the Divas grunt and squeal, I'm supposed to think they're doing a better job than they are? Sloppy slams, over-the-top punches every 3 seconds, and the completely over used "pull the hair and spin toss the girl" move......ugh. They have their fans and I'm not one of them, but then again, there are people out there that think "Dude, Where's My Car" should win the Oscar for Best Picture lol.
I don't care about womens wrestling, but I have a news flash for the IWC. A lot of little girls like the divas matches, which is why they'll continue.

Secondly, I have tape after tape of 5 star matches, solid chain wrestling and the like. I like the eye-candy.

Thirdly, Torrie Wilson is smoking hot and I seriously wonder about anyone who doesn't think so.
torrie can wrestle she had good matches with dawn marie and has good matches with victoria she isn't all that bad and who cares anyway she IS the HOTTEST diva in WWE in my opinion
I don't trust WWE on this one. Really Team Victoria should crush team Mickie, a clean sweep IMO. No one on team Mickie (besides Mickie herself) is worth anything, and Team Beth has arguably the top 3 women in the company, so the match in theory should go quickly. But knowing WWE, they'll fuck it up by probably having pairs like Michelle/ Melina/ Kelly/ Laya etc. get most of the match time, They'll eliminate Victoria rather quickly (most likely), when girls like Jillian and Victoria do get match time they'll be made to look weak, Beth will probably eliminate a majority of Team Mickie on her own and may end up getting the win for her team. personally I could see the match come down to Mickie and Beth, and if WWE wants to have Beth keep that dominate persona of hers up, she could pin Mickie for the win. If a scenario like this happens, it doesn't necessarily mean we won't see a future feud with Beth vs another diva (ie Mickie) in the future.
When I heard about the competetors in this match I looked closley at the card (and I think it's just a standard 10 diva tag team match) and went. "Damn! Team Pheonix looks pretty talented!" Then I look at team James and go... "Damn! Team James is going to win... They have the most eye candy..." I can see the end of the match being Mickie picking up the win over Beth and setting up FINALLY for the Mickie James/Beth Pheonix feud! However here would be the highlights of the match... Mickie vs Melina, Mickie vs Beth Pheonix, Mickie vs Victoria. I really just don't see anyone else on Team James participating that much in the match, because they are so limited. I'm sure we'll see Kelly Kelly, Torrie, and the others in the match, and odds are that's where the heels will be in control until they can make a tag to Mickie. If Lita and Trish were still in WWE and were on Team James, then this would be ONE HELL OF A MATCH, but that's not the case now is it?
This math might have a chance of being decent, as long as WWE plays it out well. Have the dominant diva on each team elimate the other team's talent-less eye cand, and we have ourselves a decent match. I se this as the start od the James/Phoenix feud, which we can have them as the two survivors and with James winning, which would kick start the feud. Overall I'm not expecting anything huge from this match as this is a divas match, in WWE.

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