Survivor Series: Team HHH vs. Team Umaga


SmackDown! is MY Show

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match
Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio & Kane face Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finlay & Big Daddy V
Intresting looking match. The only problem I see is that Umaga as the captain will probably get pinned by HHH again, and I assumed that feud was finished. Viscera & Kane will probably get DQ'd. Hopefully at the beginning of the match.And I see MVP walking off and refusing to face Hardy. I see HHH being sole survivor. Which is pointless.
Couple quick notes to point out, of no big interest. On Raw, when they ran the promo for this.. Matt Hardy was holding one of the "RAW" Tag Team Championships, while M.V.P. was holding the "SD" one.

Anyways, this has the ability to be a good 30-40 minute match. Especially with Triple H, Rey Mysterio, & the Hardyz versus Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, Finlay & M.V.P. -- just have Big Daddy V & Kane start off by rumbling their way out of the match..

Then the long awaited Matt Hardy/M.V.P. mix-up, with possibly M.V.P. taking out Jeff Hardy, but having Matt take M.V.P. out. Finlay to take out Matt, but then I see Mysterio taking out Finlay, but having Kennedy take out Mysterio. Triple H. to take out Umaga, leaving it Kennedy v. Triple H.. to set up the new WM storyline???

I like both teams, except Big Daddy V & Kane should be replaced by C.M. Punk & John Morrison.. I assume those two will have another match of thier own, possibly, HOPEFULLY another Survivor Series elimination match. They still need at least another one, hopefully two more. But this one has the big play ability to carry the show's midcard, or in between Championship matches.
Match looks pretty interesting....nice intermixing of feuds on the roster (hope they have more elimination matches in store).

Btw, has anyone noticed that Matt/MVP DON'T have the tag team titles in that picture?? Is this their way of telling us they'll lose it before then? I hope so, allows Matt to focus on the US title and HOPEFULLY win it sometime soon.
Btw, has anyone noticed that Matt/MVP DON'T have the tag team titles in that picture?? Is this their way of telling us they'll lose it before then? I hope so, allows Matt to focus on the US title and HOPEFULLY win it sometime soon.

I think that this poster is a created on by the staff, not a legitiment one, by W.W.E.

However, you may be onto something & to build Matt Hardy & M.V.P. up, going into their assumed 'show-down' I could clearly see them dropping the Tag Team Championships, perhaps the show before Survivor Series, or even this coming Friday night. It'd add fuel to M.V.P. continuing to want to work with Matt, but Matt no longer being "tied" to M.V.P.

Lets just hope, if they do drop the titles, its to Jesse & Festus, or Deuce & Domino. Because, I really don't want them going onto someone else, who won't be able to defend them on the p.p.v. (such as Khali/Henry)
it is pointless for anyone to get inside the ring with HHH. He refuses to be pinned so does it really matter who gets pedigree'd first?
I'm very excited about this match. The great thing about these elimination matches is that we DON'T have to have the feuds 24/7, like, if HHH gets tagged in, Umaga doesn't automatically come in to do another 5 minute slugfest. We could see Jeff vs Finlay...Mysterio vs Big Daddy V...Kane vs Kennedy, whatever. I hope this is a long match to cover the Khali/Hornswoggle one, since we know that'll be short, but I hope its not too long that they can't add two or three more matches (like maybe a triple threat for the tag team titles between Cade/Murdoch, Londrick, and the Highlanders? Hm? Hm? Lol) Although I like HHH, I really hope that this match doesn't just turn into a big praise session for him, as I'd much rather see Jeff get the final pin, maybe on MVP to showcase a bit of the Matt rivalry.
So we have team HHH vs team Umaga... Ok so here's what I think will happen during this match. Kane and Viscera won't last long at all. If they even get in the match at all. Since they'll probably brawl themselves to a dq. Then I can see all the other current feuds taking place. I see Rey eliminating Finlay just for Finlay to eliminate Rey. Kennedy will then get eliminate by Jeff Hardy. MVP will pin Jeff and Matt will pin MVP. I then see HHH finally taking out the shovel and bury Umaga.
This match is what Survivor Series is all about. The wrestlers have alot of talent with minor exceptions. This could very well steal the show if the HIAC is badly done. The first elimination would go to Big V getting DQ'd (like Umaga last year). Then Finlay by Kane, Kane by MVP, MVP by Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio by Mr.Kennedy, Matt Hardy by Mr.Kenney, Mr.Kennedy by Jeff Hardy, Jeff Hardy by Umaga. That leaves Triple H and Umaga. I see Umaga finally pulling off a victory and being the sole survivor, so the HHH/ Umaga rivalry continues. I'm looking forward to this match, let's just hope WWE adds more S.S styled matches.
I definitely think the match has potential to be really good and I think Survivor Series is all about this match but they used to much upper-card and Mid-card talent leaving us with horrible low-card an-midcard matches.

On to the match, it should definitely be long and looks like it will turn out good.It is too predictable though because we know that Triple H is just going to make himself the soul survivor and winning.

I like how they are throwing feuds in to the match though.It creates a lot more interest in the match.
This match is good if they took out kane and big daddy V. This match has the potential to steal the show but does anyone remember last year's match? Team DX vs Team RKO was a total time waster. That match could have easily owned this match but instead everybody only got like 2 minutes on that match.
This should be a good match, my only problem is that they are doing nothing to really build the 5 on 5 match, they have the lumberjack match, but last year they had a few good segments leading to the ppv, and remember the Smackdown! vs. Raw survivor series match, they built that up big. Besides for the lack of build up this has the potential to be a good long match, there is nothing on the line which makes it a little less entertaining, but all in all it will be a good match, at least better than last years RKO vs. DX match.
The outcome of that match was tupid. I haven't seen it yet but I've read that the outcome was:

Kane Eliminated 1st
Rey 2nd
MVP 3rd
Kennedy 4th
Viscera 5th
Finlay 6th
Umaga 7th

Well that's stupid. They have spent a few months getting Viscera over. He hasn't been pinned in months. So they have him get pinned by HHH, in a match that has already eliminated the person he's been feuding with. I don't get it. Just have Kane come back in the match and have Viscera DQ'd.

Finlay lasting as long as he did in the match is strange. He's in his 50's. He's supposed to be putting people over.

Rey Mysterio & HHH returned at the same time. I think how early Rey went out proves who the star is.

MVP & Kennedy appear to have been made to look weak.

And what is with Jeff Hardy being the survivor with HHH? Which Hardy need the rub more? Not Jeff that's for sure. If HHH is going to have Jeff as a protege then that's stupid. Jeff Hardy should never be champ. He's a loser. He'll be in the middle of the biggest push of his life, and he'll get suspended.
The only thing I've been disappointed with is how Kane has been treated lately. He is still prime for a title (my choice, the US title) but they've been dealing with his character poorly.

I'm sure you all remember the pop he got when he went up against MVP at Cyber Sunday.

Aside from that, the match went quite well and I agree with the way WWE has portrayed these characters. Jeff Hardy is a champion, Intercontinental is no simple accomplishment. Nearly all the men in the ring held that belt, that means something. He is a high-flyer, a solid wrestler, and a great entertainer. Same goes for Rey, still a lot of talent in that man.

With the recent break-up of MVP and Matt, this gives room for The Hardy's to get back together and go for the gold. This also frees up some room for a US title match (personally, I want Kane though they're likely to use Matt).

All in all, an entertaining match. (Boy, I sure can ramble!)

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