Survivor Series Main Events

Who will walk out the Champs (select 1 for each match!)

  • John Cena

  • Triple H

  • HBK Shawn Michaels

  • Undertaker

  • Y2J Chris Jericho

  • The Big Show

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Dark Match Winner
With Survivor Series coming up soon I thought it would be interesting to see how every would book the WWE Title triple threat and the World Title Triple threat. I would love to see a shocker and HBK get the title but it will most likely stay on Cena. My finish would be Cena hitting the attitude adjustment on HHH and then wham sweet chin music out of nowhere on Cena and then next night on Raw have HHH turn on HBK with HHH saying something along the lines you always have to be #1 in the group, you always have to be the champ well im sick and tired of being 2nd in this group etc. Undertaker will more than likely retain as I dont see them putting the belt on either of Jerishow. My finish for this would be Y2J to get the Walls of Jericho on Show (thus having them turn on each other) but at the same time Undertaker applies the Hell's Gate onto Jericho, Big Show taps out and its Scott Armstrong as the ref and he awards the title to Undertaker and Y2J going off on a rant that he should be the champ. What do you all think?
Well It might not go like that, I still don't see this as Jerishow turning on each other, I think they will have them face dx for the titles, it seems to be building up to that I think.

Also I wouldn't call HBK winning the match a "shocker" HBk is well capable of winning that match, I go back to the first EC, if HBK could do that and win the WHC then he could do this, I was so glad when he won the title in the EC that time!

I'm not really fussed with the main events right now's Survivor Series, where the hell are the elimination tag matches that Survivor Series is famous for! There hasn't been anything about them yet!
I'm not really fussed with the main events right now's Survivor Series, where the hell are the elimination tag matches that Survivor Series is famous for! There hasn't been anything about them yet!

Has too...they're having a diva elimination match.:boobs: I don't think that quite counts towards what WE think is a "traditional Survivor Series" match, but it's elimination....anyhow, back to the topic at hand. I think HBK will take the strap in his match. Don't quite know why, maybe it'll be his final run as champ before retiring. If it is, here's to hoping it's a good, long run. Just my gut feeling on that one. As for Smackdowns match, I think they'll continue to show a little tension between JeriShow, and keep the belt on 'Taker
You can almost guarantee a elimination tag match between Orton/Legacy/(insert 4th) vs Kofi/Mark Henry/MVP/(insert 4th) is going to occur.

I can also see a Morrison/Cryme Tyme/Matt Hardy vs Ziggler/Hart Foundation/Escobar happening as well.

As for the rest of the card:

- HHH vs Cena vs HBK: What is the point of this match? Cena was losing his babyface appearance when going against Orton, why put him against the 2 legends who everyone loves?

Also, how can you sell me that HBK (who already said he just wants to help talent move on) and HHH (who needs to be out of the championship scene) are actual opponents against Cena for a big 4 PPV? Unless this leads to a HBK/HHH feud, I'm not sure it's making a lot of sense.

- Taker vs Big Show vs Jericho: I'm actually more excited for Jericho/Taker on Smackdown than I am for this triple threat match. Big Show can't do anything anymore. It's pathetic. I also don't like the tag division, which was gaining momentum, not get any work in the last 2 months. Yes, they've been on TV, but have they wrestled a single tag match on any show in the last couple months?

I really want to see CM Punk in the title scene. There is no use for him being in a feud with a referee. That is a huge step back for his superstar potential.

- Tista/Rey-Rey: Great story, but will be average in the ring. The classic big guy/little guy fight that won't wow anyone.
i think the main events give the WWE a shot at changing things up a little. You have a lot of options here and a way to turn a player or two and a chance to change the title landscape. Its opportunities like these that I think the WWE wastes from time i time. Do I want HBK or HHH to turn would i be interested in seeing how it plays out if they did...HELL YES. Jericho IMO is one of the ebst workers in the business today. Id love to see a Jericho/Taker feud. I hope it continues on to the Rumble.
I think that the very best thing that they could do for a story, would be to have both champs lose their belts (Undertaker and Cena) then set up a HUGE match at the next PPV or so that pits DX vs Jerishow in a winner take all match. It would have the WWE, WHC and the unified tag titles all on the line. Now talk about a match for the ages. The PPV would draw big numbers, as everyone knows DX v. Jerishow is bound to happen soon and with all that gold on the line...whew. It would be epic and something that would be remembered for quite some time.
^^ I love that idea, but it just can't work. Shawn doesn't want to do all the extra things that would be necessary as the Champ. He wants a limited schedule & can't wrestle as many matches due to his back.

I would love to see that winner take all match. That would be amazing. Just not logical for many reasons.
I personally would like to see Shawn Michaels win the match to become the WWE Champion, he has all the talent in the world and has had few title reigns with those "important" titles. I think it's his time at least one more time.

Jericho, simply because I would love to see a Jericho fued with Taker for WrestleMania, I would be in awe of the content that would be provided.
Wow, SSeries really started shaping up while i was on holiday. There's actually 2 elimination tag matches filled with mid-carders. Shocking....

Anywho, back to the Main Events......

To be perfectly honest i can't see either titles changing hands. Cena only just won the title back so i don't see them taking it off of him so quickly only to give it to one of the DX members, because all that will do is propell them into yet another HBK/HHH fued. So they'll take Cena out of the title hunt, and replace it with another fued that's been done to death.

As for SD's title match, i also can't honestly see them having either Show or Jericho as World champ AND unified Tag champ at the same time, and then we'll either have no tag title matches until one of them loses, or they'll drop the belts to nobodies on TV, which will be a wasted title change imo.

So Cena will play the default heel role, because he's bound to get boo'ed over both DX members. They'll wrestle, Cena will get worn down, HHH and HBK will come to blows, Cena will rally back, hit an AA on HHH, HBK hits SCM on Cena, Cena falls back and pins HHH, just like Backlash '07.

And in SD's JeriShow will beat the crap out of Taker the whole match. Taker will get some offense back, or JeriShow will fuck up and start fighting each other. Show will probably lay out Taker, both Jericho and Show will break up each other's pins on Taker, until Show lays out Jericho, he'll then turn around and get caught in Hell's Gate, match ends, and then one of two things will happen. Either Jericho will continue to fued with Taker, spouting that Show lost the match, so Jericho should have another title shot, OR they'll just go back to being the tag champs until Edge returns, and Taker will fued with someone else (god knows who, because apart from Jericho and Punk, who else could Taker have a half decent TLC match with at the next PPV?)

So my vote goes to, no title changes at all.
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