Survivor Series 2012: The Live Perspective

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
Survivor Series 2012: The Live Perspective

(Sly told me to go ahead and post this as a thread in the PPV section)

Survivor Series 2012 emanated from Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN. Some of you are likely aware of this, but in the spirit of this writing, it is important reemphasize it, as the location itself played a large role in my experience of the event. I have attended several events at the arena in the past, but this year was different as they made changes to the venue itself, namely this:


Much like many patrons of Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, TX, I found myself veritably distracted by the screen, having to consciously choose to watch the action in the ring instead.

Pre-Show: 3MB v. Team Cobro

I was shocked because I was under the impression that Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd were facing 3MB and didn’t hear that a change was announced. I thought that Ryder and Santino performed very well in the match and saw flashes of good things from Jinder Mahal, but the thing I noticed the most was how much Drew McIntyre was trying to rile up the crowd on the outside. It seemed very forced and wasn’t very effective. They just keep repackaging him, and nothing seems to be as good as what they had for him originally. Oh well. Some people in the crowd booed when 3MB picked up the win, but I can’t imagine that it was as good of a reaction as what would have transpired had Santino won via the Cobra.


Pyro at live events is SO LOUD. Does it need to be? Does anyone actually enjoy how loud it is? The child sitting behind me was having a nervous breakdown because it was so loud.

Special Traditional Survivor Series Match: Tensai, Prime Time Players, and Primo/Epico v. Justin Gabriel/Tyson Kidd, Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio, and Brodus Clay

I just didn’t like this match. Mike Killam gave this match an A on his review but man…this match was a stinker. High spot and flippy move after high spot and flippy move. Not only that, the high spots and flippy moves were being botched left and right. What happened to story telling in the ring? Well, considering this hodgepodge of characters don’t really have a back-story, I suppose not a lot of story-telling can be done. I just wish WWE would be more thoughtful with its storylines. I was bored, and most of the people in my section were bored, as well, counting how many times moves were messed up. I remember on several occasions thinking: “This match is taking WAY too long,” and “This match needs to be over.” The crowd is still trying to decide whether or not to emotionally invest in the show.

Divas Championship: Eve v. Kaitlyn

Again, I was finding myself trying to bring myself into the building. Most of the people in my section were engaged in conversation, at this point, and there was nothing really drawing us into the action. A lot of people got up and went to the concessions and/or restroom facilities at the beginning. I just noticed a lot of rest-holding and klunky, non-fluid movement in the ring. I remember getting vocal toward the end of the match in a rather forced way, just to try to get my energy going, and it worked a bit. Not much more to say about this one.

United States Championship: Antonio Cesaro v. R-Truth

Without having the announcers tell me what to think about for Antonio Cesaro, I found myself really getting into what he was saying as he came to the ring, and I really think the crowd was getting into it, as well. All I hear about is how much Cesaro is failing to get over, particularly from Chris Cash, and for the most part, I do not disagree. However, hearing just Cesaro and the crowd, it FELT like Cesaro was drawing us in. I immediately noticed that R-Truth did not invite Little Jimmy out to the ring with him. The match was good, and I kept noticing how impressed I was with Cesaro’s full presentation. I really liked this match, and I think it finally started getting the crowd into the show.

Scandal Segment: AJ Lee and Vickie Guerrero

You can say what you want about this storyline and how interesting it seems to be, but the live crowd LOVED it. Everyone in my section was buzzing about AJ, before, during, and after the segment. The crowd was decidedly anti-Vickie, but I’m not convinced that the heat that she was generating was a good “bad heat.” It doesn’t feel like people wanted to boo her as much as they did just really not like that she was out there. So, when the segment went in a different direction…AJ poking at Vickie…the crowd seemed to be enjoying itself. Laughs were had throughout the arena at the various photos. The crowd seemed pretty unsure as to how to react to Tamina Snuka being introduced to the storyline, as if it wasn’t confusing enough as it is.

World Heavyweight Championship: Big Show v. Sheamus

Indy loves Sheamus. Someone behind me even had a light-up Sheamus sign. Though the crowd did feel dead during the middle of the match, the crowd was really hot from Sheamus’ comeback all the way through the end of the chair beat down. The “We Want Ziggler” chants were incredible during the Sheamus chair beat-down. Ziggler was very over with the Indy crowd, and it would become more apparent later on. He was pretty decently represented from a merch perspective. The crowd was emotionally invested in this segment…not quite to full climax. But the tension had built.

However, my main critique with the match is something that you didn’t see on camera. After Big Show had been thoroughly beat-down and was barely crawling, Big Show stood right up and walked off the floor once the cameras were off of him and the spotlight was no longer on him. Why not sell it the whole way through, Big Show? It may be a very little thing, but to sell it so hard when the lights are on and then give up on it once the lights are off seems like a waste. Everyone in the arena can still see you.

Survivor Elimination Match: Team Ziggler v. Team Foley

This match…was EXHAUSTING. Having this match adjacent to the main event was a mistake, in my opinion, as it ended up drawing most of the remaining energy out of the crowd.

I think it was such a mistake to have Daniel Bryan come out with Kane. There were a lot of “No No No” shirts in the building, and you have to imagine that most of those fans wanted to yell “YES!” at Bryan during his entrance. I know they had a lot of entrances to get through, but I feel like they could have shaved an extra minute off of the laborious tag team match at the beginning of the event. At any rate, Daniel Bryan enticed a lot of reaction from the crowd with his kicks.

As I said, Ziggler was very over with the crowd, and he received a veritable babyface response upon his entrance. The crowd was not overly interested in Kofi or Barrett, however. I figured more of the children in attendance would be in a frenzy over Kofi. I also expected a better response from The Miz, though I recall a short “Miz is Awesome” chant breaking out.

One person who DID NOT get over with the crowd was Alberto Del Rio. Everyone was very interested to see what car he would drive out to the arena, but his entrance and ring-work did not seem to be pulling in anyone.

Foley got a great reception, especially when he used Socko on Ricardo. But no one was holding a candle to Randy Orton. The place lit up when he came out…possibly the “biggest pop” of the night, if you will. That specifically came when Orton had the blood flowing from his mouth and was in position to punt Dolph. There, the big screen really helped, as the bloody mouth really got the crowd riled up.

To me, the crowd peaked with the punt attempt. After the match, I felt emotionally spent. There was so much going on with the match that I felt like I needed a break. I remember being really shocked that it was only 10:18 after the match had ended.

WWE Championship: CM Punk v. John Cena v. Ryback

In all of the Indy events that I’ve attended, I’ve never heard a more definitive string of boos directed toward Cena than I did here. I thought that the entrance order was interesting, and Ryback did not get quite the support I was expecting. The crowd was very pro-Punk (perhaps the proximity to Chicago plays a role).

As I mentioned about the previous match, the crowd seemed really tired here. I remember looking at the action and thinking, “this is a pretty good match,” but I just had no capacity to get really into it because of the level I allowed myself to be involved in the previous match. I really think sticking a segment in between the two matches would have been helpful. People needed to recoup a bit.

The run-in was confusing. Because of the large screen, we were all able to see who the people were, but still…nobody in my section even knew who they were. It seemed like most of the people were simply Monday Night Raw viewers (myself included), and even if they did watch other programming, they never got around to watching NXT. So, none of us could really gauge how big of a deal this was supposed to be. Punk retained, and for the most part, people were pretty happy with that. To Ryback’s credit, however, he did get the crowd into some “Feed Me More” chants.

A few rants about live events in general:

1. Gates are not opened early enough. When a venue is holding an event with 20,000 people showing up to attend, one hour is not long enough to do everything that a fan wants to do once said fan is in the building. Perhaps this is merely a Banker’s Life Fieldhouse issue, but there were not remotely enough ushers to scan in the amount of people filing in. It does not help matters that there is only one entrance into the greater arena once inside the lobby. I think there might have been 8. Which leads me to:

2. There are not enough people working the souvenir stands at WWE events. 6 people to serve roughly 300 people, especially when the guy in front of you is dropping $193 and deciding what he wants once he gets to the front of the line, is simply not enough. They did have a souvenir bus outside the arena that you could stop by while waiting to get in, but that was equally poorly staffed.


I had more fun at this event than any of the previous events I have attended (notably, Summerslam 2008, Money in the Bank 2011), partially because of the company that I was with and in part because of the atmosphere created by the in-ring performers and the crowd at-large. I left feeling like the event was really good, and I was surprised to hear a lot of negative thoughts on the show as a whole when I returned home. Hopefully, the road to Wrestlemania will be just around the corner, and the fun that I had at Survivor Series can be extended well into the New Year.
I just read up until the part with the child crying because of the pyro and I got hit with this urge to comment straight away. F*** the child! It's because of kids like him and their parents that we have to deal with this PG boring crap! He should stay at home and watch Scooby Doo. And don't tell me to go watch something else because I love the WWE, its just that things like this annoy the shit out of me.
I just read up until the part with the child crying because of the pyro and I got hit with this urge to comment straight away. F*** the child! It's because of kids like him and their parents that we have to deal with this PG boring crap! He should stay at home and watch Scooby Doo. And don't tell me to go watch something else because I love the WWE, its just that things like this annoy the shit out of me.

That's the most pathetic comment on Wrestlezone I have ever read.

It's not because of ''kids like him and their parents'' that ''we have to deal with this PG boring crap''. It's mainly PG because of the advertisers, and if you don't like the show just because there's less swearing and no blood, you probably are better off watching old Attitude Era DVD's.

Apart from the lack of blood (which is not only because it's PG, but also to protect the wrestlers from getting diseases), the wrestling didn't change (there are no more chairshots to the head, but there are other reasons for that, mainly health reasons). If you don't like the wrestling anymore, you should think long and hard if you like wrestling in the first place. Do you like wrestling, or do you only like guys hitting each other with chairs and bleeding?

Not saying that that was the only thing in the Attitude Era, but the fact that users like you moan about kids liking the same show as they do is the same as people complaining that now everybody listens to the band they listened to before they were famous. It's stupid and immature.

Why can't people just like it that EVERYBODY (from young till old) can enjoy the product now (like they did in the old days) rather then complain about the lack of blood and swearing.
And if the WWE does something edgy (like Heyman last week), people are complaining.

Ontopic: Great review! Cool to read it from a visitor's stand point.
Not taking a shot or anything but it amazes me when people say they were to worn out to cheer or get invested in a match because all there energy was used in the match or matches prior..... Iv'e been to WWE house shows in Australia and England and the crowds never get tired, what is it with you Americans?
About the firework thing, as a kid on the 4th of july I was at a friends house. Short story is a saturn rocket fire work fell over and almost blasted off my face. The only thing that save me from getting badly burned was the post on the deck. Had that not been there my face would have turned to goo. So maybe the kid had some fear of fireworks. I had a fear of them till I was 19. It lasted so long cause the same thing happened while I was in high school but that's because at teenagers we were goofing off. But at shows I would just leave and go to the lobby during the opening. I knew what wrestlers had pyro so I could be ready. The worst was kane cause he would start with pryo no music to warn you he was coming out.

Anyway living in Indianapolis I'm glad we got a big PPV, or what should be a big PPV. I'm still wait for wrestlemania to return. You would think after getting good reviews for hosting a super bowl, the wwe could come here and throw one heck of a party.
I was at the event as well, Section 11, Row 9 - aisle seats *double pistol fingers* OH YEAH BABAY! (i have an affinity for aisle seats. you can stretch your legs out, trip overly huge nerds that are dressed up like 90's era Taker running to the bathroom to reapply makeup, any way i digress) I agree to a point with the OP's comments.

I've been a WWF/e fan since i attended Wrestlemania in INDY way back in the day. I don’t follow it religiously, nor do i buy shirts or cups or ice cream bars. I own maybe one wwe video game, and i think i had a pillow pal of hogan back in the early years. I just wanted to say that before i insert my opinion, so you the reader know where i am coming from.

The event itself was, meh, at best. I've read some comments on here bashing the indy crowd for its lack of involvement. Honestly, what do you want? Indy is a surprisingly intelligent "wrastl'n" area. We know our fighting as well, as many of UFCs top guys have hailed from here and train here. We know a sh*t show when we see it and interact accordingly. The OP made a comment about the pyro, he’s right its loud.....which was AWESOME! I give the pyro to open maybe the top 3rd slot in my "Happy Happy Happy" meter of the night.

The pre-show was ok. The crowd wanted to see a "face" win to open the show for the arena you could tell. When that was not the case it was almost like opening with a bad taste in your mouth.

Anyway, we got the usual "Hey guys we are going live in 2 minutes" speech before we went, er, live. That’s great and all, but don’t then follow it up with 2 minutes of mattel action figure ads on the big screen. I don’t pay $ to come and watch ads for products that suck. Maybe if Mcfarlane made them i would buy them.

Regarding the opening match, the live crowd was not "primed" to the fact it was an added SS match. I mean in the way of hey, here is a quick back story as to why you should give two giggle sh*ts about this match. So we sat. Not giving two giggle sh*ts abou the match. Missed spots abound in the sluggish ballet of human male on male contact that it grew tiresome. My section was more interested in the two "bigg'un" girls who were getting in a fight over who was sexiar Ziggler or Orton. (side note, bigg'un 1 made a good point in the argument, at which point bigg'un 2 threw what i assume was her hoof at bigg'un 1 and security had to ask them to leave). The divas championship...ummm...yeah. Minus the awesome attitude era underboob that whats herface gave us, this match had nothing to get the live crowd excited for. Politically and socially neutral Switzerland VS Garrish, brash, Ghetto US. Again nothing for the crowd to sink their teeth into here. With a match like this you need some kind of high spot to at least get the "holy Sh*t" chants or something. The A.J. VS Jaba The CougarHut spot was fun. The crowd did like this. It was fun, cheeky entertainment that was just enough Farley brothers "adult" humor without offending the social conservative set that was in attendance. (side note, during his the two bigg'uns have returned to retrieve their 103 pound boyfriends and merch. One of the 103 pound sultans of swing refused to exit as Vikie was talking at which point Bigg'un was unhappy and hit said sultan with said bag of merch. this action garnered a solid 30-40 man applause in our section. security now returns and escorts all 4 of them out. They were never seen again). The baby Snuka run in was kinda out of left field but enough ppl in our section knew who she was so we cheered. Which i assume was not audible through TV, but still we "marked". Like OP said Big Show V Sheamus was great. Fans loved it. Sheamus has a LOT of fans in Indy for some reason. Advertised Ziggler V Foley match was good. Fans loved it, the OP covered all the bases with his critique. The main event was good as well. Like the OP said LOTS of anti Cena. I mean it had to be 70/30 anti to pro cena. Punk was clearly THE MAN the fans cheered for. Rybak fell flat in fan support. While i did hear the chants the OP referred to in regards to Ryback, no one in our section joined in. We were chanting for Punk. When the saviors of NXT ran in most of us knew who they were. We managed to get a ROH chant going but it did not catch on.

All in All the crowd was ok, but i feel it was because a lack of a quality card. You gave us MAYBE two good matches. That’s it. Hard to get amped up for a show consistently trying to figure out what it was in the first place.
I just read up until the part with the child crying because of the pyro and I got hit with this urge to comment straight away. F*** the child! It's because of kids like him and their parents that we have to deal with this PG boring crap! He should stay at home and watch Scooby Doo. And don't tell me to go watch something else because I love the WWE, its just that things like this annoy the shit out of me.

A child's sensitivity to very loud and abrasive noises is not why you are being subjected to PG. If they were trying to fully cater to this child, they would have no pyro. Well....there's pyro.

Why can't kids with panic attacks enjoy WWE programming, also?
I agree about Orton. I was there at the go home Raw show in Columbus and the response he got was amazing there too. No matter how much hes jobbed hes still over like crazy,and its not just girls. I saw men and women of all ages going nuts for him. Im so ready to see him turn heel but the way hes so over and how bad he wants to turn,maybe its to soon?
I agree about Orton. I was there at the go home Raw show in Columbus and the response he got was amazing there too. No matter how much hes jobbed hes still over like crazy,and its not just girls. I saw men and women of all ages going nuts for him. Im so ready to see him turn heel but the way hes so over and how bad he wants to turn,maybe its to soon?

To be sure, I venture to guess that you are really ready to see him turn heel because you simply want something different from Orton. It's clear that nothing will ever come of a top-babyface run for Orton. WWE is a brand-driven organization, and the Orton "brand" is not as significant as is that of Cena, Punk, Rock, etc...even Lesnar and Taker still. To be fair, too, an Orton push to a certain extent has its risks in the present.

In this age of an over-saturated television product, the reaction of the live audience is decreasingly significant. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler (via Vince and co) tell us what we should think and feel about particular talent on a weekly basis. Where confusion and disinterest plague the product is when the messages being conveyed to the television audience are not supported by the performances of the talent. And thus, the live experience provides refreshment in that the only perspective is that of your own.
It's great to see the perspective of someone that was there live. Survivor Series want initially supposed to be in Pittsburgh which is where I live, and I guess it was changed because they didn't want to compete with a Steelers home game. I was set to go when they changed it. I guess my loss was your gain. Was cool to see what a fan there live thought of the show.

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