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Surprise Of The Week - Lets Give Credit Where Credit Is Due


Getting Noticed By Management
While watching Raw this week I had an idea for a thread, I made that thread and it was rejected because it was centered specifically about Cena and there's already enough topic about him as it is. Convinced that the thread was a good idea I decided to mmake a counter proposition to the mod and he told that the idea was interesting and give me the go to make the thread.

Like I said I was watching Raw and most of the posters who've seen me around know that like many on this board I am bored by Cena I usually skip his segment. But on Raw this week, while I skipped his promo I decided to watch the Christian vs Cena match and I was genuinely entertained by it and figured I would give him credit and that it could make for a great thread.

So here's the idea of the thread take a wrestler that you don't LIKE or don't HATE, that is somewhere in the middle and does nothing for you, you usually find him bland, won't give him credits and/or someone who just bore you. Now if that wrestler, that does nothing for you, do something that entertained you that week post it here and explain what he did to draw you in.

People can discuss and argue here, but don't start name calling others or insult them please, remember that this thread is based on feelings more than logic so you can't really say to someone how he should feel but you can respectfuly disagree. I would just like a topic based on positivism where we try to give credits where credits his due even if it's hard to do, let's try to be honest and have fun. I think it could be interesting and could even make us see wrestler in a new light.

For me like I said it was John Cena I think him and Christian put on a very solid tv match with some nice spot in it and the match was flowing well. I even found myself not rooting against him that much for the match, it was a solid contest and I am happy I didn't skipped it this week.

So which boring wrestler, to you, managed to pull you in this week and how?
This is gonna be a pretty weird pick but I'm gonna go with David Otunga. He's the only wrestler that I can think of that never did anything for me until now. I'm actually interested to see what he can do when he's given a big part in an angle like the lawsuit angle he's doing right now. We never saw much of him in Nexus. He never got enough time to show off his mic skills and his in ring skills are just nothing special. So right now is probably the only time that I've ever actually cared about Otunga and his role in the WWE.
gotta agree with XThe FutureX.

I have always thought Otunga had something. I wasn't sure what it was, it deffinatly wasn't his in ring ability but something about the guy just screams out "STAR!". I know nobody will agree with me but i can really see him going all the way to the top in the WWE and this cool new lawyer gimmick thing is great as it highlights his intelligence. He can easily drop the lawyer gimmick once this angle is said and done and focus on becoming a top name.

But yeah that whole little segment on raw was just perfectly done and creates a very cool sub plot to the PUNK/HHH storyline that has deffinatly got me interested. This also gives otunga the chance to work alongside top stars like HHH, Punk, Christian, Rhodes, Ziggler ect and that can only mean good things for him.
I actually agree on Otunga, and that's something that I never thought I would say. This is actually a really great use of him given his education at Harvard. They always say that the best characters are extensions of the real guys, and so they might as well play up Otunga being a lawyer while these guys are trying to file lawsuits. I thought it was genius, honestly. Way better than watching boring matches with him and that guy who can't be called Hennig every week.
I am going to say Mayson Ryan for one. I don't know why but this dude just was a fresh face again I wanted to see him destroy Ryder and become a part of Vickie's new stable thing she has going on. When he was tagged in the match and turned on Dolph and Swagger I was like oh shit! He is by far a freak of nature and I think he is bigger than when he was before he got hurt. He isn't anything and overall is boring but, this was exciting to see since he can hopefully be better than Big Zeke.

The next is Alberto Del Boring when he snapped and finally looks like he had a personality. He beat the crap out of Punk and Cena with the chair and he actually was getting Boo's. I honestly don't see this whole "IT" thing with this guy that everyone else does. No matter what anyone says to me he is like watching paint dry and grass grow boring. So for him to actually look interesting to me for once was cool. Maybe my opinion can change on him as it is with Punk.
I'd say Mason Ryan because I usually could care less about anything he does. I'm now interested in how he will be used as a face. Will he enter a feud with Swagger? I wouldn't mind seeing it. As long as they don't use him as some megapower throughout his matches i'd be fine with it. Once the guy loses some of his green I could gain more interest, but for now I'll just watch and see.
for me, it was mason ryan coming back suddenly. i saw him walking with vickie thinking "this guy is about to fuck some shit up" lmao. but he made a face turn. im all with face turns i love em but with the face turn i would expect that he can cut a decent promo. i havent heard him talk yet so i'll just see how it turns out. *Side note* i think he needs another finisher to go with that slam chris harris used to do. something more devastating due to his size
Wrestling wise, Mason Ryan and his switch on Vickies stable was good to see and had me interested.

Story/Promo/Segment wise, Otunga really showed of his past and seems to be putting that law degree to use and it might well pay off.

Nice thread idea btw.
My answer is CM Punk. I actually never cared for his work till just recently. I always thought his mic skills were overrated and that he was sloppy in the ring. I always felt that he was put in much too good of a position.

However, I must say he's done a goodjob of keeping me interested in even watching the product as of late. His segments and matches, while admittedly the storyline has bumbled around, have been really good and has been one of the reasons I tune in. I have to give the guy props for that. He made someone who couldn't stand him into a huge fan for the guy.
I think I should give credit to David Otunga even though I am not a fan of his in the ring and from what I have seen is mic work is average I think this Lawyer gimmick can be a great thing for him because this can give him some time off from the ring to only have to worry about doing the Lawyer gimmick so while this gimmick is going on he can start really getting into training to be a lot better performer in the ring. Also if this Lawyer gimmick goes away very fast I would hope WWE gives him some time off to get some more training from someone that knows what being good in the ring means so he can come back 10 times better (even though its not that hard for him to be better then he is now) and if he is better in the ring he can get more air time as a single competor starting at the U.S. Championship or transfer him to Smackdown for a while to let him start as a competor for the IC and then let him start getting more time on the mic to develop that too. I think if Otunga puts in the neccessary work exspecially in the ring he could become someone in the WWE.
I don't remember how long ago was NXT S01 aired, but back then Otunga showed great mic skills, and I remember this forum recognized it as well.. but of course, the typical smarks have short memory, so it's actually a "surprise" to all of you now.

For me, the actual surprise was Mark Henry as of late. He used to come by as a very slow and sloppy wrestler in the ring, but recently every movement of his seems like it has purpose, he really tells the story in the ring, and to be honest I got really impressed by him lately.
Mason Ryan: he was a part of the meh CM punk led Nexus, got hurt and then started wrestling on superstars. I had always thought he had potential but thought that he wouldn't make an impact in the WWE. While I'm still not sure if he will make a big impact, a face turn can only help him and actually makes me interested in him and what he is going to do as a face
MA BOY M RYAN! For those who don't speak Booker T, that's Mason Ryan.

Something clicked with Mason Ryan this week. A few months ago, I was openly criticising him for not being accomplished in the ring, for lacking mic skills and personality, and for being Welsh. But all of that fell by the wayside on Raw. I, dare I say it, marked out a little bit when I saw Vickie Guerrero walking to the ring with him. Like I say, I don't know what happened. Something just clicked, and I can't wait to see more of him.

I also love the direction David Otunga seems to be going in. I'm all for a David Otunga lawyer gimmick, and I can't wait to see what happens with him in the future.
I watch wrestling from the perspective that WWE does everything from a business standpoint to appeal to the majority of their audience. I can usually figure out why they do things. I don't think of it in terms when I watch of "I think this guy is boring" I think of it terms of "I don't like him, but he's over, I wonder why, let's find out" then I find out, then I feel like a more "complete" viewer.

In other words, I never write a guy off because I think he's boring. There are guys who I think suck and aren't really over, but they are usually off TV or depushed.

Not saying I'm never wrong, just saying that if I don't like a guy, but he's getting pushed or is over, I don't really ever get pissed and instead try to figure out why that's going on.

Although I do fucking hate Kelly Kelly because I don't think she's attractive or talented in any way and it pisses me off that she gets to live my dream (well, I don't want to be a Diva, but in the WWE).
This week... Mark Henry.

I am fully behind a Mark Henry push and I liked the idea more than I liked the execution, but lately is matches has been better than usual and the match with JoMo and the promo after the match was ruthless and really sold me on Mark Henry.

I hope he can last a good while as a champion and if he hold to the title for a good while we could see the emergence of a new face, if it's nor Orton that regains the title.

Mark Henry really sold me this week and he showed that he got his passion back lately.

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