Supplemental Draft


The Anonymous General Manager
With the draft almost complete a few superstars have yet to be moved. Does that mean we are going to see them change during the supplemental draft and actually have big names move.

At this moment the title balance is a little uneven

Intercontinental Championship
United States Championship
World Heavyweight Championship
WWE Championship

WWE/World Tag Team Championships
Women's Championship
Diva's Championship

ECW Championship

They better do something big here at the end of RAW.
They will.

• Cena (World Heavyweight Championship) will go to Smackdown.

• Rey Mysterio (Intercontinental Championship) will go to Smackdown.

• Michelle McCool (Diva's Championship) will go to RAW.

• ECW will remain the only brand with a single title.
McCool isn't the Diva's Champion.

There are two picks left in the draft.

For a Draft Pick
CM Punk (SD) vs. Matt Hardy (Raw)
They will.

• Cena (World Heavyweight Championship) will go to Smackdown.

• Rey Mysterio (Intercontinental Championship) will go to Smackdown.

• Michelle McCool (Diva's Championship) will go to RAW.

• ECW will remain the only brand with a single title.

Exactly what will happen most likely. Mysterio was was a favorite to go to SD from the start and MVP jumping ship almost seals it.

The only one I would like to not see happen is Michelle McCool (or Maryse as I've read in previous replies...I really dont pay much attention to the women's wrestling in WWE anymore). They need to unify that women's division. They barely have enough female talent for one title, let alone two.
Whoever is the "Diva's" champion. I haven't given a shit about women's wrestling since Alundra Blaze.
They will.

• Cena (World Heavyweight Championship) will go to Smackdown.

• Rey Mysterio (Intercontinental Championship) will go to Smackdown.

• Michelle McCool (Diva's Championship) will go to RAW.

• ECW will remain the only brand with a single title.

Two for three thus far – with a correction to the Diva's Champion being Maryse and not Michelle McCool.

Does this lead to Cena dropping the title at Backlash, I really can't see that happening, but who knows at this point. Maybe they will bring back trading, I would have liked to have had GMs draft or Announcers draft, and they may save some of that for the Supplemental Draft. Overall, I was a bit disappointed with the draft. I don't like the idea of having main events announced for a PPV and then moving the stars, like they did last year right around Night of Champions. I would have rather them wait til the night after a PPV when no rematches are going to take place. That way they can shake up the rosters and not mess up the cards for the event.
One of Cena or HHH will drop the title to a Smackdown brand wrestler. I'll give ya 2:1 odds it's not HHH.
Frankly I'm hoping for a second undisputed Championship...1 champion for all brands.... Every brand gets a ppv where they send 1 person to try to take the title!

Then with my thoughts... Shane brings back WcW.... Maybe in place of SD! maybe as a 4th brand? Wwe 4 times a week... :)
:'( I probably won't get wcw in canada :'(
I'm guessing that Punk may cash his money in the bank at Backlash after the WHC Last Man Standing Match. That is almost a guarenteed victory. Which would bring the title back to SD! It is either that or Edge wins so the title stays on SD! Triple H may lose to Orton, but Orton is on RAW so it wouldn't solve anything. Maybe they will just move Cena to balance things out with no real story.

Either way the WHC is going to SD.

On to the supplemental draft... what names are going to get moved?
The Brian Kendrick to ECW
Christian to SD
Michelle McCool to RAW
Santino to SD
I'm guessing that Punk may cash his money in the bank at Backlash after the WHC Last Man Standing Match. That is almost a guarenteed victory. Which would bring the title back to SD! It is either that or Edge wins so the title stays on SD! Triple H may lose to Orton, but Orton is on RAW so it wouldn't solve anything. Maybe they will just move Cena to balance things out with no real story.

Either way the WHC is going to SD.

On to the supplemental draft... what names are going to get moved?
The Brian Kendrick to ECW
Christian to SD
Michelle McCool to RAW
Santino to SD

Doubtful Christian moves unless he loses in the elimination chase triple threat tonight on ECW.

As for Punk it is possible he comes out and takes the title from Orton should Orton win at Backlash as revenge...Once Orton/HHH is done Orton can turn his attention to Cena and perhaps they will have a Batista heel turn at Backlash setting up Orton/Cena and Cena/Batista for this summer (Cena/Batista 2 at SS ?).
The supplemental draft, to me, is actually more interesting than the televised portion. It's a little less predictable. I could have correctly made a case for every person who was moved last night. They were THAT obvious. The only one I wouldn't have gotten was The Miz, but it actually could work out better for John Morrison. He could be showcased on Smackdown or ECW, where on Raw, we would be talking about how unfortunate it is that he's not even making TV, or when he's getting destroyed by Batista, Cena, and HHH each week.

There are a number of intruiging possibilities to me this year regarding the supplemental draft. I would love to see ECW get about 4 more legitimate title contenders to intensify that chase. Having Finlay and Dreamer always come up short is getting stale to me. ECW could have a very exciting title scene with Swagger, Bourne, Kendrick, Kofi, Regal, Burchill, Finlay, Kozlov, and my choice for ECW centerpiece: Mr. Kennedy.

On Raw, they basically have a stacked house as it is. I don't want to see anyone else with a big name go there, because it could actually be TOO crowded.
Could they have a big name switch during the supplemental draft? I know it wouldn't have the same effect as on TV, but it would create a buzz. If Cena was the first pick or something like that. They should have had the draft be a week long event. With matches on SD and ECW. Use them as supplemental draft opportunities. What are they going to do with SD being taped on Tuesday and the draft being on Wednesday?
Im calling either Cena or Christian to SD!. I just cant be convinced that WWE is planning on moving forward this year with NO serious high star power faces on SD! outside of Jeff Hardy. Maybe they are counting on Mysterio and Melina to make up for the loss of ratings by driving up the hispanic demographic, but I dot belive it.

WWE has shown a serious knack lately for doing pretty damn big things in true shock fashion, in obscurity. See Christian returning on ECW unannounced for proof. The only reason I have doubts on Christian being the guy to make the move is becuase they just drafted Jericho there, and they look alike. No seriously.

Well, that and the whole "SD! doesnt have a world champion" thing. If the WWE wants any sort of intrigue for the title match at Backlash, they all but HAVE to move Cena to SD!. If not, itll be fairly obvious that Edge will be winning.

I also think it makes sense from a ratings standpoint. Many people who dont understand ratings systems may not understand that a larger number of people watch SD! than they do RAW on any given week, becuase RAW is on cable, and SD is on network television. Cena can have wider appeal on network television, and can make up for the lack of talent and star power on SD. It will be a chance for him to carry the show primarily on his own, along with the OTHER most main stream appeal guy they have, Jeff Hardy. We shall see. It makes sense to me.
I wouldn't be so sure on Cena switching to Smackdown, (which for me would be ideal as I would have no reason to continue wasting my time watching Raw on Monday Nights). However, Cena is the WWE, and should be on the flagship show. This was the same situation that went on last year when both Triple H and Edge won their matches at Night of Champions, making both titles Smackdown titles...

That was of course until CM Punk cashed in MITB and brought a title back to Raw. Now CM Punk is in that same situation where he carries the briefcase, and the title match just happens to be Last Man Standing, where the entire point is to keep your opponent down for ten seconds. However, this would mean CM Punk cashing in on a face John Cena to take the belt to Raw, making Punk heelish, on a roster devoid of faces currently...
The following are complete results of the 2009 WWE supplemental draft:

-Mr. Kennedy has been drafted to RAW.
-Shad Gaspard has been moved to SmackDown!
-Alicia Fox is moving to SmackDown!
-WWE & World Tag Team Champion Primo Colon is headed to RAW.
-Mike Knox is moving to SmackDown!
-Ezekiel Jackson is moving to ECW
-Nikki Bella moves to RAW,
-Candice Michelle is being moved over to the SmackDown! crew.
-Zach Ryder is drafted from Smackdown to ECW
-Chavo Guererro is drafted from SmackDown to Raw
-Ricky Ortiz is drafted from ECW to Smackdown
-Layla is drafted from Raw to Smackdown
-Hornswoggle is drafted from ECW to Raw
-DH Smith is drafted from SmackDown to ECW
-John Morrison is drafted from ECW to Smackdown
-WWE & World Tag Team Champion Carlito Colon is drafted from SmackDown to Raw
-Natalya is drafted from SmackDown to ECW
-Festus is drafted to Raw.
-JTG is drafted to Smackdown.
-Dolph Ziggler is drafted to Smackdown.
-Brian Kendrick is drafted to Raw.
-Charlie Haas is drafted to Smackdown.
-Hurricane Helms is drafted to ECW.
-Smackdown's Brie Bella is drafted to Raw.

What are your thoughts?
I wonder what the status of Mr. Kennedy is? He has been gone so long where will he be when he gets back. Will he be a high midcarder on the verge of main eventing or is he just a plain midcarder?

Will the tag team champions go from brand-to-brand. I really thought they were going to remain seperated and then each one would pick a new partner and they would seperate the championships again. I am glad they didn't, but not sure what competition they will have on raw.

The New Hart Foundation will get its start on ECW or at least it appears like that. Good place for them to start.

I think Smackdown got the steal of the draft in John Morrison, I look forward to see him rise up the ladder on Friday Nights. I think Helms benefits from being on ECW too. He should get some TV time, I really liked him before his injury so hopefully he is as good as I remember.
All in all I liked it. DH Smith & Helms to ECW were smart moves as I feel they could grow there, plus it gives us a Hart foundation hope.

Haas to SD! will give us WGTT again I hope because Benjamin is shit as a singles wrestler.
How lost was D.H. Smith? He didn't have a match since the last draft, (well I think one against JBL, I could be wrong) Even didn't know where he was. They wrote he was drafted from Raw, when he was in Smackdown. I hope the idea of the new hart foundation works in ECW.
I think Smackdown got the steal of the draft in John Morrison, I look forward to see him rise up the ladder on Friday Nights. I think Helms benefits from being on ECW too. He should get some TV time, I really liked him before his injury so hopefully he is as good as I remember.

Couldn't agree with you more. Morrison FINALLY has the chance to break out as a true singles star. I hope they don't repackage him with a new gimmick that doesn't work, as this will really wind me up. Keep him as he is, push him hard, maybe as a face, seeing as how he's really funny.

I think the Supp. Draft threw up a few surprises, but in the main am still very happy for Smackdown, who I think got the best from the Draft. We now have Knox, Ortiz, Morrison, Cryme Tyme, and Ziggler, all of whom have enormous potential, and let's not forget Charlie Haas. All of these young up-and-comers have started to make a name for themselves and I think one or more of them could push through the mid-card ceiling before the end of the year, if they're given the chance to shine.

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