Superstars who deserve the HOF now


Dark Match Winner
I think these are the Superstars most deserving right now.......

1- The Rock - with the help of Austin he changed the wrestling world as we know it

2- Mick Foley - this guy has had some great WWF/WWE and was apart of some great feuds he needs to be in the HOF

3- JBL - this one comes as a shock to some considering he really didnt take off til his JBL persona. but his accomplishments are endless WWE Championship (1 time)
WWE Hardcore Championship (17 times)
WWE Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
WWE United States Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Faarooq
Tenth Grand Slam Champion
Twentieth Triple Crown Champion
He deserves it

4- John Cena - like him or not he is the face of the company and has brought WWE a new type of audience

5- HHH - Do I really have to say why.

6- Chris Jericho - 1st Undisputed Champion

7- Undertaker - Do I really have to say why.

Just gonna rattle a few more now (if you agree or disagree explain)

Randy Orton
Paul Heyman
Eric Bischoff
McMahon Family
Donald Trump

if you have anymore list them
Well a lot of the guys that you mentioned are way too young, so Cena, Jericho, Orton, and Batista are definately not going in any time soon. The Rock is definately going in next year, and he might just be accompanied by Mick Foley (Rock n Sock reunion, anyone?). Heyman also deserves it, but I dont know what terms he's with the company. Eric Bischoff's spot might be in jeopardy since he sided with TNA. Donald Trump might be a few appearances shy of making it into the HOF, although I think they're going to save that for when he decides to stop making appearances for the WWE. The McMahon's inducted into their own HOF, sounds a little narcisistic, but Vince will make it in when he passes away. Another name I know everyone agrees with is Owen Hart, its too bad his wife is preventing him from being recognized on a much wider scale by his fans. I'd mention Benoit but I guess its just too soon for that. Other than that some names that come up are Sting and Kevin Nash (inducting Scott Hall is just bad publicity, no matter how much he deserves it).
randy savage deserves it but probably wont
owen hart
the british bulldogs
arn anderson
vince mcmahon jr
trish stratus
cm punk
1- The Rock - with the help of Austin he changed the wrestling world as we know it


2- Mick Foley - this guy has had some great WWF/WWE and was apart of some great feuds he needs to be in the HOF


3- JBL - this one comes as a shock to some considering he really didnt take off til his JBL persona. but his accomplishments are endless WWE Championship (1 time)
WWE Hardcore Championship (17 times)
WWE Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
WWE United States Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Faarooq
Tenth Grand Slam Champion
Twentieth Triple Crown Champion
He deserves it

All of those titles and still all I remember is - one or two bright spots aside - how he was so consistently gash.

4- John Cena - like him or not he is the face of the company and has brought WWE a new type of audience

No argument here.

5- HHH - Do I really have to say why.

Yeah, OK.

6- Chris Jericho - 1st Undisputed Champion

Would be an impressive achievement if only the reign weren't so massively underwhelming. I said it when I was drunk and I meant it - I hold Chris Jericho on the same level as Booker T. Good, great even, but not truly upper echelon. Certainly not the best ever.

7- Undertaker - Do I really have to say why.

He's hung around long enough, hasn't he?

If Chris Benoit ever ends up in the Hall of Fame, I'll send close-up, black and white pictures of my genitals to each member of the Jersey Triad. You can hold me to that.
These are some of the guys I'd like to see go in sooner than later:

Randy Savage, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, Ron Simmons, Mick Foley, Demolition

Down the line I wouldn't mind seeing names like The Rock, Jericho, or Batista but there's a lot of legends that deserve to be on that list first.

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