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Superstar Reviews: Jack Swagger


Dark Match Jobber
Lately I have been studying the way that the WWE is using their talent, and I would like to start a new post series - Superstar Reviews. I will look at the way they are used, their talent, mic skills and everything else. I hope this has not been done before, and what I am asking from you is to add your own notes, or reviews to the ones' I will post.

Lets get started with, "The All American American" Jack Swagger.

Early Thoughts: Swagger is obviously a up and coming, Kurt Angle type star. He looks like he has what it takes to do so, if properly used and trained to be a big star before he gets too misused.

Presentation: The way Swagger is presented, his entrance and the way he looks matches what he represents. Classic, cocky wrestler. Presentation = 9 out of 10.

Mic Skills: Aside from a rather annoying lisp, Swagger can pull off some nice promos' if you can get over the lisp. For example last night at Bragging Rights, his backstage promo with DX was pretty decent, but maybe for parts like this he should just stay in the back. Mic Skills = 6.5 out of 10.

In Ring Skills: Swagger is obviously a great technical wrestler, coming from an amature backround in wrestling. His arsenal of moves is great, consisting of multiple suplex variations, to a great variety of signitures. Either way whatever move he uses, usually looks professional and he makes for a great technical style wrestler. In Ring Skills = 8 out of 10.

The Way He Is Being Used: Right now Swagger is being built up great. If they decide to go through with this undefeated for the rest of the year thing, he could be built up greatly. He has held the ECW Championship and he was a great heel champion. Right now being in the US Contention is another great way to be built up. The Way He Is Being Used = 7.5 out of 10.

Overall: 8.5 out of 10.

Now go ahead and give your thoughts...
Jack Swagger is easily the future...if they booked him right.
This Undefeated streak is a good start as long as they start putting some gold on him to make him more legit (build the streak more obviously then start his feud with Miz)

On other forums I have spoke very highly of Swagger and how I think the WWE should push him.

My inputs: A lot of his moves, mannerisms and facial expressions SCREAM pre-crisis Kurt Angle and pre-crisis Scott Steiner.
The Push Ups in his intro, the "all american american" gimmick it's self. His variation of suplexes. I could go on for awhile.

Also, the all american american gimmick has no backing except for his actual wrestling background which is very impressive. They need to show that gimmick more than vocally in Swaggah's promo's. But they need to show it visually.

Earlier this year when they toured Puerto Rico, Swagger was wearing a USA Singlet as his ring attire. They need to bring that back for him to get across the all american american gimmick more.

He makes a great heel and they should keep him that way as a while.
This is kinda misorginized and jumbled but yeah. That's imo.
Earlier this year I think Christian and Swagger had some really great bouts for the ECW championship. And he really has perfected his gutwrench powerbomb
Jack Swagger is sorta like an early Kurt Angle with the heel promos he can give but that lisp does get on my nerves and he is in sorta like a cheap carbon copy of kurt angle and Big Pappa Pump Scott Steniner now hear my thoughts before you get on my case
Kurt Angle- comes in early about a month in his frist year wins the world title, A Gold Medalist, could get any crowd to hate him even his own hometown
Scotty- did the push ups
Jack Sagger- does push ups, the "All American" American, wins the ECW world Title (it was a world title in the old ECW it will always be a world title in my eyes), just about every crowd can't stand him so i do think jack swagger is a cheap carbon copy of Kurt and Scott
^^ He gets heat and does pushups? This is your reason to think he is a carbon copy of Scott and Kurt? Really? You have sold short two great wrestlers....

Jack Swagger needs to work on his promos, if he does he will have a great future because that is the only thing I think he lacks - He has the look (6'5, 250ish I think), He has the in ring work down (love almost everything he does these days), so work on those promos, developing his character through that and some speech therapy for that lisp and boy does he have a future...
Just My Opinion
^^ He gets heat and does pushups? This is your reason to think he is a carbon copy of Scott and Kurt? Really? You have sold short two great wrestlers....

Jack Swagger needs to work on his promos, if he does he will have a great future because that is the only thing I think he lacks - He has the look (6'5, 250ish I think), He has the in ring work down (love almost everything he does these days), so work on those promos, developing his character through that and some speech therapy for that lisp and boy does he have a future...
Just My Opinion

dude i also said that kurt came in as just as the "Olympic Gold Medalist" and nothing else claimed he was better then everybody else and also kurt was good in the ring using his Olympic background, also kurt won the world title about a month in his first year and Scott Steiner did do the push ups alot and the reason why i said steiner is because of the push up thing was his a long time ago now once again fast foward jack Swagger came in the "All American American", claimed he was better they everybody else, decent in the ring with his background, and won a world title about a month in his frist year, okay and if i did see Kurt and Scott short i am sorry i know that those two are are hands down to of the best
I think Swagger got pushed onto RAW too soon and should have stayed on ECW for at least a full year. He got lost in the shuffle early on and his match with MVP at Summerslam was given all of about 7 minutes.
But recently he has been given a purpose claiming that he will not lose again this year which means a title reign might be in his future. I also heard a small pop when Swagger suggested himself as a possible contender for Cena's title.
I dont think he is ready for a main event push just yet. However, he is obviously going to be a pillar of the future. I would like to see him take this undefeated streak into the new year and defeat The Miz for the US Title sometime around Royal Rumble. From there, I think his undefeated streak should last til around whichever ppv they will have in September next year. Have him drop the title to some up and coming guy. From there, build him up as a main eventer and have it culminate with him winning Royal Rumber 2011. Have him win a world title at Wrestlemania 27 and you have your future face of the company. Thats how I would build him up for the main event level.
Since Swagger was brought to Raw from ECW, I feel that he lost some momentum that he's only started to regain over the past few weeks or so. As far as his in-ring abilities go, I think he's pretty good overall, although I wouldn't mind seeing him add a few moves to his arsenal personally. My brother hates Swagger's look, citing that he has a large frame but just not all that much mass to fill in. If this were 10 years ago, I'd probably agree with him. Swagger does have a broad, but lanky type of build and I think it works for him personally. He has a natural look to him and he's still got a good amount of strength on his side. The fact that he doesn't look like some Herculean roid freak is a big plus for me.

I think Swagger's promo skills could use a little work. I think he's fairly solid but he's got some work to do. At first, and I know it's not his fault but it got to me anyhow, his lisp bugged the frig outta me. Now, I've gotten to the point where I tolerate it pretty well and, I think eventually, I'll probably come close to not noticing it at all.

As far as an overall package goes, I think that Swagger could have a bright future ahead of him. I believe he still has a little work to do in some areas, maybe tweak one or two things here and there, but I've really got no major complaints about the guy.
Swagger has a great entrance, not too bad promos. What he needs to work on is his in-ring work. All I see him do is a few basic moves, then a powerbomb. He really needs to add more moves. Don't get me wrong, he is a threat as a heel. I'm glad he was an ECW champion. But as a technical wrestler he should of have it down right now. IMO besides ECW his matches on Raw bore me.
I must say, I'm a huge mark for Swagger. With his constant improvement in the ring, and as well as he has been on the mic. He may be on the mic less, but he has made those promos COUNT.
Swagger is a future Main Eventer - he'll be face of the company one day. Everything from his look to his in-ring skills, to his promos scream good wrestler. And he has a lot of potential to turn that good into great and beyond. He also has enough talent around him to help build him up, and for him to help build them up. In 5 years, all the 'young' stars we like now will be the ones fueding for the titles at Wrestlemania, and THAT will be a great thing to see.
Jack Swagger is one of the main reasons I watch RAW each week. Simply put, the guy is fantastic. He has a great look, charisma, tremendous athleticism, solid in ring skills and he cuts a good promo (stop focusing on the lisp, people). The guy is a star in the making if the WWE gives him the opportunity. Since being moved to RAW, he hasn't been given any significant storylines and he has still gotten decent heat from the crowd. I have high hopes for the Swagger/Miz program. This should be the fued that puts Swagger on the map as a solid upper mid card talent.

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