Superstar of the Year

Superstar of the Year

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Randy Orton

  • Chris Jericho

  • HHH

  • Jeff Hardy

  • CM Punk

  • Edge

  • Other

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Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
We are past the halfway point in 2009 so it is time to consider who has been the superstar of the year so far. Take into account titles won, the level of matches performed, and overall impact. Here are my nominees:

1. Rey Mysterio- To me, this has been the year of Mysterio. It started at No Way Out with an excellent showing in the Elliminaton Chamber. He won the Intercontinental Title from JBL at Wrestlemania 25 and feuded with Chris Jericho over the title with three or four great matches along the way. His match with Dolph Ziggler was decent and he looks to be the favorite.

2. Randy Orton- He started off the year by winning his first Royal Rumble and looked strong going into Wrestlemania by taking out Shane, Vince, and Stephanie. He won the title at Backlash but then lost it to Batista at Extreme Rules. He regained the title in a fatal four-way on June 15 and still holds the title now going into Summerslam when he faces John Cena. The reason I put him second is because his matches with HHH have been average at best and I feel he should have won at Wrestlemania. If he holds the title past Summerslam, then he has a shot at being number 1.

3. Chris Jericho- His rants about legends, hypocrites, and parasites put him near and dear to our hearts. He beat Snuka, Piper, and Steamboat at Wrestlemania and then went on to beat Mysterio for his unprecedented 9th Intercontiental Title. He won the Unified Tag Team Titles with Edge at The Bash and still holds them with the Big Show as his partner replacing an injured Edge.

So who are your picks for Superstar of the Year? Are they some of the same ones I have mentioned or is it somebody else?
Well of those 3 I would have to say Jericho just based on the promos hes been puttin off in the past year and the fact he is now the tag champion and had won the IC title.

But had they not been injured I would love to say either Taker or HBK just solely based on their match at Wrestlemania and HBK had done some of the best anti Taker promos I had seen anybody pull off and hes one of the first people to not be "scared" of the undertaker during the deadmans promos. But since both of them had been out for the last few months I guess they cant really be considered so I would give the nod to Jericho.
I voted Orton, because the amount of time he's held the title this year, but if its not him Jericho is a dead ringer for Superstar of the Year. If Edge wasnt out injured he would of been my vote, but he's going to miss the rest of 09.

All three have done great promo work, and their in ring work is right on point. Its really a tough call.
2009 is going to become the year of Orton. He's the 2009 Royal Rumble winner, officially formed the WWE's top stable in Legacy and is going strong (actually was formed in December of 2008 but is gaining momentum in 2009), has won the WWE title both at Backlash and on Raw the day after Extreme Rules, and just had a successful title defense, defeating BOTH John Cena and Triple H in a triple threat matchup... oh, and it's only July.

This is the year when Orton will begin to cement his legacy (no pun intended).
Orton all the way for Superstar of the Year, as D-man said it's only July and look at what he has already accomplished, he's dominated Raw for pretty much the whole damn year, he's taken out the McMahon's, Batista, HHH on a couple of occasions, have taken out all challengers in some way or another, all whiling building a awesome stable, winning titles and carrying Raw on his back. He's been the main man on Raw, when others were injured, taking breaks, he was chugging along holding down the fort.
Overall, I have to go with Randy Orton. It's pretty much all been said already as to the reasons why. He's been the heel in the WWE's highest profile feud of the year and, for a while in my opinion, it was the best feud in wrestling. It's gone quite stale now, but the guy's just had a stellar year career-wise. Wins the RR, systematically takes out the McMahons, Batista is out for a while, Triple H, he's won the WWE Championship twice this year and so on and so forth.

Orton is a guy that I don't think gets quite the respect he deserves, he gets a lot of hate sometimes that's not really deserved. While Orton's feud with Triple H is something that's been happening on and off for roughly five years now, the guy can work in the ring and work a crowd.
I am going with CM Punk. I feel he has had a great year and no one can take nothing away from him. He has really worked himself back into a world champion that he was. I feel making the heel turn is only going to bring out the best in him.
Come one people, there have been 21 votes as this post and only six replies? I've already said why I think Orton in the Superstar of the Year, but I want to hear more of why some of you think Jericho is or why Hardy is or anyone else who has a vote. Let's get discussing people, that's what this is for.

As to why I think Orton is the best, see my post up above somewhere.

As to why I don't think Triple H is... he really didn't carry anything this year, he was mainly a chaser and is performances have started to become lacking to me, yes he can still rile a crowd up, but he just doesn't impress me anymore and really he hasn't done anything impressive this year.

I can kind of see the arguement for Jericho, but really besides some kick ass promos and the self-acclaimned greatest superstar going for him, what really did he do? He won the IC title, lost it, didn't reclaim it, WWE couldn't find much for him to do, so they partner him with Edge, they win the titles, which wasn't much at the time as they have the rebuild the prestige. He had good feuds, but none that really stood out, so for those who voted for him except for sports fan who already posted his reason, why did you vote for him?

CM Punk... eh he could be a sleeper, but honestly though he won the title again, the fans weren't buying into him really, yes he got cheered, but they weren't buying into him completely until pretty much at NOC with that promo. He's put on some good matches, and was pretty much it on Smackdown, but really he was all they had, I just don't see him as Superstar of the year.

Same with Hardy and Rey, while they had great moments so far and great matches, neither man in my opinion has done enough this year to garner a Superstar of the year award, my nod still goes to Orton, however in all honesty as it's July... it could change towards the end of the year, but I don't personally see it, I see Orton gaining even more ground.
Right now it is Randy Orton, but keep an eye on CM Punk. Orton has done just about everything possible this year, besides win at WrestleMania. He's formed a powerful stable, won the Royal Rumble, beaten Triple H multiple times, kicked Mr. McMahon in the head, and been WWE Champion most of the year. If he can win at SummerSlam and keep his reign going for a couple more months, I think he will take it.

Punk, on the other hand, began the year as a nothing on Raw. He won Money in the Bank at WM, and was drafted to SmackDown. He cashed in MitB at Extreme Rules on Jeff Hardy and became World Heavyweight Champion for a second time, and began one of the best heel turns in recent memory. If Punk can regain the title and continue the great heel work he is doing now, he will be my pick for Superstar of the Year.
I voted for Orton. For now. As it was previously stated, he won his first Rumble this year, and has had a lengthy run with the title. I would like to think that Orton will be holding the title for most of the rest of 2009 (barring an injury), if the WWE creative team were smart. But we all know that word isn't in their vocabulary (smart). But for now, Orton is the Wrestler of the Year.
Randy Orton is getting some of the votes but I feel he has done nothing for ratings or buyrates and has been one of the worse champions in history. I do not know how anyone could enjoy Orton as the top guy.

Guys like Edge & Y2J have been far better.
Done nothing for rating I must disagree. Although he is not the person I had voted for he is one of the top stars in WWE rite now.

As for the ratings or buyrates, I personally believe he has people watch him just to see him get his ass kicked. I personally bought NOC for 2 reasons. 1) hoping to see a huge spin on the mystery partner (was disapointed when it was big show) and 2) to see orton get his ass kicked. Now I am sure I am not the only one who did this since orton is one of the top heels in the business rite now. So I personally buy the PPV in part to see what Orton does next.
Done nothing for rating I must disagree. Although he is not the person I had voted for he is one of the top stars in WWE rite now.

As for the ratings or buyrates, I personally believe he has people watch him just to see him get his ass kicked. I personally bought NOC for 2 reasons. 1) hoping to see a huge spin on the mystery partner (was disapointed when it was big show) and 2) to see orton get his ass kicked. Now I am sure I am not the only one who did this since orton is one of the top heels in the business rite now. So I personally buy the PPV in part to see what Orton does next.

I can agree with you a little because I did buy night of champions to see Orton lose but that was not the main reason but one of the reasons. I do not feel he is a strong draw for Raw. He is still the champion which does shock me because I did not think it should have lasted as long as it has.
Wow! I went for the super popular Triple H.

The reason I voted for the game is as follows. For the past year, Triple H has showed us again and again why he is constantly in the main event of most PPV's. His feus with Randy Orton has been the crown jewel of the WWe, whether you think it is boring or not. Triple H is probably one of the best in ring workers and I think he is one of the best performers all round. I can't tell you how much I respect the Game and I can't tell you how much more he does for the company than you will ever know. Nobody ever gets something that they did not warrant and Triple H deserves every accolade that he gets. I mean sure, the feus with Randy Orton has run it's course it seems like but Triple H has done what he set out to do with this feud and that was put Rnady Orton over to a level that he had never been before. Job done, I would say.
Orton - Easily one of the most entertaining heels in the past decade of the WWE. He has good in ring ability and with his superb mic skills he cuts great promos. Orton is also part of a healthy stable that will hopefully help Legacy's future in the WWE. If there was one disappointing aspect of Ortons character it'd be his current feud with trip, we all know it has to come to an end (please WWE bring back the "Legend Killer").
Randy Orton is getting some of the votes but I feel he has done nothing for ratings or buyrates and has been one of the worse champions in history. I do not know how anyone could enjoy Orton as the top guy.

Guys like Edge & Y2J have been far better.

How is Orton not responsible for the buy rates and ratings? He possess the main championship in the WWE, he is considered one of (/best) heels recently in WWE, and he cuts good promos which leads to an exciting ME.
I know I watch RAW every week just to see what he does next.

and no I'm not trying to put down other wrestlers and saying Randy is the best, but in MY opinion he is defiantly Wrestler of the year.
How is Orton not responsible for the buy rates and ratings? He possess the main championship in the WWE, he is considered one of (/best) heels recently in WWE, and he cuts good promos which leads to an exciting ME.

Just because you have the WWE championship, it does not make you superstar of the year, you know? Chris Jericho is a better heel than Randy Orton and he damn sure cuts a better promo than Orton. He is better in the ring and yet he is not the superstar of the year for this year! Why not? Because he is not the WWE champion? Please! Just because you are carrying the strap, it doesn't necessarily make you the best wrestler of the year. Here's and idea. We will have Randy Orton wrestle himself at SummerSlam, he can beat himself up, RKO himself and then cover himself for the win/loss at the end. Mark this down. It is all about the face vs the heel dynamic. One man does not make the show watchable. You tune in to see who he is feuding every week. Would you still like him if he was jobbing to Hornswoggle every week? I don't think so. Triple H put Orton where he is and when Triple H is ready, he will take that belt back. Mark my words.

I know I watch RAW every week just to see what he does next.

Well, that's because you are a mark.

and no I'm not trying to put down other wrestlers and saying Randy is the best, but in MY opinion he is defiantly Wrestler of the year.

And in mine... he isn't. At least I have solid arguments for my thoughts though.
Just because you have the WWE championship, it does not make you superstar of the year, you know? Chris Jericho is a better heel than Randy Orton and he damn sure cuts a better promo than Orton. He is better in the ring and yet he is not the superstar of the year for this year! Why not? Because he is not the WWE champion? Please! Just because you are carrying the strap, it doesn't necessarily make you the best wrestler of the year. Here's and idea. We will have Randy Orton wrestle himself at SummerSlam, he can beat himself up, RKO himself and then cover himself for the win/loss at the end. Mark this down. It is all about the face vs the heel dynamic. One man does not make the show watchable. You tune in to see who he is feuding every week. Would you still like him if he was jobbing to Hornswoggle every week? I don't think so. Triple H put Orton where he is and when Triple H is ready, he will take that belt back. Mark my words.

Well, that's because you are a mark.

And in mine... he isn't. At least I have solid arguments for my thoughts though.

I didn't say Randy was the best because of the belt, maybe if you read my post in the same context I was proving that Randy is responsible for the buy rates for PPVs since he does have the main title. NEVER did I say he's the best because he is champ so get that straight.

And Randy will never feud with Hornswoggle or any lame characters because he is much better than that.

How can you say that your points are valid? How are mine not? Randy is a very important factor in current WWE face it.
I didn't say Randy was the best because of the belt, maybe if you read my post in the same context I was proving that Randy is responsible for the buy rates for PPVs since he does have the main title. NEVER did I say he's the best because he is champ so get that straight.

What I am trying to say to you is that not every single person who buys SummerSlam will be buying it for Randy Orton. Also, I think that the results in terms of PPV buys this year have been exceptionally poor by the standards set by WWE. You are trying to argue that Randy Orton has been pulling in the numbers in their droves when in all actuality, this has been a very poor year for PPV buys. Well thought out, Champ! You have actually blamed Randy Orton for the falling ratings of the WWE PPV there. Real Superstar of the year material. Secondly, you can't just say that one single person is responsible for people buying a WWE PPV. When I but, I buy for the overall entertainment I am going to get, not for any superstar.

And Randy will never feud with Hornswoggle or any lame characters because he is much better than that.

Why? Because he is a great wrestler? No. Chavo Guerrero is a great wrestler but every week he goes out there and jobs to Hornswoggle. Why? because Vince wanted it that way, that's why. The only reason that you think Orton will never job to the Swoggle is because of the reputation that he has built up. He didn't do that himself though. Without the rub from the Undertaker and Triple H, Orton could still be at the bottom of the pile. Try and refute that!

How can you say that your points are valid? How are mine not? Randy is a very important factor in current WWE face it.

I know he is. What he is not, however, is superstar of the year.
What I am trying to say to you is that not every single person who buys SummerSlam will be buying it for Randy Orton. Also, I think that the results in terms of PPV buys this year have been exceptionally poor by the standards set by WWE. You are trying to argue that Randy Orton has been pulling in the numbers in their droves when in all actuality, this has been a very poor year for PPV buys. Well thought out, Champ! You have actually blamed Randy Orton for the falling ratings of the WWE PPV there. Real Superstar of the year material. Secondly, you can't just say that one single person is responsible for people buying a WWE PPV. When I but, I buy for the overall entertainment I am going to get, not for any superstar.

Why? Because he is a great wrestler? No. Chavo Guerrero is a great wrestler but every week he goes out there and jobs to Hornswoggle. Why? because Vince wanted it that way, that's why. The only reason that you think Orton will never job to the Swoggle is because of the reputation that he has built up for himself. He didn't do that himself though. Without the rub from the Undertaker and Triple H, Orton could still be at the bottom of the pile. Try and refute that!

I know he is. What he is not, however, is superstar of the year.

There are more factors to why the WWE buy rates have fallen and Randy is not the reason why neither (Nower days people can't just drop 40 dollars a PPV espicially not a main one).

Second Randy is a good wrestler. And of course Randy is at the top due to rub from other superstars, EVERY main eventer got their rub off someone on the top, come on "champ" someone like you can figure that out cant you?

and finally, Superstar of the year - Randy Orton.
There are more factors to why the WWE buy rates have fallen and Randy is not the reason why neither (Nower days people can't just drop 40 dollars a PPV espicially not a main one).

That may be well and good but before you said and I will quote:

if you read my post in the same context I was proving that Randy is responsible for the buy rates for PPVs since he does have the main title.

That sounds to me as if you are saying that Randy Orton is responsible for the buy rates. Blame it on whatever you like. The buy rates have fallen drastically and Randy Orton, being the face of the company and all, has to take the blame. By all accounts the WWE didn't even expect such a heavy drop in PPV buy rates. Randy Orton has to take some of that flak. As you say, he is the one who is there to sell the PPV and if they are not going then he must have some blame accredited to him.

Second Randy is a good wrestler. And of course Randy is at the top due to rub from other superstars, EVERY main eventer got their rub off someone on the top, come on "champ" someone like you can figure that out cant you?

Very well. The thing that I am trying to prove to you is that Randy Orton could be out of the door tomorrow. Nobody is above Vince McMahon, not even Randy Orton. You are trying to make it out as if Randy Orton is some sort of untouchable being in the WWE which couldn't be further from the truth in reality.

and finally, Superstar of the year - Randy Orton.

Baring in mind, you have still to give me one legitimate reason as to why. I would say that he isn't. He is not better than many in the list in terms of wrestling ability. Nor is he ahead of people for promos. So tell me why he is superstar of the year again?
That may be well and good but before you said and I will quote:

That sounds to me as if you are saying that Randy Orton is responsible for the buy rates. Blame it on whatever you like. The buy rates have fallen drastically and Randy Orton, being the face of the company and all, has to take the blame. By all accounts the WWE didn't even expect such a heavy drop in PPV buy rates. Randy Orton has to take some of that flak. As you say, he is the one who is there to sell the PPV and if they are not going then he must have some blame accredited to him.

Very well. The thing that I am trying to prove to you is that Randy Orton could be out of the door tomorrow. Nobody is above Vince McMahon, not even Randy Orton. You are trying to make it out as if Randy Orton is some sort of untouchable being in the WWE which couldn't be further from the truth in reality.

Baring in mind, you have still to give me one legitimate reason as to why. I would say that he isn't. He is not better than many in the list in terms of wrestling ability. Nor is he ahead of people for promos. So tell me why he is superstar of the year again?

Well then I will quote you when you said that Vince is responsible for the characters. With that said if anyone is getting the flak for poor results then the sole owner should take the blame, Vince.

Not saying he is untouchable at all, I'm just saying he is a good wrestler with good mic skills and can provide a quality match.

And I've told you my reasons for voting Orton
-Talented wrestler
-Great mic skills

You may not believe that he is better than the other wrestlers on the list, but I object.
No one is saying why CM Punk deserves to be Superstar of the year. I dont understand how he's better than Jericho or Orton

Because people are aumatically voting for their favourite superstar or are voting for a champion. That is why Orton and CM Punk are winning. What I am trying to stress is that just because you are a champion, it does not make you Superstar Of The Year. Hell, Edge is a 9 time champion, I think. In all that time, how many has he won cleanly? Not many. Yet people think he is a great champion. He is a good wrestler but he wouldn't be considered Superstar of the Year.
Well then I will quote you when you said that Vince is responsible for the characters. With that said if anyone is getting the flak for poor results then the sole owner should take the blame, Vince.

When did I say that. If you want to blame Vince, then fine. I do too a little bit. He has grown comfortable with no competition and he is not trying to entertain us anymore. It's a shame but that's the way things are now. The only problem with that is that nobody cares for his stroylines anymore so they are not buying the PPV's. Rnady Orton included.

Not saying he is untouchable at all, I'm just saying he is a good wrestler with good mic skills and can provide a quality match.

And I've told you my reasons for voting Orton
-Talented wrestler
-Great mic skills

Is he a better wrestler than CM Punk or Chris Jericho? No, I don think so. Is he better on the mic than Chris Jericho? No. Then why should he be voted in instead of Chris Jericho? There is no logical reason to vote for him over Jericho. The only reason you would say yes to any of these question is that you are a fan and will defend them to the hilt. Ask anyone here and they will tell you Jericho is both better in the ring and on the mic.

You may not believe that he is better than the other wrestlers on the list, but I concur.

You realise that "concur" means agree, right?

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