Supershows - Are They Really Worth It?


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This week we've just seen TNA put on what would most likely be classified as a super show. We get Pay Per View quality matches, as well as a few title matches here and there. WWE has put them on as well, like the Madison Square Garden show with Roddy Piper as guest host.

All in all, to me it's just a Pay Per View card on free television. And that's it, the TNA show didn't spike ratings like some may have expected, neither have any of the recent supershows spiked ratings for WWE, the Madison Square Garden show in 2010 (or 2009? I forgot) sure didn't.

So all in all, it's giving a way a treat for the fans, but really not doing anything but that. So I wonder, what the hell is the purpose? Is it really worth it?

And that is what this thread is all about. Is it worth it? Does it really make sense to put on these 3 hour supershows, or regular 2 hour supershows? Or is it just ridiculous attempts at raising the bar, without much success?
I might be completely wrong on this, but I thought the supershows were where they filmed raw and smackdown on the same night?

But as far as what you're saying, I think its worth it as a fan. I'm a fan of wrestling, I dont care about ratings. If they get great ratings, good for them, if they dont, then oh well. I try to sit back and enjoy the show and as long as I can enjoy it, then, in my eyes, they did their job.

From a business point of view, I dont think it hurts them, TNA didnt buy tons of new things to add to the set for that night, they basically ran a standard show with less talking and better matches, I'm sure it cost the same as any other Impact.
It might not help to improve the ratings but it's still a treat for the fans, I really enjoy them because they are really entertaining. It's like WWE or TNA are saying thanks for being loyal and watching the show every week in return we're going to give you a treat and give you a PPV like show for free.

So all in all I like "Super Shows".
When the WWE does a super show for television, usually Raw, it's because there's usually a reason for doing it. The WWE Draft could be considered a super show due to all the guys being there or the 900th episode of Raw coming up soon would probably qualify.

In the back of their minds, I'm sure Dixie and Vince are both hoping that such shows will ultimately wind up popping a rating. At the same time, even if your super show doesn't draw ratings above what you might ordinarily draw, it's important to put on a quality show for the fans that tune in and watch you on a regular basis. Even if you don't draw in any additional viewers on a permanent basis, you're still giving those that've been watching you for years more reasons to keep watching. Keeping the viewers you've got satisfied is every bit as important, probably even more so in the long run of things, than attracting more viewers. WWE Raw, for instance, is among the highest rated shows on cable, it's not at all unusual for it to be the #1 show on cable, and one reason why it's been able to do so is because viewers have stayed with the show. A super show can be, if nothing else, just a fun treat and a good way to spend 2 or 3 hours. That's not to say that the WWE hasn't flubbed up a little sometimes, The Viewer's Choice episode of Raw for example was easily the worst Raw of 2010 and is an example of what not to do with a super show.
I think are worth it. They get more sponsorship during the show and have the fans there longer and are able to make more money at concessions and merchandise. the ratings might not spike, but they are still damn good. So from a business aspect im sure there are still some benefits. as a fand perspective they are great. i like seeing the crossover and you are able to bring back some old rivalries and get some more interest on some of the SD guys and see more quality matches. So i think they are definately worth the trouble for the WWE. As far as TNA, i mean they have one show a week in small arena and aren't selling out places like MSG (at least that i'm aware of). So i don't think they can really have a supershow cause some of the stuff they do on those shows they do on the regular impact shows.

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