SuperShow III: Thrash, Amber Warren, The Angel vs. Sam Smith & Rush

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the Frog
SuperShow III

Rush & Sam Smith have not been boding well since both dropping their respective singles titles. However, despite their lack of success they have been granted a shot at the tag team championships on the big stage. They will try to bulldoze over not two, but three opponents this week in the form of Thrash, Amber Warren, and The Angel. Will Smith and Rush finally gain some momentum to build off of, or will the trio of goodies band together to take down what will be their biggest test yet.

Deadline is Wednesday July 10, 2013 @ 11:59 P.M. (Central). Soft Extensions Only
Moments after Aftershock goes off the air, Angel is seen limping backstage. A few people are hurdled around something but Angel can't make out what it is. He senses panic in a few of their voices. He begins to walk over to see what is going on. When he gets close enough, he freezes; Ronney is on the ground, unconscience. He snaps back to reality and walks as fast as he can over to him. He kneels down and begins to ask one of the guys nearby what happened. The guy shrugs his shoulders. An amublance sirens are heard as they blare through the arena. Paramedics rush in to help Ronney. They put the boy on a stretcher and lift him into the ambulance. Angel tries to get in with them but is pushed off by one of the Paramedics.

Paramedic-Sir, you are going to have to wait here.

Angel-I'm the boys legal guardian, I have to go.

The Paramedic waves him on and he sits down next to Ronney and takes his hand. As they drive off to the hospital, Angel begins to pray silently.

Angel-Dear Lord, I ask for you to look upon this boy. He is young and still full of life...

Flashbacks start when Angel first met Ronney a month ago.

Angel-He doesn't deserve this...

He sees them together, Ronney smiling on the airplane.

Angel-I ask for your help today. I don't want to lose him...

Another memory of the two meeting Amber and Nate.

Angel-Lord, I know this is greed but I need this boy to live. I never loved someone as much as him...

He sees them at the park, throwing a football.

Angel-I beg you to help him fight this evil inside him. The boy deserves so much more. He has lost so much in his life, help him win tonight...

The Paramedic tells Angel that they are at the hospital and that they have to preform emergancy operation or he will not live. Angel nods his head yes and they take Ronney off. Angel runs with him as far as they can but a few nurses hold him back as they enter the operating room. He watches the door for what seems like hours. He turns and heads to a closeby waiting room, where others are crying and embarcing other family members. But not Angel, the only family he has left is Ronney. Seconds turn into minutes, and minutes into hours, and still no word from anyone about the health of Ronney. Angel's phone rings. He looks down and sees a familiar name on the caller I.D.


Amber-Angel, I heard about Ronney. Is everything ok?

Angel-I'm not sure, I haven't seen anyone in hours.

Amber-Is there anything I can do?

Angel-Pray. Pray for him Amber. He needs all the help he can get.

Amber-I know you are going through a hard time right now, but I got the match card for the Supershow this week. It's you, Thrash, and myself against Rush and Sam Smith.

Angel-I appreciate you telling me this Amber, but I'm not going to be at the show this week. Ronney needs me.

A doctor comes out and approaches Angel. Angel clicks the phone off as Amber is talking mid sentence. He tells Angel that Ronney is alive but in critical condition. His cancer has gotten worse and it doesn't look like he will make it.

Angel-When can I see him. Is he awake?

Doctor-I don't know when if will wake up but you may wait in his room with him if you'd like.

Angel nods his head and he follows the doctor to Ronney's room. Inside, he looks around the room and pulls out a tiny Bible from his pocket and places it inside Ronney's hand.

Angel-This book will protect you where I cannot. I love you Ronney.

Angel pulls up a chair next to Ronney's bed and begins to pray silently.
The scene opens up to a locker room being occupied by Amber Warren. She packs her things and looks to be heading out of the arena as her hair is still wet after a warm shower. She goes to pack her phone before it rings but Amber doesn’t answer it right away. She finishes packing her other stuff while her phone is still rining. It’s a number she does not recognize but she answers it anyway.

Amber: Hello?

Myles: Yes, Ms. Warren. This is Chuck Myles, GM of Aftershock. I believe this is the first time we’ve talked.

Amber: Oh yes, Mr. Myles. What can I do for you sir?

Myles: Well, I watched your match earlier and was very impressed. Congratulations on that win.

Amber: Thank you sir.

Myles: But now onto business. Next week is the supershow and we’re having a little trouble finding a place for you in the card.

Amber is seen frowning, realizing that she may not be on the card for the supershow.

Amber: Oh, I understand sir. But you sure there isn’t a place for me on the card? I mean, I’ve got two victories in a row, I’m on a roll!

Amber’s anxiousness may have gotten the best of her there.

Myles: Haha. I can’t argue with that. But if you’d let me finish, I was gonna say that despite it being hard to find a place for you on the card….you’re on the card!

Amber’s facial expression changes immensely to a look of joy.

Amber: Really? Thank you sir! What’s my match?

Myles: It’s going to be a tag match. You say you’re on a roll so we wanna see what you can do with guys who well, are in a slump. You’re teaming with Angel once more and Thrash. For your opponents, it’ll be Sam Smith and Rush. Your match has just been made official, so Angel and Thrash don’t know yet. Can I ask you to inform them of this match?

Amber: Yes sir, thanks a lot. Buh-bye.

The conversation has ended and Amber is still her happy self. She quickly packs up all her belongings. She exits and her locker area but she sees backstage workers all running towards one direction. She checks out what’s happening but she can’t see from her locker room. She stops one guy from running.

Amber: Hey, what’s going on over there?

Backstage Worker: Someone collapsed!

Amber: What, who?

Backstage Worker: It’s a kid. That little boy that’s with Angel, Ronney I think?

Amber: What?!

Amber drops her bag and runs toward the direction of where everyone else is running. When she arrives, there’s security covering the scene. The security team tells Amber that she can’t enter but Amber gets passed one officer but two more stop her. She looks on with a concerned look on her face but realizes she can’t do anything. She walks away from the scene very worried. She immediately runs to her bag, taking her cellphone out. She looks for Angel’s number and dials it up. No answer. She tries once more, still there’s no answer. But third time’s the charm with Angel finally answering.

Angel: Amber?

Amber: Angel, I heard about Ronney. Is everything ok?

Angel: I'm not sure, no one’s telling me anything.

Amber: Is there anything I can do?

Angel: Pray. Pray for him Amber. He needs all the help he can get.

Amber: I know you are going through a hard time right now, but I got a call from Mr. Myles saying that we’ll be having a match at the Supershow this week. It's you, Thrash, and myself against Rush and Sam Smith.

Angel: I appreciate you telling me this Amber, but I don’t know if I’ll be at the show this week. Ronney needs me.

And just like that, the conversation is over. Angel has dropped the call with Amber to tend to Ronney. Amber isn’t phased though as she just packs her phone in her pocket and walks forward where she sees another backstage worker.

Amber: Hey, have you seen Thrash around here?

Backstage Worker: Thrash? Oh yeah, I think he’s over there in that locker room. Last I saw him, he was watching tapes of his matches so he might not want to be disturbed.

Amber: I see, thanks.

Amber walks over to the nearby locker room. She looks at the door for a bit before knocking, then entering, not waiting for anyone to tell her to come in. In the locker room, she sees Thrash sitting on a chair with his eyes glued to a monitor in which he’s watching a match of himself.

Amber: Uhm, Thrash?

Thrash seems to be deep in thought as watches film on his matches. Amber tries once more to get his attention.

Amber: THRASH!

Thrash instantly looks at Amber with a crazed look but immediately stops the film and gets up from his chair.

Thrash: Hey! Don’t go sneaking up on me like that. What do you want?

Amber: Sorry, but I just received a call from Mr. Myles. It looks like we’re tag team partners next week at the Supershow against Smith and Rush.

Thrash: You and me? Partners?

Amber: And Angel too. Did you hear what happened by the way?

Thrash: What? You, me, and Angel as a team? Oh wow, we’re doomed. And what, what happened?

Amber: How can you say that? And well, Ronney collapsed backstage and it caused a lot of raucous. How could you not hear it? And what’s worse is Angel says he might not be at the Supershow this week because he needs to be with Ronney.

Thrash: Ronney? You mean the kid that’s been with Angel?

Amber: Yeah, him. Angel adopted him from an orphanage so you can say that Ronney is his son.

Thrash: Oh man, it just keeps getting worse huh? How can we win if he won’t show up?! And even if he does, his head won’t be on straight. I need this win Amber!

Thrash is losing it a little but Amber tries to calm him down.

Amber: Hey hey, calm down Thrash. Why you gotta be so negative all of us sudden? Look, I know it’ll be difficult to team with people you don’t really know but we can do this! We’re all desperate for a win. You need a win, Angel needs a win, I need a win.

Thrash: Okay, that may be true. But what are we going to do about Angel?

Amber: I’ve got an idea. Just go along with me once I start alright? And I heard where they’ll be taking Ronney and I’m 100% sure that Angel will be there. So let’s go visit the hospital and check up on Angel. He needs all the friends he can get. What do ya say?

Thrash looks at Amber but looks away instantly. With a frown on his face, he looks back up at Amber.

Thrash: I guess you’re right. Well, let’s go already! We’ll need all the time to prepare. And all the time to try and get Angel’s head on straight.

Amber: Alright, alright, geez, hold your horses.

And with that, the two exit Thrash’s locker room and are on their way to the hospital where Ronney and Angel are at. The scene ends with the two’s backs to the camera as they journey on over to the hospital.
A promo opens to a dark hotel room balcony. The light from the hotel room shines between the blinds, illuminating a small table and chair set. Sam Smith sits in one of the chairs and glimpses at an upside-down glass on the table. He reaches his hands back behind his head and stares at the sky. The moon is hidden behind a series of dark clouds; a pale outline of light edges underneath the thick clouds, breaking the monotony of the otherwise dark, purple-ish sky. Smith begins to speak.

Smith: There's something about the sky on nights like these -- you just can't take your eyes off of it.

He momentarily fades into silence, transfixed on the sky.

Smith: The big, bright comforting moon is hidden -- it's unnerving, for some. That makes me wonder: why do people fear the dark? Just what is it about the absence of light that is so unnerving?

Smith's attention turns from the sky back to the glass on the table. He slowly pushes it along the surface of the table, a few inches closer to himself. He slowly taps on the side of the glass, staring at what is inside. A small spider struggles to gain traction along the glass, its legs pounding away at the side of the glass, but to no avail.

Smith: I'll never forget what my father told me about spiders when I was a little kid, after I skinned my knee trying to run away from a spider I saw on my porch. He asked me if I feared spiders; I did. He told me that they feared me too. He said, "Son, you're scared of that spider because you don't know what's going on behind those eyes. You don't know what to expect behind a spider's beady, little eyes; you fear that spider because you don't know what it's thinking. That's why it's scared of you, too. It looks up at you and feels threatened, because you're an unknown. As far as that spider is concerned, you're some giant creature, crushing everything in your sight."

Smith slowly raises the glass and sets his other hand on the table next to the spider.

Smith: It's just like the darkness, isn't it? People fear the darkness because they don't know what to expect. Darkness is immense, immeasurable, and vast; darkness takes us out of our comfort zone because it takes away the one advantage we have over our environment: intelligence. We have NO IDEA what is going on in the darkness -- we certainly can't see it, so we have to go in blind and hope for the best.

Smith pauses as the spider, which had stood perfectly still until just then, slowly began to crawl onto his hand. The spider scurried across Sam's outstretched fingers and onto his tattooed arms.

Smith: Thrash, Amber Warren, and Angel are heading into SuperShow III blind. They, like everybody else in the WZCW locker room, fear me. They fear the idea of me -- they can't look into my eyes and see a redeeming quality, or something that humanizes me. They look into my eyes and all they see is darkness. While, on the other hand, I look at them and all I see is disrespect. Not from them -- they're but the messengers -- but from WZCW management. I went from facing Showtime Cougar, the World Heavyweight Champion, at SuperShow II to jerking the curtain at SuperShow III.

Sam's eyes dart back down to the spider, who seems to have met Smith's gaze after stopping on his wrist.

Smith: WZCW is as ready as it ever was to discard me -- and Rush -- back into the irrelevancy from where I came. I was a handful of people away from facing Steven Holmes at Kingdom Come for the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, but was eliminated by Ty Burna, whose brief return was met with adoration from the fans and nearly everybody working under the WZCW banner. The very same Ty Burna who nearly succeeded in plunging this company into obscurity. Ironic, isn't it? It took this company's biggest villain to stop me from getting even closer to doing what he had failed at.

Smith raises his hand off the table top, stopping a few inches from his face. The spider scurries into his palm.

Smith: And then, after I lost the Lottery and I lost again, and again, and again -- you could see it coming from a mile away, WZCW was preparing to humiliate me. If not at SuperShow III, then at Kingdom Come, at the hands of their tag team champions. Then they wouldn't have to worry about me -- a broken man -- winning the Number One Contender's tournament after Kingdom Come. See, I take issue with that; whether or not Rush and I can get it together and function as a unit is irrelevant, I will do everything in my power to win at SuperShow III and to bring the Tag Team Championships to the waist of a rightful champion at Kingdom Come. All the while, I slowly tick another day off my calendar, anticipating the day they let me loose to inch my way to what is rightfully mine: the World Heavyweight Championship.

Smith lowers his hand to the ground and the spider rushes off and into a dark corner of the porch. Sam grins at the sight of the spider running to the shadows.

Smith: It's funny how spiders strike so much fear into us, while they do the exact opposite of humans and embrace the darkness. Maybe we don't have it all figured out? We have this idea of good and bad, of what we're supposed to do and not do -- but how do we know what society's norms were meant to be? I'm a villain to you people -- and I accept that -- but it's all based on what you people perceive as "right" or "wrong." And, of course, like in any good story, you expect a redemption. There is no redemption coming for Sam Smith. I'm a villain by choice and I don't need any sniveling wrestling fans to embrace me as their hero.

Smith stands from his chair and looks over the edge of his balcony.

Smith: I want to be hated and feared -- because then I know I'm doing something profound. When I retire from professional wrestling, I want my legacy to be that of a World Heavyweight Champion and my name to make your stomach drop.

Smith turns and opens the sliding glass door to his room, but not before uttering a few final words.

Smith: You will remember my name.

The promo cuts to black.
“Right, it’s time to make a change and it’s time to do it now!”

In an empty locker room stands Thrash, who is rifling through a bag on the floor. He pulls out a DVD Case, before removing the disc that lies inside and putting into the small, travel-sized DVD Player sitting on the bench behind him.

“There has to be something going wrong, this isn’t right. The past few weeks, I haven’t been able to make any impact. My past wins feel like they’re so far away now that with each loss, I’m starting to become less of an interest in WZCW.”

Thrash sits down on the bench, looking at the small screen intently as a bell rings and we hear the commentary team talking. With that, we know Thrash is watching his match from the night before, where he faced Dr. Zeus and Sandy Deserts.

“I can’t see what’s going wrong here, I mean… I’m doing everything I can in this yet-“


Continuing watching his match, Thrash doesn’t realise Amber Warren, one of WZCW’s newer stars entering the room just next to him.

“Uhm, Thrash?”

Not paying attention to the girl behind him, but still looking at his monitor, Amber leans in closer, hoping the next time, she’ll get his attention.


Thrash isn’t happy, pressing pause on the player, before turning his head and almost sneering at Warren.

“Hey! Don’t go sneaking up on me like that. What do you want?”

“Sorry, but I just received a call from Mr. Myles. It looks like we’re tag team partners next week at the Supershow against Smith and Rush.”

“You and me? Partners?”

“And Angel too. Did you hear what happened by the way?”

“What? You, me, and Angel as a team? Oh wow, we’re doomed. See, when it comes down to a match like this, there’s only one reason for it happening. Management have put us into it, knowing that the number one contenders will get a nice and easy win leading into the Pay-Per-View. Things like this piss me off Amber, because when try to prove ourselves, we get thrown back into the gutter! And no, what happened?”

“How can you say that? And well, Ronney collapsed backstage and it caused a lot of raucous. How could you not hear it? And what’s worse is Angel says he might not be at the Supershow this week because he needs to be with Ronney.”

“Ronney? You mean the kid that’s been with Angel?”

“Yeah, him. Angel adopted him from an orphanage so you can say that Ronney is his son.”

“Oh man, it just keeps getting worse huh? How can we win if he won’t show up?! And even if he does, his head won’t be on straight. I need this win Amber!”

Starting to get more and more frustrated from what he’s hearing, Amber puts a hand on Thrash’s shoulder, hoping to settle him down.

“Hey hey, calm down Thrash. Why you gotta be so negative all of us sudden? Look, I know it’ll be difficult to team with people you don’t really know but we can do this! We’re all desperate for a win. You need a win, Angel needs a win, I need a win.”

“Okay, that may be true. But what are we going to do about Angel?”

“I’ve got an idea. Just go along with me once I start alright? And I heard where they’ll be taking Ronney and I’m 100% sure that Angel will be there. So let’s go visit the hospital and check up on Angel. He needs all the friends he can get. What do ya say?"

Not sure what to think at first, Thrash is feeling the sadness inside.

“I guess you’re right. Well, let’s go already! We’ll need all the time to prepare. And all the time to try and get Angel’s head on straight.”

“Alright, alright, geez, hold your horses.”

The two get up and leave the locker room together, discussing ways to persuade Angel to turn up on the night.


The next day, as they said they would, Amber and Thrash turn up together, outside the Hospital where Ronney was rushed to after his cancer took a turn for the worse last night backstage.

“Look, Thrash, screw on your gentle head alright?”

“What are you talking about Amber?”

“You know that when we get in there, Angel isn’t going to be the same person that you see backstage. He’s just as fragile as Ronney is right now, so be careful and watch your mouth, don’t say anything that might make things worse.”

“I get you, don’t worry. Right, as much as I don’t wanna have to go through this, let’s do it.”

The two enter the Hospital, as they approach the front desk, finding out what floor Ronney has been taken to. They find out that they have to go the top floor, which is solely a floor for terminally ill children. As Amber and Thrash get in the elevator, Thrash starts to look nervous.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Amber, I’m not sure. I’m not exactly one of these people that feels comfortable walking through Hospitals. The last time I was in one of these, I ended up watching my mother pass away right in front of my eyes. I feel like a bad omen when I’m somewhere like this.”

“Just… stay calm and you’ll be fine. Remember, we’re here to bring Angel round to seeing sense. But at the same time, we’re here to make sure that we leave this kid happy.”

The elevator reaches the top floor, as Thrash and Amber step out into what looks like it could be the world’s longest corridor. They slowly walk down the corridor, as they glance into different rooms, each with a different young child in. Thrash feels a lump in his throat as he looks through the glass of the next room, where he sees Angel sitting at Ronney’s bedside.

“Hey, Amber. Here it is. You wanna go in first?”

“Look, don’t be afraid of walking into the room, I’m sure that they’ll be happy to see you.”

Thrash nods and turns around, walking slowly through the entrance, before stopping, Amber standing at his side.


Angel hears Thrash’s voice, before he turns around to see the two of them standing in the doorway. He stands up and walks over to them, before putting out his arms, as the three of them embrace for a few seconds.

“Thanks for coming. I hope you’ve prayed for Ronney as much as I have done today. Come over, have a seat. He’s not feeling too good, but he’s making the effort to talk, he just wants the company right now.”

The three walk over to the bed, before they each take a seat. Angel takes hold of one of Ronney’s hands, before putting his forehead on it and reciting a short prayer once more.

“Hey little buddy, how are ya?”

Ronney turns his head, slowly, to look at Amber. She smiles at him and he does all he can to return it. His voice is coarse and quiet, but the three listen intently.

“Only as good as I can be.”

“Me and Ronney have been talking about our match at the SuperShow, he’s really looking forward to it and said that no matter what, he’ll be cheering us on somehow.”

Ronney nods, which makes the others smile. Thrash sits forwards on his chair, leaning into the child.

“So kid, how about we get you out, right at ringside to come and watch us?”

Ronney looks at Angel, wanting to save his voice.

“Ronney hasn’t got the energy anymore. His body is weaker than it should be, it’s better for him to be where he is. But he’s got TV here, he’ll be watching us take on Sam Smith and Rush, that’s for sure. Talking about them, we haven’t got long now until the match.”

Thrash and Amber look at each other, confused.


Thrash can’t help but ask about Angel’s remark then.

“Yes, we. I may have told Amber that I wasn’t going to be involved, but after seeing Ronney like this, I need to fight that match. I need to be out there, making sure that even though he’s in that condition, I’m fighting for him.”

Amber pats Angel on the back, smiling at the choice he made.

“You know Angel, that’s the best thing that I’ve heard you say! Now, when it comes down to it, we are three people facing off against two, we’ve got the advantage. But these guys aren’t the Number One contenders for no reason now, are they?”

“Actually, Amber, they are! There really isn’t a reason for Smith and Rush getting their title shot, is there? They just happened to be around when it was given out and they got it! Let’s use that to our advantage in the ring. I mean, when it comes down to it, in my last two matches against Sandy and Zeus, I’ve had no luck. It’s time to turn this around though. The three of us, as unpopular as we might be with the guys out the back, have a chance to really turn it around. We have the chance to take out two of the biggest guys in WZCW, between the three of us!”

“Y’know what Thrash? You’re right! Rush and Smith are just lucky with the shot they got, they still have to prove themselves against us as well! Angel, you might not have the best luck, but in the end, this is the match that you can really prove yourself in too!”

“Thanks Amber. This match is the biggest match that I’ve ever fought in. I’ve decided to fight in this match, not for the win and my glory, but to fight it for Ronney. When the three of us are standing victorious in the ring over Smith and Rush, then my little boy Ronney will be watching on the TV, watching his Dad-“


A long continuous beep hits out from the machine Ronney is hooked up to as Nurses run in, pushing out the three wrestlers into the corridor. Angel tries to put up a fight, demanding that he can stay with his son, but he’s restricted like the rest. Eventually, the three are outside in the corridor. Angel is pacing up and down, Amber is crying and Thrash has his head in his hands. Eventually, one single nurse comes out. She puts her hand on Angel’s shoulder and informs him, Ronney didn’t make it.

“No! You’re lying! Tell me that my son is ok right now!”

Again, the nurse just re-confirms what she just told Angel, that Ronney is dead. Breaking down right in front of Amber and Thrash, the two pick him up from the floor, as Amber hugs him tight, Angel sobbing over her shoulder. Thrash moves in towards them.

“Guys, we need to get it together. A boy has just passed away and I’m sorry to say it, but there isn’t anything that you can do about it. Ronney seemed like an absolutely lovely boy, so here’s what I’m going to say to you Amber, and you Angel. We have a match on the SuperShow, against Smith and Rush. We can’t have you breaking down and not wanting to fight, so we’re going to have to change this mood up. Angel, when we take on Smith and Rush next week, we have to do it for that kid. We have to win that match and we have to do it in the memory of Ronney!”

Angel’s head comes up from Amber’s shoulder. He looks at Thrash, still extremely sad, but nods.

“You’re right Thrash, this match is now being fought for the memory of Ronney. At the SuperShow, we will beat those two bullies that are Smith and Rush and we’re going to do it for my son.”

The three of them hug, before they all have a little tear in their eyes. They turn around, arms all over each others shoulders, walking out of the hospital. Can they overcome the big team of Smith and Rush or will they fall, even with the man advantage?
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