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Super Eric..you dig??

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Yeah so I was watching TNA this past week and the mess over the Tag Titles..I've always found Eric Young very entertaining and a solid worker...just wondering what everyone's opinion on the super Eric persona is?? Yeh or Meh? - I'm not so sure myself.
Well Eric has allways been over with the fans.With this gimmick it's fun to watch with lockdown was cool.

Before ppl start ripping him for a copy verison of wwe hurricane there r plenty of diffence of the two.

Hope this be a good storyline and maybe more tag team gold

Super Eric
I say meh, just because its a tired angle. Eric is a very capable wrestler, but he is put in these ******ed gimmicks and it makes the real wrestler look like a joke. This super hero thing should be saved for only 1 or 2 times a month, max. If every week he gets his ass kicked being 'eric young' then turns into 'Super Eric,' the gimmick will be over with faster than you can say 'The Hurricane Gergory Helms.' As for Kaz....come on, give them guy something to run with, put him back in the X title hunt...something!
I like Super Eric. I like Black Machismo. I like Curryman. Even Sharkboy is amusing sometimes. But what to you have there? 2 rip off gimmicks and 2 cartoon character gimmicks. Throw in Black Reign and Rellik (that's killer spelled backwards in case you missed it all 50x on each impact) and you've got 2 literal "monsters." That's just waaaaaay to much to put over. I don't think they can run with current realistic wrestlers and mix them in with ridiculous characters. It's just too much.

If i had to choose one I'd probably pick Super Eric (provided Chris Daniels returns normally). He's underrated and it's a gimmick that fits his character well. I do agree that it can get tired when every week he gets beat up, runs away, and returns as Super Eric. He did pull a great modified fishermans/bridge suplex on AJ on teh last impact though.
You know I think the super eric character is fine, but they did something that seriously messed it up. Now it would be one thing if say hes found all his new found courage and is ready for any villain, but they added the fact that now hes strong enough to take on the 2 supposed monsters with little difficulty. What this effectively does is it means Super Eric is good enough for a world title in my eyes because hes just taken out some big guys. The problem with this however is it is a cartoon gimmick, and Eric Young is far from being world championship worthy
No I do not dig Super Eric one bit. It makes Eric Young look pathetic and they put him in another stupid storyline. They already have Black Reign, Rellik, Curry Man, Shark Boy, stupid gimmicks to get guys over. They're making Tomko and Styles look really weak by basically making them job to a stupid superhero. Get rid of the gimmick and give Young a regular character.
I find this Eric Young very entertaining! People on other discussion boards always comment as to why guys like him and Kaz or shark boy don't get pushes...well I like that they are giving Eric a push and I'm not the type of fan who cares about how technically sound a wrestler is because if I did I would be watching amatuer wrestling. I want to be entertained and he entertains me! So I dig Eric Young and if I could tell him I say keep up the good work!
I was watchign TNA for the first time ( just for curiosity) the other day and I just stopped on that very promo with the tag titles vacant. The Hurricane gimick was ok and it went over becuase it wasnt the stupid or retarted as Eric youngs , I thought it was ridiculas and plain idiotic.
I really don't dig. Not at all. I don't care if someone claims all these cartoon gimmicks are over. My personal opinion is that they aren't over to enough to compensate for how completely idiotic they are. I feel ashamed for viewing Super Eric dominate half the roster with his stupid gimmick. As a viewer, I don't feel compelled to tune into something that makes me feel a) ashamed, b) idiotic and c) completely embarrassed. The tag title scene should involve the Motor City Machine Guns. I was going to give some examples but fuck it, I need to be that specific. The tag title scene shouldn't involve Mr. Bland and Super Eric, however. I'm really contemplating not watching TNA ever again due to this bullshit.

Fire Eric.
Eric Young plays Eric Young very well and he has the ability of putting on solid matches without lame gimmicks. However the gimmick is over with the fans which is obviously positive. I think having Super Eric appear once in a while would be a wise move, but because it is so over TNA will push it to the hills! I dont mind the gimmick and dont see how TNA copied the Hurricane gimmick, yeah okies its simalar but its not that simalar, but putting the belts on Kaz and Super Eric instead of LAX???? come one TNA what is going on there? When we will finally see LAX with the belts again? But overall I think the Super Eric gimmick is good but dont push it too much TNA!
No I don't dig at all. I like EY somewhat, but the gimmick totally sucks. I would not go as far as saying its so bad that I wont tune in to watch TNA ever again like uncle (that's a bit crazy). But it sure does annoy the hell out of me every time i hear that music play and seeing super eric come out.
I have to be honest, I really don't rate Eric Young at all. I don't think he's funny and I don't think that he is as good a wrestler as some people think. The entire Super Eric thing is quite poor and at the moment TNA has too many masked gimmicks on the go.

One thing that seriously p****d me off was the fact that LAX was the number one contenders for the tag titles yet they had to challenge for them in a 3 way, with a team that didn't win any type of number one contender match. And to top it all off, just as the team of AJ Styles and Tomko were getting going as team, they job to a man dressed up like a mexican gimp.....
What do you do with a wrestler who's already too much of a comedy character? You give him another comedy element. That might work on paoper. But in practice it just doesn't work. Is he over? Sure. But most wrestlers in TNA are. With the same crowd every week at iMPACT you're not going to get that many different reactions.

The gimmick is stupid. But he's wearing a mask so his shame is hidden. It's kind of annoying really. Several months ago TNA had the oppertunity to capitalize on Youngs popularity. All thanks to Scott Hall he was put in a TNA PPV main event. Insead of using that to make a star TNA ignored it and had him doing the same old boring comedy routine the next night.

Young has ability, I'm certain of it. If you can be a popular face, and can get crowds to react to you, then I'm sure he could become a serious face.
The Super Eric humor is great. When he describes his partner handsome tanned man ,fast talking microphone man etc. The gimmick should be used once in awhile not all the time. Shark boy is Fallen angel Just found that out ..Guess he didnt want to retire huh?
I like Eric Young and the element of Super Eric is so far so good. It might get stale after a while though but I give TNA enough credit to figure out when to call it a day with this gimmick. Until then just try to enjoy it..a little humour now and then is totally fine with me..and Eric Young is a damn funny guy!
Super Eric is the dumbest thing ive ever seen in my life. TNA claims it is the wrestling alternative yet they have this Super Eric gimmick whis his terrible , but even worse they had him pin A.J. who i believe is the company. TNA is not angle, its not joe, its not christian, its not any of those guys its A.J., he made that company. A lot of people are saying that this gimmick is over with the fans, i doubt that, the crowd at a show will pretty much cheer for everything, ive been to many shows. I dont even think Eric Young is a good wrestler because to be honest he hasnt done much, he is just there for comedy, i have not seen his in ring work, i think he sucks. They shoulda put the titles on LAX instead of screwing them out of the title shot they earned a few ppvs ago. As for the motor city machine guns, dont get me wrong, great tag team, but they need to be split up and both of them are needed to revamp the x division cause im getting tired of seeing lethal vs devine over and over again, and now its gonna be petey vs lethal or peter vs devine, there isnt anyone in the x division anymore.

what do you guys think about that, i may start a topic
ah eric young... i love eric young i am a mark for him hardcore.. i remember the dont fire eric days and everything out of jarretts stable he was the one to follow. hes like the eugene of tna. i personally think hes talented as fuck and if anyone remembers a few months back when scott hall no showed they could have picked anyone to take his place but instead they picked eric young which says alot. now as super eric i see it as gettin old fast. i love the idea of super eric but if it means coming in night after night and destroying everyone else in the ring then it needs to be axed i agree maybe once in a while but ya cant use it everytime its take the spontaneity out of wrestling. whenever eric young leaves kaz i know in about five minutes super eric will be there and the match over its kinda senseless
The Super Eric humor is great. When he describes his partner handsome tanned man ,fast talking microphone man etc. The gimmick should be used once in awhile not all the time. Shark boy is Fallen angel Just found that out ..Guess he didnt want to retire huh?

Actually Curry Man is Christopher Daniels. I'm on the fence with the Super Eric gimmick. If it wasn't an every show type thing, it wouldn't bother me. But every week, it gets kind off annoying. If he is on though I tollerate it. Sometimes I find it humorous, other times, I want to throw something at the TV.
I have to say that I am not very entertained by the Super Eric gimmick. It's a little too over the top for my taste. Besides, there are already too many over the top comedy gimmicks so there is nothing special about them anymore. TNA hands out comedy gimmicks like free lollipops at the bank- anyone can have one. Eric Young was over without the silly superhero gimmick. Let the guy work the solid matches he's capable of without having to incorporate his super human powers into it.
I'm not a very big fan of the Super Eric gimmick. Actually I'm not really a fan of Eric Young in general. I think he's okay in the ring, but he's pretty overrated. The Super Eric gimmick is just too farfetched and childish for my tastes. While I can enjoy some comedy in wrestling, too much is simply too much. And Super Eric is too much for me. I can understand them having Super Eric come out like once a month or so, but every week is just ridiculous. I think they need to cut down a bit on the comedy, especially with Super Eric. He could be a legitimate contender, but I think Super Eric will just end up holding Eric Young back from improving and reaching his full potential.
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