

First Immortality..Then the Bitches

Okay,So this is Hyperkin's Supaboy. Apparently its a handheld device that plays original(U.S) SNES games on the go and set for a release this summer. This only only rumored to be a prototype how ever. The Handheld will come in at 318g, have a 3.5 inch LCD screen, and a claimed battery life of around five and a half hours. I really like the design by the way, nice vintage factor going on there.


There is another cool factor to this device. The SupaBoy itself has an A/V stereo output to plug into your TV, and capacity to plug two original SNES controllers to play on the bigger screen with. Which in theory sounds cool and for nostalgia reasons it probably will be. Unfortunately, this is all the basic information on this system as of right now and nothing else has been announced.

Now, in my opinion,playing original SNES games on a huge HD screen won't improve the graphic capability very much and overall it will still look the same. Now another problem I have with this is,realistically, how many gamers out their still have their old SNES Games or controllers? I'm sure their are a bunch of retro fanatics that do keep their old systems..dust them off and plug them in from time to time and go old school. Though, I think that a majority of people would have discarded these systems long ago in order to upgrade to something more new and current. I mean,unless they start to mass produce these games again I just fail to see any real point to this system, I mean they just released the 3DS. In like the idea but in practicality it just doesn't make sense from a business stand point. Especially when you place its release a few months right after you put out on of the most hyped gaming systems to date. I think Nintendo should be more strategics with this device and be careful not to put all its eggs into one basic. Ether way I like it and it seems cool enough but I'll wait for more info to be released before I make my final verdict.

So what does everybody else think of the system?
Yeah this isn't made by Nintendo so I've edited the title.

It seems like one of those things that seems cool but then you get into it and you think actually that's just stupid. There are much better ways to play SNES on an HD TV (purists like myself will just keep my non HD TV for that reason) as well as handheld. Why would you want to play SNES games on a handheld? If I want to play them on handheld I'll use an R4. If I want to play retro SNES games I'll play them on my SNES. Simples.
I have one and it is fucking awesome. I also have one for Sega games and the SNES. Fucking love them both and I got them on Ebay for about 35 a peice.
It's cool in concept. The idea of playing SNES games on the go is quite enticing.

As a handheld, it seems a bit crappy. The system looks too bulky and since it has to fit an entire SNES cartridge, it probably is. I prefer handhelds that are thin enough to fit into my pocket. I'm also not too fond of the placement of the Start and Select buttons. It's also a bit annoying that the cartridge itself sticks out about 3 miles.

It's a cool little gadget, but not a must-buy. At least for me.
Well, it sounds like a cool concept.... but haven't a few of the more popular SNES games have already been re-released on the GBA or the DS, so.... this doesn't sound as groundbreaking or awesome as it could. Plus a 5 hour battery life is a little low considering that's a tiny fraction compared to how long the DS can last. It does sound interesting though and if this gets released then I at the very least would give it a chance because I loved the SNES era and to be able to play any of those games anywhere would be nice.
I'm not sure that this is a good idea. I have never played or even knew anybody that had a SNES (did they even come out in Aus?) So I'm not hating on the graphics or even the console and games itself. But how many people are going to buy one of these if they are not selling the games or bringing out new ones?

It's ok for the handful (When I say handful I know there is a heap of people but not enough to make a profit.) of people that still have the games but They would be much better off making a new console.

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