Summerslam - World Heavyweight Championship - Jeff Hardy (c) vs CM Punk, TLC


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Uh, hell to the fuck to the yeah.

You all know the story of this feud by now, and after losing his rematch via ambiguous Matt Hardy alignment, CM Punk beat the shit out of Jeff and declared he was still owed a rematch. Teddy Long obliged - in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs (oh my) match.

I mean, does it really get better than this? Jeff is undeniably at his best in ladder matches, and even better in TLC. It's a match he helped to make. You don't do any better than Jeff in a TLC match. Punk has done well in ladder matches, winning the two MITB matches, but he's untested in singles ladder competition. Given his MITB track record, however, and just thinking it over, I'm confident Punk will do really well here. With Jeff's help, Punk will succeed here, and produce what could be one of 2009's best matches, and will certainly steal the show at SummerSlam.

The victory scenario still depends on Hardy's resigning, but I think most of the signs are pointing toward him leaving at the moment, so I'm going to pick Punk as both my prediction and my hope. Punk needs a legit title win, and this is the place to give it to him. It's a good way to send Hardy out, and a great way to put Punk over. He could come out as a true main event star if this match hits off well and he comes out the winner, and this is the big chance - solidify Punk as a main eventer for years to come, or throw him back down to the midcard/upper midcard. Winning the title is the best way to make the best of CM Punk.
The one factor here that I think people need to consider is Matt Hardy. Somehow he will get himself involved in this match either to screw over Jeff or Punk. Now if he screws over Punk and let's Jeff take the win, Jeff can keep his title and then get the living tar kicked out of him by CM Punk, forcing him to relinquish the belt to injury. With Matt screwing over Punk at Summerslam and this Friday on Smackdown, we could be on the way to a Hardy vs Punk program at Breaking Point, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

In all honestly though, WWE may go with this program and I have a feeling that they will
I think its a safe bet that c.m punk is gonna win. since jeff is most likely taking a break from wwe..The match is gonna be the match of the night. but im still a little bit upset that it is looking like jeff is going to be leaving after summerslam...He's the top face in wwe,having a major push and im sure he making tons of money. I just hope this match live up to the expectation.
I agree with Midnight that this match will have some Matt Hardy involvement one way or another. But say the WWE doesn't decide to go that way and the Matt Hardy involvement tonight was a one-off. If they let them have a clean match, this has the potential to be a classic one on one TLC match. Jeff puts his all into these matches and he rarely disappoints. The most likely outcome is probably Punk going over Jeff since he's leaving. It'd be a great way to get Punk over and for Jeff to leave the company.
Now, I'd rather see Jeff make it to the match for the belt, but here's a little scenario I'd just like to toss out there.

What if Matt's involvement wasn't a one time thing and come Summerslam, Jeff "can't compete"? Punk claims victory and Matt comes out and declares that he'll simply take Jeff's place in the match. Matt then pulls out a miraculous win and we continue this with Matt and Punk.

Now, that is purely hypothetical on my part. But, in terms of the match as it stands, as much as I really am a Jeff Hardy fan, I realize that he's on his way out for a while and that Punk will probably win and that he is the logical option. So, my prediction is C.M. Punk picking up the win after some sort of surprising or awe-inspiring spot.
This match has the potential to be the match of the year. Both of these athletes have had great matches so far and this match at Summerfest, I mean Summerslam will be great. Obviously Punk's gonna win and I think that will lead to, Punk vs. Morrison vs. Matt Hardy at the next PPV.:)
i was very dissapointed that they did not try to throw morrison in to make it a triple threat tlc but i can see why they did not do that cause morrrison cant headline a ppv yet. another way they could do it is punk takes jeff out then matt comes and knocks down the ladder that punk is climbing and takes him out then matt climbs the ladder and takes the title and hands it to jeff and then punk comes from behind and knocks jeff and matt out then takes the title so then the wwe can make it to were punk really injured jeff and matt is ok so then matt and punk fight for the title on sd! and that ends in double dq or countout (ok so i know that this is totally out there but its the best i could come up with AT4THE2MOMENT0). but vince needs to bring jeff back at the rumble bring him in at 28 as a surprise and win then goes to wm to fight matt or punk maybe taker
This should be an amazing match. While I'm not a huge Hardy fan, I will not say that he can't perform, especially in the match that made him the most famous, the TLC match. I think Punk is capable of some huge spots too. I think MOTY is definitely possible after this. This also has been the fued of the year in the WWE to me. But with Jeff most likely taking a break after SummerSlam, the fued will probably culminate in the TLC. It looks like CM is going to come out the winner, based on Jeff's possible "break". But who knows, the WWE may throw in a twist. Remember, most of us in the IWC thought they wouldn't put the strap on Punk at NOC either, but that ended up being dead wrong.

Another point I think we need to keep in mind is, will Matt Hardy play a part in this match? And if he does, what will it be? I don't watch Smackdown that often just because of the fact that I don't have much free time on Friday nights, but I caught it this week, and the ending really made me want to watch next Friday. Matt just walked out without explaining anything or acknowledging Jeff or anything. So who knows what we have in store for the next episode.

Another thing I'm interested in is, if they put the title back on Punk, what are they going to do if Jeff leaves? Will they put him in a fued with Morrison? While I personally think that Punk's reign, and his attempt to get the gold back has made him look way more legit as a contender, he is still not one of the biggest money guys in the company. And Morrison, while getting huge props, is still totally green to the main event. I just think Smackdown is really interesting right now, and the WHC scene is quite refreshing.
This match should be great. CM punk and jeff always put on great matches and we know what happens when jeff hardy is in a ladder match. I think they should slowly have matt turn face and make him support his brother. The smackdown before summerslam CM punk should jump matt hardy backstage and hurt him bad. This would make the jeff/cm punk fight more intense and it could give us what we really want to see - a clean finish in what should be an epic match between these two. This could also set up punk defending his title against matt hardy at breaking point. After Punk retains his title at Breaking point he should beat Taker at Hell in a Cell. If that were to happen Punk will be 100 percent slidified as a true main event star.
Uh, hell to the fuck to the yeah.


This is he only match (So far) at Summerslam worth seeing. Matt will definitely come into play here. Maybe a Hardy reunion? Sence Jeff is leaving soon, Punk wins the WHC for the first time cleanly. The reslt of this match will decide Jeff's future with the WWE. I predict Jeff does something crazy, gets kayfabe injured, and walks away.
Yeah even I'm not going to predict a Hardy Victory here. But I do agree it will be the match of the night, Perhaps year. This feud has been so so good, Punk is playing the heel role brilliantly and Hardy is holding his own both on the Mic and in the ring.Both men have already worked well together in the past matches and this one will take it to an extreme....I mean its Tables, Ladders and Chairs, whats not to be excited about.

Will Matt Hardy play a role? I doubt it. I think they will push Matt as Punk's next WHC defence after Summerslam but dont think he will be at Summerslam. So unfortunatly for me Punk gets the win and Jeff Hardy says goodbye. Hopefully he wont be gone too long.
This is going to be a great match, but where Matt Hardy comes into this. He'll be in the build up, but he won't get in the match. Reason being, that Teddy Long can still ban outside interference. He is on probation still and they could use that as the reason for keeping Matt out of the match.

Problem is, with Hardy leaving, you have "Punk wins" all over this, given it's a match Jeff specialises in and Punk has not been in one (Edge/Cena, Unforgiven 2006 anyone?) I could see Matt being the next person Punk feuds with, without winning the title. It would give Punk a better push by going "I beat one Hardy, I'm going to beat the next". But also having Matt in the match and Jeff not winning makes his interference pointless as it doesn't benefit the match. But we shall see.

Only problem with Matt being Punk's next opponent, it will only be at the next PPV, reason being is the one that follows is Hell in a Cell. I don't think Matt Hardy vs. Punk is a good enough draw for a HIAC match, this smells of a Taker feud brewing.

This will be an awesome match, but you know what I hope they do in this, a brand new spot that will be remembered for a lifetime!
Match of the year? It won't even be match of the night.
I'm expecting the big "unexpected" swerve of Jeff retaining and revealing all this contract stuff is a load of crap. You wouldn't put it past the WWE and you know how Vince loves to fuck with the IWC.
If not, then Hardy regained the title for a reason and I'd imagine it's so you can create massive heat when someone screws him over for the belt. Personally I don't care as long as Hardy disappears, he's a less credible heavyweight champion than Rey.
This match is gonna be awesome.But because of his most likely break from wrestling soon, I see Punk winning it cleanly for once, or Jeff winning and Punk injuring Jeff.Either way I see a program with Matt Hardy starting and possible Morrison (he pinned Punk twice already).
This make perfect sense. You put C.M. Punk has never being in a TLC match and Jeff has never won a TLC match, so it's either Punk win this match and destroy Hardy in the process or Hardy finally win a TLC and Punk destroys him after the match leading to a tournament for the World heavyweight title. Personnally i would love to see Punk regain the title since he being doing a great job as a heel and since the next PPV is supposed to be a submission match PPV, Punk would be a better in this type of environnement then Jeff Hardy.

The fact of the matter is that this will be the match of the night and will probably be the main event of Summerslam like it was at night of champions and i wouldn't be surprised to see Matt getting involve in the end of the match and costing Jeff the title. Everybody is thinking that Matt is back with Jeff because of last night, i'm thinking that it'S all a swerve and MAtt will show his true color at Summerslam cost the title for Jeff. Then you could have a triple threat submission match at breaking point between Matt Hardy John Morisson and C.M. Punk before Punk starts a feud again The undertaker.
TLC Returns to Summerslam and I can't wait to see it on PPV. I was going to get Summerslam already but this makes me want to get it that much more (takes place one day before my B-Day lol). This should be MOTN or MOTY I think and what will Matt Hardy's role be? Only time will tell and can't wait for Tables,Ladders,and Chairs (oh my).
Its taken me a while to post on this, because I cant really quantify how fucktastically great this is gonna be into words. I literally would probably rather watch this than have sex. This is gonna be...great. Spots galore, fantastically sloppy workers, Jeffy Hardy's swan song, CM Punk being able to be a total prick after he beats Jeff in a match he helped create. It just. Gets no better, really.

Its become fairly apparent that Jeff isnt coming back after this show. Punk goes over for the tite, and Jeff takes some kind of armageddon bump. Its gonna be awesome.
Yep I'm thinking Punki wins the belt off of Jeff Hardy here. The only problem with that is with Orton retaining his title and Punk winning the WHC will WWE really have two heels leave with Championship gold? I don't know but it should be a good match even though im not sure yet who wins.
I'm totally mixed on this match. While I think it's going to be really good and worth watching, I'm going to be sad when Jeff loses :(

But really, Jeff is a pretty good wrestler now days, but put him in a gimmick match where he can flip, and jump off of things and he becomes even better. Then you have Punk who is just as quick and agile as Jeff so I have faith that these two will put on a great match.

With Hardy all but confirmed leaving after SS, Punk winning seems the safe bet. And while I'm a huge Hardy mark I don't mind CM winning. He's been an amazing heel and beating Hardy at his own game, stealing his belt, and seemingly putting him out of action should gain him even more heat.

With Punk winning, Morrison seems like a logical contender next. But I think it would be cool if Matt turned face and tried to beat Punk for Jeff, or something like that. But a Morrison/Punk feud would be great too!
This match should be good and entertaining. I don’t care if it’s just going to be a spot-fest because I’ll probably enjoy watching this match. I’m looking forward to it more than anything else on the card so far. I wasn’t sure if I was going to watch the pay per view or not before this match was announced, but now that it has been announced I will make sure to watch this pay per view. I’m really pumped for this match and I expect some big spots from either wrestler. Also, I’m I the only one hoping for an epic promo from CM Punk? I loved the one he did at Night of Champions and I hope he does a better one at SummerSlam.

I predict that CM Punk is going to win this match after Hardy takes an insane bump. It’s rather obvious that Hardy wants to leave to take some time off from wrestling, so I don’t see them keeping the title on him unless he resigns, which is probably unlikely unless they are willing to give him time off, which I doubt they will do.
Yep I'm thinking Punki wins the belt off of Jeff Hardy here. The only problem with that is with Orton retaining his title and Punk winning the WHC will WWE really have two heels leave with Championship gold? I don't know but it should be a good match even though im not sure yet who wins.

Well given how Backlash was and you had Edge & Orton leave with the titles, it's easy for WWE to do it. But I mean they have to have Orton go over others the feud is pointless and Orton has nothing going for him, meaning he loses all momentum that he has. Punk going over is the likely option, it's a just question of how he does it really.
Well, I imagine that Punk will go over in this match but there is also chances that Jeff will leave as the champion.

I doubt that will happen but you know that it can. Have Jeff Hardy win the match and have Punk just fuck him up after the match. That way, Punk looks like more of a heel and doesn't get the clean win. It also works because it means that Jeff isn't going out on a bad note and thus is more likely to return to the WWE, if he decides to that is.

My point is that this match could still go either way as both men could still win the match. We all know that Jeff will more than likely be leaving the WWE for a while after this event and somehow people have automatically jumped to the conclusion that he will lose the match. I think he would have lost the match even if he wasn't going anywhere but I think that the option is still there. If I was writing it, I would have Jeff win and have Punk just put a beating on Jeff. Then, I would have Matt run into the match and have him defend Jeff. By doing this it could put Matt in the title picture, like he fucking well deserves. I personally would like to see a feud between Matt Hardy and CM Punk.
there should atleast be 200 if HARDY WINS WE RIOT SIGNS

if that jagoff who beats around the bush with his contract, who went to TNA and back, and he shows no regards to the wellness policy beats the ONLY thing Smackdown or the WWE actually has going for them i'm fucking done
relax i am positive Jeff is done for at least a year. Punk will get the gold back and go on to Matt more then likely or Morrsion. this will be one hell of a match though. Jeff will easily take a big hard fall that will write him out show. i hope it is through like 6 tables or 4 like Bubba Ray or a combination of Ladders and tables. will be a night to remember for sure.
there should atleast be 200 if HARDY WINS WE RIOT SIGNS

if that jagoff who beats around the bush with his contract, who went to TNA and back, and he shows no regards to the wellness policy beats the ONLY thing Smackdown or the WWE actually has going for them i'm fucking done

Bye then.

The point being that anything can happen in the WWE, everyone knows this to be true. Jeff Hardy will come back at some point and by letting him leave with the belt, they may make sure of him coming back. Let us not forget that he is one of the top faces in the entire company and he moves so much merchandise that if they let him go and do not entice him back to the company then they are going to lose a lot of money.

I am not a Jeff Hardy fan but I can see it happening to him? I guess I am the only one but believe me this could happen. No one knows what is running through Vonce's head at this point and it's not to late for him to write the match with Jeff winning it.

As for the wellness policy: A lot of superstars have violated the policy and action has been taken against them in regards to that. Hardy, as far as I know, hasn't violated it again and is just wanting to have some rest before he comes back to the WWE. So cut the wellness policy bullshit! Jeff will be back at some point and I can really see him leaving as champ.

"Anything can happen in the WWE"

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