Summerslam: Unified Tag Team Championships: Chris Jericho & Big Show v. Cryme Tyme

I think you are right Will, I think that this is definitely a way for WWE to prove that they are trying to do something different. The only problem being that Cryme Tyme are probably the most undeserving team in the tag team division right now. To be quite honest, I have no idea why they are even in the match at all. I hope that this match turns out the way that I want it to though. I know that may sound selfidh but I think it is the best way for things to go.

The way I want to see it go is like this: Shad and JTG will more than likely come out losing this match. This is probably for the best as it allows Chris Jericho and the Big Show to get some more rep for the tag team division, in the hope that their reputation as singles competitors will restore some credibility to the division. The problem is that by putting two singles competitors together and then having them dominate the division could also backfire because this way, no tag team looks good. I see Jericho and Big Show winning the match but I hope that Cryme Tyme get a really good rub for themselves and manage to put on a good performance.

The way it more tha likely will go: Big Show and Jericho will crush Cryme Tyme and Cryme Tyme will fade back into obscurity after a poor match.

I hope that this match plays out well and that Cryme Tyme get a good run at the title. I also don't see where I see this going either, Jericho and Big Show will more than likely want to get back to singles competition at some point meaning that they will have to drop the titles to someone. If WWE use this opportunity to build up Cryme Tyme, it could be them that do it.
this is off Cryme Tyme is good but they do not deserve the shot at SummerSlam i would have given Legacy another shot but they are involved with DX now. why not The Hart Dynasty they are still raw but a great strong team that at least deserves a paper-view match. but ihear they will be going against DX as well. it seems WWE is trying to rebuild the tag teams but i just hope they do not throw random teams together and do it. there tag teams are thin i understand but they need to watch what they are booking at such a big show WWE 2nd biggest of the year.
I think you are right Will, I think that this is definitely a way for WWE to prove that they are trying to do something different. The only problem being that Cryme Tyme are probably the most undeserving team in the tag team division right now. To be quite honest, I have no idea why they are even in the match at all.

Well one reason they are in the match is because they are the only face tag team in the WWE, but they are definitely deserving of this shot. They are the most over tag team in the WWE and they have never been given a run with the titles. They are solid in the ring and they've recently had some wins over the Hart Dynasty so it made sense that they get the shot.
Well one reason they are in the match is because they are the only face tag team in the WWE, but they are definitely deserving of this shot. They are the most over tag team in the WWE and they have never been given a run with the titles. They are solid in the ring and they've recently had some wins over the Hart Dynasty so it made sense that they get the shot.

It doesn't make sense to me. They never built anything to do eith this match and as off yet, I have only heard them actually aknowledge the match once. What the hell is that? My point being that Big Show and Jericho will walk away from Summerslam with the titles in hand. There is no way that Cryme Tyme are taking the belts off of them. All of the building with Jeri-Show (C) would be for nothing and it would look as though it never meant much. On the other hand, if Cryme Tyme lose, then it makes the tag-team division look like a joke. WWE have dug themselves a whole here.

And they may be the most over team in the WWE but it isn't really saying much when face teams are generally more over than heel teams and as you say, they are the only face team. It's like saying some team is the best in the league, when there iss only one team in the league.They may even deserve it but I am seriously underwhelmed at the build it has gotten and the lack of exposure it has gotten.
It doesn't make sense to me. They never built anything to do eith this match and as off yet, I have only heard them actually aknowledge the match once. What the hell is that? My point being that Big Show and Jericho will walk away from Summerslam with the titles in hand. There is no way that Cryme Tyme are taking the belts off of them. All of the building with Jeri-Show (C) would be for nothing and it would look as though it never meant much. On the other hand, if Cryme Tyme lose, then it makes the tag-team division look like a joke. WWE have dug themselves a whole here.

Well who did you want them to face? Legacy again? That didn't go over very well the first time. The Hart Dynasty are still very new and haven't done anything to deserve a shot. It's not like there are a ton of options.

And they may be the most over team in the WWE but it isn't really saying much when face teams are generally more over than heel teams and as you say, they are the only face team. It's like saying some team is the best in the league, when there iss only one team in the league.They may even deserve it but I am seriously underwhelmed at the build it has gotten and the lack of exposure it has gotten.

Cryme Tyme has been one of, if not the most over team since they came to the WWE. And they have definitely been the most consistent. The crowd loves them, they always get big pops, and they put on solid matches. The build hasn't been that bad either. You do realize they were part of the opening segment and the main event of RAW a few weeks ago. Chris Jericho and JTG also had a match on Smackdown last week, so the building has been just fine.
Yeah Dave, I'm with Big Sexy here. There isn't really any other option, and Cryme Time has more than paid their dues by now. They definitely deserve a Tag Title run. That being said, I think this match will be ok. It wont steal the show or anything, but it will be efficent. I think Jeri-Show (Mike Shannon dubbed it first Dave) will retain at Summerslam, but Cryme Time should ultimately be the ones to take it off of them in the end.
It's been an interesting month for Cryme Tyme but Jericho and Big Show will win. I like how this feud has gone, so lets all hope this feud continues and whatever "tag teams" are left can get mixed in as well. New tags teams please. With unified titles now, I'd say there only needs to be like 5 or so teams. Jericho and Big Show can restore some prestige here. Give it time and let them build up the other teams.

Big Show and Jericho easy result here.
if JeriShow lose here (which i highly doubt) plz keep them together. they have really impressed me so far. they work pretty well together and it would be great for the dying tag team division
I hope it's Cryme Tyme. Jericho's far better on his own, and while I think Big Show needs a manager, I don't think Jericho should be that guy. These 2 don't compliment each others styles of wrestling, and don't gel as a team.

And their theme Music's crap.

Cryme Tyme have improved a lot since the draft, and their pre-existing popularity puts them in line for a title run. But squashing JTG on Smackdown doesn't help any momentum they'd built. I really do hope they win though, as since they debuted they've been amongst my favourite teams in WWE. Anyone else see Shaq interference here?
This is pretty much a no-brainer. Cryme Tyme couldn't do much of anything two months ago, and now, they're getting a title shot. Big Jerishow should win this one, although I expect to be entertained quite much by this contest. And the person above me said, Shaq could make an appearance and cause some shenanigans during the match.
I'm going to say this very slowly, so that everyone understands me the first time, and I don't have to repeat it. I'

There, I said it. They looked pretty damn good here. I'll credit most of that to Jericho and Show, but they still looked good. Show is a favorite of mine, as long as he isn't near a main title, and he isn't fighting one of the big 4 (Taker, Edge, Cena, Orton).

Yet again though, Vince made the champs come out first. The two belts he's trying to rebuild are the tag belts, and the IC belt, and yet the champions (who are all very credible), don't even get to come out last. Jericho was absolute gold on the mic again, and it was smart to have CT interrupt Big Show before he opened his mouth.

The match itself, was pretty good. While I never thought CT were serious threats to the belts, I did enjoy watching them fight.

Grade: B All 3 legit tag teams looked strong at SS, and this match made me think JTG could be a singles star.

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