SummerSlam 1992 with The Crock

SummerSlam 1992
Date: August 29, 1992
Location: Wembley Stadium, London, England
Attendance: 80,355
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

This is my first review here on WrestleZone, and yes... I am stealing KB's formatting style. Well, I had a VHS of this somewhere, but I honestly didn't want to find my VHS Player and the tape so I found it on the internet. A very good card with Hulk Hogan absent for some odd reason, I think he was off taping a movie or something. Let's get to it!

Some nice lead in stuff, wow I love the tag line for the event, "The SummerSlam you never thought you'd see!" just cheesy enough for it to be gold. The crowd is going nuts, gonna be a great show. I'll mostly be reviewing the matches so here is the first one.

LOD vs Money Inc.

The crowd is really into LOD, especially since they just did the whole motorcycle entrance thing. This match isn't all that great. Typical LOD stuff with just power wrestling and not much excitement. A couple weird moments where IRS and Hawk just kind of stand around, but nothing too out of the ordinary for an LOD match. Money Inc. is really working over Hawk here, and DiBiase is just BRILLIANT with working over the crowd, they really don't like him. Oh, Hawk and IRS are both down, wouldn't ya know it HOT TAG to Animal. Animal cleans house here. Doomsday Device is blocked, but IRS runs into DiBiase and Animal gets the Powerslam for the win. Not the best match.

Rating: D+. The crowd was really into it, but for all intensive purposes the match itself was pretty terrible.

Oh god, this next match may be the worst thing on the card. Absolutely terrible.

Nailz vs Virgil

Match kicks off and I'm pretty sure that about 99.99% of the people in attendance have no idea of who Nailz is. Not that he hadn't been around, but he got no introduction. Nailz is just choking Virgil, but Virgil (what a saint) is actually feeling sorry for the fans so he's making it a little more exciting with a few escapes here or there. Nailz with the clothesline, blah blah blah, more choking and eventually he chokes Virgil out. GOD SAVE US ALL. Nailz isn't done just quite yet, though! Don't get your hopes up! He's pounding on Virgil with a nightstick, ohhhhhh yeah, his little feud with Bossman. Oh, I get it, so this match was put on the card to advance a feud with a guy who wasn't even in this match? I see.

Rating: Z. I'm dead serious, this may be one of the worst matches ever. If I had to give it a real rating though, it'd be an F. Plain and simple, just horrible.

The next match SHOULD be good, logically. Doesn't mean it is. Pretty average.

Shawn Michaels vs Rick Martel

Ahhh, I remember this match... The "Please Sherri look at me" match where neither man could hit the other in the face. Sounds exhilarating. Let me clarify, both guys are heels in this match, but it seems that Martel is playing the face maybe using this match to turn. Well, you see, the crowd didn't get that memo as they were booing Martel with every fiber of their being and cheering Shawn Michaels so much that you'd think the entire crowd was just women mesmerized by him. Whatever. The match is going at an alright pace, both guys just using some holds then looking over at Sherri for approval. Eventually Martel knocks Michaels out of the ring and takes control, when they get back in the ring they do a roll-up pin spot where both guys show their asses. (Crowd loved it) Michaels kicks Martel and tries to pin him but the count is stopped because Michaels has his feet on the ropes. Both men slap each other here, so the stipulation has gone to shit at this point. Sherri faints, then the two of them argue over who will take her backstage. This led to a countout.

Rating: C-. This was, to this point, the best match on the card and it was literally like half a match, if even. This show is so much better when you don't go back and re-watch it.

Tag Team Titles Match: The Natural Disasters (C) vs The Beverly Brothers

The Beverlys attack the Natural Disasters before the bell, and their taking the early advantage. Honestly, the Natural Disasters were clearly going to retain just because they were on such a huge roll at this point. Also, good to see John Tenta (Earthquake) whenever possible, guy was an excellent talent. Heenan is already layering on the fat jokes, what a guy. The Disasters make a comeback but Earthquake accidentally nails Typhoon here. The Beverlys have the advantage for several minutes here, Typhoon finally comes back but can't tag in Earthquake. Genius (Manager for The Beverlys) hands Blake Beverly a metal scroll and he hits Typhoon, but can't finish him off. Earthquake gets in the match and cleans house and plants Beau Beverly with the Earthquake Splash.

Rating: C-. Simply because I love me some John Tenta.

Crush vs Repo Man

Let's make this clear, this is Demolition facing each other. Crush and Smash, but the WWE(F) tries to fool us into thinking that Repo Man is someone totally new. OK then. Total squash, nothing to it really. Crush no-sells every bit of Repo Man's offense and picks up the easy win.

Rating: F. We're not stupid, Vince.

WWF Title Match: Randy Savage (C) vs Ultimate Warrior

This was actually a decent match. Most of this match was devoted to pushing a Flair/Savage feud that would lead to Flair winning the belt a few weeks later. Savage CARRIED this match for the first bit, Warrior was very limited so he was connecting with Clotheslines and Atomic Drops, but Randy was absolutely a stud. Randy gets a nice Double Axe Handle from the top, not once but twice! Warrior counters the third time and catches Savage. Warrior ends up outside the ring and sets up another Double Axe Handle from Savage. At this point Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair walk down and watch the match. Back in the ring, Warrior accidentally sends Savage into Hebner and when Savage hits his Elbow from the top Hebner can't count it. Then Perfect and Flair just attack both men with chairs and eventually Warrior wins by countout.

Rating: C+. Decent match and a nice little wrench thrown in there by Flair and Perfect. It accomplished what it needed to do.

Undertaker vs Kamala

Kamala, Kim Chee, and Harvey Whippleman... an odd trio to say the least. Then you have 'Taker on the other side. 'Taker totally destroys Kamala for most of the match and it's a total squash... surprisingly enough, as Kamala had gotten the evil monster push as of late. Undertaker gets Kamala into position for the Tombstone but Kim Chee hits hims with a safari hat, no kidding, and causes the DQ. After that Kamala hits a bunch of Splashes on 'Taker, who is seemingly unconscious. 'Taker sits up and Kamala gets the hell out of there.

Rating: D. Just because of the hilarity of Kim Chee attacking Undertaker with a freaking safari hat.

This next match is the entire reason I re-watched this. Probably one of my favorite matches ever.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Bret Hart vs The British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith

Smith is INSANELY over, obviously. The crowd is so hot at this point that anything can get a reaction out of them. This match basically signals the start of Bret Hart's push to the main event and the WWF Championship. Also, there is a Lennox Lewis sighting. MTFO. The match starts and it is a technical masterpiece from the get-go. Smith seemingly has the power advantage here, but Hart is outclassing him otherwise. Lots of nice moves here as both men are showcasing what they have, a Samoan Drop by Hart followed up shortly thereafter by a Monkey Flip by Smith, but Hart regains control with a Plancha. Smith tries a Back Slide but Hart kicks out and gets a sleeper. He wears down Smith for a few minutes and begins to work him over with a variety of suplexes, drops, and holds. I know, I'm giving you a quick summary, forgive me, the match is too good. Here we go, Hart gets the Sharpshooter but Smith launches him into the ropes, Hart tries for a Sunset Flip but Smith counters and gets the pin. We've got a new Intercontinental Champion. The crowd is going nuts, this may very well be one of the finest moments in Pro Wrestling history, you can't help but cheer for Smith. Hart celebrates with Smith and his sister Diana, who happens to be Smith's wife.

Rating: A+. My review obviously doesn't do it justice as I condensed a 20+ minute match into a few sentences, but this might be the best match either man EVER put on. Great match.

Overall Rating: C+. This match was carried by the Intercontinental Title match and the WWF Title match. Most remembered for the IC Title match for a reason, though. While it's certainly not a bad show, take out Hart/Smith and it's going to be instantly forgotten. I certainly enjoyed myself, I won't complain.
You know the only reason I downloaded this a few years ago was because I heard about the match between Hart and Davey Boy.. I heard all sorts, like it was a great match, both men gave it their all, the crowd went nuts and this is arguably the best match in SummerSlam history and top 10 in all off WWE!!!

So I did watch it and yes the 2 matches I watched were the WWF Championship and the Intercontinental Championship matches!!

I watched the whole of the IC title match and I have to admit, it was damn worth it!! The pop at the end when Davey Boy won!! The crowd just went insane! yeh maybe it was a home crowd but damn I never seen a pop that loud!! 80,000+ fans just went all out!!!
A couple things I want to mention before I comment on your review. First, I haven’t seen the show in a long time so I will be speaking from memory. Second, whenever I look back at a show like this I put myself back in that time. I judge the show based on 1992 standards, not by 2011 standards. Let’s get to it.

LOD vs. Money Inc.:

I think D+ is a little harsh here. These were two solid teams and while the match didn’t blow the roof off the place (actually there was no roof) I don’t think it was a bad match. I think every match gets the benefit of the doubt and starts off with a C. I don’t think the teams involved did anything to go up from that C, but I don’t think they did anything to drop below it either. Maybe I’d knock it down to C- just because of that dummy Rocco. That was one of the worst gimmicks ever.

Virgil vs. Nailz:

I can see why you feel the way you do, but this kind of match was not rare back then. The Bossman vs. Nailz feud was actually pretty big. Nailz brutally beat the Bossman a couple months earlier putting him on the shelf. Virgil was there to put Nailz over and make him look strong before the showdown with Bossman. The match itself was pretty bad, but it served its purpose.

Shawn Michaels vs. Rick Martel:

I’m not crazy about heel vs. heel matches. They just don’t work for me. I guess since there were two huge face vs. face matches on the card the choices were limited. The main focus of this match was Sherri’s stipulation that these two could not hit each other in the face. Too bad that was such a key part. These were two great workers who could have put on a hell of a match if the lame stipulation wasn’t the main focus.

Natural Disasters vs. Beverly Brothers:

Not much to speak of here. It was the champions getting a successful defense over a worthy team on a ppv. Nothing wrong with that. At the time I actually thought The Beverly’s would sneak out with the titles.

Crush vs. Repo Man:

This was filler to get Crush over. Nothing more to say.

Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior:

I liked this match a lot. The two top faces fighting for the world title at an outdoor stadium in front of 80,000 fans was certainly a great atmosphere. One thing you overlooked was Flair’s and Perfect’s role in the match. You mentioned that they interfered and Flair beat Savage for the title shortly after SummerSlam, but that doesn’t really cover the story. The big story was which corner Mr. Perfect would be in. Weeks before SummerSlam Perfect stated that either Savage or Warrior had asked Perfect to be in his corner. Perfect didn’t say which one which led to all kinds of speculation. Both Savage and Warrior denied it, but Perfect said his guy would deny it to gain a psychological edge over the other. Now Savage and Warrior didn’t trust each other and the fans didn’t know who to trust either. Was a heel turn looming? If so, from who? In the end Perfect was lying and wasn’t in either man’s corner. When he showed up at ringside both men were on guard. Neither wrestler was completely focused on his opponent which made each of them vulnerable. Perfect’s goal was to keep the title on Savage but injuring him in the process so he would be weakened for Flair. That’s exactly what happened. Good story.

Undertaker vs. Kamala:

This was the beginning of Taker feuding with heel monsters. Kamala was an intriguing opponent for Taker at the time. He had just returned to the WWF and I remember him being a threat to Hogan years earlier. The match wasn’t anything special but I liked how Taker sat up after taking the top rope splash. It was one of the first dramatic sit ups Taker did as a face.

Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith:

I’ll keep this brief as most people have a similar opinion of this match. Like most I love this match. It is a true classic. The pop when Davey Boy got the pin was one of the loudest I have ever heard. I’ve always felt this was an audition for Bret to see if he could handle the main event. If so he passed the test as he was world champion about six weeks later.

For the most part SummerSlam 92 was a two match show. Both the world and IC title matches were so good that they easily made up for the rest of the card making SummerSlam 92 a good show.
yo you all forgot

Jim Duggan and The Bushwhackers (Butch Miller and Luke Williams) VS The Mountie and The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) (with Jimmy Hart)

Papa Shango VS Tito Santana

Tatanka VS The Berzerker

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