Summer of Punk - GS style


Burning Hammaaaaah!!!
WWE- The Summer of Punk 2011


Part 1

• CM Punk defeats John Cena at MITB ppv and leaves the WWE with the Championship. He blows a kiss to Vince and escapes through the crowd.
• On Raw Vince states that Punk has 30 days to defend the belt whether he is an employee or not. Vince then is about to fire Cena but is then interrupted by the Rock who says don’t fire Cena because he wants to lay the smackethdown on his candy ass at Wrestlemania. Vince agrees and Cena and Rock have another face off.
• Raw shows updates of Punk as he tweets and shows up at various WWE charities etc. events with the title, taunting Vince.


• Vince says he wont suspend Cena but will punish him and books him in matches against guys like Big Show, Kane, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Orton etc each time Lauranitus and Vince get involved by getting him beaten up.
• The Game, HHH returns and attacks Del Rio. He beats him up really bad and calls out Vince. He says that he is the Game and if The Rock can influence him to keep Cena in the WWE, then he can damn influence Vince to give him a WWE title shot at Summerslam. Triple H challenges Punk. He says that Punk called Steph a “stupid daughter” and him a “goofy son-in-law”. Triple H says “well come and find out how goofy I am! You want to make waves, make statements about being the best in the world. Bring your skinny fat ass to Summerslam and I’ll kick it all over Summerslam and take back what belongs to the people who care about this company.”


• Punk on youtube says he’s coming to Summerslam to prove that HHH is just a politician while he is the best wrestler in the world.
• Summerslam arrives and Punk actually does turn up. Colt Cabana leads out Punk, playing a loud stereo over his shoulder (Cult of Personality) and jumps in through the crowd. Punk pumps up the crowd as HHH waits for him in the ring. Punk leaves the belt wth Cabana.
• It’s a brutal match but Vince and JL go after Cabana and the title belt, Trips is distracted and Punk gets the win, he then slips through the crowd again, still the Champion.
• Vince can’t believe the title has slipped through his fingers again, with this time possibly the most powerful weapon he had, HHH.
• Vince is at his wits end when out walks Randy Orton who is the current World Heavyweight champion. Randy says that he has a carrot he can dangle for Punk, and that is retribution for his loss at Wrestlemania to the Viper. Randy challenges Punk to fight him for the WWE title.


• Punk is actually in the crowd and pushes his way to the front with his theme music playing and uses his megaphone. He berates Orton talking about him being nothing and just a product of the system and just like HHH used politics and his family’s name to get his millions of opportunities that guys like him have to bust their ass for years to get none. He berates Vince again and cuts another scathing promo about the WWE and golden boys like Cena and Orton and says that things are a lot different then they were 6 months ago and he’ll bash the Viper’s brains in at Night of Champions.
• Vince wants no mistakes from Randy this time. He wants the WWE title back. It will be a hell in a cell match, where Punk isn’t going any where.
• Punk defeats Orton at Night of Champions, but Vince refuses to allow Punk to escape the Cell. Punk is livid as Vince wants the title back in the WWE. He asks Punk what he wants to re-sign with the company. Punk says “Vince’s resignation” as the ppv ends.
• Ringside has nearly every single superstar surrounding the ring. Vince walks out and says he will step down as Chairman as the WWE title is the WWE. CM Punk comes through the crowd, his new contract is waiting for him. He has WWE superstars surrounding him as he walks in. Everyone seems to hate him as he has a huge cocky smile on his face, with the title on his shoulder he signs the contract. Vince signs his part, and Punk waves goodbye to Vince. Vince though says he has chosen his successor, and the Game’s music hits and down Triple H walks to stare down Punk.


• Next night on Raw HHH opens the show saying that he is now the COO of the WWE as appointed by Vince and now CM Punk is in for a world of hurt.
• But out walks Vickie Guerrero, Christian and many other superstars who say that they are not happy about HHH being the COO and that Punk getting his demands cannot be tolerated. It sets a bad precedence and if HHH doesn’t fire Punk and strip him of the title then he’ll get a full scale walk out on his hands.
• HHH calls their bluff but that night everyone walks out on him.
• The next Raw HHH walks out and says that the WWE is bigger than everybody so tonight he will show the power of the WWE and the WWE Universe as Cena, Sheamus, Orton and even Punk did not walk out are here tonight.
• WWE Champion CM Punk walks out and laughs at HHH saying that all that has happened is because Vince lost his edge years ago and handed his company over to a fool. Triple H tells Punk he is the Game and always has a plan. Raw sees many debuts with:
o Brodus Clay defeating Randy Orton
o Daniel Bryan def. Richie Steamboat in a very competitive match
o Shemus def. Husky Harris
o And CM Punk vs. John Cena with HHH as the special guest referee for the WWE title
• Both men beat the hell out of each other until Punk gets in HHH’s face and he knocks out Cena. Punk pins him and HHH has to make the count. Punk leaves as Champion.


• Cena and HHH argue the next week on Raw about what happened, which is interrupted by the cocky Punk laughing at both men and talks about how fun it is to make the golden boys of the WWE look stupid each and every week.
• HHH says he has gone through the record books and has found an interesting stat. He has found a superstar that Punk in the several matches against this man he has only won once. This particular superstar has defeated Punk, time after time after time, and tonight he gets a WWE title shot - John Morrison!


• Morrison vs. Punk is awesome but the Champ gets the win! But Del Rio attacks Punk and then cashes in his Money in the Bank contract to become Champion!

End Part 1

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