Suicide Comes Alive... Again

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
During tonight's TNA broadcast, Todd (Or whoever he is) announced that Suicide would be returning to Impact Wrestling. And I don't know about anyone else, but I think that's a great idea and concept. I love the Suicide character and am always waiting to see reports of who is the one portraying him. The mystery behind the character is just as amazing as watching the character in the ring.

Personally, I find that switching out the character helps keep the character exciting and unpredictable. I do think that Kazarian was the best version of Suicide, especially with his Suicide Solution move. To me, that's still one of the best finishers in the business.

Either way, here are my questions on this.

1) Are you looking forward to the return of Suicide?

2) Who do you think will put the hood on?
1. I for one, am looking forward to his return, I loved the character and I think it's a great idea.

2. If Chris Sabin hadn't returned last night, I would have def bet that it would have been him, but for now, theres no telling who TNA will put under the mask. I just hope whoever it is, actually sticks with the gimmick, otherwise it will be known as a "Doink the Clown" gimmick.
I don't know that there is too much to necessarily like about the Suicide character. There really isn't much character there at all. But in the past its been a chance to see great workers like Daniels, Kaz, and Kiyoshi wrestle a different style than they normally would. I also enjoyed Daniels as Curry Man for the same reason. And I think in the new X-division format, which is more flash less substance, Suicide fits in.

As for who will perform as Suicide...

I'm guessing the likelihood is that Daniels and Kaz will drop their number one contender's match to Roode/Aries, setting up Roode/Aries against Chavo/Hernandez at Slammiversary. This will free up either or both of Bad Influence to do spot duty assuming the Suicide identity, while creative figures out what role they'll play at the PPV(likely something involving Storm and/or Styles).

I would also be open to seeing them go outside the box and try someone new under the mask though. Either someone on the roster, or an outsider they have used recently. Someone like Scorpio Sky or Jigsaw would work as both looked good as Mason Andrews and Rubix at the X-travaganza event, or someone like TJ Perkins who also wore a mask at that event, but would be noticeably smaller. Picking someone outside of Bad Influence from the current roster is more difficult, Zema Ion could possibly handle it.

In an ideal world Low Ki would come back to finally play the role. He voiced and motion-captured the video game character that inspired the real thing.
1) I'm excited for his return! Don't know what is, but maybe he somehow reminds me of Deadpool or some other superhero/comic book character. Definitely waiting for this!

2) Don't know who will take the gimmick. Maybe Adam Pearce? Hulk Hogan BROTHER!!!! Just have to wait and see.
Meh, it'll just be Christopher Daniels in the outfit, most likely.

I don't think there'll be very much of anything to this. Suicide will show up, wrestle his match, probably lose and fade back into obscurity. They might bring the character back every 3 or 4 months as an interchangeable high flying guy for an X Division match, but I think that would the maximum extent of his usage.
I don't think the Suicide character should ever be back in TNA, or any wrestling for that matter. there should be a ban on this character.
a character named after "suicide"? in today's world. no. I don't know the connection or the original concept of the name Suicide character, but I bet there are a lot of general fans who only know one meaning of "suicide". in today's world this is nothing to be used for fun. way too many kids are committing suicide. even though I do think kids today have been turned into *****es, and say they're being bullied by being called a few names. that's not bullying. but regardless, suicide is nothing to be taken so lightly.
I don't think there'll be very much of anything to this. Suicide will show up, wrestle his match, probably lose and fade back into obscurity. They might bring the character back every 3 or 4 months as an interchangeable high flying guy for an X Division match, but I think that would the maximum extent of his usage.

Agreed, and I think that is perfectly fine. Suicide looks unique and is memorable, and that gets my approval. Wrestling for me is all about having a variety of characters. I just knew he'd win the poll.

No doubt the other two will show up later. I like Cameron, not spectacular in the ring but decent and he has a character. Same with Spud. But it'd be nice to throw them into the mix. Anthony Nese though is someone I really think should be signed, he has all the tools IMO to be great in the X Division.
The first impulse is to trash the idea; the character bombed horribly. The idea of a video game character come to life is just a bit too campy for today's professional wrestling, sort of akin to having RoboCop save Sting.

I doubt this is a full-fledged revival of the character, as originally the idea was to push sales of a video game by using the television product. (Take a "fan vote" with a giant grain of salt.) But there's places to go with this; have someone revealed under the mask, and don't connect it to A/8. It doesn't have to mean anything, it could just be Christopher Daniels being Christopher Daniels under there. It could just be a one-night affair- two hours every week is a lot of television time to fill, and you can only watch the same guys wrestle the same matches so many times. (Some, more than others.)

I'll gleefully shit on TNA's ideas that I know will suck. (Heellllloooooo, ref cam.) But give this one a little room.
Wait here while I go dig through my post history. Ah, here we are!

Kaz and Daniels both come out dressed as Suicide, look at each other, are confused.

I still think that's the best idea I've ever had, and I was the guy who invented anal sex.

Suicide return? Well, there's a Greek saying which essentially means "Who gives a shit?" that I think is appropriate - "There's trouble in the gypsy village."

Funny Bad Influence segment. Sign me up.
"He's coming, he's coming .. he's coming ALIIIIIVE !!"

And to be unreservedly honest, I'll be c#ming my pants.
Suicide's entrance and music was awesome, so I'll be happy to see and hear it one more time.
Just as long as it is just one more time, as there's no need for his character to return permanently.

Hey .. I actually voted in the poll !
That said, I voted for Rashad Cameron, but meh, whatevs.

Do you kinda get the feeling that TNA set the poll to test the waters for Cockstar Spud's popularity ?
"Okay, let's give Spud EVERY chance to win this, so we'll put him in with some hostile heel that no one will vote for, like, umm, Cameron .. We need one more guy .. Haha, let's add Suicide, coz he was SO f#cking ridiculed, that NO ONE will vote for him !"
*management counts the poll results*
"Oh shit .."

I dismissed the idea as stoned nonsense, but a while ago (post Claire Lynch), I thought AJ would return as Suicide to 'haunt' Daniels and Kazarian.
Uncle Sam's idea (^) beats the shi% out of mine though. Grrr ..
Some about said that they should constantly use different guys to portray the character- I think that that is a great idea. If they keep rotating whoever wears the suit than he will constantly wrestle a different style each time he is in the ring which could be his gimmick. Also, TNA doesn't have any masked guys so if booked right he could really stand out. Plus it's one more X division guy which is good. Now, they need to go back to singles matches for the X division rater than these three way cluster f*cks!
I posted earlier that Suicide somehow reminds me of Deadpool, Marvel's comicbook character and this gave me an idea. What if Suicide comes back as a Deadpool kind of character by breaking the "4th wall" Have him be kind of mercenary in the X-Division. I didn't think this through but it might be something.
What's Amazing Red doing these days? Was he signed by WWE (along with Alex Shelley)? I seem to remember that he's working "up North", but if he's not he would be a good candidate to wear yet another mask. As Mark Madden said before, you don't want to watch your paperboy wrestle. That's why Rey Mysterio (Jr, back then) didn't work without his mask. Red never really got over without a mask either, and for the same reason.

Love the idea of Bad Influence coming out in matching Suicide costumes, that would be a great segment. Kinda reminds me of that old gimmick Edge & Christian did in the WWF with "The Conquistadors" (or whatever that was). If memory serves, I think Christopher Daniels was involved with that storyline somehow? Maybe I'm way off, but I think I remember hearing something about that way back when. Don't quote me on that, though.

I do remember a feud Suicide had in TNA with Homicide, pre-Hogan. I remember one episode of Impact (can't remember exactly when, though), when Suicide came out and everyone thought he had "turned heel" least that was what the writers were going for. Then Suicide pulled his mask off, and it was Homicide in disguise. Not the best wrestling angle ever, but I remember thinking that Homicide could have easily played the character even back then. He'd be a good candidate to perform as Spiderman-lite for TNA, in my humble opinion. Like everyone else, I'm interested to see what happens with the Suicide character in the future. I wouldn't say I'm excited, just interested.
Anytime I get to see more of Daniels, I get excited but (and hold with me here), I'd like Kaz to be under the mask this time...

Why? Because I'd like Daniels to bring back Curry Man and then create a 'new' face tag team with Suicide that, at some point ideally after winning the tag belts, the two characters unmask to show what a true Bad Influence they really are!
There were 3 wrestlers behind Suicide(1) Frankie Kazarian ,(2)Christopher Daniels and Former TNA Wrestler (3) Kiyoshi (Akira Raijin) also played the role.
So if TNA brings in Suicide I suggest you bring in Sangriento(Amazing Red) as well !!!
@Johnny Savage LMAO Amazing Red never signed a worst wrestling excrement deal cause it was an April Fools joke he pulled on his facebook account DUH! I can't believe you fell for this false rumor . He still is part of TNA and he may fit on the tights for Suicide now or Sangriento
I don't know that there is too much to necessarily like about the Suicide character. There really isn't much character there at all. But in the past its been a chance to see great workers like Daniels, Kaz, and Kiyoshi wrestle a different style than they normally would. I also enjoyed Daniels as Curry Man for the same reason. And I think in the new X-division format, which is more flash less substance, Suicide fits in.

As for who will perform as Suicide...

I'm guessing the likelihood is that Daniels and Kaz will drop their number one contender's match to Roode/Aries, setting up Roode/Aries against Chavo/Hernandez at Slammiversary. This will free up either or both of Bad Influence to do spot duty assuming the Suicide identity, while creative figures out what role they'll play at the PPV(likely something involving Storm and/or Styles).

I would also be open to seeing them go outside the box and try someone new under the mask though. Either someone on the roster, or an outsider they have used recently. Someone like Scorpio Sky or Jigsaw would work as both looked good as Mason Andrews and Rubix at the X-travaganza event, or someone like TJ Perkins who also wore a mask at that event, but would be noticeably smaller. Picking someone outside of Bad Influence from the current roster is more difficult, Zema Ion could possibly handle it.

In an ideal world Low Ki would come back to finally play the role. He voiced and motion-captured the video game character that inspired the real thing.

Except his hair would never fit inside the mask (Zema).

I think it would be great if Parks came out in the suit. Imagine, Suicide really let himself go. How depressed would you have to be to call yourself Suicide and yet instead of taking that action, you put on 200 lbs. Someone find Mabel and tell him he's got a job. Mo from MoM? Bastion Booger? Ahmed Johnson?

I have no interest in a return of Suicide. I had no interest in a return of Kaz. Although I do have to say Suicide the character was the only interesting thing about the video game. Which was horrible. Decent graphics, patheticly useless controls and horrible limited movesets. Most of the interesting moves were nearly impossible to perform and the counter system is the worst I've ever expreienced and I've played every wrestling game on every system since the NES.
Not really. Suicide was the centerpiece of the X-Division back in the early months of 2009 (the same time period we are right now), but that was back when the X-Division was actually good. Nowadays its, filler.
Some about said that they should constantly use different guys to portray the character- I think that that is a great idea. If they keep rotating whoever wears the suit than he will constantly wrestle a different style each time he is in the ring which could be his gimmick. Also, TNA doesn't have any masked guys so if booked right he could really stand out. Plus it's one more X division guy which is good. Now, they need to go back to singles matches for the X division rater than these three way cluster f*cks!
So you want to get Doink 2.0? This sis what the wwe did with Doink near the end of Doink's run, having multiple people geared up in the Doink role.
Except his hair would never fit inside the mask (Zema).
I thought about this, but I also considered that Kaz had pretty long hair when he first started portraying the character. A simple version of a "bald cap" to contain his hair before he slips on the mask would likely suffice.

The bigger question would be his ability to pull off the character stylistically.

I think it would be great if Parks came out in the suit. Imagine, Suicide really let himself go. How depressed would you have to be to call yourself Suicide and yet instead of taking that action, you put on 200 lbs. Someone find Mabel and tell him he's got a job. Mo from MoM? Bastion Booger? Ahmed Johnson?
There's a little matter of a 230 lb. weight limit.

It does kind of take me back to Booker T trying to put Hunico over as the same Sin Cara when he first started as that character though. Talking about all the bulk he put on, while neglecting to explain how you add atleast 3 or 4 inches of height in the gym.

I have no interest in a return of Suicide. I had no interest in a return of Kaz.
But you have to admit that after Kaz had returned to TNA, he had a pretty good X-division run, did a solid job as part of Fortune, and has been nothing short of excellent with Bad Influence. Sometimes you can be pleasantly surprised and get far more than you expect from a guy when he returns to a promotion. I wasn't impressed with Jay Lethal early in his ROH return either, but he has more than stepped up and disproved my skepticism.

Although I do have to say Suicide the character was the only interesting thing about the video game. Which was horrible. Decent graphics, patheticly useless controls and horrible limited movesets. Most of the interesting moves were nearly impossible to perform and the counter system is the worst I've ever expreienced and I've played every wrestling game on every system since the NES.
No arguments from here. In fact I doubt anyone will argue. The game was atrocious. But that isn't a reason why the Suicide character can't work with occasional appearances in the current X-division format.
Meh. Suicide was never particularly memorable to me other than his appearance. I mean, this guy is a character from what I consider to be one of the most underwhelming video games I've ever played. I don't see much coming from this. I fully expect Suicide to be the one who eats the pin in the upcoming triple threat match which leads to him going away and not coming back.

But if he does come back long term, as mentioned earlier, I would love for Low-Ki to be the one to don the mask.

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