Suicide come out and play!!!!


So this thread is about the great suicide well not so great as for right now.It has been over one month that suicide hasnt had any tv time in TNA.I believe the last time i seen suicide was on the 4 of Jan.You know when i first got to see suicide i actually liked that character truely i used to turn to TNA just to watch him but now i really dont know if kaz aka suicide is still in TNA.

So my question is,Do you think hogan kill the suicide gimmick and we might get the return of Kaz?

Or did hogan kill both suicide's and kaz's career?

What do you think?
The Suicide character has been dull for a LONG time now. When he was X division champ, he was sort of entertaining, but the whole mystique was focused on the fact that this mysterious character had come out of no where and won the title. Ever since then, that mystique has been long gone. His promos are just weird and awkward. His Jigsaw voice isn't creepy or scary, it's just annoying. It's about time this video game character was put out of his misery.

I wouldn't mind seeing Kaz return. The only problem with him is his the Kaz character didn't really have any depth. He just looked like some random guy in tights. Suicide needs to be unmasked so his true identity can be revealed because this character has run its course. Kaz was doing pretty good from 2007-2008. He had a very good ladder match with Christian at Genesis '07, and his match with then world champion Kurt Angle on Impact was also good.

I don't think Hogan has killed Kaz or Suicide's careers. I think TNA just doesn't have any room for him at the moment. We will just have to wait and see how all this will unfold.
I have always enjoyed Kaz's work but he really has no charisma. He's alwys been the laid back surfer kinda guy who reminds many of ROb Van Dam, except RVD could talk. Kaz as Suicide has character but the chracter itself is just a bad video game character that really isn't going any farther than the spot guy in X matches. Hopefully they will pull the mask off of him and let him be himself just with a damn purpose. They started to mention it when Homicide stole his uit and kept saying week after week "I know who you are." Hopefully they will bring that back and allow both Kaz & Cide some time on TV. And with Destionation X being an all X Division show, could be the perfect time to do it.
I don't think it's just Suicide, but the entire X-division has been pretty much missing since Hogan/Bischoff took charge. There was the clusterf**k of a cage match on the Jan. 4th show and then the 6-man match 2 weeks ago and that pretty much been it.

Destination X is being advertised as an all X-division show, so hopefully Suicide and the rest of the X-division will start getting more of the spotlight after the PPV.
I think he needs to drop the gimmick, but I don't think he needs To be unmasked. I think this would be a good drop back gimmick. Like TNA's Sting. I think they should use this abscents to drop thie gimmick. Devolope some Kinda cool guy/HBK gimmick with Traci Manging him. (Sorry Off topic)


They can bring him in as the aprintes of Sting. Helping Sting in whatever his place in this is. Or a fued with Jeff Hardy if he comes to TNA. Based on the fact that he turned on TNA to go to WWE. Anything can happen.
So anyone else heard the rumour about kaz?.

Been reported on a few sites about sending nude pictures and cheating on his newly wed wife traci brooks with a pornstar lela star and a Tampa bay stripper and current wwe diva.

Well i don't know if that's why but anyway i think fallen angel was better as suicide.never been a fan of kaz since he's ego got bigger than his wrestling skills
So anyone else heard the rumour about kaz?.

Been reported on a few sites about sending nude pictures and cheating on his newly wed wife traci brooks with a pornstar lela star and a Tampa bay stripper and current wwe diva.

Well i don't know if that's why but anyway i think fallen angel was better as suicide.never been a fan of kaz since he's ego got bigger than his wrestling skills

Well yeah i aint gay or nothing but i have seen in the internet some pictures of kaz naked.He is taking them with his phone i dont know for who or for what.But come on traci is fucking hot WTF is he doing cheating on her.Maybe that might be the reason that he is not getting any tv time as suicide...
So anyone else heard the rumour about kaz?.

Been reported on a few sites about sending nude pictures and cheating on his newly wed wife traci brooks with a pornstar lela star and a Tampa bay stripper and current wwe diva.

Well i don't know if that's why but anyway i think fallen angel was better as suicide.never been a fan of kaz since he's ego got bigger than his wrestling skills

It kind of gives a new meaning to the original title of this post.

It might be a good idea to give the Suicide gimmick back to Daniels, since he's been buried since he headlined the last 2 PPVs of 2009.

Or just continue with the Homicide/Suicide storyline and bring Kaz back that way.
I personally don't think they should ever unmask suicide, i think they should use him as a rolling character as in put different people in the suit depending on where the character is going at that time. It'd make the character look innovative and intelligent and strong and it would mean TNA could make use of numerous under-utilized talent without having to create new storylines for them and new gimmicks. As the character builds popularity, they would just build the level of star they were using and it would give them the opportunity to see if wrestlers were ready for the big time over a short-term period with minimal risk, what do you guys think?
I hope they don't kill the Suicide gimmick, since he's the ultimate tweener in the X Division. From the moment his music starts, people get amped for his match, and he almost always performs well.

If they decide to end the gimmick, they really shouldn't unmask the character. Just have the character ended, and take it off TV, and give Kaz something great to come back with. He has no charisma on his own, and needs something amazing to keep any attention on him. Maybe a reunion with Raven would do him some good.
It's pointless now and it always was. It was thrown into a video game that almost no one played and of course TNA is using it like a year later. What is suicidal about his character? I've never gotten that. He's just another guy now and if that's what they're going for, just letl him be Kaz. The character has meant nothing for months so why prolong it?

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