Suggest me some great wrestling & UFC Blu Rays/DVDs


WZCW's Mr Excitement
So I want to expand my collection and I'd like some ideas. I've heard the Greatest High Fliers is good. I'm tempted to get one of the Kurt Angle TNA dvds too.

I also want a UFC DVD or two. I'm thinking UFC100 & 116 would be good, maybe the newest Ultimate Submissions.

Any more ideas?
Jericho's DVD is excellent. I'd also say both the Eddie Guerrero DVD that came out a couple of years ago and Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses are worth an investment too.
Rey Mysterio's latest is good. Edge's was good at revealing how he had much better matches as a midcarder.
History of the World Heavyweight Championship is fantastic. I also really like the McMahon DVD shows the opinions of the whole family from various storylines throughout the years.
These are good shouts. Already got the McMahon, Edge, Guerrero and Foley ones but the others seem ideal.
I'm a personal favorite of Jeff Jarrett: King of The Mountain and King of the Ring 2001, which I hear is pretty hard to find on DVD which I have it on. On ebay the DVD can go up for $50, while the VHS is much cheaper and easier to find.
i got the rise and fall of ecw and its not bad but not the greatest. i think there is a tna king of the mountain match dvd and thats a good match concept if you like that

End of thread. Make sure you get the Blu-Ray.
I remember you talking about that. I may have to wait for it because the only way I can get it is import through Amazon. Definitely on my list.
UFC ones you're better off with individual shows more than best ofs. WWE haven't released any great DVDs in a while, the Jericho, Greatest Starts Of The 90s, Iron Will and the best PPV Matches 2009-2010 all have some quality matches.
Last disc of the World Heavyweight Championship hit the spot for me. But that's mostly because of three matches.
Both Ric Flair DVDs the WWE released were good stuff. They have matches from when Flair could actually still work. Promos were funny too. The doc on his second DVD set is pretty boring though.

Jerichos new DVD has great matches on it.

Ladder Match DVD is pretty solid from top to bottom.

Hell in a Cell DVD is decent with some good matches.

Jake the Snake DVD has the best doc.

Best of RAW vol1 and 2 has some hilariously bad Wrestling on it.

Bret Hart DVD has a good doc and good matches.

50 Greatest Superstars Doc is awful but the matches are good choices for the most part. Well.. disc two has some bad ones but they are really old.

The Starrcade DVD has an interesting doc and about 7 good matches...

15th Anniversary of RAW DVD set is a must own.

HBK Heartbreak and Triumph is pretty good. Good doc if you haven't read his book and a halfway decent selection of matches. From the Vault is much better but I have all those matches on other DVDs.

as for UFC I would try to find some old Pride DVDs. You can get them pretty cheap on ebay and Amazon. Pretty much all the Bushido Pride DVDs vol 1-9 are awesome.

UFC 100 greatest fights is a must have set.. Don't buy Ultimate Submissions... it sucks. If you want an individual event you're right on with UFC 100 and UFC 116. Both awesome cards.

These are just comp sets. If you're looking for PPVs let me know and I can let you know which ones I think are worth getting.
get the Bobby Heenan DVD. Pretty good (albeit short) doc (only 50 minutes), and the collection of matches and other stuff is pure gold for any wrestling fan.
The Hell in a Cell DVD is good.

Raw's 15th anniversary DVD set is good as well.

But I'd probably go for Jericho's new DVD. It is great.

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