It's Damn Real!
The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This is a new poll series I'm hoping to run here in the TNA section where (recently) departed former talents of the company will be critiqued regarding their work with the company. You can vote them either a success, a bust or in-between if you don't feel they deserve either extreme.
In addition to your vote, I'd like to know why you feel the way you do. Why was this particular charater a succes, a bust or in-between?
Next in the series is Sheik Abdul Bashir.
Sheik Abdul Bashir
Years with TNA: 1 (2008–2009)
Number of titles runs: TNA X-Division Champion (2x)
Notable Feuds:
• Consequences Creed (2008)
• Rhino (2008)
• Eric Young/Shane Sewell (2008)
Other Accomplishments:
• Debuted in TNA on iMPACT! against Jay Lethal
• Was an original member of World Elite (Eric Young, Kiyoshi, Doug Williams, Brutus Magnus, Rob Terry, Homicide)
Previous Polls:
• Christian Cage – 87.72% Success, 12.28% In-Between, 0% Bust
• Booker T – 46.43% Bust, 33.93% In-Between, 19.64% Success
• Petey Williams – 52.50% In-Between, 35.00% Success, 12.50% Bust
• Gail Kim – 61.54% Success, 19.23% In-Between, 19.23% Bust
• Senshi – 66.67% Success, 28.57% In-Between, 4.76% Bust
• Monty Brown – 54.05% Bust, 27.03% In-Between, 18.92% Success
• Awesome Kong – 82.61% Success, 13.04% Bust, 4.35% In-Between
• Christopher Daniels – 68.97% Success, 20.69% In-Between, 10.34% Bust
In addition to your vote, I'd like to know why you feel the way you do. Why was this particular charater a succes, a bust or in-between?
Next in the series is Sheik Abdul Bashir.

Sheik Abdul Bashir
Years with TNA: 1 (2008–2009)
Number of titles runs: TNA X-Division Champion (2x)
Notable Feuds:
• Consequences Creed (2008)
• Rhino (2008)
• Eric Young/Shane Sewell (2008)
Other Accomplishments:
• Debuted in TNA on iMPACT! against Jay Lethal
• Was an original member of World Elite (Eric Young, Kiyoshi, Doug Williams, Brutus Magnus, Rob Terry, Homicide)
Previous Polls:
• Christian Cage – 87.72% Success, 12.28% In-Between, 0% Bust
• Booker T – 46.43% Bust, 33.93% In-Between, 19.64% Success
• Petey Williams – 52.50% In-Between, 35.00% Success, 12.50% Bust
• Gail Kim – 61.54% Success, 19.23% In-Between, 19.23% Bust
• Senshi – 66.67% Success, 28.57% In-Between, 4.76% Bust
• Monty Brown – 54.05% Bust, 27.03% In-Between, 18.92% Success
• Awesome Kong – 82.61% Success, 13.04% Bust, 4.35% In-Between
• Christopher Daniels – 68.97% Success, 20.69% In-Between, 10.34% Bust