Success, Bust or In-Between: Mickie James

Succes, Bust or In-Between: Mickie James

  • Success

  • Bust

  • In-Between

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
With a relative success rate for these in the TNA section, I figure it can't hurt to try an expansion into a larger market with the WWE/F.

Just as was done with the series in the TNA section, former talents of the company will be critiqued (by you) regarding their work in said company. You can vote them either a success, a bust or in-between if you don't feel they deserve either extreme.

In addition to your vote, I'd like to know why you feel the way you do. Why was this particular charater a succes, a bust or in-between?

Next in the series is Mickie James.



Mickie James
Years with WWE/F: 5 (2005–2010)
Number of titles runs: WWE Women's Championship (x5), WWE Divas Championship (x1)

Notable Feuds:
• Trish Stratus (2005/6)
• Lita (2006)
• Melina (2007)
• Beth Phoenix (2007) via Glamarella (2008)
• Maryse (2009)
• LayCool [Layla & Michelle McCool] (2009/10)

Other Accomplishments:
• Debuted in the WWE on RAW in 2005 as Trish Stratus' "biggest fan", which developed into a lesbian angle.
• "Retired" Lita in a retirement match at Survivor Series 2006
• Was involved in an infamous feud with LayCool which earned her the moniker "Piggie" James

Previous Polls:

• Mr. Kennedy – 47.37% In-Between, 31.58% Bust, 21.05% Success
• Shelton Benjamin – 49.25% In-Between, 31.34% Bust, 19.40% Success
• Jeff Hardy – 75.00% Success, 16.25% In-Between, 8.75% Bust
• Mickie James – In Progress
• Charlie Haas – In Progress
Definitely a success, she was incredibly over with the crowd, has held the women's championship, and is probably one of the most successful female wrestlers to hold the Women's championship, and ultimately also to hold the divas championship, being the second diva to ever achieve that.

Mickie had some pretty good feuds, she got right into it with Trish Stratus, getting her over pretty easily, and she was good in the ring as well, something not many divas can brag about in the WWE as of late.

And I definitely think she's a success.
One of the last divas to leave WWE that were actually entertaining. Success all the way, though in my opinion WWE really did let this big draw go way too early in her career.

Perhaps the most watchable Diva storyline in the past 5-10 years was her and Trish Stratus's angle. I mean, can anyone else tell me when was the last time they were really interested in a feud from the Women's Division? I can't think of another recently.

She won the gold multiple times, retired arguably one of the best diva performers in wrestling, and was watchable. I will go with a complete

Success. Great female wrestler. and hot. The whole fat thing was stupid . Nice going WWE, release a diva that can actually wrestle , but keep the Bella twins who only bring out the raw guest hot. Hope to see her in TNA
Mickie James tenure in the WWE was a huge success during one of the down periods in the Diva division. She could wrestle, she could talk, and she was (and still is) a hottie-hot-hottie (which is a must being a WWE Diva). Her encounters with Trish and Lita catapulted her to near the top of the charts as WWE all-time Divas of the 2000s. Her encounters with Beth and Melina cemented her status. Whether or not she became truly Divaish in Europe is a matter of debate. But, as you know, Vince in these days prefers the top of his Diva division to be either Blonde Barbies (Michelle McCool, Maryse, & Kelly Kelly) or smokin' ethnics (Eve Torres, Gail Kim, Melina, & Layla) with one exception (Beth Phoenix; blonde but not a Barbie doll). He just needed an excuse to get rid of his red head who wasn't that willowy anymore (not that I minded).
She was with out a doubt a success. She was by far one of the best female wrestlers and most popular Diva ever. For WWE to release her she must of really had issues like the reports lately have said. Even still I wouldn't be surprised to see her back in WWE soon.
I don't see how you could call her anything but a success...she held all the titles, gave some legitimacy to the WWE women's division, made all kinds of untrained divas look good, generally got a rep as one of the world's best women wrestlers...a big success in my book!
I believe that Mickie was the most successful Diva in WWe history, her nearest rival would have been Trish Stratus but I give Mickie the edge because she was an experienced wrestler coming in. She has always been over with the fans and I feel sorry for her that the world will look back on her last period with the fed was about her alledgedly being fat, a nice example to kids in this PG era. Not that it's the first time they've done it, poor Molly Holly and Vickie Guerrero where both subjected to this tasteless farewell (and don't get me started on Lita's exit). Despite this, my memories of Mickie will always be rose tinted- sexy, real and one hell of a wrestler:worship:

If she does go to TNA I wonder what she'll be known as- will it be the return of Alexis Laree? And should she make the move, will it lead to a new push in the Knockouts division (no offense to Tara but she hadn't really been pushed in WWe for a LONG time prior to her move)- here's hoping!
Great, now we get to see talentless bimbos like Jillian Hall in the ring and no Mickie James. She is 10X the wrestler than that chick from Le' Cool who now holds a women's title. With Beth Phoenix injured, the prestiege of the women's belts are becoming a joke!

I hope Mickie signs with TNA! I feel she still has alot to prove in the ring! They lost one of their best with Tara leaving.

Also, what's up with Gail Kim? She is awesome and totally under-used! I hope she goes back to TNA also! She is a high-card athlete!

Yes, Mickie was a huge success in the WWE. The moves, the body, the face... I hope to see her in the ring again soon! Take care folks!
Very little room for debate in this discussion. Straight up Success. She worked very hard in the ring, and was decent on the mic. Now, if she didn't have those management issues she might still be in the ring today.

Too sum up her career.... Not bad for a girl who started out in porn.
Without a doubt, success. I think she took up the mantle that Trish left in leading the Divas in a new direction.

Sadly, I don't think the WWE appreciated her talents. I say this because I feel that she should've had a farewell match to say goodbye. After all the titles and beatings this girl has gone through; it's the least they could've done for her.
It's hard to argue that she wasn't successful, but I don't think she's what many of you are making her out to be.

I think she started off with a bang and her best programs were her first ones. I believe though that as every year passed, her "sizzle" waned. She always was a good worker, and had good matches, but I just don't think she brought anything new or groundbreaking. She really didn't elevate the people she was working with too much. It also seemed like she wanted to incorporate more of her real-life personality into her character, at her peril. I liked her more when she was bubbly and wore the skirts and outgoing. I don't really think her character grew and she peaked too early. I think she was a really good face, but could never work as a heel. I've always liked heels more than faces.

I think she stuck around a year or two too long. It just didn't seem like she was really into it anymore and was going through the motions. And I suppose 5 years is a long time for a diva to be in the business, but it really isn't that long of a time.

To argue that she's one of the best because so many of the other divas don't have any business in a wrestling ring, that's not really fair.

I don't know....I do feel like so much more could have been done with her. If Trish gets a grade of "A", and Jillian is a "F", Mickie is a "B". And that's still really good, but she could have been an "A". I think a couple of divas today are going to surpass her if they stick around long enough, Maryse and Michelle McCool being two of them. She didn't leave the Diva picture in shambles, it's going to survive just fine.
Succes without a doubt. She is in my opinion the best diva there ever was and she has entertained me more then any other diva.
She truely has done allot for the division and I simply think that she is something everyone could look up too.
I don't see any current diva being able to surpass her. Michelle has no charisma and is just average in the ring. Beth is great but I don't really like her mic skills and her face turn doesnt seem real yet.. Maryse is not really good in the ring and is super stale right now.
Mickie could play both face and heel and has just been so over with the fans. She is the overall package. The best package wwe has ever had.
very big success in wrestling MUSIC on the other hand AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH; i heard a snippet from a single on her country album and it was bad.... she should stay with wrestling for sure i would love to see her vs. Gail Kim and Gail be the heel. Lingerie match anyone!!!!!!!:p
very big success in wrestling MUSIC on the other hand AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH; i heard a snippet from a single on her country album and it was bad.... she should stay with wrestling for sure i would love to see her vs. Gail Kim and Gail be the heel. Lingerie match anyone!!!!!!!:p

Her song is not bad actually... I hate country music but she has some songs that I really liked... Ohters do suck... Her voice is good though.. its just the lyrics/beat... But I would recommend strangers & angels or dumb bitch... either one is a good song..
Considering she's one of the only Diva's of the current era that anyone's ever cared about, has to be a success. The angle with Trish was possibly the greatest women's angle ever. I remember the thing with Beth being quite good, and the Piggie James thing was interesting as well until they screwed it up.

She was pretty good in the ring, considering who she was working with at times. Also, perhaps the most important quality of female wrestlers at this point, the was pretty nice to look at, from a male perspective. Know what I'm sayin'? I think you do.
I voted success, although it was difficult.

It's hard to say you were the best female wrestler when you're basically the only female wrestler amongst a truck load of Divas.

When she was working with Trish and Lita, she was having memorable fueds and matches on a regular basis, but considering that those 2 Divas were half of that equation, you'd expect what you saw to be good.

Her only real competition from 2006 onwards, for the best female wrestler was Victoria, and for some reason, Creative didn't see the point in doing anything with Victoria, so Mickie got the whole spotlight.

Then you have Melina, who gets injured so frequently you forget that she's still there sometimes.

Candice, Maria, and Ashley were all semi decent wrestlers, but were chopping and changing what they were doing over and over, between wrestling and promoting etc, and Candice used to get injured a lot as well.

Torrie Wilson and Stacey Kiebler were eye candy and nothing more.

Natalya and Michelle McCool came along, with decent wrestling skills (say what you want about Michelle, but i think she's solid in the ring), but never had the chance to wrestle Mickie, until that terrible 'Piggie James' angle. Natalya and Mickie never wrestled once (but then when does Natalya ever wrestle anyone?)

Then there was Kelly (originally hired to strip, then dance, and now wrestle), the Bellas (originally hired to wrestle, but now just being eye candy), Alicia Fox (appeared as a fuckin' wedding planner for Edge and Vicke and somehow ended up on the main roster), Layla (again, hired to dance but is still there now for some bizarre reason), Gail Kim (God knows why they re-hired her. I don't mean they shouldn't have because she's not good, but why waste the money paying her if you never intend to do anything with her), Maryse (Great mic work, gets great heat, and that's about it) Jillian (hired to wear a stupid prop on her face alongside JBL and to stand there with massive tits because obviously because someone missed Trish's that much) and that's about it.

So between Trish and Lita leaving, Mickie's only decent fued has really been with Beth Phoenix, and there was a 3 year gap in between those.

So yeah. I wouldn't consider Mickie's work to be as memorable as some people are making it out to be, but i can't deny that when Trish and Lita left, Mickie went from #3 Diva to #1. You cannot argue against that and expect to be taken seriously, so whoever voted bust, it's no wonder you haven't posted anything, because the whole forum would probably disagree with a fiery passion.

It's just a shame that while her stock shot up, the Diva's division plummeted. She went from being #3 in a healthy, exciting Women's division, to #1 wrestler in the half naked cat fight division.

That can't be blamed on Micke though, so i'll stick to my vote and say success.
I think she stuck around a year or two too long. It just didn't seem like she was really into it anymore and was going through the motions. And I suppose 5 years is a long time for a diva to be in the business, but it really isn't that long of a time.

Mickie's first stop after she recovered from a life-threatening staph infection (something that she put off so she could continue wrestling which ultimately nearly cost her a leg) was Arizona, for Wrestlemania. That pretty much makes your point null and void. The whole notion of Mickie "not being into wrestling" is nothing more than a mendacious conception.

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