Straight to DVD on Release Day


Testicles. That is all.
What do you think about that? I've read that some movie companies were thinking about simultanious DVD/Theater releases.

I like this idea, because I cannot stand movie theaters. I can't see the screen, rude people, loud people, have to buy expensive food, etc.

I can see how this might destroy theaters, because most people prefer the comfort of their own homes than a public place, at least I do.

Perhaps instead of DVD, a special cable channel where for 8-10 bucks, you can watch a theater movie right away.

I think it's a great idea.

I don't go to the cinema much anyway. You pay £8 to see a film filled with people talking and kicking the back of your seat. It pisses me off. 3 months later you can buy the DVD for a few quid more.

Some films need to be experienced at the pictures. Something like King Kong for example. It's still good on a TV screen, but not as good on a cinema one.

If I had the choice of seeing a film at the cinema or just buying the DVD, I'd prefer the disc. If you see it at the cinema and love it, you'll probably buy it anyway.
Yeah, but I suspect it's the food. I read somewhere awhile ago, that like 90% of the revenue in a theater is from the sale of the food, so the movies seem secondary.

I have always purchased/rented/copied a movie I liked in the theater once it comes out on disc, but I hate having to wait so long.

Remember E. T., the Extra-Testicle? It took like, what, 10 years to come out on video? That's just insane!
the problem with this idea is two fold

Simultaneous release of a DVD Cineman theatre will hurt the studios wallet due to the fact that it costs them more to get digital footage converted to reel, its around about 60 - 70 quid a pop for those things

Secondly DVD is cheaper in manufacture but again will kille the theatre industry as a whole, why go and see a film in cinemas when you got it on straight to dvd release instead you might as well stay home

Straight to dvd was only used as an option with movies that didnt do well in the states so they had to cut costs internationally to recover costs in frilm production and promotion and now with digital downloads included as well the film companies has more options then back in the day where reel and tape where expensive
Yeah, but I suspect it's the food. I read somewhere awhile ago, that like 90% of the revenue in a theater is from the sale of the food, so the movies seem secondary.

This shocks you? $20.00 blown on food alone for two people. What'd I buy? WATER! :disappointed: I'd rather bring my own cup, go into the bathroom and run it straight from the tap.

Seriously though, its like outrageous. $4.75 for a Large drink. $6.25 for a Large Pop-Corn. And NOONE EVER eats all their pop-corn. $5.00 for a small ass thing of Nachos. If you think about it, you're paying for two or three movies in one.

Movies in today's world are roughly about $15.00/16.00 for two people. If you buy two large drinks and a large popcorn, you're paying the same exactly amount.

Anyways ON-TOPIC: I think that its negative to have movies go straight to DVD release for reasons listed above.

1. Some movies just NEED to be seen on a theatre sized screen. Unless you have a home entertainment center sized screen, and surround-sound with all the works, you aren't going to get the same quality and experience. (even if that experience is being kicked 20 times, having someone pass you by, bumping into you 30 times, and having the person/people behind you yelling for the character's on-screen to listen to them, when shouting advice)

2. Review. Short of renting the DVD to know for sure, you typically use the theatre to review whether or not you'd truly want to spend $15.00-20.00 on buying the movie outright. I've taken chances with buying movies on random assumption. Some paid off, some didn't. Its hard to see a trailer and think.. "Yeah, its worth buying." Then you do, and the best clips were in the 2 minutes trailer.
Gosh I hate cinemas. The only use of them is to make out with someone on the back row. And even that I can do in my own house.

The only film I have ever preferred at the cinema than on DVD was 300. But even then, you could still go see it at the cinema, as well as being able to buy it on DVD. Yes this will kill cinemas. But so what? I personally couldn't care less, I'd love to be able to buy the DVD when I wanted. The only reason I go to the cinema is to see something I really couldn't wait to see; like Saw 3. If I could get it on DVD at the same time, I would never go to the cinema.

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