"Straight Edge"


I was lurking over in the bar room, and took a peek into the smoking thread. In there I was KB mention himself being striaght edge. Here in this thread I'm going to give my opinion on this whole straight edge bussiness.

In reply to KB I saw Justin reply to KB by saying the whole straight edge thing is bullshit, and I couldnt agree more. Before I get into reasoning and such I'll let you all know I am 16 years old, I do smoke cigarettes, have played with weed but wouldnt call myself a weed user, I have drank but don't go out of my way to do it often at all.

"Straight Edge" is HUGE in the music scene I am very closely associated to, hardcore punk music. I live for hardcore music, I go to a show at least once a week, and recently started my own band and had our first basement gig last night. It really pisses me off seeing all these kids at shows with bold Xs on their hands and varsity jackets saying New York Hardcore. It's all fine and dandy not to smoke, drink, or do drugs; but do advertise that to other people is ridiculous to me. Most people in the hardcore scene in my area arent even old enough to drink or buy cigarettes, so basically they're saying they follow the rules. Drinking underage is illegal, as is drugs...so you're advertising the fact that you don't break the law...cool? I can understand wanting to say you don't fuck with your body to inflict harm upon yourself, but ironic thing to me is the straight edge kids at shows are always the first to attack some innocent person and beat them down. One other point I would like to bring up is how much it annoys me that CM Punk is dubbed as straight edge and working in the WWE, thats really the equivalent of dubbing yourself straight edge and working front desk at a ****e house.
There's nothing wrong with living the "clean" lifestyle. To advertise it to others is an attempt to strike interest and recruit. If I see someone with a "X" on their jacket or whatever the style is, it might interest me and I may inquire about it. Whether or not I buy into the ideals is another matter.

I think that one can live the sXe lifestyle without advertising it or rubbing it into other people's faces. Not everyone needs to know that I am sXe and I don't do drugs. It's fine to be proud of it, it's another to "force" my views onto others who do not share them. Think of it as equivalent to religion and how "the correct" view is oppressively shoved unto others; it's the same idea--just because you're sXe doesn't mean you're better than me, contrary to popular belief or the CM Punk mantra.

I know very little of the straight edge lifestyle save from the bits and what you've just posted here. But I assume (and possibly falsely so) that it is like any other belief and prides itself on being "superior" to others. I don't do drugs, and I drink socially. I respect what sXe stands for and its ideas -- drugs in excess are very bad for you, that is true -- but I think it's not for everyone.

If you like it, great, do it. Just respect me and my right to now "dig it," and make my own choices like you do.
I live the straight edge life style, but I do not claim to be straight edge, unless otherwise asked why I don't drink, smoke, etc. It's not because I am ashamed to live this way, because I'm not. I am embarrassed to be associated with staight edge gangs such as the FSU. The FSU is a group of hardcore dudes and it stands for "Friends Stand United", although many people against the group call it "Fuck Shit Up". Because that is exactly what they do. They beat up, and on occasion kill, people who aren't straight edge. They have videos of them beating people down on the streets. They are the people that give straight edge a bad name. They are the people that go to shows and start fights.

I also don't draw the X's on my hands too often because I don't want to be constantly asked what that stands for. While I don't mind telling people my beliefs and convictions, I would rather them come up during normal conversation. The X's seem of a way of forcing the lifestyle upon others, because those who are not aware of the meaning behind them will ask about them. I would then be forced to tell them, which is honestly more trouble than I really want to go through. That is why I shy away from saying I'm straight edge, unless somebody really wants to know.
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Speaking as a drinker, and a smoker, I can respect straight-edge kids to an extent. I don't do illegal narcotics or pot, mainly because I got tremendously close to getting hooked on X, and acid. I also don't look down on addicts, junkies, or whatever you kids are callin' them these days. I feel sorry for them, and try to help them find ways to beat the problem. What I don't like about the local straight edge crew is their holier than me attitude, when they quite clearly have their own addictions(tats, cutting, premarital sex, whatever). It's inappropriate to shun others for giving in to addictions, when you certainly don't have your own shit together.

Also, I just realized I included premarital relations in there. If you consider yourself sXe, and indulge in the lovins', you need to accept the fact you're a phoney, and suck at life for posin' as something you're not. Go listen to the song Straight Edge by Minor Threat, and learn what it's truly about.

Sorry for the tangent, but I have alot of pent up aggression right now.
Nice to see FSU kids being brought up. I really can't stand them at all. They go to shows that you pay to enjoy, and fuck everything up. They give the hardcore scene a bad name. Soon enough, there will be so many of them at shows that people will misconcept the fact that most hardcore promotes moshing and moving around, but no blatant violence.

But back to the topic. I just don't see much need for SxE kids to advertise at the extent that they do. What if a group of smoking and drinking kids created some kind of group, and used symbols and such to advertise? You would probably think of it as a little odd. Once again I respect edge kids, and understand their morales.
I quite enjoy sex, so I'm not fully straight edge. I read somewhere that in order to be completely "Straight Edge" you pretty much have to not do anything, including sex. So yeah.. no.

I don't do drugs. I don't smoke. And I don't drink. But I hold nothing against anyone that does. It's not my lifestyle to push off onto others. They aren't my choices to shove into someone else's way of living. Do what you want with the life you have. You may only get one.

The only thing I find stupid about most people who drink, from a personal opinion, is for some unknown reason they truly believe it's the end-all, be-all happiest thing in the world. Let me just fill you in on something.. maybe to them, it is. But to me, seeing my Daughter and Wife in the morning. Being able to play fully with my little girl, without a hangover, or a smoker's cough.. is pretty fucking enjoyable to me.

So do with your life, what you want. But don't criticize or bad mouth anyone else, just because they aren't like you. I know thats a lot easier said than done, because it happens. But again, I could not stress the point enough.. its no one's life but your own. So don't let anyone live it, but you.
I do actually believe sex is allowed if you're straight edge, but only with someone you're in a relationship with, or married to? I don't know which one it is, I'll look it up.

And I'm not bad mouthing anyone for being straight edge. I'm just simply saying the whole following of it is stupid(moslty speaking of SxE kids 13-17). I think its stupid to call yourself striaght edge at such a young age, and use slogans such as "Straight Edge For Life". I don't think it's really relaistic to say straight edge for life at a young age, whos to say you're not going to live up your life a little and drink and smoke a bit in college, or when older to drink on rare or special occasions?
Well I've been straight edge all my life. In fact I'd been doing the straight edge thing before I was a punk and before I even knew there way a current name for it; recall the teetotallers and prohibitionist etc. of years gone by as well, and you'll see clean living is nothing new. Anyway, I'm a relatively old time card carrying punk rocker -yes, I too can't believe I wrote that either- who still dons a leather jacket from time to time and can recall many of the Hardcore Punk Sunday matinees at CBGBs. Now that I've properly dated myself:

Straight Edge as a concept, idea, code of conduct, and lifestyle is not "bullshit". Its just that when put up on display amongst other behavior determining practices such as say world religion for example, it's trapping and pitfalls are largely one and the same. Namely, certain followers and practitioners of sXe, as with certain followers of most religions, are perhaps a bit too rigid and dogmatic in their views, and to make matters worse they've no idea as to how to keep said views to themselves.
This is nothing new in punk and I doubt it will be going anywhere anytime soon. So, why give a fuck? Do what you do -regardless of what it is or if it has a name-, and do it for yourself. If someone asks it's up to you to tell them about it; if you wish of course. No harm, no foul. You want to wear an X? Wear an X. It's just as overt as a band shirt, brand logo, or religious paraphernalia/jewelry, so what's the big deal.
Youth crew idiots will be youth crew idiots, it's a given, but eventually they all grow up, drop out, or move on, and stop their overzealous, and frankly childish "look at me I just hit puberty rraaghhh" aggro posturing. The sad fact is it's the same herd mentality that the "punks" claim the "jocks" and "preps" are notourious for. You know it, I know it, and somewhere deep down whether they realize it or not. They know it too.
Don't get me wrong you're well within your rights to dislike the guys and call them out on their bullshit. In fact, by all mean if you can do it without getting hurt then I highly encourage taking them down a beg or too. But "Kill the messenger, keep the message" and all that crap. Don't blame "straightedge" for the douche bags who claim to represent it. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all Catholic Priest are child molesters etc, etc.
"Straight Edge" is HUGE in the music scene I am very closely associated to, hardcore punk music. I live for hardcore music, I go to a show at least once a week, and recently started my own band and had our first basement gig last night. It really pisses me off seeing all these kids at shows with bold Xs on their hands and varsity jackets saying New York Hardcore. It's all fine and dandy not to smoke, drink, or do drugs; but do advertise that to other people is ridiculous to me.

What? why is that ridiculous? It might be ridiculous for you to advertise that you smoke/drink. And unless you only ever smoke or drink in your own home with no one else around, don't try and tell me you don't do that. Why is them showing their lifestyle any different than you showing yours? So what you don't agree with it, I'm not straight edge myself, but to say them showing they are straight edge is hypocritical.

Most people in the hardcore scene in my area arent even old enough to drink or buy cigarettes, so basically they're saying they follow the rules.
Drinking underage is illegal, as is drugs...so you're advertising the fact that you don't break the law...cool?

Since when has this ever stopped anyone? You're really generalising here also - just because a few people are underage straight edge in your area, doesn't mean that's the same for everyone.

I can understand wanting to say you don't fuck with your body to inflict harm upon yourself, but ironic thing to me is the straight edge kids at shows are always the first to attack some innocent person and beat them down.

Again with the generalising - this happens in ALL groups of people - chavs, goths, guys, girls, white people, black people, ANY group of people you could have, there will be fighting from a few members of them - why does this have anything to do with this lifestyle, when I could argue it about anything? I mean, I've found that people I know who smoke weed are stupid idiots who use violence a lot - but does that mean I should automatically stereotype against you for trying it? No.
What? why is that ridiculous? It might be ridiculous for you to advertise that you smoke/drink. And unless you only ever smoke or drink in your own home with no one else around, don't try and tell me you don't do that. Why is them showing their lifestyle any different than you showing yours? So what you don't agree with it, I'm not straight edge myself, but to say them showing they are straight edge is hypocritical.

Since when has this ever stopped anyone? You're really generalising here also - just because a few people are underage straight edge in your area, doesn't mean that's the same for everyone.

Again with the generalising - this happens in ALL groups of people - chavs, goths, guys, girls, white people, black people, ANY group of people you could have, there will be fighting from a few members of them - why does this have anything to do with this lifestyle, when I could argue it about anything? I mean, I've found that people I know who smoke weed are stupid idiots who use violence a lot - but does that mean I should automatically stereotype against you for trying it? No.

Well, its hard to say smoking or drinking in public is the same as having terms like "Straight Edge" and "SXE" all over your clothing, and marking big black X's onto your hands. I don't wear shirts with cigarettes on them or draw any type of symbols onto myself representing the fact that I drink/smoke.

And fair enough, it may be generalizing. But it's mainly in the music scene that you see the things I listed, you don't really see older people advertising the SxE scene if they are.
Well, its hard to say smoking or drinking in public is the same as having terms like "Straight Edge" and "SXE" all over your clothing, and marking big black X's onto your hands. I don't wear shirts with cigarettes on them or draw any type of symbols onto myself representing the fact that I drink/smoke.

Meh, 'tis pretty similar - either way you're flaunting something you do that others may disagree with. They're showing their way of life - it's exactly the same as a Christian wearing a cross around their neck. They're not forcing it upon you, so leave them to it.

And fair enough, it may be generalizing. But it's mainly in the music scene that you see the things I listed, you don't really see older people advertising the SxE scene if they are.

And I know a couple of straight Edge people - by far the nicest people I have ever met. People who do drugs? Not so much. But I'm not going to hate on everyone and say it's 'bullshit' due to just a few idiots.
What? why is that ridiculous?
Why? Who the fuck cares what you do with your life, ITS YOUR LIFE. no need to brag about it.
It might be ridiculous for you to advertise that you smoke/drink.
But I don't advertise it. I mean, I know what your trying to say, people Smoke and infront of other people, but It don't mean non smokers will say I don't smoke I'm straight edge every half an hour.
And unless you only ever smoke or drink in your own home with no one else around, don't try and tell me you don't do that.
but if your drinking at a pub, that isnt advertising you drink to non drinkers, as why on earth would you go to a pub if you don't.
Why is them showing their lifestyle any different than you showing yours?
Because, Having a smoke in public is only because you "need" a smoke.
So what you don't agree with it,
:( that hurts.
I'm not straight edge myself, but to say them showing they are straight edge is hypocritical.
if you say it to some one once, then yes your not Showing off... but if you repeatedly say it, and make it sound like your awesome because of it, they are showing off.
Why? Who the fuck cares what you do with your life, ITS YOUR LIFE. no need to brag about it. But I don't advertise it.

I fail to understand where the bragging concept comes from. So what people may wear a T-shirt, I put on a HBK shirt when I go out, I have a Rhinos shirt. Should I not wear them because I'm advertising something I like? Oh noes how dare I.

I mean, I know what your trying to say, people Smoke and infront of other people, but It don't mean non smokers will say I don't smoke I'm straight edge every half an hour.

Seriously, tell me which people you know who brag about being straight edge every half an hour? Look at this forum, there are a few members who are, but only bring it up when it flows with the cinversation - like in the do you smoke/drink threads.

but if your drinking at a pub, that isnt advertising you drink to non drinkers, as why on earth would you go to a pub if you don't.

I've been to a pub loads of times without drinking.

Because, Having a smoke in public is only because you "need" a smoke.

Lol, I'm so glad you put the quotation marks around need, or I'd have gone completely off-topic and laughed so hard at someone 'needing' a smoke.

:( that hurts.

Ily really.

if you say it to some one once, then yes your not Showing off... but if you repeatedly say it, and make it sound like your awesome because of it, they are showing off.

As I said, I've never seen evidence of them doing this.
I fail to understand where the bragging concept comes from.
I actually here people, say I don't smoke, I'm straitedge all the time.
So what people may wear a T-shirt,
I didn't know that they advertised on Tshirts.
I put on a HBK shirt when I go out, I have a Rhinos shirt. Should I not wear them because I'm advertising something I like?
no, that would be different. When "I" say bragging, I mean saying it in a stuck up, Im better then you way.
Oh noes how dare I.
Yes how dare you.

Seriously, tell me which people you know who brag about being straight edge every half an hour?
even If i said the names, You would reply with who?.
Look at this forum,
:lmao: How else would i be replying to you. :p
there are a few members who are, but only bring it up when it flows with the cinversation - like in the do you smoke/drink threads.
I'm talking about real life, anybody could Lie online.

I've been to a pub loads of times without drinking.
Maybe you could tell me what the point of that would be then.

Lol, I'm so glad you put the quotation marks around need, or I'd have gone completely off-topic and laughed so hard at someone 'needing' a smoke.
Seriously, take today for instance, If i hadn't had a smoke on my lunch break, I would of been fired. I was having a crap day and the smoke calmed me down. Its not like I could of had sex in the half an hour allocated.

Ily really.

As I said, I've never seen evidence of them doing this.
Maybe not in the UK.
I actually here people, say I don't smoke, I'm straitedge all the time.I didn't know that they advertised on Tshirts. no, that would be different. When "I" say bragging, I mean saying it in a stuck up, Im better then you way.

I'm a Rhinos fan, I'm better than you. I do this lots :).

Yes how dare you.

Sowwy :(.

even If i said the names, You would reply with who?.

Register of names now sir :lmao:.

How else would i be replying to you.

Ooh you geek :)

I'm talking about real life, anybody could Lie online.

Not the point. My point is that a majorit of people who live this lifestyle are not like that, and for you to frame the belief that being Straight Edge is stupid due to those people is stupid in itself.

Maybe you could tell me what the point of that would be then.

I have friends who drink, I'm not going to stop going out with my friends just because I don't want to drink.

Seriously, take today for instance, If i hadn't had a smoke on my lunch break, I would of been fired. I was having a crap day and the smoke calmed me down. Its not like I could of had sex in the half an hour allocated.

I have crap days all the time, you know what I do? Sort it out properly, instead of thinking smoking will solve my problems.
I'm a Rhinos fan, I'm better than you. I do this lots :).
And I'm a geelong supporter, there for me > you.

You better be. Lol

Register of names now sir :lmao:.
now your just being Silly.

Not the point. My point is that a majorit of people who live this lifestyle are not like that, and for you to frame the belief that being Straight Edge is stupid due to those people is stupid in itself.
as, I said, I don't find it "stupid" I just feel that bragging bout it is stupid. as I said, its your life who cares what you do.

I have friends who drink, I'm not going to stop going out with my friends just because I don't want to drink.
Why go to a PUB, why not the movies, a Party or something where its not expected to drink.

I have crap days all the time, you know what I do? Sort it out properly, instead of thinking smoking will solve my problems.
Have you ever had a smoke in your life?
It's all fine and dandy not to smoke, drink, or do drugs; but do advertise that to other people is ridiculous to me.

Every where you look the media is telling everyone to drink, fuck, smoke and get high. A few people say the opposite and you think THEY are the ones that need to shut up? It's like a drop in the ocean in comparison. Would you say the same thing about a guy wearing a beer shirt or a shirt with pot references on it? It is not "bragging" it is EXPRESSING YOURSELF.
I am far from straight edge. I enjoy cigars, gin, and women. I don't drink much, and I rarely get drunk. I occasionally smoke some pot too. But that's my life. I have no problem with what other people want to do, but for me, getting a little intoxicated is a nice treat.

You can call is escapism if you want, but I don't have much to run from. I just like to lose a little control in a safe environment.

The straight edge kids don't bother me nearly as much as the emos do. The emos seem to want to talk shit like no one can hold them down, but they are the first to call the police when you bark back at them. Straight edge kids seem to want everyone to know that they don't have fun, but whatever, it doesn't bother me. I guess, this whole post is to show that no matter how annoying a straight edge kid is, he will never be as annoying as an emo, unless he's a straightedge emo. At that point, he is lost to the world.
Who cares what other people do with their lives? I don't do some things, so what? The other night I had dinner with one of my oldest friends that I've known over twenty years. He got there before I did and ordered a beer. I walked in and he got almost nervous over it, knowing my stance on drinking. I asked if it was cold and tasty to which he said yes. I said sweet and we started chatting as always. It made no difference at all.

I live one way. Some people live another way. I could care less what those people do. Would I prefer that they didn't do such things? Sure, but I'm not going to ever tell them how they should live their lives. That's bullshit.
I'm not Straight Edge per se, I'm just anti-Substance abuse. I don't drink or smoke or do drugs, and I do fine.

However, if a straight edger wants to do the X thing, all that jazz let him. He's doing less damage to you, than you are to him with your second hand smoke or the potential fatalities drunk drivers cause. That X jacket isn't going to raise anyone's medical bills or insurance premiums.

If a straight edger's appearance is "pushing" a lifestyle on someone, than I want all of the Rainbow Brigade folks to stop pushing gays as an acceptable lifestyle.

And if that strikes a nerve with you, then maybe you should reconsider how you view the straight edger doing the same thing.
I'm not Straight Edge, but I do respect people that are. I find it amazing how people can avoid the use of alcohol and drugs so much, and I do admire them. I don't really have a problem with them promoting their lifestyle, because they are doing the right thing for their health. With that being said, I won't ever try drugs. I won't ever get involved with them. The same applies with cigarettes, I just don't go near them because I'm afraid I'll get addicted to them like my father did when he was younger, and he still smokes cigarettes now. I don't want to be like that.

I don't have a problem with people who smoke or do drugs, because it is their problem. They are abusing their body, and some of them need to rely on drugs to get through life. Which is quite sad, in my opinion. I'm not going to tell someone how they should live their life, but if one of my friends was doing drugs, I would do my best to stop them. I know people that do that stuff, but I'm not close to them so I couldn't care less. Because at the end of the day, while they may take the whole "live fast, die hard" approach, I know I'm going to be happier later in life than what they will be.

However, I do drink alcohol. I'm brought up in an environment where having a beer or two is almost irresistable. I'm not a heavy drinker, but I do drink on occasions. I'm not proud of it, but I'm not disappointed in myself either. One could say alcohol is more damaging than some drugs, but I really don't care. I don't see the appeal of drugs, while others may not see the appeal of alcohol. Everyone is different and everyone has different opinions on different topics.

But as far as I'm concerned, I admire people that are Straight Edge even know I'm not one of them.

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