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Straight Edge Society: New Recruits?

Richard Duggan

Dark Match Jobber
With CM Punk and the rest of Straight Edge Society being pushed like they are. Punk and Gallows are having a tag title match on RAW next week. And Serena being brought up to the main roster, do you think that they will continue to grow as in more numbers? Or will they stay where they are at three members.

Honestly I would love to see them grown and get more numbers. I know that the typical stable has a tag team and a woman. However, there have been stables in the past to grow bigger and have contenders for all titles. And that is what I want to see the Straight Edge Society do.

People who I can see the Straight Edge Society pick up:

Lance Cade: Has signed a contract with WWE waiting to come back. Apparently he is sober in real life and he could contend for a mid-card title also possibly move up to the main event scene.

The Miz: He is on the rise big time. He could elevate the game of the Straight Edge Society. He already has the US title, and has a crowd following. Cuts excellent promos and is good in the ring.

Mike Knox: He is a big guy and he needs something to go for him.

Matt Hardy: Have him go back to being a heel. Make him say that he is glad to be sober unlike some others in his family (Taking a straight shot at Jeff).

Dolph Ziggler: Solid guy, good matches, give him something to do.

This is my opinion. Now what do you all have to say?
Joey Mercury. With the news of him returning he would be perfect as he has had some real life issues with that and could use that as a gateway in and maybe even use that as a starter for a feud with Morrison claiming that John never stopped him from doing it even though he knew he was because it was "part of the lifestyle".
Lance cade could be a good inforcer for the straight edge society.And also joey Mercury like Schizophrenic said he could start a feud with jomo then cmpunk could save him and make him a straight edge member......Dudes and Chicks im really digging this new punk jesus gimmick i really hope this stable make history in the E
It would be great if Punk got some more people,he is a great heel.The whole Jesus gig is really cool.With him and Luke going for the titles on Raw it would be mad if the could get a win and we have some straight-edge world tag team champion's.And with the bald chick,they are becoming better each and every week.Would like to see Joey or Cade with them to.
Of all of them, I only see Cade joining up. They were obviously gearing up to push him when he was released the last time, and this could be his fasttrack back to that position. What I would warn against though is this stable swelling to huge proportions. As more people are added to the fray it tend to dilute the people that are there. Basically, they should only add one or two more unless they want to only push Punk and nobody else on the back of this.
Well the front page of the site is saying Joey Mercury might be joining up. This is great since the guy hasn't been on TV in forever, and most casual fans forgot about him. I know I pitched the idea of him joining up in an LD a few weeks ago, so just wanted to say, bearing it occurs, "I called it."
I mentioned this in a previous thread about the SES gaining members. There is plenty of roster talent around the E to get them more members and if they were to win the titles they could use the Freebird rule. Joey Mercury fits the bill perfectly. The guy has a past drug issue that got him released from the company and now with him possibly coming back it makes sense to have Punk save him. Lance Cade could also work. He is a good tag team star and a pretty big guy who could be taken as a serious threat. There is is also Bryan Danielson who could do it if he is ready for the call up from FCW. Or even a guy like Paul Burchill who is doing nothing at the moment.
I like the path they're going down of reinventing guys who have fallen flat and bringing up new talent. Gallows is really getting a boost through his association with Punk (and he doesn't have to be Festus - automatic plus), and Serena is doing a great job with her role so far.

Continuing with the trend and bringing in Joey Mercury sounds great to me. The fact that he was released because of his painkiller addiction just makes him the perfect candidate to be "saved." Punk continues to speak the truth and generates more heat, Mercury gets a reinvention and boost while being recruited to the Society... it's a win-win.
I mentioned this in another thread here but CM Punk is great, in my books there isn't anyone better all around. He's probably the best on the mic, he's very good in ring. However he's hovering around the midcard still and unless he becomes the World Champ it's going to be very hard for him to put over 3 new or repackaged talents.

If there were to be new members, I'd ask for someone a bit more well known and over. Someone like Kane or even the Big Show is the perfect example, they aren't doing much but they can really solidify the spot. I guess it's too bad they are already bald. Someone like Matt Hardy might work too, but I doubt that the WWE wants to bring up Jeff at all and I also really am not buying Gallows as some kind of wrecking ball like I could Kane or Big Show.
I really enjoy the SES but I've said before to my friends that they need to show they can do something on their own. For the first couple of matches have Punk come with them but after about 4 or 5 matches have him give them a "real test" and have him send them out on their own and let them do their thing. I would personally believe Gallows as a monster if Punk sent him out alone and he just destroyed someone. Would make the SES seem more dangerous that they dont need each other as distractions or to screw their opponets, that these guys can actually beat you one on one.
I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I would love to see Hornswoggle join the S.E.S. WWE Creative through CM Punk was able to "save" Drew Hankinson's career by taking him from Festus to Luke Gallows. I think they could the same with Hornswoggle. After D-X disbands, Hornswoggle will have nothing to do, and this would be the perfect fit for him. Punk could use drugs and alcohol to explain Hornswoggle's erratic behavior. This would be the biggest heel turn since Hogan, and it would be interesting to see Hornswoggle with his head shaved going by 'Dylan' his real name.

Here is a picture of Dylan Postl, looking a bit like Punk himself. But of course, if he joined the S.E.S. he'd be donning the bald look.

I think:
Cade - He used to be a farm boy like Luke Gallows (Festus) and needs something to do.
Joey Mercury - Coming back soon, and needs something to do. as he used to have the "superstar" gimmick with JoMo, so they could pan it out really well!
Mickie James - AMAZING at being a face, but the heel Psychotic gimmick she used to have made a show great! Turn her back to a Psyco, then have her shave her OWN head bald. that sorta stuff.
Big Show - could have a GIANT tag team ( see what I did there ;) ) with Luke Gallows, and could make it more interresting, also, shave his beard instead of his hair!
I would love to see Lance Cade and Joey Mercury join. I think they could be the dominating force that DX was with Xpac and the NAO, or even the Ministry of Darkness.

I think Lance Cade will join up with Luke Gallows and the two will have their run for tag team gold.
Meanwhile, Joey Mercury will be great for an Intercontinental title. Him and John Morrison could have a great feud.
And CM Punk would be perfect for the World Heavyweight Title scene. He's already a two time champion.
I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I would love to see Hornswoggle join the S.E.S. WWE Creative through CM Punk was able to "save" Drew Hankinson's career by taking him from Festus to Luke Gallows. I think they could the same with Hornswoggle. After D-X disbands, Hornswoggle will have nothing to do, and this would be the perfect fit for him. Punk could use drugs and alcohol to explain Hornswoggle's erratic behavior. This would be the biggest heel turn since Hogan, and it would be interesting to see Hornswoggle with his head shaved going by 'Dylan' his real name.

Here is a picture of Dylan Postl, looking a bit like Punk himself. But of course, if he joined the S.E.S. he'd be donning the bald look.


I don't like this idea.

If SES wants to be taken seriously and wants to be a legitimate threat, recruiting Hornswoggle is the last thing they should do. He wouldn't really benefit the Society. It's not like he's going to tag up with Luke and make a splash in the tag division. The only thing he'd be useful for his helping them cheat, and they've already got Serena (and Luke, when he's not fighting) to do that. I don't think an image change would really do much for him. He would be a really irritating heel and I could see people getting really annoyed at him if he was helping out the Society but that still doesn't give me enough reason to want him on board. They'd fare much better without his poor attempts to make the kids laugh and they'd look like much more of a joke with him in tow.
I read that Joey Mercury re-signed with WWE and would become a part of SES. However, other than him, I can see someone being brought in from a different brand just to get that back on TV. Someone like Chavo. He's practically bald already, Plus with the way WWE is using him right now, It seems like a way to further his career and get him off of the 'Future Endeavors' list. So yeah, I see Chavo and Mercury joining. The only problem I have is SES growing too big. If the WWE did have Mercury and Chavo join, it would bring the total of the members in the stable to 5, and you know how Vince feels about big stables(Cough Cough nWo Cough Cough).
I read that Joey Mercury re-signed with WWE and would become a part of SES. However, other than him, I can see someone being brought in from a different brand just to get that back on TV. Someone like Chavo. He's practically bald already, Plus with the way WWE is using him right now, It seems like a way to further his career and get him off of the 'Future Endeavors' list. So yeah, I see Chavo and Mercury joining. The only problem I have is SES growing too big. If the WWE did have Mercury and Chavo join, it would bring the total of the members in the stable to 5, and you know how Vince feels about big stables(Cough Cough nWo Cough Cough).

I am completely against the thought of Chavo joining the SES. Reason? My opinion is that he couldn't entertain a handicapped kid high on LSD (sorry if that offends anyone, but it's the best example to use). He would be a bane to the SES and bring them down so many steps. Chavo cannot act. Chavo cannot entertain. All Chavo can do is wrestle (and he does a very good job at that), but wrestling is not what gets you over in the sports entertainment business.

The way they are going is perfectly sound and Joey Mercury is a perfect fit to get him back in the fold after not being on WWE TV for nearly 3 years. Joey is a special case, and I believe he will be the only other "known name" (if you can call him that to the mainstream fans) in the group for a while, atleast for a time that I an see. They have nearly maxed out on their members, before long too many will be added and the group will get ridiculously large and take away from other aspects of the show. Now don't get me wrong, the thought of 50 people standing behind CM Punk praising him like he's the modern messiah while he stands in front with his oh-so-great smirk just warms my heart.

They've got their heel, main-event able leader in punk. They've got their big man in Gallows. They'll have their sound midcarder in Mercury. They've got their freaky woman in Deebs, all they need is a tag team and the circle will be complete. Now the question of who that should be is probably good for a whole other topic, but the best pick would be a team from FCW that are planned to be called up to the main roster soon.

I bet Mercury can lead to good things with Punk, and that feud that i want between him and Michaels (only if Punk is in his current gimmick), where Mercury feuds with Morrison, and brings up that people call him the "next Shawn Michaels" which allows Punk to cut a promo on Michaels, start the whole "I'm chasing you because I want to beat you for what you've done to yourself in the past, because I'M BETTER THAN YOU" angle.
With CM Punk and the rest of Straight Edge Society being pushed like they are. Punk and Gallows are having a tag title match on RAW next week. And Serena being brought up to the main roster, do you think that they will continue to grow as in more numbers? Or will they stay where they are at three members.

At first I thought there wouldn't be any new members since the team had a tag team and a diva in it, the common form of stables. However I agree with Stinger that Mercury might join it. It would give him something to do without having to feud with Morrison right off the bat.

Lance Cade: Has signed a contract with WWE waiting to come back. Apparently he is sober in real life and he could contend for a mid-card title also possibly move up to the main event scene.

This might happen.... but I'm not even sure why they would bring Cade back at all. He should just be used as a jobber if he comes back rather than join the Straightedge Society.

The Miz: He is on the rise big time. He could elevate the game of the Straight Edge Society. He already has the US title, and has a crowd following. Cuts excellent promos and is good in the ring.

No. I disagree here because the Miz is rapidly improving every week on his own, he does not need to join any stables.

Mike Knox: He is a big guy and he needs something to go for him.

Maybe. He needs to keep that beard though, it's the only interesting thing about him because he's just another big boring guy otherwise. He could team with Gallows while Punk leads the group though.

Matt Hardy: Have him go back to being a heel. Make him say that he is glad to be sober unlike some others in his family (Taking a straight shot at Jeff).

Not a good idea. I would prefer (as an idea I mentioned in an older thread) to have Hardy be in a stable of partiers to feud with the Straightedge Society. Guys like Truth could be in it too and MAYBE Morrison.

Dolph Ziggler: Solid guy, good matches, give him something to do.

Ziggler would be better off as himself, even if he did have a long list of IC title match losses. It'd give him something to do but I still think he would be more successful by keeping his Ziggler character and not join the stable.

This is my opinion. Now what do you all have to say?

Only thing I can really add is that I would like to see Curt Hawkins join the stable. All it took for his former partner, Ryder, was a change in gimmick to get really over, the same might be true for Hawkins so I say let him join too and give him a second shot at getting over.
My first thoughts to this was... who in the wwe really needs a hair cut??? and my answer was Shawn Micheals lol.. but i think he could sort of work if they were looking to build the ses into a huge stable and need more than CM Punk to carry over the younger stars.
My second segestion came to me when watching old re-runs. Golddust. Now ive never been a fan of gold dust and quite frankly couldnt care less if i dont see him wrestle again but he is a good technical wrestler and one that i feel needs a rebranding for him to continue.

I dont expect to see either ideas but they would be more unexpected than new signings or resignings
CM Punk is great in his new gimmick. He was gold at the Royal Rumble. I wanted more! Tell me more about being saved!!

The SES could be a major force, but the biggest obstacle is WWE's strict refusal to make a stable of over 3 people. They really need to change that, badly. I want to see CM get more followers, so that eventually, an individual or two will break away from the flock and make for a great feud (thus stopping CM Punk and the SES from dominating).

All good stables have a upper card/main event leader (Punk--perfect), a middle card big guy/right hand of doom/huge Goon (Gallows, although he could fit into the next criteria), a tag team of sorts (Gallows + the next to be saved or someone new), and a female. 5 people total. All divisions covered, so there is a threat of total dominance.

My picks for the next to be saved:
Shelton Benjamin -- CM Punk and the SES can save his career. Give him the IC title while your at it please.
Dolph Ziggler -- do something with this guy! He can be good.
Evan Bourne -- young and impressionable to CM Punk. A good fit for a preacher to the young disciple.
I think the SES just needs one more wrestler to be complete. Someone Punk can mentor (like his "student" on WWE NXT) and not take his place in the tag team with Luke Gallows. The reason I say this is because I don't really think Punk needs to leave the tag team. He brings the one thing that no other realistic potential partner could bring, and that's credibility. If someone like Cade or Mercury joined the tag team, they would do fine but ultimately end up jobbers with neither man getting the rub. With C.M. Punk, you have a former World Champion to give the rub to Gallows and hopefully bring out a solid mid card to upper mid card wrestler. It also gives Serena time to get her feet wet in some singles competition trying to convert some of the face Diva's to the Straightedge lifestyle.
I am not sure WHO I want to see as a new member of the SES, but I hope it's someone who can tag with Luke Gallows. Give him someone like Chavo, Charlie Haas, Curt Hawkins, Matt Hardy, Gregory Helms, or anyone that doesn't have something else to do. Who it is doesn't matter, CM Punk is the focal point of this deal.

Punk needs to stop teaming up with Gallows like they are some kind of tag team. First of all, it takes away from Punk as a main event guy. Second, having Punk NOT look like a main event guy, takes away from the prestige of the stable as a whole. He needs to be in main event, singles feuds for this to work. Or hell, bring in Matt Hardy and Helms, and make them a REAL tag team, unlike this Khali/Hardy accompanied by Maria garbage we have to watch. And maybe give Gallows a run at the IC title, the guy CAN wrestle. He's not great by any means, but servicable. I just hope this stable ACTUALLY goes somewhere, and doesn't die on the vine.

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