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Straight Edge Society Members= All Champions


Since the SES did not capture the Unified Tag Team Championship last night, I am curious where they go from here. It seemed like the gimmick was on a role. I can't help but think they have something big planned in the next couple months. Could the WWE be positioning all the members of SES to be champions down the road, given the popularity of the gimmick?

CM Punk: World Heavyweight Champion
Serena-Womens Champion
Gallows & Mercury: Unified Tag Team Champions

What do you think? What are the odds that every member of the Straight Edge Society could be title holders within the next couple months?
Puzzled me, really..... why did they give it to a tag team that doesn't even come out together who formed like 2 weeks ago over a legit tag team lead by arguably the best heel in the game right now.

Maybe they have bigger plans for Punk, but personally I'd much rather see a tag team reign for him then an IC title reign and I just can't see the WWE giving him any chance to be a world champ till after WM, even though an Edge Punk feud would be pretty great.
Most likely that this is plan b booking... By having Show and Miz win the tag titles, it could lead to a Jericho/Christian reunion and thus a Mania match... Jericho vs Show is his most logical match if he doesn't get Edge... Christian is a lock to get the US belt as "recompense" for his ECW title... so this title win does work... Miz would get the rub of being in a semi final main event tag match with 3 former World Champions and likely a shock win...

As for the SES, its early days... Mercury is a tag specialist so he and Gallows work, but I am still waiting for their big signing... the killer one who ends up the manager...

There is one guy who fits the bill, is retiring and has more than a share of demons... Jake Roberts... Would he leave the Snakes (and hair) behind? Sure... would it work... absolutely... Punk "saving" Jake would be radical but also must see... and Jake then getting his rightful HOF place to boot... Win Win...
Most likely that this is plan b booking... By having Show and Miz win the tag titles, it could lead to a Jericho/Christian reunion and thus a Mania match... Jericho vs Show is his most logical match if he doesn't get Edge... Christian is a lock to get the US belt as "recompense" for his ECW title... so this title win does work... Miz would get the rub of being in a semi final main event tag match with 3 former World Champions and likely a shock win...

As for the SES, its early days... Mercury is a tag specialist so he and Gallows work, but I am still waiting for their big signing... the killer one who ends up the manager...

There is one guy who fits the bill, is retiring and has more than a share of demons... Jake Roberts... Would he leave the Snakes (and hair) behind? Sure... would it work... absolutely... Punk "saving" Jake would be radical but also must see... and Jake then getting his rightful HOF place to boot... Win Win...

First off, no logic in the Christian/Jericho pairing. Even during their history, it was a love/hate relationship that left Jericho getting embarassed at WM when Trish left him for Christian (or, if you wanna get technical, Jericho costing Christian his last WWE match before he left for TNA). Besides, most reports have Christian jumping to Smackdown!, so no US Title reign for him (that's going to MVP more than likely).

Secondly, Jericho vs. Show at Mania would be an absolute flop due to both guys current status as heels. Granted, a Show face turn is in the works soon (he's in a comedy being released soon so he'll be back to big lovable oaf Show probably after Mania), but there's little build to it so far, let alone the match with Jericho...it will probably be Jericho/Edge, with CHRISTIAN as the back-up for Edge.

Now, as for the SES, Joey Mercury might be coming in, so there's your tag guy to go with Gallows. Punk is probably in line to dethrone McIntyre at some point, considering they have buried every mid-carder who has been brought up over the last few months (with the exception of Morrison) to get him NOT over.

While I certainly like that idea with Jake the Snake, I think Punk needs to bring in a straight-edge Super Soldier...someone considered the Best In The World...an, American styled Dragon if you will...

Yeah, Danielson.
First off, no logic in the Christian/Jericho pairing. Even during their history, it was a love/hate relationship that left Jericho getting embarassed at WM when Trish left him for Christian (or, if you wanna get technical, Jericho costing Christian his last WWE match before he left for TNA). Besides, most reports have Christian jumping to Smackdown!, so no US Title reign for him (that's going to MVP more than likely).

The promos so far, since this whole thing began have been about partners... Show being better than Edge... Show not being happy that the team disbanded cos of Jericho being on SD... Showmiz as opposed to Jerichshow... its a good, old fashioned "jilted tag partner" feud... not been seen properly done for some time... Edge v Jericho was a lock, till Edge came back not so hot in shape... granted he has some time, but... at present it looks unlikely the "killer match we hoped for can happen..." so as I said, plan b booking... Jericho vs Showmiz... works... Jericho as the jilted partner so angry he goes back to the guy who he says was his best partner ever... not show...but Christian... Christian plays along... after all he is a free agent... on the night he costs Jericho the loss to Miz... or he no shows Jericho the following night and lets the Harts or SES destroy him...

The logic you missed was that you have Miz, who is extremely hot... needing more than MVP at mania... Christian who is looking for something more meaningful than a losing effort in money in the bank., maybe something and then a top feud with Jericho who might not be able to get the match he wanted and Show needing a face turn... 4 good reasons, plus as I said, the Miz who is further ahead than any of their other guys.... gets a mania match with 3 former world champions.... the Tag titles get some prominence and nicely poised for your new team to come in and dominate...

There's logic there... you just have to think outside the box..

Danielson works as he is new and Punk could say he "wrestles straight edge..."
but they need recognisable faces, otherwise the "bald heads" merge into each other... I could see one of the ECW guys like Tyler Reks in that role... Mercury in that role is midcard immediately... Big Zeke would easily fit in...
Danielson works as he is new and Punk could say he "wrestles straight edge..."
but they need recognisable faces, otherwise the "bald heads" merge into each other... I could see one of the ECW guys like Tyler Reks in that role... Mercury in that role is midcard immediately... Big Zeke would easily fit in...

mercury works bc the "saved" angle fits him, punk can say he saved mercury from going down the wrong path and ect ect... plus wasnt mercury in age of the fall...which in the grand scheme of things ses is like aotf but on a bigger stage and a little bit of a twist..... big zeke wouldnt fit in, cmon this would be like saying batista would fit in...... they scream steroid even if they didnt/dont take...its not the image they want for ses.... the only way that would even remotely work is if they had big zeke say punk saved him from steroid use AND THERES NO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY vince would allow that to be said. danielson would work as hes a new face that could push for midcard singles to start his run and punk can say like him danielson is a straight edge wrestler that thrieves on competition...if they did go thru with this i could see it going the way the new breed angle was supposed to go if they didnt screw it up.... danielson would eventually gain popularity within ses and theyd start to follow him with punk getting jealous and eventual turn for danielson
God I hope so. Let's start from the bottom

Serena: Better than most current Diva's and should definately get a women's title reign...plus I find her quite attractive ;)

Mercury and Gallows: Should be paired up for a tag team title reign, though I would like to see the titles split up so SD has their own.

CM Punk: Being that he thinks he's god...I can imagine a feud with Taker since he's "dead". Although I can also imagine a feud with Edge over the World Title.

Maybe even we could see Punk/Gallows/Mercury feud with Edge/Christian/J-Mo over the tag and Intercontinental titles...maybe I'm just pipe dreaming though...
the straight edge society as a whole is a pretty cool idea, im not too sure as to why they all shave their heads, you would think, him being the savior he would at least show his purity as well, but whatever, i just cant believe they made the beautiful serena shave her head.

but as far as what i think is in store for SES, well, i think once you bring in joey mercury, youve got a built in feud with john morrison there, but winning the tag belts without him will be the first shot fired, and serena can go much better then the divas on smackdown currently, so i cant rule out a title run after the whole "piggy james" thing is resolved and mickie can move on, but itll be MONTHS before punk gets another title shot, im sure the writers have everything planned out for the next few months barring injury.

i like the SES, i love CM Punk as a stable leader, but i think the ultimate coup for them would be to pick up Matt Hardy, then you have mercury and hardy as tag champs, punk as intercontinental? champ, and gallows as the enforcer, he doesnt really deserve any kind of belt, especially after the fake kane and festus fiasco's, and thats my best shot as producer for the day...

i don't know how much wrestling skill Serena has but i bet she better than some of the crappy diva on smackdown(McCool&Layla).Joey and Matt would be great and with Luke enforcing they could be a dominant over wwe.It will be a long time before punk is world champ again because of mania and the aftermath of mania.punk could be IC champ though.

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