

Excellence of Execution
Goal: This lecture covers the concept of "storytelling", as it pertains to professional wrestling. At the end of this lesson, you should understand how a great professional wrestler incorproates a story into his match, in order to promote interest in the match.


Pro wrestling is about entertainment. Whether it's ROH or AWA or WWE, the fact is people watch for the story being told in the ring.The story could simply be a competitive struggle between two world class wrestlers or it could be the classic heel vs. face match commonly found in the WWE or it could be like Hart vs. Austin from WM 13. There are many different stories which can be told in the ring and it is this narrative which makes a match truly special. A match story is commonly an extension of the program between two workers (or teams), but it is not required.

Let's look at an easy to understand example, the previously mentioned Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin match from Wrestlemania 13. The program (also commonly known as the angle) between these two workers was one of intense hatred of each other. Each man was repulsed by the other's values, or lack thereof. Leading into the match, a fan was to believe these two men hated each other with a burning passion, a level of hatred beyond any either wrestler had ever felt. Even the stipulation of the match, a Submission match, played into the story, as one man had to admit his opponent was better than him.

When the match begins, they don't lock up, they don't engage in arm bars and wrist locks...the match starts with a brawling fist fight. Would we believe they hated each other if they started the first five minutes of the match "feeling out their opponent"? Of course not. The first five minutes features a brawling fist fight, Austin being run into a post and Hart getting dropped onto the steel railing, right before they go brawling into the audience. These two men hated each other and they told a story in their match about doing everything they could to tear each other's head off. Even the ending of the match, with Hart putting Austin in the Sharpshooter, played to this story, as Austin (the tough SOB) refused to quit and simply passed out from the pain. That's storytelling.

Storytelling is an area where guys like Hulk Hogan and John Cena excel. Hogan was the master at taking a beating by the bad guy, making the fans think their hero was going to lose to the villain, and then when things seem the darkest, Hogan draws upon the power of the fans, and wills himself to victory. Hogan was the master of that story, but it wasn't the only one he could tell. Let's take a look at his match against Warrior at WM 6.

At Wrestlemania 6, the match between Hogan and Warrior was a story of the greatest wrestler ever putting over his successor. If you go back and watch, the match was all about how equal the two men were. Take the "Test of Strength" they engaged in...that's a great example of what that match was all about. At one point, one man was stronger, and then in the next moment, the other man was stronger. And throughout the match, they went back and forth, both men raising the bar and then meeting their opponent at the next level. And, in the end, Warrior proved he was every bit as powerful as Hogan, and just a little bit more. The conclusion fans received from this match was, in the fans eyes, they now had their new hero, a guy who could take on the forces of evil with every bit as much ability as Hogan had for years. That's storytelling at it's finest.

Storytelling is one of the integral parts of what makes a great professional wrestler. Storytelling in the ring draws an audience in and allows them to follow along with the match, even if they don't realize it at the time. It invests the crowd into the match, which will hopefully pay off with a huge pop for the finish. Storytelling is one of the five most important aspects of a great professional wrestler.


1. True or False: Storytelling happens entirely in the buildup to a match and never in a match itself.

2. What is the most common story told in a WWE match?

3. Do you have a favorite story for a match? If so, why is it your favorite?

4. True or False: Storytelling is one of the most important criteria to becoming a good professional wrestler.

1. False
2. Face gets advantage, then heel gets advantage, then face reclaims advantage, ending.
3. Your personal opinion, no answer given
4. True

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