
Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
I didn't see it anywhere though I didn't bother giving a thorough search, but the forums say it is your birthday. So to you I wish you a happy and awesome birthday. And it seems as if the Yanks are keeping you happy (for now) today.
Since all Stormtroopers are clones, don't you all have the same birthday? Happy birthday to you and all your fellow soldiers for the Galactic Empire.
Clearly Spike knew it was Stormy's B-day, that's why they're airing one of the Star Wars marathons today:lsabre:
Since all Stormtroopers are clones, don't you all have the same birthday? Happy birthday to you and all your fellow soldiers for the Galactic Empire.
lol thanks. Actually, they're clones, so their "birthday" would likely be the date that they were cloned, I think.
Yea, happy birthday man. I've noticed you; you're a pretty good poster.
Thanks, and thanks for the praise.
Happy Birthday Stormy
Adrian Gonzalez went 0-4, Happy Birthday.
lol, the better part was the Yankees won 9-4. And thanks.

Even better was that my favorite non-closer relief pitcher David Robertson got the Yanks out of a jam in the 5th (and he got the win), on what is his 26th birthday (yeah, I'm celebrating my 26th birthday too).

Clearly Spike knew it was Stormy's B-day, that's why they're airing one of the Star Wars marathons today:lsabre:
wow, kinda ironic.
Stormtrooper, we need to form a tag team with Stinger called Team WCW.

Happy birthday man. Hope it's full of things that are awesome.

I was hoping Stormtrooper was going to find a way to take this birthday thread as a personal shot against him.
Sorry. Too hung over earlier to do anything like that. Plus there was no reason to, as no one was being mean spirited here towards me. But thanks anyway.
Happy birthday Stormy. Even though you're a Yanks fan and I'm an O's fan I hope you have a good one.
Thanks man. I'm pullin for the O's to finish 2nd. Hell, I'd love to see them get the Wildcard (if the Yanks win the division). I know some O's fans, and they deserve a break after all the years their shitty ownership has screwed them over. Also, I have Nick Markakis, Adam (NOT PacMan) Jones, Brian Robers, and Derrek Lee on my fantasy team, so they all need to dominate. Be happy though, as Buck's the guy to turn that team around. He's gonna be manager of the year in the AL.
Happy Bday!
Thanks man. Here's hoping the Buffalo Bills has a strong draft, and can finish 14-2 behind the 16-0 Jets and lose to the Jets in the AFC Championship game. No joke, I always pull for the Bills, I have a bunch of friends that are Bills fans. (You're a Bills fan, right? I think I recall you being one.)
Happy Birthday my friend.
Thanks LSN, my favorite Pittsburger (Pittsburghian? What do you guys call yourselves anyway)?
Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Stormy. :)
Thanks Notorious, my fellow former New Yorker (of couse I'm a soon to be again New Yorker, but for now I'm still former NY)

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