Stone Sour Vs. Slipknot

Stone Sour or Slipknot, who do you like better?

  • Stone Sour

  • Slipknot

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Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Here is a simple question for the metal fans on this forum, Stone Sour or Slipknot which band do you like better, Corey Taylor fronts both these great bands, and both bands have good followings, however they both offer a different kind of sound, where Slipknot is more crazy, and intense, Strone Sour is a bit more mellow, and more mainstream friendly, with songs more focused on issues, where Slipknots music is more focused on the release of aggression, and anger, both bands are great and from what I hear both put on incredible shows, but which one do you like better

For me it really depends on what kind of mood I'm in, when I'm angry or just having "one of those days", then their is nothing better than throwing in some Slipknot an just letting all the anger and pent up frustration out, but for any other time Stone Sour is good, and for me right now I've been listening to alot of Stone Sour, mostly their Live In Moscow disc, so right now I'd have to go with Stone Sour, though I have recently got a copy of Slipknots Live 9.0, and have to say that those two discs will definetly be getting some play soon since we are getting busy at work and things are sure to get frustrating in the near future

btw Slipknot: Live 9.0 is a must buy, once you listen to it you'll probably never listen to the other three previous albums, their live shit is by far better than their studio work, and the same goes for Stone Sour and their Live In Moscow album, which is only available through iTunes
First of all, I love both bands. Corey Taylor is a musical genius and could probably make polka interesting. With that being said, if I have to choose, I would pick Stone Sour. I was a fan of Stone Sour first- they actually turned me on to Slipknot. I think the music is much more melodic and the lyrics cover a wider range on topics.
Both bands are great and are lucky to have Corey as a frontman. His very talented and knows his stuff.
I'm into more of the heavier and technical stuff and Slipknot delivers that. Although there are times where I'm not in the mood for the heavy stuff but still wanting to hear Corey so I switch to Stone Sour.
Urgh that's a really hard question

I enjoy most things Taylor does musically. Even his work on "I'm not Jesus' Was good considering the band he was working with.

I have to say i love the Slipknot anger and the passion in every ripping Verse. That gets me everytime i listen to their records, that and the drums. Insane drums.

Stone Sour seem like the Heavier verision of Audioslave or Foo Fighters. A Rock band turned up quite a bit. They are good though, make some slick songs and 'Through Glass' had a great video.

In the end, i think it depends on the mood and i suppose your age. I went through a phase where i hated Slipknot but have come round again to seeing their greatness.

It's Slipknot for me.
Aren't both bands the exact same, only without the masks? I thought they were the exact members, maybe with one or two exceptions.

At any rate, this is the funny thing. I don't know which band was around first, although I do believe Slipknot became famous first. However, for me, I fell in love with Stone Sour's music, before I came to like Slipknot's.

I just couldn't for the life of me, wrap myself around enjoying listening to Slipknot & the constant "insane/intense" screaming. Because I never could understand them. The irony is, upon loving Stone Sour, I gave Slipknot another try & now I love them just as much.. I think thats weird to a degree, but maybe its because I can somehow bring myself to understanding them more than I could before.
I'm gonna have to go with Stone Sour. I'm not a huge metal fan, but Slipknot is a good band. I just really like mellow more than metal...most of the time. Like Will, I thought SS was basically Slipknot turned down a few notches, but either way, both are great bands.
i think slipknot easily. any band can sound exactly the same as stone sour if they want to. but how can stone sour compare to slipknot. slipknot have a really unique sound, they haved stayed together since 1999 with the same members and there live shows are off the hook.

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