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''Stone Cold'' Steve Austin (1998-2003)

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
It's 10 years since the Austin Era [Officially] had it's start, and 5 years since it ended.

He defeated HBK at WrestleMania 14 to begine his first run as work champ. Austin-Mania started about 18 months before, but that was it's official beginning. He had his last match at WrestleMania 19 against The Rock. You would assume it'll be his last ever match. Austin doesn't need to take the risk by having another match. Looking back it's weird to think he was only on top for 5 years. And in those 5 years he had about 2 years or so off. It make you appreciate the longevity of Hogan & Flair more.

Anyway each week until WrestleMania 24 there will be a new Austin topic in this thread. To celebrate the beginning and end of Austin the main eventer. Each Tuesday there will be a new topic. This week it's best match. Followed nect week by worse match (he's had some stinkers), then best title reign, best angle, greates feud and finally his defining moment, and your over all opinion.

So on to this weeks topic:

Best Match
From March 29th 1998 To March 24th 2003

A lot of people will go for Austin vs. Rock 2. Good choice. But it's the easy one. I myself am going for Austin vs. Dude Love with special Ref Vince McMahon @ Over The Edge 1998. Great match. Each wrestler played their role perfectly. Without the Austin/Love fued it's doubtful that the McMahon/Austin feud would have been as good as it was.
I go with Austin vs Angle @ Summerslam. The feud these two had is very underrated, it was this feud alone that made the WWF vs The alliance feud mildly intresting. As for the match the beating Austin gave to Angle was mental, and it set the scene perfectly for Angle to win the title from him at Unforgiven. The match sold the story of Austin not been able to beat Angle whatever he threw at him, and is one of the best examples at how to sell a story during a match. Also I think this is the time when Austin was at his best, certainly with his mic work. Austin played the psychotic schizophrenic heel perfectly, and is the only time in Angles career where he got over as a face. Great match great feud.

I'm going with a dark horse here.

Although I think a lot of his "Classics" such as Rock Austin and Ausin/Bret Hart are great the one that stands out in my mind is Austin vs. Kane the day after King of the Ring 1998.

The fact that the match itself was only built up for a couple hours was pretty remarkable because it had a great feel throughout it.

RAW rarely has world title matches on TV anymore and the fact that this one happend was huge.

Austin overcoming the odds in this one against "The Big Red Machine" who was still unstopable at the time told a great story.

The fact that Austin was screwed out of the title and was able to get it back really added to the match.

I actually wasn't expecting him to win that night and assumed it would lead to a match at the next PPV.

The crowd was going crazy the whole time and when he hit the look on McMahons face was priceless.

Great match and an underated one in my humble opinion.
For me it's technically three matches. 3 stages of hell with HHH at no way out 2001. This is one of the few times that a pay per view has almost been built on one match. These two went at it for for the better part of an hour in three different types of matches. Granted austin lost 2 of the three, the buildup was great, the finish was great, and it flat out ended the feud for the time being to set up the legendary rock austin 2 match a month later.
Austin v. Rock @ Backlash 99.

Much better match itself than WM15, and set up perfectly the start of the corporate ministry feud. I never really was impressed with Austin/Rock Mania 17. Sure, it had the Austin heel turn, but there was too much of Austin doing Rock Bottoms/Rock doing stunners, kicking out of finishers, etc. for me to put it up at the top. No one should use anyone else's finisher. It's so uncool.
ummmm is everyone forgetting WM 13???

The match with Bret Hart, is amazing, Brutal, intense, iconic. Made Austin, and started the attitude era in my opinion. one of the first cases of the crowd turning and changing during the course of a match, and popping for the heel. Both men beat the shit out of each other in this. And of course it had one of the more unforgettable finished of any match ever. What WM is all about, what Steve Austin is all about, what Bret Hart was all about. Amazing, great match.
ummmm is everyone forgetting WM 13???

The match with Bret Hart, is amazing, Brutal, intense, iconic. Made Austin, and started the attitude era in my opinion. one of the first cases of the crowd turning and changing during the course of a match, and popping for the heel. Both men beat the shit out of each other in this. And of course it had one of the more unforgettable finished of any match ever. What WM is all about, what Steve Austin is all about, what Bret Hart was all about. Amazing, great match.

I would agree with everything you have said, I merely did not want to be a tool and pick the answer that everyone else was going to pick. But, it's a very unique match in all of the things you said....I merely was going witha a dark horse.
Stone Cold vs. Chris Benoit on SmackDown in June of 2001 was an amazing match. I taped that show and had it for years, but recently I havent been able to find it. And unfortunately, it will never be available on a WWE DVD.

Another awesome match, that was already mentioned, was Austin vs. Angle at SummerSlam 2001. Such an underrated match, that I was surprised wasn't on Austin's new DVD set.
I was going to go with this match but it's not in the time frame. Has to be after Austin first won the belt.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap. Good catch KB. That slipped my mind, also. I think that is the real reason I didn't pick the submission match.

It's gotta be that Backlash match then. I really like how they ended it with a stunner and then a belt shot....it gave a fresh end sequence instead of the typical stunner to The Rock that would result in him flailing around the ring.
For me, I despised the Steve Austin of 98-99, and that was through no fault of his own. it was the side show of the WWE created by Vince Russo and the more sizzle then substance approach to wrestling he implied. His matches during that era were an afterthought to all of the loud noise going on around him during that era. When you come down to it, break it down and strip the Attitude Era of all of it's sizzle, you find a really, really dull core. I tend to agree with Jake, outside of the match with Dude Love at Over the Edge 1998, Austin's 98-99 run was rather blah. The focus was always on McMahon vs. Austin and no true feuds developed from that, maybe Rock vs. Austin, but the seeds for that were planted in 97.

For me, Austin was at his best in the WWF from late 96-to Summerslam 97, and when he came back as the willing to destroy anyone Bionic Redneck in late 2000-WM 17. The Austin Era, 98-99, and the Heel Turn (Worst Heel turn ever) were dull moments for me.

I can probably name a half dozen matches off the top of my head in 97 that I love.

Royal Rumble 1997: Austin comes in and destroys everyone in the Rumble. Nothing beats Stone Cold doing pushups in the middle of the ring after he eliminates people. This was the dawning of something special. The guy gets eliminated by Hart, yet the refs don't see it, and in ultra heel style, runs back into the ring and eliminates everyone left, that was genius.
Fatal Four Way: Austin vs. Vader vs. Undertaker vs. Bret Hart
Which of these is not like the other, Austin at the time. The other three were solid main event players, and Austin was the young up and comer mid carder. Austin had been getting some major heat, but this was his first real main event shot. He does well in this match, but is the first eliminated. However, he hangs around and ultimately cost the Undertaker the WWF title in this matchup. Eliminated first, but yet remained the focal point of the match.

Actually, I'm going to stop right now, because I could probably go on about every Austin pay per view match from 1997. In my personal opinion, 1997 was the best year the WWE ever had, maybe 2000 and 2002 come close, but 1997 stands atop of that mountain. You had Taker and Hart solidly in the main event scene, HBK was gone because of his "smile" (had nothing to do with not wanting to drop the title to Hart, I swear). Foley, Vader, Owen, Bulldog, all of these guys were solid upper mid carders. The Rock, Shamrock, Austin all rolled through the mid cards and got their footing started this year, and can't forget Triple H, even he was watchable at this point in his career.

I honestly don't think Austin had a bad matchup on pay per view the entire year. Austin vs. Bret at WM13 is probably the greatest match at Mania in it's history. The next month was a solid rematch with both firmly in their new roles as face and heel. Cold Day In Hell 1997 vs. the Undertaker in his first title match on pay per view was solid, and in my opinion, their best match on pay per view. King of the Ring 1997, again, a solid fucking match with Shawn Michaels (it is a miracle that those career ending knee injuries heal up in 3 month now isn't it?). Personally I felt this match was the better of the two pay per view matches and was much better then the WM 14 matchup.

July at the Canadian Stampede was great too. Austin was probably the hottest thing going, and he's the one to end up getting pinned, by Owen Hart. The aftermath of this was great with a handcuffed Austin flipping the bird to everyone in the crowd which led to a great match the next month at Summerslam where everything changed for him. We all know what happened there.

So anyways, to the point of this thread.

Best match, Bret vs. Austin, WM 13. Truly a classic and the way the match saw both switch heel and face was amazing. Bret is so much better then what the IWC gives him credit for. Austin came through as an ultra tough guy chosing to pass out instead of tap out to the Sharpshooter, (although I wouldn't put it passed Vince to have Austin tap to the WTFU at this point).

A close second would go to 3 Stages of Hell. I thought this was a very solid matchup as well. I could go on and on about Austin and some of his matches, but I'lls top for now and see what the next topic is, but let's not forget about Benoit vs. Austin either in Edmonton, what a solid matchup.
Surprised this hasn't been more popular. People just love to talk about Austin & The Rock

This weeks topic:

Worst Match
From March 29th 1998 To March 24th 2003

I've got two choices. vs. Kane & Taker at Judgment Day in 1998, and vs. Taker in a Buried Alive match at Rock Bottom. Both hold the distinguished honor of being boring Austin matches. Which was hard when you get rabid fan reactions, and are pretty much always entertaining. But these two just drag. Borin, horrible matches. One's you just want to end. Add to that how hot both Taker & Kane were during that period. And the fact that Buried Alive matches always have a curiosity factor.
The Taker vs. Kane vs Austin match was at Breakdown, at Judgment Day Austin was the special referee for the Taker vs. Kane match and was fired for not declaring one a new champion.

I tend to agree with these two choices. The Breakdown match made no sense whatsoever. So McMahon gets pissed at Austin, and wants to humble him and has the "Masterplan" yadda yadda yadda. He makes a triple threat match in which anyone that pins anyone can become the champion, yet he makes it so Kane or the Undertaker can't win by pinning each other, they must pin Austin. So let me get this straight, you limit the number of options you can have one of your guys win with, but Austin still has both options. Sure, I understand you want to humble Austin by having someone pin him, and you want to make sure Kane and the Undertaker don't destroy each oter and Austin gets a clean pin, but this was just a train wreck. For a better triple threat match, watch the one earlier in the night with Shamrock, the Rock, and Mankind, that was good stuff.

The Buried Alive match was pretty terrible as well. It just seemed that the WWF had nothing for Austin from September to January. Sure this match had the stipulation of Austin must win to get into the Rumble, but other then that, he was gone for a while. Sure, Austin works better as the guy chasing the champion as opposed to being the champion, but so much more could have been done with him during those months.

Austin vs. Scott Hall gets consideration too. That match was a disaster which fit in perfectly as to how underwhelming Wrestlemania X-8 ended up becoming. I still say to this day that it should have been Austin vs. Hogan, regardless if Austin wanted to do it or not.
Austin vs. Hall was bad. Boring even. But he didn't have the same momentum he did in 1998. To have a bad match in that time made Austin look really poor. At least in 2002 there were other wrestlers to take to load off his back.

As for Austin/Hogan. WWE should have made him wrestle that match. If he declined then he should have been left off the card. I doubt Austin/Hall drew anything anyway.
Well it made Austin look weak as well. It made him look like the fifth most important guy in the federation after spending the previous 4 years on top. He was trying to re-establish himself as a top face in the company, but willingly stepped aside of a match sure to get him top billing and sure to make him a huge face once again.

People say Hogan has an ego problem, but Austin simply needs to learn to let i go sometimes.
I'm sure the amont if money he would have made would have helped a little. The Rock was a big star. But he was nowhere near as a big a star as Austin or Hogan. Not even close. I can't say I'm annoyed because I haven't seen the match, but it still would have been intresting. I'm still undure why they booked Austin/Rock at Mania 19. Goldberg was coming in, they knew that Austin was close to ending his career. Goldberg vs. Austin would have made money. There wasn't any need for them to appear on screen together until the match. It just made sense.
well i have to say steve austin is what got me back into wrestling i stopped watching around '92 hogan was slowing down warrior was living in the hills of montana and savage was commentating. Stone cold came in as ringmaster when i started back watching. WWF was just waiting on shooting star the had the talent just nothing to get them where they needed to be. Then ringmaster was switched to stone cold steve austin and i know everybody knows what im saying, but people started cheering for a heel he flipped off earl hebner, he kussed everybody all to hell, he belittled a christian jake roberts the night of AUSTIN 3:16and people just loved him. So Austin came out of no where and i think he brought everything wrestling needed to the table in '97 and wwe would not be where it is now if it was'nt for him. And wwe is still breathing from the fumes he left behind in my opinion the best damn performer ever. and my favorite match of his is Bret and austin WM13
The Taker vs. Kane vs Austin match was at Breakdown, at Judgment Day Austin was the special referee for the Taker vs. Kane match and was fired for not declaring one a new champion.

I tend to agree with these two choices. The Breakdown match made no sense whatsoever. So McMahon gets pissed at Austin, and wants to humble him and has the "Masterplan" yadda yadda yadda. He makes a triple threat match in which anyone that pins anyone can become the champion, yet he makes it so Kane or the Undertaker can't win by pinning each other, they must pin Austin. So let me get this straight, you limit the number of options you can have one of your guys win with, but Austin still has both options. Sure, I understand you want to humble Austin by having someone pin him, and you want to make sure Kane and the Undertaker don't destroy each oter and Austin gets a clean pin, but this was just a train wreck. For a better triple threat match, watch the one earlier in the night with Shamrock, the Rock, and Mankind, that was good stuff.

The Buried Alive match was pretty terrible as well. It just seemed that the WWF had nothing for Austin from September to January. Sure this match had the stipulation of Austin must win to get into the Rumble, but other then that, he was gone for a while. Sure, Austin works better as the guy chasing the champion as opposed to being the champion, but so much more could have been done with him during those months.

Austin vs. Scott Hall gets consideration too. That match was a disaster which fit in perfectly as to how underwhelming Wrestlemania X-8 ended up becoming. I still say to this day that it should have been Austin vs. Hogan, regardless if Austin wanted to do it or not.

Thats a pretty good list atleast two of them for sure. The triple threat match didnt make alot of sense to me either. Sure McMahon wants to humble him but not allowing taker or kane to pin each other is in Austin's favor. If he wanted to have him humbled then why not have himself as the ref as well like he use to do frequently. I didnt have a problem with the ending cause it set up three things i really liked. One the next night Austin driving the zamboni to interupt the ceremony and get to Vince. The second thing it set up was Judgment Day where Austin didnt declare a winner....was fired...and then held McMahon hostage the next night. To quote King and JR....

King : Can someone reason with this guy?
JR : Lets get a hostage negotiator. Your a pretty good talker, why dont you go talk to him.......Austin is armed. The man is armed for god sakes.

The other thing that came from it was the title tournament, and formation of the corporation.

Austin vs Hall...i cant even dispute thtat...not quality Mania match.

The only one i dont agree with is thte buried alive match. Buried Alive always had that element of something different to it.Plus Austin needed to win to get in tthe rumble. I like how he had the back hoe to fill in the grave.

....I cant wait for best promos.
why is this thread dead right now???

i think we need a new topic to get it going maybe a best promo/segment or best rivalry outside of vince seeing as rthats a dead obvious choice.

theres so much that can be discussed here
I agree that the austin/hall match was plain badd... if it were austin/hogan I believe WM18 wouldve drew far more than it actually did with the rock/hogan.. maybe im just being a mark on this one but I still would love to austin/hogan.
The only thing with that match was the ending with scott hall taking the last stunner was pretty funny.i think at the time every1 was hype about hogan vs the rock.Still i would have love to see hogan get stun by austin

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