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Sting- Worth keeping or should TNA just move on without him?

Would you keep Sting as an investment for future growth or is he not worth the money?

  • Keep him

  • Let him go

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Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Kind of a similar concept as the Bubba The Love Sponge thread .... Sting was the most recognized name on the TNA roster as far as a semi-active performer. Now, that honor is given to Hulk Hogan.

However, Sting is a key name in the organization that is very familiar to wrestling fans. I just have to ponder whether or not that familiarity will really matter in the big scheme of things. In other words, do casual fans really care about Sting anymore or is he basically someone fans look at and go "Meh" in this day and age?

I have two questions.

1) Is Sting really all that much of a draw anymore in this day and age?

2) If you feel he is a draw, is he worth keeping on board given his extremely high asking price and WILL he make a difference in helping TNA WITH RESPECT to that asking price?

So again, you get to play the role of TNA President, Dixie Carter? Is Sting a keeper and is he an instrumental component in growing the company and giving it credibility, along with names like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Eric Bischoff .... or has Sting worn out his welcome to the point that the general public really wouldn't care all that much if he was gone?

Do you keep Sting and pay him his asking price, or do you cut your losses, get rid of him, and move forward without him?
TNA was able to create a pretty big buzz without Sting. Once it was announced Hogan was coming to TNA, all of the attention shifted to him, and rightfully so. Hogan is a bigger name than Sting, and although Sting has been around in TNA a lot longer than Hogan, Hogan still will be a bigger draw because he's such a huge name. Ever since Sting's absence, TNA has been able to carry on without him. They've had their top face in the company turn heel, TNA also has acquired two of the biggest names in pro wrestling history with Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, and Kurt Angle who is another established veteran on the TNA roster, has been involved in some awesome feuds with AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe. So, when you consider all of that, you could say TNA is doing just fine without Sting at the moment, but I still feel TNA could use him.

We all thought Bound For Glory would be the curtain call for Sting, but obviously it wasn't. The way that match ended left us with plenty of questions for Sting's future. When he got on the mic, he really didn't say if he was ready to retire or if he was coming back. He left everyone on the edge, and because of that, there's still some mystique left with Sting's character.

There's still some interesting storylines Sting can be involved in if he returns. He could confront AJ Styles and Ric Flair about their recent actions. Sting was the one who talked AJ out of retiring from wrestling, and we all know he holds Flair in the highest regard, so he could return and have matches against one of them or both of them in a tag team match. The only question is, who would his partner be? Then there's Hogan. We all know the history these two have from WCW, so it's highly likely TNA would want to do a storyline involving these two.

Sting might not be as big of a name as Flair or Hogan, but I feel he still has some value left. Seeing as Sting probably won't stick around for a long time, I don't think it would be too big of a problem for TNA to pay him. Maybe, just maybe, TNA would be able to work out a deal where as he wouldn't make as much money as before. They could try, and explain to Sting that since they've been loyal to him for all this years, maybe it's time he did something for them. TNA could explain how their up coming "war" with WWE is a HUGE deal, and they would really appreciate it if he could "take one for the team". If Sting doesn't want to budge, then TNA should still bring him back. The storylines with Flair,AJ,and Hogan could be something worth watching.
1) Is Sting really all that much of a draw anymore in this day and age?

Is he a draw today? No, but it's still nice to have someone with his name value apart of your program. Someone could be flipping the channels one day, see Sting, stop and say, "I know that guy." and end up watching the show for a few minutes. That's ultimately why recognizable names are so important having on your television program, if you ask me.

2) If you feel he is a draw, is he worth keeping on board given his extremely high asking price and WILL he make a difference in helping TNA WITH RESPECT to that asking price?

Even though he's not a big draw, I still say he's worth keeping regardless, because of what I said before, but also because the man can still go in the ring. You can't say the same for Flair and Hogan, but Sting can keep up with those young guys, and as long as that's a fact, I say you keep him on the roster.

Sting might be 50, but his body isn't old and flabby like a lot of pro wrestlers who reach that age get, and because of that... he's able to still go in the ring. Him remaining in good shape, plus having the name value he does have, could be used for many great things in TNA, especially since Sting has no problem putting anyone over. Guys like Hogan and Flair... you just cannot say the same about, which is why someone like Sting is so valuable, in my opinion.
Sting is still a huge draw as far as I'm concerned. There's just a great aura around him. I love the way he says the person's name that he's talking to at the end of every sentence. It's ridiculous old school wrestling style and I like it a lot for some reason. '

However, now we haven't seen him at all in so long. Who knows what their plan was before he no-showed the tapings... would he still be standing in the rafters? That was just going back to the WCW gimmick and it's pretty pointless, so when he finally is back on tv, I hope they just forget about it. They should have him in some kind of managerial role, maybe being the rebel against Hogan.
Sting could've been a key element in the periodical table of the TNA rebirth as of January 4th, but since he hasn't been on-screen for so long, he is - in my opinion - completely unnecessary for the current product. iMPACT is not suffering at all without Sting, and with all the talent currently fighting for TV time, do we really need yet another old guy hogging the spotlight?

Alright, alright, Sting puts younger guys over, gives them the rub and moves on, fine. But right now, how exactly would he be implemented in any ongoing feud or, for that matter, later on inserted in a new feud? Didn't Sting get a damn good send-off when he lost to A.J.? Didn't he get phased out smoothly? And do we really miss him on TV right now?

I know I don't. There are enough oldies in TNA as it is, and until the 3D/Nastyz experiment has run its course and both teams are (hopefully) fired and forgotten, I can't see how to use him in a way that doesn't take even more time away from the guys that need exposure.

So, I voted "Let him go". Let him spend time with his family and fade into obscurity once again. Sting has paid his dues and then some, he's contributed to TNA in numerous ways and now it's time to move on.
Hogan and Flair have basically step into managerial roles. They are the two biggest names in wrestling. As for Sting I say let him run a program with Aj/Flair then retire. He doesnt have much left to do in TNA. It will be a pretty uneventful retirement anyway. I say he should go to WWE even though I am a huge TNA fan. Sting is one of wrestlings great gimmicks. He should go out on top in the biggest company. I think Sting owes that to himself. To leave TNA and sign a one year deal with WWE then go out at Wrestlemania. TNA is a lesser known brand. Ric Flair will always be remembered more as retiring against HBK at mania. Sure he cameback but that doesnt tarnish the wrestlemania match with HBK. I will always remember that as Flairs last shining momment. Just as seeing Sting on top in WWE at mania against Taker or HBK would be Stings finest momment. I guess sure it would be ok for him to face AJ Styles and then go out, but really to the rest of the wrestling world AJ just doesnt have the creditability as HBK or Undertaker.

Looking back on it Sting fans can either say oh Sting beat some guy name AJ Styles. Or they could say He fought HBK or Undertaker 2 legends in a great match a wrestlemania. Flair or Hogan would not give Sting a legedary final match. Aj Styles isnt a big enough name and his and Sting styles do not go together in the ring well. So if he wants to truly go out on top I say leave TNA. TNA could use the money anyway. Then go to WWE for 1 year. Even though he is known for the biggest superstar to never go to WWE. I dont know why thats considered bragging rights? Dan Marino is known by alot as the best QB to never win a Super Bowl but his name comes up more with not winning the Super Bowl than with being great.

Does Sting never want to challeneg himself and win at the biggest stage of them all?

Or does he want to fade slowly into the sunset leaving without that much of a bang, just at best an ok match against a not so big Superstar?
TNA will be fine without him I don't know what they could really do with him in the long run. I don't want to see another Sting Flair feud or match. They wont be able to put on a classic match like they have so many times before.

There's no doubt he is one of the greatest of all time, but it's time he steps down. I do think TNA should bring him back for a final match and give this true legend a proper send off. He's done a lot for TNA and deserves to go out on top.
Sting is one of those guys that I want to see around for as long as possible. I have infinite respect for the man, and he was there helping TNA grow when they had not much else in the way of help. Is he still a draw? Perhaps not as much as he was in the past, but same can be said of Hogan....and Hall....etc. I do know that it makes a big difference to me personally to see him on my TV screen. And in regards to his asking price, well I'm sure it's not going to break the company to pay him for another year or two, they seem to be spending money quite liberally anyway. Sure, they've been moving along fine without him, but does this mean we take him out back and shoot him? His fueds still generate a huge amount of interest. It just wouldn't feel right if he got swept under the carpet at this point ala Scott Steiner. Let him have a good run under this new regime, he deserves it for all his contributions to the business, and the company. They sure would be left with alot of egg on their face if they decided not to keep him and he did his final match in WWE.
I completely forgot Sting was still an active member of the TNA roster, he hasn't been seen in weeks. (I don't remember seeing him) I say keep him but use him more in a Mick Foley type role, keep him in storylines and have him occasionally wrestle, he's a familar name so that helps the product.
I am not sure Sting was ever a draw, not really, I mean, I could be wrong and probably am but I dont think he was the one that pulled in all the ratings for WCW back in the day. He's a bit like Undertaker it seems, popular, but not someone who brings in the mainstream fans in droves.

That being said, he's still awesome, in my opinion still a much better worker than the majority of TNA's talent, not as athletic or agile, but a better worker, I certainly am more invested in his matches than I am with most other guys. So yeah he is worth keeping around, he may not be a draw, but as JMT said he's a veteran who people recognise and may take the time to watch for old times sake.

Not only that, but he is still a compelling character with miles on the clock and can still teach most of the young guys how it's done. So why the hell not?
Sting is not really that big of a draw and I don't think he ever has been. He's wildly popular with fans, has earned a lot of respect and does have a lot of knowledge that can be shared. Compared to most of the TNA roster, I think Sting is an overall better wrestler. He's not nearly as strong or athletic as he once was and he's starting to get a little long in the tooth. But, I'd have to say that a lot of fans do care about seeing what he's involved in.

I think TNA can and would get along fine without him. Since Hogan's debut, Sting has not been a relevant factor and I don't think that's likely to change anytime soon. I don't know what the deal is as Sting has been a stablizing factor in TNA for several years now. I don't know if Hogan and Bischoff aren't really interested in working with him, I don't know if Sting is the one with a problem with them, or if both parties are mutually indifferent or what. But, Sting is popular with TNA fans and he's popular with the boys and girls in the locker room. He's a respected veteran that's helped to do a lot for TNA.

In the end, however, I don't necessarily think that TNA needs Sting in the long run. There are still a few interesting ideas that can be applied to him, such as getting him involved in the middle of the AJ Styles/Ric Flair scenario. It's been nearly 10 years since Sting and Ric Flair have been in a wrestling ring together, so that in and of itself would be interesting to see.
The only reason I started watching wrestling again back in the 90s was because of Sting.

The only reason I started watching TNA was because of Sting.

Many other people, including many who do not post on wrestling forums, started watching TNA because of Sting. The man has a very dedicated fan base.

Sting can not be retired in the manner he was and especially by the wrestler he fought, AJ Styles.

That to me, and many others, was an insulting slap in the face. Might as well have Undertaker lose his streak at a future Wrestlemania against Ted Dibiasi Jr. over at WWE.

People still get excited about Sting, and unlike Dixie's precious pets AJ or Joe, the guy knows how to work a crowd even if some of the younger fans do not know him.

Sting, to me anyways, is brilliant the same way Ric Flair and HBK are, if he slows down in one area, he knows how to pick up the steam in another and keep it interesting and entertaining.
I must agree that Sting is the guy who got me watching TNA. I've grown to love TNA since then but that doesn't change the fact that Sting got me watching in the first place.

What's the point of letting Sting go as soon as his two greatest rivals of all time are mentoring the two guys he was mentoring before they got there? He did that long story to put Abyss over followed by one for AJ a bit later. You know he can't be happy about Hogan and Flair getting ahold of them.

What Sting is thinking about this whole situation is the most intriguing story to me even though it's only gotten a few mentions. Add "The Band" to the mix and there's no way any of you wouldn't take advantage of Sting being on the roster. With the new additions to the company Sting is still a valuable commodity due to his past with everyone involved with the storylines.

P.S. For Sting not being a draw the little bastard sure did get me to spend alot of money.
From my vantage point, I would keep Sting. While I haven't been a giant Sting fan because I didn't watch early WCW, I have enjoyed his work over the years. Would he get ME to buy a TNA PPV? No. But it should also be said I've never ordered a TNA PPV and order maybe 3 or 4 WWE PPV's a year. I think for others though, specifically southern wrestling fans, Sting is a very popular wrestler. He's still a big draw and lets face it, he can still wrestle. Now that Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan are in TNA, he should headline some shows with them to try and get some of the older WCW fans interested in wrestling again.
Sting should go (as an active wrestler). If he wants to keep the part time schedule, make him general manager or something. But you can't have him go for the belt AND be part time. It's simply not fair to the other talent who bust their butts every night. He deserves respect and I get that; but don't let his ego get in the way of the up and comers. Give him on air time and make him GM or announcer or something in that respect. He just doesn't have the heart for the business anymore.
Sting should go. He doesn't sell much merch, ppv, or tickets. Show where he sold that much merch for TNA, show the big ppv numbers, show a gate with more than a 1000 people who bought tickets. You can't.
If he was making Eric Young money I would say keep him but he's not.

This is TNA's biggest problem they care more about getting internet buzz than the three things they should care about moving merch, selling ppvs, and selling tickets.
I am not sure Sting was ever a draw, not really, I mean, I could be wrong and probably am but I dont think he was the one that pulled in all the ratings for WCW back in the day. He's a bit like Undertaker it seems, popular, but not someone who brings in the mainstream fans in droves.

Starrcade 97, biggest WCW show ever, Sting beats Hogan, ring any bells?

Anyway, Sting should be kept around for sure. I mean seriously, if TNA can't make room for Sting, their priorities are way out of whack. He's a 3 time TNA Champion. Until this AJ run, that would have been tied for the record. he's a legend not only in wrestling but in TNA. There's an aura around Sting that few others have. Since he's never been in WWF, there's this mystique about him and a lot of older fans see him as something unique. Also as was said by JMT, he'll put people over and can go in the ring. He can also talk rather well and has the look already. Sting is the epitome of a veteran that has a lot of value left. He's to TNA what Terry Funk was to ECW. he gave them credibility and still can do so to this day. You don't think Vince would like having Sting? He's a valuable asset and should be around for as long as he wants to be. If I remember correctly, Hogan and Bischoff were mad because he had a family emergency. If their egos are that big that they think Sting is just another guy, they're stupider than I thought.

Sting is a BIG asset.
IMO it would be really dumb to bring in Flair and then simply end Sting's run with the company. There are just too many good ways to play off the history there and like many have said its not like Sting is bad in the ring or anything like that. I do think this should be his last year but the credibility/still can wrestle combo is in high demand for TNA right now.
im actually amazed that so many people want to see sting go. he has nothing to bring? he is still a huge name. he got a huge pop when he was shown up in the rafters and has always been a big draw for tna.

lets just look at the bound for glorys, aka TNA's wrestlemania.
bfg 2 sting vs jeff jarrett
bfg 3 sting vs kurt angle
bfg 4 sting vs samoa joe
bfg 5 sting vs aj styles
and he won three of those

he is the hhh of tna, lol

sting is still a huge draw, and with hogan (a huge rival of his and his opponent for the biggest starcade imo) and flair (the man who with he had the last match ever for wcw) coming back in, he needs to come back.

now i believe he is still a great wrestler and can keep up with the youngins, but he is getting older and i would not mind seeing him do what hogan and flair have done.

hell man, they brought back xpac and razor ramon (i actually like the guys, but they are no where close to stings level.)

tna definately needs sting. even if they just dont want him going to wwe. (seeing as how he stayed away from vince for so long i dont see it as a huge possibility, but if vince throws lots of money at him, he might guest host or something.) sting is a drawn because he hasnt sold out to vince, and his character is timeless. he is one of the few guys that you cannot turn heel. no matter what role he is in, the fans love him. he was the semi face of the company for a long time, and he still has some fire and spit in him.

p.s. along with christian, he is the reason i started watching tna, as numerous people have pointed out, that alone is worth having someone stay. even if he couldnt wrestle, an old fan of his might be flipping channels see his past hero, tell some of his friends about it, and this is what attracting viewers is all about.
I'd say that Sting is still a draw in this day because people still like him enough to pay to see his matches. He is a legend and willing to put over future stars, those are two of the best reasons for TNA to keep him around. Now that Hogan and a lot of other big names have joined TNA, there is yet another reason to keep Sting.... the potential for better feuds!

He's still worth keeping despite his high asking price. I think he'll still help make a difference by being in important matches, great feuds, and putting over the stars of tomorrow when needed. Sting is very well known and instead of asking "Why should they keep Sting?", the question should be "Why should they NOT keep Sting?". There are too many potentially great angles left for them to get rid of him now that so much has changed in TNA.

If they got rid of him now, then the fans who have been watching TNA will want to know what would have happened if Sting had been able to interact with the big names who have recently joined, and he REALLY needs to address Styles' heel actions, I'm still waiting on an epic promo from Sting where he gets upset at Styles for turning into a Flair clone. Many who have been a fan of his, recent or longer, would be upset if TNA got rid of Sting. They should keep him around a little longer, get some great angles done, and THEN they can get rid of him, when the vast majority of fans no longer care. He's still an asset to TNA right now.
Yes TNA should definitely keep Sting.Sting is my favorite wrestler of all times and he is willing to put over the young guys in TNA and he is well liked by most of the TNA Roster.
to the person who said sting doesnt sell much merchandise and he doesnt make eric young money.... are u ******ed.... eric young doesnt draw money (hence why he is with nash right now cause he needs built up) he doesnt sell merchandise either... and all these fans about not drawing 1000 tickets... does it really matter... the legacy of sting is immortal... and to sting never being a draw, your just as ignorant and must have never watched WCW... Sting was the forefront of the company, the face, the hero... guys like DDP and Ric Flair and even Roddy Piper and the Warrior were over shadowed by the impact Sting had. It was never WCW vs NWO it was Sting vs the NWO... how many times did you see one man dominate and entire faction like Sting did the NWO? Sting is probably the 3rd or 4th greatest wrestler, and to not keep him and use him is a bad move... keep him, and lets see how the old timers keep up with some one there age who is as fit as a young talented wrestler...
TNA should only keep Sting if he's going to be involved in a big angle. Using him for anything less wouldn't be worth it. Besides having enough big names that are on tv weekly such as Foley, Nash, Hall, Bishoff, Hogan, and Flair doesn't make Sting all that necessary to keep on pay role.
If we're to see Sting do something worth while to elevate some younger talent, keep him for that. If not, cut him loose.
Sting could be utilized a lot better now then in years past...basically due to Hogan/Bischoffs/etc's prescence. Hogan/Sting had one of the biggest fueds in WCW History, and (at least to my knowlege) have not even been in the same ring with one another since WCW folded. There is a lot that they can work off adding Sting into the mix again with Hogan. If done correctly, it would be a huge draw for the company.
Starrcade 97, biggest WCW show ever, Sting beats Hogan, ring any bells?

Hmm, the one with the shitty ending? Sounds familiar.

But then, Sting was against Hogan, I mean, did people watch Starcade to see Sting, or did they watch because they wanted to see Hogan to get the shit kicked out of him and it didnt matter if it was Sting, Lex Luger, Bruiser Brody or Bob Backlund who did it?

I am on the fence with Sting, on the one hand you've got people like Austin and Rock who have been proven to draw on there own, unless I am missing something (which I am willing to accept is likely) I dont think there is any evidence for Sting being a proven draw on his own. A draw against the NWO sure, but then, NWO probably was the draw in itself.

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