Sting: TNA's "third Man"


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sting has seemed kinda lost in the big shuffle of TNA and nobody seems to know where he fits any more.

Sting has always been the dark knight of sorts in TNA. He stands in the rafters watching. He only came down from the rafters when he saw a problem that needed fixed. he always fought for good and whats right. This isnt only the case in TNA but was the case for most of the last part of his WCW career.

I think the best thing for TNA right now would be a Sting heel turn. similar to the way the nwo played out, you have Flair and Styles who recently went heel. neither of those were real earth shattering heel turns. Flairs the dirtiest player in the game and has spent most of his career as a heel or at least as a guy who wrestles like one. AJ Styles isnt well known enough to shock people. Sting has the star power, Sting is known as a face, a good guy. Have him turn heel and join up with Flair and Styles, 2 men he has alot of history with. Keep him alligned with them. The biggest problem with factions in TNA is they dont last. I would probably change up his appearance some to make the change seem real. for example Hogan dropped his trademark red and yellow for black, maybe Sting should drop the face paint. or change it significantly.

This would not be the first time Sting has been compared to Hogan. early in stings career he was thought of as WCWs Hogan. he was a big blonde guy who always fought for what was right and was a proud american.

What are your thoughts?
Sting has seemed kinda lost in the big shuffle of TNA and nobody seems to know where he fits any more.

Sting has always been the dark knight of sorts in TNA. He stands in the rafters watching. He only came down from the rafters when he saw a problem that needed fixed. he always fought for good and whats right. This isnt only the case in TNA but was the case for most of the last part of his WCW career.

I think the best thing for TNA right now would be a Sting heel turn. similar to the way the nwo played out, you have Flair and Styles who recently went heel. neither of those were real earth shattering heel turns. Flairs the dirtiest player in the game and has spent most of his career as a heel or at least as a guy who wrestles like one. AJ Styles isnt well known enough to shock people. Sting has the star power, Sting is known as a face, a good guy. Have him turn heel and join up with Flair and Styles, 2 men he has alot of history with. Keep him alligned with them. The biggest problem with factions in TNA is they dont last. I would probably change up his appearance some to make the change seem real. for example Hogan dropped his trademark red and yellow for black, maybe Sting should drop the face paint. or change it significantly.

This would not be the first time Sting has been compared to Hogan. early in stings career he was thought of as WCWs Hogan. he was a big blonde guy who always fought for what was right and was a proud american.

What are your thoughts?

With your post, the plot thickens. This late in Stings career, this move may have been right if everything took place with Hogan on board and the Monday Night Wars coming back maybe in 2005 when Sting made his return to wrestling for an organization. Not sure if the timing is right, because Sting needs to go out on top and be the face of wrestling as he ALWAYS was. A heel turn would diminish the way he should go out because even though Sting is possibly the best wrestler out of ALL the old timers, WWE included, he doesn't have many more years left in him to full fill his place in the business.

With that said, I love the idea, and Sting was always so versatile when it came to personality, and storyline. He can do so much and with everyone drawn to him as the ultimate face of TNA and with his face fueds with the heel Flair, maybe it would be a shock to see Sting/Styles AND Flair heel. TNA would have to push somebody in as a MAJOR face. Would be interesting for sure, esp seeing Sting/Flair on the SAME TEAM, something that is very rare. But is it too late for Stings career to do so?
Sting can't get serious heat from crowds as a heel. Fans love him too much. Especially in TNA where fans like to say a big F U to the bookers and just cheer for whoever they want regardless of heel/face. His heel turn with the MEM didn't work very well.

Also, WCW tried to turn him heel in 2000(?) or so and it didn't work all that well then either. He's always been too much of a fan favorite. Fans don't like to boo him.
i think even as a heel fans will still cheer for him, when sting was heel back in the nwo wolf pack days people still cheered for him. i always did. i think so much has just happened in tna that sting has literally just been lost in the shuffle.

my two guesses are this, sting & "the band" hogan & the gang OR sting & flair/ aj styles after all sting most recent story line was mentoring styles. i actually thought aj would be the new sting wearing face paint & all
i think even as a heel fans will still cheer for him, when sting was heel back in the nwo wolf pack days people still cheered for him. i always did. i think so much has just happened in tna that sting has literally just been lost in the shuffle.

my two guesses are this, sting & "the band" hogan & the gang OR sting & flair/ aj styles after all sting most recent story line was mentoring styles. i actually thought aj would be the new sting wearing face paint & all

Sting was never heel in the Wolfpac, as the nWo Wolfpac was the face organization to Hollywood's nWo. Sting turned heel when Hogan went back to the Red and Yellow/Hulkamania in 1999 when Luger threw in the baseball bat and Sting used it to win the World Title. Sting pulled off attitude nice, but yes, the fans cheered him even harder haha. Also, how Hogan made a house hold name out of wrestling with the major heel nWo, it was hard feeling sorry for him and if anything, made you like Sting even more since Hogan was WCW's top heel for pretty much their entire run.
Firstly, Sting is a legend and I've always loved him, but, he has never worked good as a heel. Anytime they tried it, it backfired, so I wouldn't start now. That'll probably be one thing that works against Sting in "greatest ever" conversations. All the best could be face or heel and pull it off successfully. He always comes to mind when I thnk of guys who couldn't do it, he and Goldberg.
Sting just doesn't seem to fit in well as a heel and this is kind of a "been there, done that" type of thing that I don't think will get another try. Remember, Sting turned heel when he joined forces with the Main Event Mafia and we all know how that turned out. Also, and many forget, if Hulk Hogan had not accepted the role as the 3rd man of the NWO in 1996, the plan was for Sting to be the 3rd man. Of course, Hogan accepted and it was a change in career paths for both men as Sting later on implemented "The Crow" look which may go down as his signature look. Previous postings are correct in saying that the man is just too well-loved and respected to go heel.
3rd man more like 6th man He don't have it even if stupid ignorant fans still chant you still got still got still got it....what is it that he has besides a severe case of Can't take a bump syndrome...He looked awful in the ring in his last match he botched so many spots i thought i was watching Sid Vicious in the ring and nope it was the stinker..Fuck Sting Fuck Sting Fuck sting This guy needs to scrape the paint put on a suit and stay in the back build the young guys teach them what not to do preach to them give them jesus but don't be that Creepy dude that watches other men from the rafters what is he gonna wrestle Flair for the millionth time or hogan for the 8th time...we waited what a yr to see them face off then it was a complete wash of a match and yeah he sucks as a heel and he is not any better as a face...I don't want to get behind him and I sure don't want to get infront of him maybe we can leave that to Orlando Jordan I heard he likes to swing his bat at the boys...LOL fucking seriously tho sting needs to pull an owen hart....RiP Owen no disrespect.
3rd man more like 6th man He don't have it even if stupid ignorant fans still chant you still got still got still got it....what is it that he has besides a severe case of Can't take a bump syndrome...He looked awful in the ring in his last match he botched so many spots i thought i was watching Sid Vicious in the ring and nope it was the stinker..Fuck Sting Fuck Sting Fuck sting This guy needs to scrape the paint put on a suit and stay in the back build the young guys teach them what not to do preach to them give them jesus but don't be that Creepy dude that watches other men from the rafters what is he gonna wrestle Flair for the millionth time or hogan for the 8th time...we waited what a yr to see them face off then it was a complete wash of a match and yeah he sucks as a heel and he is not any better as a face...I don't want to get behind him and I sure don't want to get infront of him maybe we can leave that to Orlando Jordan I heard he likes to swing his bat at the boys...LOL fucking seriously tho sting needs to pull an owen hart....RiP Owen no disrespect.

I don't even know where to begin with this. Ok, I do. Your last comment alone shows enough about you to consider you as nothing more than a prick.

Sting is a LEGEND of professional wrestling. For crying out loud the man is 50 years old. Flair didn't look that great and he was still beloved well into his 50s. Sting isn't going to look up to par when compared to the likes of AJ Styles, Daniels, or even Kurt Angle. But the man still has an aura about him that the fans love, and that is something that you can't simply throw out to the trash. That's why the fans love Hulk Hogan. That's why fans still love Bret Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, etc. They love their legends, and they still make money.

Cracking gay jokes and saying that a person "needs to pull an owen hart" is nothing more than being a classless, ignorant asshole. Wishing someone would die makes you and anyone else who thinks this way among the lowest types of life.

I would much rather watch Sting any day of the week than one of these lame ass stupid comedy bits (Carlito dressed as Napoleon Dynamite, for example).
fucking seriously tho sting needs to pull an owen hart

Not gonna even bother quoting the barely cohesive dribble you posted before this comment. These kinds of ignorant, ill-concieved, and childish posts really piss me off. If you don't care for Sting as a wrestler, say that and use some logic to back up your opinion. Hell, don't use any logic. You can like who you do and dislike whomever you care too. Wishing bodily harm or death, especially in the manner you did by invoking Owen Hart then claiming no disrespect, is beyond classless and stupid. Try to be more mature in the future.

As far as Sting goes, he really doesn't work well as a heel. I think he could work heel if the fans didn't have that level of respect for him, but it would take like a crazy amount of cheap heat just to get the fans to boo him. Even then by the next week they'b be at the altar reeady to cheer him again. I'd just stick to what they're doing now. Inject a little mystery into what he's doing, but not too much. They need to at the very least reveal a little about what he's about before it just becomes "Oh, there's Sting again. Wonder what he's thoinking about up there?"
3rd man more like 6th man He don't have it even if stupid ignorant fans still chant you still got still got still got it....what is it that he has besides a severe case of Can't take a bump syndrome...He looked awful in the ring in his last match he botched so many spots i thought i was watching Sid Vicious in the ring and nope it was the stinker..Fuck Sting Fuck Sting Fuck sting This guy needs to scrape the paint put on a suit and stay in the back build the young guys teach them what not to do preach to them give them jesus but don't be that Creepy dude that watches other men from the rafters what is he gonna wrestle Flair for the millionth time or hogan for the 8th time...we waited what a yr to see them face off then it was a complete wash of a match and yeah he sucks as a heel and he is not any better as a face...I don't want to get behind him and I sure don't want to get infront of him maybe we can leave that to Orlando Jordan I heard he likes to swing his bat at the boys...LOL fucking seriously tho sting needs to pull an owen hart....RiP Owen no disrespect.

You have to be the biggest piece of shit Ever. To suggest someone kill them self and in such a tragic matter such as the Owen Hart incident speaks volume about who you are and will nullify anything you say whether its an opinion or fact. You are a fucking moron and should keep your moronic thoughts to yourself. As far as you bashing sting , He is an ICON. Your ring skills aren't gonna be top notch forever. That's like saying "Undertaker knock it off with your creepy entrance and your aching body just stay in the back and keep it up with those pep talks to those young guys." These guys are why we still watch wrestling. When I first started watching TNA a few years ago I didn't watch because of AJ Styles hell I didn't know who he was, I watched because of guys like Sting and JEFF. Guys I grew up watching and recognized the big name. Now Joe, AJ Styles, and Daniels etc. are the guys I tune in for each week, but is the Reason I came over. Guys like hogan sting Foley, undertaker, Flair, Nash are not going to do what they did 20 years ago. Neither are Jordan and Gretzky. But you Respect these people for what they did for the Company. On top of all that I'd rather watch Sting then Triple H any day. . . .
I feel like Sting has always taken a back seat to Hulk Hogan and whoever else the guy brings along with him ever since 1994. Nowadays a heel turn by the Stinger being the "3rd man" to complete a Flair/Styles/Sting trio would be meh at best. If they decide to do this though the way you say it being done (Sting taking off the face paint and adopting a new persona) is the way go.

But as others have stated Sting is very popular and people geuninely like the guy. I watched the NWA/WCW all the way up to its demise and Sting was never a guy fans booed or just hated. He's a hero and always will be looked like one to the viewer. Even when WCW did the heel turn of him using the bat from Luger to beta Hogan you never really believed the hype of turn. Plus it seemed more like WCW guys finally getting over on the WWF/E guys who came down South for all the NWO bullshit we watched for a solid 2-3 years.

I always seem in the minority but I hated what they did with Sting's character when the NWO arrived. First it seemed like he would be the guy to step up and fight the war. That first Nitro had me "going bananas!" as Gorilla Monsoon used to say when Sting smacked Scott Hall across the face. But then Hogan joined "The Band" and Sting sat in the rafters for almost 2 years. Yes, it changed the face of both mens characters and wrestling forever but to me I missed the old Sting. The guy who came out to Turbocharged and screamed to the fans. The colorful facepaint and the bleach blonde hair. To me they killed Sting and the guy was never the same after that.
Im a Sting fan, and I always will be. He is my favorite wrestler of all time, and that is never going to change for me. The reason Sting has never been able to play a heel is because people respect him way too much from the WCW/NWO feud in 96 and 97. He was the hero of WCW, he took on the entire NWO in the ring many times, and he was the only one who was triumphant in doing so. And not only that, he defeated Hogan at Starrcade 1997, which made him the ultimate hero of WCW. Because of his feud with WCW, thats why he is known as the face of WCW, and people will always remember and cheer for the Stinger for what he did 13-14 years ago.
3rd man more like 6th man He don't have it even if stupid ignorant fans still chant you still got still got still got it....what is it that he has besides a severe case of Can't take a bump syndrome...He looked awful in the ring in his last match he botched so many spots i thought i was watching Sid Vicious in the ring and nope it was the stinker..Fuck Sting Fuck Sting Fuck sting This guy needs to scrape the paint put on a suit and stay in the back build the young guys teach them what not to do preach to them give them jesus but don't be that Creepy dude that watches other men from the rafters what is he gonna wrestle Flair for the millionth time or hogan for the 8th time...we waited what a yr to see them face off then it was a complete wash of a match and yeah he sucks as a heel and he is not any better as a face...I don't want to get behind him and I sure don't want to get infront of him maybe we can leave that to Orlando Jordan I heard he likes to swing his bat at the boys...LOL fucking seriously tho sting needs to pull an owen hart....RiP Owen no disrespect.
For someone to want a wrestler to do an Owen Hart is a complete self centered, unfeeling prick!!!! yes that may come across a bit hard but Owen died in the most awful way. Yes DIED!!!!! No one deserves that. Sting is a legend of the squared circle and he has been at the same level as Hogan for years. The fact that he has never gone into WWE and yet has still got to the level of fame and talent as Hogan once had. his image has still got life in it and i for one feel that he would run TNA better than Hogan and Bishoff.
He has forgotten mores thing about this sport than you have ever learnt.
No. This would please about 20% of TNA's audience. If TNA wants to compete with WWE, then the answer is definitely not making everyone heel. Right now the only major face is Kurt Angle. Angle vs. Styles is gonna get stale sooner or later, and they're gonna need a new feud. Sting vs. AJ Styles is that feud. I know people are gonna say they just feuded in October, but back then, AJ was a kiss ass face, had sorry mic skills, and was just overall licking Sting's ass hairs all the way up to Bound For Glory. Fast Foward to now, and AJ Styles has awesome mic skills, is a cocky son-of-a-gun, and Ric Flair is his manager. I would want to see the Sting/Styles feud just for the history between Sting and Flair. Plus with Hogan and Bischoff wavering between heel and face, there is no need for another bad guy. TNA needs less factions, less heels, and more main eventing faces.
He will be a babyface. Watch for Eric and the Outsiders to turn on Hogan, revealing that they had enough of waiting for Hogan to 'get it'. So they are beating him down and Kurt, Foley and STING return to help Hogan. I think it will lead to a 6 man, with leadership on the line or something like that.
I disagree. If Sting has anything to do with Styles right now I'd prefer a long feud with a face Sting and a heel Styles where eventually Styles is put over again.

Face vs. Face feuds are always very boring for me (I think this time around it'd be a lot more entertaining) and now that they are getting everyone's attention, Sting putting AJ over again would do wonders for AJ. (I don't even think a lot of the new fans even know Styles won the belt from Sting.)
I think Sting is going to return to confront AJ and Ric Flair, and NOT turn heel. I don't think having Sting turn heel at this point in his career would make sense because the fans would probably cheer him anyway. Besides, it makes more sense to have him confront AJ (the guy who he convinced not to retire and became his mentor) about his current decision to join Flair and become the bad guy. Sting will return soon enough, and when he does, it will be in a major way.

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