STING: The Last Great Hero In Wrestling?????

The Unforgiven

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The title says it all. Is Sting the last great hero in wrestling? With Stings possible retirement looming after Bound For Glory it has got me looking back on the career of the man called Sting. He has always been a face for about 98% of his career. He has always fought for the right thing. When ever WCW or TNA needed that ray of hope or that 1 last saving grace they always called upon Sting.

Back in WCW even before the NWO he was always the top face going up aganist Vader or The 4 Horsemen. When he became the Crow version he became the ultimate hero. Week after week when DDP n Luger n all the other WCW guys were beaten down in the ring you always knew Sting was going to come to save the day.

Even in TNA he has always been the hero. Not as much now that he has gotten older but still the hero to a certian extent. When he was in the Main Event Mafia he was fighting for respect n honor for the legends. While Kurt, Nash, Booker T, n Steiner were beating down AJ n Joe Sting always walked away because he knew it was wrong. Now that he was kicked out of the MEM he is back to the hero role. He shows up to make the wrong things right.

I know poeple will say other wrestlers are heros to and yes while they are they arent to the extent Sting was and is. Hogan was at 1 time the most hated man in wrestling. Austin was the anti hero and he went back from face to heel a few times. Cena plays the hero role but half the crowd hates him so i cant really include him. So I ask you all Is Sting The Last Great Hero In Wrestling?
Very interesting point, like you said throughout most of his career Sting has done the right thing and he has been nothing but loved for it, whereas Austin even as the hero was out for number 1 and Hogan is probably the greatest heel of all time as well as being the greatest face.

I think you are right, wrestling doesnt really have heroes like that anymore, certainly not on the scale Sting was in during his peak, John Cena is great but people still boo him, most of those people are idiots but they boo him anyway. Sting from what I can tell has never had that trouble. Even today.

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