Sting is suspended – what does this mean for "Deception"?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I still don't understand why folks look for Sting anywhere but the rafters in the first place... seems like a monumental waste of time considering his damn-near twenty-year tendency to hang out up there with the shadows and pigeons, but I digress...

Last night we saw Dixie Carter – at the request of a very dejected and upset Bischoff & Hogan, who've grown tired of Sting, who they consider a "cancer" – meet up with "The Icon" well above the iMPACT! Zone where she proceeded to inform him he'd been suspended for 30 days without pay because of his actions over the last few months – actions she felt were never explained sans cryptic responses to which Sting angrily defended against citing that he's been explaining himself for months – Dixie just hasn't been listening.

As a means to finally get Dixie to see the light, Sting chimes about allowing him to explain to her again – this time in "child-like terms" so she can understand – but before he's able to, Eric Bischoff comes to the aid of Carter screaming "no more talking!" and requests that security remove Sting who fires back that Carter may as well make his suspension indefinite.

Now as if the writing wasn't on the wall enough with Sting's crusade against all things Hogan (Bischoff, RVD, Hardy, etc.) already, the feud has seemingly furthered itself from a culmination now that Sting's been suspended, so the question is, just how ingenius is this, or does this still reek of insecurity and unassuredness? Does the "deception" angle still have a viable exit-strategy, or do you still see the potential for a culmination despite this suspension?
Deception is over. It was over the night they ran it. It's a great example of the issues TNA has with continuity. There likely will be an eventual explanation of what is going on with the whole Sting/Dixie/Hogan/Eric thing, but the whole Deception thing is just not going to be explained. It was about RVD and Sting and since they aren't associated with each other anymore there's no reason to going back to the Deception angle as it doesn't mean anything more at all. It's over and it's not going to be explained. I know, I'm stunned too.
The deception angle is a prime example of what makes it so hard to follow TNA.

The Storylines are compelling, the Talent is great, the show is actually looking really nice.. But they just don't finish anything. They don't tie up there loose ends, but at the same time expect you to follow a Sting/hogan/bischoff angle that dates back to January. They do EVERYTHING all at once it seems, and it makes the whole show look really clustered..

They have literally a whole year worth of angles they are trying to fit into a 6 months time span, and it seems like somebody else either is debuted, or turns heel every week.

If its Sting/Hogan/Bischoff it should be Sting/hogan bischoff and thats it

Not Sting/hogan/bischoff

All going on at one time, its an old formula but you do one thing at at a time.. They turned sting heel.

Sting vs RVD should be a 3 month feud at the very least, Hogan, Jeff Jarrett and Bischoff should not be involved whatsoever, just let a heel sting vs Face RVD happen, focus on THAT feud and push it. They are trying to do to much at once, and dropping potentially great storylines, like the deception angle.

It's all setting up for what TNA thinks is going to be a huge ppv buy rate: Bound for Glory: Sting vs. Hogan (loser leaves TNA)

i'm sure when sting comes back from suspension the debate on who's the Cancer of the company will continue. Sting will continue to take out whoever gets in his way until Hogan finally has had enough.

And I agree with airvar in the fact they have Hogan getting involved with way to many storyline. You can even add in the fact of his promos with Matt Morgan.
im sure at one time this angle had an end, but dixie is like a puppy who gets excited with a new toy and forgets about what she was just doing.

any fan who has any knowledge of the nwo\sting era in wcw knows what sting is getting at. pretty obvious he hates hogan\bischoff. sting thinks hogan is a cancer himself, not the other way around. imo he is refering to hogan& co coming in to a place & running it over with their buddies.

'the band' is no more, which they could have used to help this angle make sense. jarrett hated bischoff but now sides with them against sting. the rvd feud didnt last long. they are losing focus on what to do.

if this is going anywhere its got to happen soon. i figure sting will still hide in the rafters, stalking his prey, suspended or not. picking his spots & dropping down just to confuse and attack. (exactly like wcw)... it will probly come down to sting-vs- hogan at some point (exactly like wcw)... they should do more with this soon & could be a good story if they stick to it. with the upcoming 'ecw invasion' they need another good storyline to go with it, b\c one big feud cant carry the whole show. they need to connect the dots & finish the picture.
It's about damn time. It was appearing that this whole Deception angle would of work better if it was Kurt Angle instead of Sting, but they cut that out quick.

Trying to make Sting a full heel is like Billy Crystal playing the villain in the Super Mario Bros. movie, back in the 90s. It won't work and it does not matter how much you try... It just cannot work.

It's funny how people glued each and every week to watch what Sting was going to do with that baseball bat for over 3 to 4 months. I was wondering when somebody was going to do a flesh to flesh chop on him. Sting is done, he does not have the "IT" factor since he "Retired" from TNA. Sorry, but this was on the same level of Lady Gaga trying to prove that she is a female... In other words, nobody was buying it.
TNA's writing staff has forgotten how to write. This isn't just a problem with whatever this "Deception" angle was or was going to be, this is a problem with their entire company.

Every story; books, television, guys by a campfire, what have you- has several basic elements and steps.

1) Introduce the characters. From a professional wrestling point-of-view, that would mean taking your existing characters and taking believable reasons for them to enter the angle you are setting up.
2) Introduce conflict between your characters. The antagonist (heel) does something to the protagonist (face). Minor issues are confronted and resolved (or not resolved), but always in service of the major conflict of the story. Foreshadow possible resolutions to the major conflict, in order to keep people aware and interested in it.
3) Bring events to a climax. Increase the pace and severity of conflict between the characters in your story.

And here is where TNA always fails-

4) PROVIDE A PAYOFF! People that say the adventure is the journey, not the destination have never written anything for an American audience. In this country, people like their stories to end "happily ever after." That doesn't mean the face has to win every time, but eventually, the protagonist gets satisfactory resolution to his dilemma.

Don't get me wrong on that last bit; there are many great stories which end in disarray and chaos. But people don't watch professional wrestling to feel bad about the world; to feel like the bad guys are always going to get ahead. Writing for professional wrestling is very simple, classic, good guys take the day over the bad guys type stuff. TNA has a room full of guys so high on the smell of their own stale farts that they've forgotten HOW to tell a story.

P.S. If you're going to have a top face take a beatdown, TNA, give him camera time afterward to vow revenge!
I don't think there's any problem with the angle at all. I think the angle is going along quite fine and is moving at a good pace. The problem is YOU FANS. YOU MICROWAVE GENERATION OF FANS THAT WANT EVERYTHING QUICK AT THEIR DISPOSAL. The storyline is playing out slowly. We all should know by now that Sting's problem is with Hogan & Bischoff but the subtle mystery behind it is what is carrying the angle. Patience is the key. Deception is still in the process. It's about patience!
I have absolutely loved what they have done with Sting and this storyline. I love the subtlety, the long-running nature, and the way they draw on things from the past vaguely, yet still it never quite makes perfect sense, so you want to see just how they chose to tie it up. It truly baffles me how anyone could think this latest development is not adding to it. The way they used Hogan and especially Bischoff last night was perfect to add that extra level of intrigue. Now Sting gets to rest a little to heal up before they move the angle further and we can see what happens with Hogan/Bischoff while sting is gone. This also lets them put added focus on the culmination of the other mysterious storyline. Anyone who thinks this is the end of the deception angle and it will never be explained is jumping the gun IMO.

Also, I forgot to mention I thought the way they inserted Dixie into the angle was a great play on the her IWC rep. I'd explain that further but I will channel my inner sting.
I don't think there's any problem with the angle at all. I think the angle is going along quite fine and is moving at a good pace. The problem is YOU FANS. YOU MICROWAVE GENERATION OF FANS THAT WANT EVERYTHING QUICK AT THEIR DISPOSAL. The storyline is playing out slowly. We all should know by now that Sting's problem is with Hogan & Bischoff but the subtle mystery behind it is what is carrying the angle. Patience is the key. Deception is still in the process. It's about patience!

THANK YOU. A lot of the people on this post I have noticed are wanting things to have ended even before they have begun. I remember during the 90's when everyone would tune in and watch the show just to see what's gonna happen and hang on for months until a feud culminates with a big match.

I miss the days before the internet ruined pro wrestling and made everyone think that they could actually do a better job as a writer than the professionals who were hired to do so. Thing is I would actually love to see anyone who thinks they can do a better job be handed the position for 1 month and see how they do when they have deadlines, uncompromising talent and management influence stirring around them.

I honestly think that they would buckle under the pressure within a week. Yes I will admit there have been times that I have thought I could write better programs but honestly I think TNA is for actual wrestling fans who used to love the build up of talent / stories.

As for where this angle is going. Who knows. Only time will tell. Every fan from the old WCW days knows the hatred between Hogan / Bischoff & Sting so the best thing to do is sit back and watch at what plays out.
Why is everyone saying this deception angle is dead? Couldn't it be that the "deception" wasn't just aimed at RVD, but everyone aligned with Hogan (Jarrett, Hardy, RVD, etc.)? Basically saying Hogan and Bischoff are deceptive by making Dixie and the TNA roster believe they are doing what's best for the company, but instead are driving it into the ground and only looking out for themselves like they did WCW.

Who knows...maybe after this feud Sting will come out the face and Hogan/Bischoff will turn.
Either some of you guys aren't bright enough or just have a bias against any storylines featuring older wrestlers.Because it's as simple as this hogan and bischoff is conning dixie and sting is trying to tell her this, but she's to blinded by the fact of what she thinks hogan/bischoff brings to the company.It's playing out that sting was right all along and hogan and bischoff were the real bad guys in this whole situation!
ok, here's my take on it

Sting, like in WCW is the "bad guy" who secretly is good all along.
Deception is going to be the name of the group with a heel Hogan/Bischoff fronting the group with Jarrett (who sold out to Hogan and screwed Dixie over for sending him home months ago over the Karen Angle...angle LOL) Dixie is just a pawn in this.

now, the ECW guys...I don't know if them and Sting/Abyss will join forces to combat "Deception" or if they are part of it....that's when brilliant writing and plot twists will make this a really killer angle to follow and I just hope it pops when they payoff is revealed whenever they decide to unlid it.
The deception angle is a prime example of what makes it so hard to follow TNA.

The Storylines are compelling, the Talent is great, the show is actually looking really nice.. But they just don't finish anything. They don't tie up there loose ends, but at the same time expect you to follow a Sting/hogan/bischoff angle that dates back to January. They do EVERYTHING all at once it seems, and it makes the whole show look really clustered..

They have literally a whole year worth of angles they are trying to fit into a 6 months time span, and it seems like somebody else either is debuted, or turns heel every week.

If its Sting/Hogan/Bischoff it should be Sting/hogan bischoff and thats it

Not Sting/hogan/bischoff

All going on at one time, its an old formula but you do one thing at at a time.. They turned sting heel.

Sting vs RVD should be a 3 month feud at the very least, Hogan, Jeff Jarrett and Bischoff should not be involved whatsoever, just let a heel sting vs Face RVD happen, focus on THAT feud and push it. They are trying to do to much at once, and dropping potentially great storylines, like the deception angle.

It's all tied together man! If you will be willing to use your brain, then maybe you will realize this. it goes back to samoa joe being kidnapped , to Abyss turning on hogan, to sting saying in his pre-slammiversary promo that change is coming. All these storylines are tied together, Now we just have to let it all play it self out .And would you stop jumping to conclusions and let the storylines finish before you start complaining!
alright I'll admit I haven't watched much of TNA mainly because the blonde pencil necked geek I mean Hogan is a useless washed up hack who couldn't wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag the man literally has four moves in his bag of tricks and I have always rooted against him and I totally agree with most of the posters here I miss the days of months to build up to a great finisher match of some kind however in retrospect I think the only people to blame for the loss of this type of build up is us the fans we want everything now ok off the soapbox and to this post I believe this is just a rehashed version of the tease of Sting joining NWO back in the 90s only it will be discovered that he has been building an army of followers to include Abyss, Lethal, and others to fight not only the Deceivers but Fortune as well only to find out that both factions are one and the same this is the way I see it playing out with the information I have gleened from reading interent reports on how this has played out so far and you will find that RVD, Hardy and Anderson are in on it and they all will be heels again and the TNA ECW click will battle with both groups because they are the outsiders trying to move in
It's all tied together man! If you will be willing to use your brain, then maybe you will realize this. it goes back to samoa joe being kidnapped , to Abyss turning on hogan, to sting saying in his pre-slammiversary promo that change is coming. All these storylines are tied together, Now we just have to let it all play it self out .And would you stop jumping to conclusions and let the storylines finish before you start complaining!

That's exactly right, snoopy. It seems that a lot of people who complain about the TNA product just can't comprehend the long-term booking that TNA currently has in the works. I believe the 'deception' is still in play, as Bischoff (who I suspect will be turning heel at some point) is deceiving Hogan. I think Bischoff is the main guy behind all of this. If you noticed on Impact last night, when Bischoff slapped Abyss -- Abyss did not attack Bischoff; instead, he attacked the security guards. And it just wasn't a pure coincidence that Bischoff showed up in the rafters during the Dixie/Sting segment. I think Sting/Abyss/Bischoff (maybe even the ECW crew -- although they could be faces) are all tied into this together.
IMO some of you are getting your hopes up way to much. For the people that think that all these angles are tied together.... seriously? :disappointed:

You think they had Abyss turning heel this whole time? The only reason Abyss turned heel was because his face gimmick couldn't get Helen Keller to buy a ticket. When TNA realized he wasn't over at all/and realized the fans knew the top 10 was rigged.. they went back to the drawling board.

Yes we all want to know who kidnapped Samoa Joe, but remember that was when Bischoff was still a heel. I guarantee they dropped that story line and are hoping at least a fourth of their audience forgot about it.

This is all leading to Sting vs. Hogan loser leaves TNA at BFG... I'd almost bet money on it! If they had a huge storyline they reveals itself in the end trust me, I'd be doing a cartwheel right there with you guys.. but stop getting your hopes up. They have proven time and time again that they can't finish a storyline.
IMO some of you are getting your hopes up way to much. For the people that think that all these angles are tied together.... seriously? :disappointed:

You think they had Abyss turning heel this whole time? The only reason Abyss turned heel was because his face gimmick couldn't get Helen Keller to buy a ticket. When TNA realized he wasn't over at all/and realized the fans knew the top 10 was rigged.. they went back to the drawling board.

Yes we all want to know who kidnapped Samoa Joe, but remember that was when Bischoff was still a heel. I guarantee they dropped that story line and are hoping at least a fourth of their audience forgot about it.

This is all leading to Sting vs. Hogan loser leaves TNA at BFG... I'd almost bet money on it! If they had a huge storyline they reveals itself in the end trust me, I'd be doing a cartwheel right there with you guys.. but stop getting your hopes up. They have proven time and time again that they can't finish a storyline.

Way to be cynical! look man, this stuff is to easy to critize but when they get something right have the balls to say hey they got that one right. alot of you probably wasn't following along but now are starting to see the storyline come to the light sort of speak and now aren't that lost anymore. but yet in still of saying ohhhh, now I see were their going, you're in the mindset to be in denial.just admit it when you were wrong and that you were lost because of you're lack of intelligence! it's ok not all fans are that bright.
Way to be cynical! look man, this stuff is to easy to critize but when they get something right have the balls to say hey they got that one right. alot of you probably wasn't following along but now are starting to see the storyline come to the light sort of speak and now aren't that lost anymore. but yet in still of saying ohhhh, now I see were their going, you're in the mindset to be in denial.just admit it when you were wrong and that you were lost because of you're lack of intelligence! it's ok not all fans are that bright.

Sorry that I was "critize" TNA...

I forgot they have a great record of following up story lines and giving the fans an intelligent outcome.

Thank you for also proving that not all fans are bright, your spelling is 100% evident of the claim.

As KB already mentioned at the beginning, this deception angle involved RVD. Sting's feud with RVD ended faster than LeBron's cup of coffee at the Clippers free agency meeting.

I love how all of you continue to think all of this ties together but have yet to propose how it does. If it all ties together like you mention, please enlighten me and the others who are refusing to get our hopes up. It's not like we don't want to see a brilliant storyline, it's the simple fact that we've had 5-6 months with the Hogan/E administration and yet to see a continuation of a storyline.

Thanks for coming.
Sorry that I was "critize" TNA...

I forgot they have a great record of following up story lines and giving the fans an intelligent outcome.

Thank you for also proving that not all fans are bright, your spelling is 100% evident of the claim.

As KB already mentioned at the beginning, this deception angle involved RVD. Sting's feud with RVD ended faster than LeBron's cup of coffee at the Clippers free agency meeting.

I love how all of you continue to think all of this ties together but have yet to propose how it does. If it all ties together like you mention, please enlighten me and the others who are refusing to get our hopes up. It's not like we don't want to see a brilliant storyline, it's the simple fact that we've had 5-6 months with the Hogan/E administration and yet to see a continuation of a storyline.

Thanks for coming.

Ok guy so I left out a ''C'' in critcize sue me. if that's your best reply then you're going have hit me up better than that.Now on to my point how do you know that there's bad booking , because guys like you have jump the gun on so many of these storylines without seeing them through, and furthermore these storylines have been written well and it's coming to light yet you still don't seem to get it because you're probably a jaded fan because of hogan,bishoff and russo's past, that you're not willing to give the devil his due. Now the issue between RVD and sting was over the title and RVD happened to be champion and sting said as much when he said( robbie I don't know if you're in on it or not) remember that. of course not because you didn't listen now did you! like I said you are not following the story properly!
Ok guy so I left out a ''C'' in critcize sue me. if that's your best reply then you're going have hit me up better than that.

I'd love to reply to this, but I'll respect IDR's modding and not feed a troll

Now on to my point how do you know that there's in bad booking

How do you expect me to take you seriously, when my 2 year old nephew puts better sentences together?

because guys like you have jump the gun on so many of these storylines without seeing them through

Just as you claim guys like me "jump the gun," it can easily be turned around on "guys like you" who jump the gun and are too foolish to realize you've bought into the TNA hype machine once again. I'll say it again, I would LOVE to be wrong, and for TNA to end this program with an intelligent ending that brings in more fans, but my faith in their booking was lost about mid-march.

and furthermore these storylines have been written well and it's coming to light yet you still don't seem to get it because you're probably a jaded fan because of hogan,bishoff and russo's past, that you're not willing to give the devil his due.


Are people still using the "you're judging Hogan/Russo by their past" excuse

Why the hell would I use their past against them, when the present has been just as embarrassing.

That's like saying, I have no faith in the Pittsburgh Pirates because they sucked ten years ago... attention all readers... They still suck

Now the issue between RVD and sting was over the title and RVD happened to be champion and sting said as much when he said( robbie I don't know if you're in on it or not) remember that. of course not because you didn't listen now did you! like I said you are not following the story properly!

It still does no change the fact that all of you continue to think Joe's Kidnapping/ECW invasion/the Fotunane Stable/disception writing/etc are all linked together.

You have put together almost 6 months of storyline together, with almost 20 wrestlers, with about 3-4 heel/face turns in the middle... and you think it's linked? :disappointed:

Either the Director of Loose Change took over creative booking, or you and many on these boards are getting your hopes up for Hulk Hogan vs. Sting

Please .... I'll ask you again to give me a scenario that would make me believe that ECW/Abyss Heel turn/ Samoa Joe's kidnapping/Ric Flair's return/ and Hulk Hogan's feud with Sting are some how connected with Eric Bischoff in the middle. A smart fan would argue that its possible that not even two of those events are related, better yet all 25 you think.
Anybody care to analize the overall stories in TNA right now? Not just Sting's. Not just the World Title. How about "They" and the fact they want to take control of TNA and overrule Hulk Hogan. Wouldn't that benefit Sting and his desire to expose Hulk as a "user"? Abyss isn't an ECW original, but he seems associated with them. There is also the possibility of Samoa Joe. Who was the first to use the term "they". Now Sting is suspended. That doesn't stop him from attending the show like "they" have been doing as of late. In every way you see it, it points to them" and the fact the they can benefit him. He tried to get the World Title and use it as leverage but it didn't work. Uniting himself with the group that want's to overthrow Hulk seems like a perfect way to get his point across. This "suspension" seems like a great setup for it.
I'd love to reply to this, but I'll respect IDR's modding and not feed a troll

How do you expect me to take you seriously, when my 2 year old nephew puts better sentences together?

Just as you claim guys like me "jump the gun," it can easily be turned around on "guys like you" who jump the gun and are too foolish to realize you've bought into the TNA hype machine once again. I'll say it again, I would LOVE to be wrong, and for TNA to end this program with an intelligent ending that brings in more fans, but my faith in their booking was lost about mid-march.


Are people still using the "you're judging Hogan/Russo by their past" excuse

Why the hell would I use their past against them, when the present has been just as embarrassing.

That's like saying, I have no faith in the Pittsburgh Pirates because they sucked ten years ago... attention all readers... They still suck

It still does no change the fact that all of you continue to think Joe's Kidnapping/ECW invasion/the Fotunane Stable/disception writing/etc are all linked together.

You have put together almost 6 months of storyline together, with almost 20 wrestlers, with about 3-4 heel/face turns in the middle... and you think it's linked? :disappointed:

Either the Director of Loose Change took over creative booking, or you and many on these boards are getting your hopes up for Hulk Hogan vs. Sting

Please .... I'll ask you again to give me a scenario that would make me believe that ECW/Abyss Heel turn/ Samoa Joe's kidnapping/Ric Flair's return/ and Hulk Hogan's feud with Sting are some how connected with Eric Bischoff in the middle. A smart fan would argue that its possible that not even two of those events are related, better yet all 25 you think.

First of all 'FORTUNE' has nothing to due with this 'ECW' storyline,but joe, abyss,and also dixie/hogan/bischoff/sting/and even taz has everything to do with it. follow me, Taz acting like he doesn't know what's going on, sure but he does. Abyss going after taz last night was a front to make people think is not in on it. this a take over angle and you have to follow closely. I'M DONE CALLING YOU NAMES SIR!
I just had a revelation. This has been going on since January. Sting has been confronted by everyone just about from Jarrett, Hogan, RVD, and now Dixie for the second time. This even made me want to watch Slammiversary in hopes of understanding what his problem is only to be not explained.

Then last night he told Dixie "you're being conned" and "i've been saying this all along"... but I don't think it's Dixie that's being conned.. it's the audience.

He's conned everyone into watching TNA every week in hopes of finding some meaning or resolve to this heel turn and angle. When in reality there is none.

That is the Deception

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