Sting and Taker


Occasional Pre-Show
Everyone keeps saying that both of them are done, and they can't put on a quality singles match at Mania. I'm not sure I 100% agree with that claims, but I can see why people think that.

It's tough for me to imagine them having a singles contest, though, because in the end I think they both have just one more match in them. And both of them should go out with a win.

One way to do that is a tag match. Undertaker and Sting as a team. And I'd pair them with a Legend Killer duo of Batista and Randy Orton.

People have been saying Orton is getting stale lately. They've been pining for a return to the legend killer. What better way to do it than to combine these two heels in a legend killer duo and running through WWE legends over the next ~year. Occasionally pair them with a pair of current superstars looking to stop them, but fail.

Eventually, they get through all the legends and superstars and make comments about how there are no WWE legends left to take out, and although they'd love to take out the Taker, Lesnar already took care of that for them and he's resting in peace. Cue Taker.

Orton/Batista laugh at the idea that the old man can beat them one on one given his latest performance at Mania, let alone both of them. Cue Sting.

Sting and Taker vs. Batista and Orton at WrestleMania 31.

The tag match would mask some of the wear and tear of both guys, and allow them both to go out on top while still allowing everyone to see Sting and Taker in the same ring.
I was very excited about a Sting-Taker match at Mania 31, but over the past couple weeks, I have literally lost all interest. Now that WWE is pushing basically ALL of their stars of the future, I really don't see the need to have a Taker-Sting match... mainly because Taker looked really rough at Mania 30. I know he was injured but it was definitely the worst he's looked and wrestled in a long time, and Sting doesn't really scream PRIME either.
Would I like to see Sting in WWE? 100%, but if there is going to be a macth at Mania 31 with these two, it should probably be a tag team match like you mentioned.. Not very interested in that either however... Idk what they're going to do with Sting but I wouldn't mind him having a match with HHH, mostly cus H still looks great and can still go.
I'd rather see Sting vs Bray Wyatt. Undertaker is done, he should not wrestle again, he should have retired on Monday and been given a Ric Flair send off.

The fact is, if Sting had a burning passion to do a program with Undertaker, he is too late. I think the match would be absolutely terrible. It would be like getting a totaled 50's Mustang just to say you got it.

I really don't want to see Undertaker destory himself just so we can say Sting wrestled Undertaker. If the match is going to be mush, then it's not worth it. Let Sting put over Bray Wyatt.

I don't want to sound like i'm bashing Undertaker for aging, or WWE for signing Sting. I'm saying if you think you're going to get what you hope you get, you'll be highly disappointed. It's just going to look like 'The Wrestler' in real life.
I'd rather see Sting vs Bray Wyatt. Undertaker is done, he should not wrestle again, he should have retired on Monday and been given a Ric Flair send off.

The fact is, if Sting had a burning passion to do a program with Undertaker, he is too late. I think the match would be absolutely terrible. It would be like getting a totaled 50's Mustang just to say you got it.

I really don't want to see Undertaker destory himself just so we can say Sting wrestled Undertaker. If the match is going to be mush, then it's not worth it. Let Sting put over Bray Wyatt.

I don't want to sound like i'm bashing Undertaker for aging, or WWE for signing Sting. I'm saying if you think you're going to get what you hope you get, you'll be highly disappointed. It's just going to look like 'The Wrestler' in real life.

The premise of the OP isn't about a singles match, but rather a tag. Your points still may apply, and I could see them being true. But you spoke only of singles so I'm not sure if you were using that as an avenue to convey your thoughts on the overall matter or just the singles match.
I can't see a tag-team match work, I can't see anything but Undertaker/Sting. If Taker's done than we'll never see Sting compete inside a WWE ring. If Undertaker says he has one more match, then it will be against Sting.

I don't understand the idea of Wyatt/Sting and why a lot of people think it's going to happen... or that it would be a better idea than Taker/Sting.
i'm not sure taker is done yet and if he is then he deserves a proper send off and not to go out with just what happened at mania being the last we see of him. i'd still like to see either taker v sting or a tag match with them both. i just hope sting debuts in wwe soon as i was disappointed that he wasn't at mania or the raw after it. i think he still has a few matches in him yet so i hope its not true that he's only going to have 1 match in wwe as that would be a bit of a waste in my opinion. he could have matches at summerslam and survivor series etc spaced out over time i think that would be a better way to use but keep him involved on tv and in storylines even as a raw gm if thats the way they want to use him.
One of the things old time wrestlers know how to do well is work a match. The more adept they are at it, the better the contest will look, the less chance there is that someone gets hurt.....and the more we'll enjoy watching, even if the participants are old and gray.

I would bet Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat could get in the ring tomorrow and put on an entertaining match. No, we wouldn't be seeing speed, heavy slams or high-risk maneuvers, but guys who know how to tell a story in the ring could probably provide a decent match at 60 (their bodies permitting).

To this, I would put Sting and Undertaker in a one-on-one contest next year. I believe they could put on a fine match.....not a classic, no.....just by using their experience, plus what they've got left in them, to give us a battle that would satisfy even folks who hate the current WWE product (and there are plenty of 'em on this forum). Sting and 'Taker could fight a war and have us guessing who's going to win, from start to finish, while controlling the pace for each other to give us maximum effort while keeping it safe.

Did you ever notice that whomever Undertaker wrestles never seems to come out of the match with an injury? That's because Mark Calaway works as smooth as silk, making the other guy look good while delivering his own offense in a manner the opponent can work easily with.

Sting does the same.

Together, I think they could engage in a battle well worth watching next April. Arm them both with a case of Ben-Gay for after the match.....but let's see it.

Face it, a ton of the drama would come during the year. For instance, Undertaker could announce his retirement on Raw this Monday, followed by Sting calling him out the rest of the year ("Undertaker, I get here and you retire. I'm sure everyone gets the connection!")

Both of them go into WM31 as good guys.....and come out the same way.

Who wins? ......Who knows? Now there's no Streak to protect, it's anyone's guess, which is what makes this match a must-see....even if they need wheelchairs to fight it out.
I don't think Undertaker will have another match. Really the only match people are really looking forward to at WM31 is The Undertaker vs. Sting, and the only way to make that interesting for most of the audience is to have The Deadman vs. Sting's Crowe gimmick. Undertaker probably won't be appearing as the Deadman anymore because they are trying to humanize him now, most likely for the hall of fame. After Undertaker lost Michael Cole exclaimed that "The Undertaker is mortal." On the next night on Raw Paul Heyman discussed the Undertaker being injured and going to the hospital. They wouldn't be humanizing Undertaker if he planned to wrestle again.
They just lost any steam for a Sting vs Undertaker match. That was Takers worst performance of all time, and at Stings age... and in ring time, this match has all the makings of it being awful. Don't get me wrong every wants to see a "STING" vs "TAKER" match but giving the condition these 2 are in its a bad idea.
I actually think too many wrestling fans link wrestling retirement to competitive sports retirement.

What I mean by that:

At a certain age a NFL player, or NBA player, or whatever sport clearly looks old and slow. This is a major issue for them, as their sport is based on competition, speed, stamina and teamwork. As they slow down and lose a "step" they aren't nearly as powerful, fast or competitive. So they retire (most at a fairly young age, though you still have your freaks who last a lot later).

In the wrestling world, age comes about just like it does in sports. So in that way, performers lose some speed and some power. But it's not an actual competition in the ring. It's a story. A performance. They don't need to be as young and spry as used to be. They have to be safe. And be able to get through the match.

Undertaker is interesting because of his hips and knees. But if he can manage those, I think he can get through one more match. The concussion seemed to slow him much more than the hips/knees did. And Sting will be safer than Lesnar. I think the two could pull off a one on one, much like Mustang said above.

But if there are any doubts, I REALLY think the two could pull off a tag match.
I actually think too many wrestling fans link wrestling retirement to competitive sports retirement.

What I mean by that:

At a certain age a NFL player, or NBA player, or whatever sport clearly looks old and slow. This is a major issue for them, as their sport is based on competition, speed, stamina and teamwork. As they slow down and lose a "step" they aren't nearly as powerful, fast or competitive. So they retire (most at a fairly young age, though you still have your freaks who last a lot later).

In the wrestling world, age comes about just like it does in sports. So in that way, performers lose some speed and some power. But it's not an actual competition in the ring. It's a story. A performance. They don't need to be as young and spry as used to be. They have to be safe. And be able to get through the match.

Undertaker is interesting because of his hips and knees. But if he can manage those, I think he can get through one more match. The concussion seemed to slow him much more than the hips/knees did. And Sting will be safer than Lesnar. I think the two could pull off a one on one, much like Mustang said above.

But if there are any doubts, I REALLY think the two could pull off a tag match.

Yes but these guys are also taking much much more punishment in one year of wrestling than any NFL, MLB, NHL, or NBA player are taking in their entire careers and sometimes the older guys need to retire to make room for the younger guys. I think everybody agrees that Undertaker and Sting can go one more match, the question is, do people still want to see it? Honestly Takers getting up in the "scary" years of wrestling where one wrong bump can seriously leave him laying. We saw it in his previous Mania match and for some guys their bodies can't take the punishment that they used to. The reason Flair lasted so long was because his match style consisted of more psychological methods and he didn't have to take near as many bumps as somebody who had a more physical style like Taker, or Austin.
Taker has been putting his body on the line for over 20 years and it is going to start taking affect. I mean look at Jerry Lawler, the guy just had a random heart attack after stepping in the ring again.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Taker and Sting in a pure emotional match, kind of like "The End of an Era" thing except with less bumps, but I also would like to see some younger guys get that main event spot as well.
Yes but these guys are also taking much much more punishment in one year of wrestling than any NFL, MLB, NHL, or NBA player are taking in their entire careers

I mean, this point can be argued. The life of any professional athlete (I consider wrestlers to be athletes, but I don't consider pro wrestling a sport) is filled with punishment. Wrestlers take an absolute beating year-round.

But I think it depends on each position, each individual, their styles, ect.

All athletes get banged up. Big time. I don't think it's fair to say wrestlers take much more punishment in a vacuum. I would agree that someone like Foley certainly did than your typical "sport athlete".

I guess I don't have any issue with your overall statement, I just don't think you can be that general with a statement like that.

Football players get absolutely torn to shreds. Especially guys like running backs and defensive players as well as linemen. Their bodies take an absolute beating.

I'm not down playing how tough wrestling is. The guys who do it are amazing. I'm just saying I don't think saying one is more physically demanding than the other is fair. All of these sports and pro wrestling share a common ground: If you are at the pinnacle, your body is getting destroyed.
Does no one understand that two things happened in the Undertaker/Lesnar match: the pace was intentionally slow to foreshadow Undertaker's stunning loss and, more importantly, Undertaker had a concussion just minutes into the match?

If it wasn't for the concussion, the match still would have been very methodical, but Undertaker wouldn't have looked so dazed and would have moved much better. According to reports, Brock was basically calling the shots in the match because Undertaker couldn't remember and didn't know what was going on at times. I rewatched the match and Undertaker looks fine until Lesnar takes his feet out from under him on the outside and he hits his head hard.

Regardless of the loss, had he not suffered the concussion to start the match, very few people would be speculating that he was done aside from the loss itself. Furthermore, Undertaker has had a very long and illustrious career filled with amazing in-ring performances. I highly doubt that he wants to go out and leave people with that as his last match ever. Flair's last match in WWE was a great show with HBK and HBK's last match was a 5-star match with the Undertaker. That's how you go out. No stumbling around looking terrible.

I fully expect Undertaker to wrestle next year and possibly once or twice more after that. I could easily see him taking on Sting next year in a dream match for the fans and then facing either Cena or a young guy (Reigns or Wyatt, perhaps?) after that as his final match. Of course, this all depends on what he ultimately wants to do, but I just can't imagine our last memory of Undertaker in the ring being what we saw on Sunday. That would be a damn shame.
Does no one understand that two things happened in the Undertaker/Lesnar match: the pace was intentionally slow to foreshadow Undertaker's stunning loss and, more importantly, Undertaker had a concussion just minutes into the match?

I certainly understand that. And said as much in this thread. Agreed totally with you.

I just can't imagine our last memory of Undertaker in the ring being what we saw on Sunday. That would be a damn shame.

Also agreed.
I mean, this point can be argued. The life of any professional athlete (I consider wrestlers to be athletes, but I don't consider pro wrestling a sport) is filled with punishment. Wrestlers take an absolute beating year-round.

But I think it depends on each position, each individual, their styles, ect.

All athletes get banged up. Big time. I don't think it's fair to say wrestlers take much more punishment in a vacuum. I would agree that someone like Foley certainly did than your typical "sport athlete".

I guess I don't have any issue with your overall statement, I just don't think you can be that general with a statement like that.

Football players get absolutely torn to shreds. Especially guys like running backs and defensive players as well as linemen. Their bodies take an absolute beating.

I'm not down playing how tough wrestling is. The guys who do it are amazing. I'm just saying I don't think saying one is more physically demanding than the other is fair. All of these sports and pro wrestling share a common ground: If you are at the pinnacle, your body is getting destroyed.

I understand your points but I have to disagree just upon the the fact that I really believe getting slammed into a mat at least 20 times a night basically all year long is much more punishing than hitting a fully armored man for 16 games. I'm not saying that NFL, MLB or whatever sports athletes don't take a beating and suffer injuries, but most wrestlers basically live off painkillers (or did)just to get up the next day. Also there is the huge fact that all other athletes get at least 3 months off to recover, whereas wrestlers just don't have the luxury of taking that time off.
Sorry for generalizing I just didn't wanna explain all that in my last post.
The problem isn't now whether they could... it's whether they should.

Warrior changes everything in WWE going forward... just as it would have changed had Jerry passed from his heart attack. Medical screening is going to go more intense on any issues and age is again a factor. Warrior didn't wrestle, but he was on their TV - in a semi-physical role, he was shaking ropes and the like. For years there has been talk of an in-ring age cap and this might make it happen... but the reason is Taker, not Warrior...

Taker after that match on Sunday was terrifying, if anyone thought Warrior was "off" or looked ill then Taker was clearly in a medical situation after that match. He tried and failed to stand 3 times and, out of respect for him and his gimmick and not wanting to perhaps fuel any conspiracy theories of a screwjob no one intervened. That he then collapsed as soon as he got backstage was a major mistake on the WWE's part... Taker could have collaped in the ring or walking back... it could have "looked" awful on WWE... but they got away with only the story getting out.

Then the Warrior stuff... it all means that concussion stuff will be far more difficult for them to ignore and they will only go harder with the impact tests and medical clearence. Christian is done... 3 concussions in a year, he's gone no one can risk him... Ziggler get's another, he's gone... in Taker's case the issue is how may did he get in the 23 years since his debut or the 5 years prior when they weren't screening and managing them properly? Taker leaving that hotel looked as bad as Warrior likely did leaving his... both could have ended the same...

Sorry but this changes everything, even for someone like Sting who hasn't wrestled for them yet... he may never get that singles match now. It may bring an age cap of 47-48... even guys like Triple H, Kane, Jericho may find they are sucked into this... Warrior clearly failed the physical... they would have had him wrestle, even win the Battle Royal... indeed the whole build seem to be towards he and Sheamus being the last 2 until they shifted focus quickly to Big Show...

As for how they handle Taker and Sting... if and it's a big IF they do have a match, it won't be one on one... and to be honest now probably not against each other... Mania next year could see them in the same ring, but it's logical that it be a tag team match or a 6 man with Kane... Put them with The Shield or the Wyatts, the former can take the "loss" and it be their split... but the torch would be passed from all 3 guys...

In my eyes even if Taker can do "one more match" he shouldn't... this was one too many for me.
The problem isn't now whether they could... it's whether they should.

Warrior changes everything in WWE going forward... just as it would have changed had Jerry passed from his heart attack. Medical screening is going to go more intense on any issues and age is again a factor. Warrior didn't wrestle, but he was on their TV - in a semi-physical role, he was shaking ropes and the like. For years there has been talk of an in-ring age cap and this might make it happen... but the reason is Taker, not Warrior...

Taker after that match on Sunday was terrifying, if anyone thought Warrior was "off" or looked ill then Taker was clearly in a medical situation after that match. He tried and failed to stand 3 times and, out of respect for him and his gimmick and not wanting to perhaps fuel any conspiracy theories of a screwjob no one intervened. That he then collapsed as soon as he got backstage was a major mistake on the WWE's part... Taker could have collaped in the ring or walking back... it could have "looked" awful on WWE... but they got away with only the story getting out.

Then the Warrior stuff... it all means that concussion stuff will be far more difficult for them to ignore and they will only go harder with the impact tests and medical clearence. Christian is done... 3 concussions in a year, he's gone no one can risk him... Ziggler get's another, he's gone... in Taker's case the issue is how may did he get in the 23 years since his debut or the 5 years prior when they weren't screening and managing them properly? Taker leaving that hotel looked as bad as Warrior likely did leaving his... both could have ended the same...

Sorry but this changes everything, even for someone like Sting who hasn't wrestled for them yet... he may never get that singles match now. It may bring an age cap of 47-48... even guys like Triple H, Kane, Jericho may find they are sucked into this... Warrior clearly failed the physical... they would have had him wrestle, even win the Battle Royal... indeed the whole build seem to be towards he and Sheamus being the last 2 until they shifted focus quickly to Big Show...

As for how they handle Taker and Sting... if and it's a big IF they do have a match, it won't be one on one... and to be honest now probably not against each other... Mania next year could see them in the same ring, but it's logical that it be a tag team match or a 6 man with Kane... Put them with The Shield or the Wyatts, the former can take the "loss" and it be their split... but the torch would be passed from all 3 guys...

In my eyes even if Taker can do "one more match" he shouldn't... this was one too many for me.

To be fair, Warrior's death really changes absolutely nothing, just like Lawler dying would've changed nothing. There have been far too many deaths far too similar to Warrior's, many of them at a younger age than Warrior. Just because Warrior is more well known than most, and because he was actually under a WWE contract unlike most, that's no reason to think it'll have more of an impact, which it won't.

Clearly, Warrior was never going to wrestle. They never had any plans to put him in the Battle Royal, and he didn't pass a physical because he didn't take one. He had no desire whatsoever to wrestle, obviously considering he didn't even run to the ring for his Raw promo, and they definitely had no desire to let him wrestle. They were more likely to put Bruno in that match than Warrior. So, with that in mind, it makes no sense to think this would bring about any changes for people who actually can wrestle, let alone an age cap. Macho Man's death didn't bring an age cap. Eddie Guerrero's death didn't bring an age cap. Test's death didn't bring an age cap. The list goes on and on, and most people on that list are much younger than Warrior. The only way Warrior's death would be any different is if he wrestled or did something physical that lead to his death, and obviously his appearances had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with his death.

As for Undertaker, I'm not sure why he's mentioned in the same post as Warrior. Warrior had a heart attack, Undertaker had a concussion. Those are two completely different, unrelated issues. It makes no sense whatsoever to compare Undertaker's appearances to Warrior's for that very reason. Aside from the fact that we obviously have no idea what Warrior looked like in the moments before his death, obviously just because two people might look similar that in no way whatsoever means they're going to have the same result. Undertaker was never going to have a heart attack and die because he had a concussion. That makes no sense whatsoever. While we have no idea how much he was legitimately rattled and unable to stand up, we do know that since it was his last time in the ring he probably wanted to walk out alone, although I was surprised nobody really checked on him, even though saying it would've fueled conspiracy theories makes no sense whatsoever on any level considering officials help wrestlers all the time and I have no idea how the hell that would make people think it was a screw job, I mean if anything the lack of help would indicate a screw job...ok, I'm getting off track, there's just so many things in this most that just make no sense whatsoever.

Even if Undertaker had collapsed, people would have thought it was part of the show, I'm not sure how that would have looked awful, so I don't get that one either. And considering the story about his collapse "leaked" with Heyman announcing it on Raw, and who knows if it was true or not, I'm not sure how they "got away" with that happening.

As for how Undertaker looked leaving his hotel compared to Warrior, again, we're talking a concussion compared to a heart attack. It makes no sense to think that Undertaker could've had a heart attack and died just because he looked bad due to a concussion. I've looked 100x worse than that when I had the flu, obviously I was never in any danger of collapsing and dying from a heart attack just because I might've looked like somebody who later had a heart attack. That just defies all logic, to be honest.

Also, I have no idea what Warrior has to do with the concussion stuff, since he had a heart attack, not a concussion, and the two could not be more unrelated. Concussions are already taken very seriously, but obviously Warrior's death will have nothing to do with them being taken more seriously. It almost seems like you're acting like Warrior wrestled, got a concussion, and that's why he died. None of those things are true, so I don't get it. Even Undertaker ended up fine, so his concussion is unlikely to bring about any changes.

And am I reading this right? The OP suggested Undertaker and Sting go out on top, which I assume means win, against Orton and Batista? And nobody's crying about how they would be burying them? Can you imagine the reaction if Cena and Triple H beat Orton and Batista? Again, the double standard...

Anyway, Undertaker is clearly done. The OP said he and Sting have one more match left in them, well Undertaker has negative one match left in him. He clearly had zero matches left in him before his match with Brock, so he's obviously never wrestling again, singles or tag. As for Sting, we knows if he's even going to sign with the WWE(I'll believe Meltzer when Punk 100% shows up on Raw in Chicago), let alone appear on WWE TV, let alone get involved in storylines let alone have a match. Personally, I doubt it. But even if he does, clearly it's not going to involve Undertaker since he's I think it's safe to assume Sting would do a singles match. Like I said in the other thread, it'd probably be against Triple H. But it could be someone like Orton, sure. The only thing we know is it won't be against Undertaker, since he's done, and we know that it's far from a sure thing, since as far as we know he hasn't even signed with the WWE yet. So anything could happen.
One of the things old time wrestlers know how to do well is work a match. The more adept they are at it, the better the contest will look, the less chance there is that someone gets hurt.....and the more we'll enjoy watching, even if the participants are old and gray.

I would bet Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat could get in the ring tomorrow and put on an entertaining match. No, we wouldn't be seeing speed, heavy slams or high-risk maneuvers, but guys who know how to tell a story in the ring could probably provide a decent match at 60 (their bodies permitting).

To this, I would put Sting and Undertaker in a one-on-one contest next year. I believe they could put on a fine match.....not a classic, no.....just by using their experience, plus what they've got left in them, to give us a battle that would satisfy even folks who hate the current WWE product (and there are plenty of 'em on this forum). Sting and 'Taker could fight a war and have us guessing who's going to win, from start to finish, while controlling the pace for each other to give us maximum effort while keeping it safe.

Did you ever notice that whomever Undertaker wrestles never seems to come out of the match with an injury? That's because Mark Calaway works as smooth as silk, making the other guy look good while delivering his own offense in a manner the opponent can work easily with.

Sting does the same.

Together, I think they could engage in a battle well worth watching next April. Arm them both with a case of Ben-Gay for after the match.....but let's see it.

Face it, a ton of the drama would come during the year. For instance, Undertaker could announce his retirement on Raw this Monday, followed by Sting calling him out the rest of the year ("Undertaker, I get here and you retire. I'm sure everyone gets the connection!")

Both of them go into WM31 as good guys.....and come out the same way.

Who wins? ......Who knows? Now there's no Streak to protect, it's anyone's guess, which is what makes this match a must-see....even if they need wheelchairs to fight it out.

the Undertaker vs Sting is one of the few 'dream' matches that can still happen, and I am sure that as long as Taker can still go in the ring and Sting signs(he reportedly has...), Vince will try to make it happen.

Let's face it; There is little to no chance of ever seeing;
the Rock vs HBK*
Stone Cold vs Hulk Hogan*
Stone Cold vs CM Punk*

...are just a couple of dream matches that might well never happen due to different circumstances.

With what happened to the Undertaker at Mania with the concussion and all, lMO, he risked his life to an extent, because it is clear he suffered the concussion mid-match, and due to his loyalty to the fans and to Vince(Taker said it in an interview last year), he carried on even though it was clear he was having major difficulty in even standing up far less working a match properly, and because of that, he must be saluted and so should Brock for helping him through it.

That said; the Streak is finished and after hearing the reports in the aftermath...
...I have to say, that if there is any possibility of "One More Match for the Taker" happening at WM31....then I would love if Vince and Co. pull out all the stops to have the Deadman go out with a Classic match with him leaving the arena in Full Conciousness unlike at WM30, if not, then Thank YOU! UNDERTAKER!!!

Cheers, from a HUGE TAKER FAN for LIFE!!
I can see the Tag Team match happening. Would be amazing to see Sting put Orton in a Scorpion Deathlock and then Undertaker Piledrive Batista. Orton taps as Undertaker pins Batista for the 1,2,3.
Orton returning to the "Legend Killer" gimmick? He is a 13-year veteran of WWE, a 12-time world champion (first title a decade ago), has headlined two WrestleManias, is one of the Streak's 21, and has also worked with Michaels, Foley, Triple H, Flair, Rock, Piper, Angle, Dusty, Slaughter and others.

Orton already is a certifiable legend, though it may kill certain smarks.
Assuming Sting has signed and Taker can be healthy enough by next year for 1 more match, this is what I would do...

I would not discuss Sting in any way, shape or form until December at earliest. I would then show some cryptic promos to start building excitement. I'd have him appear at Royal Rumble in non wrestling role (i.e. lights go out, lights come back on and he is in the ring). The Monday after Royal Rumble he would appear to challenge the Taker. Taker could wait a couple of weeks to accept, during that time the Raw announcers can show Sting history to let the younger audience know why he is so important. Taker accepts, they cut a few promos without contact each indicating this is their final match. Have at it during WM31 so that both can end the night with a huge WrestleMania moment pop. By the way, if this is how it goes down, I don't care who the heavyweight champ is WM 31 would close with Sting/Taker as the final match.

Given how bad Taker just looked and how bad Sting might be with time off and age, I'm not expecting a wrestling classic. But with a year to choreograph a match between slower older dudes, I'm sure it could still be something special.
To be fair, Warrior's death really changes absolutely nothing, just like Lawler dying would've changed nothing. There have been far too many deaths far too similar to Warrior's, many of them at a younger age than Warrior. Just because Warrior is more well known than most, and because he was actually under a WWE contract unlike most, that's no reason to think it'll have more of an impact, which it won't.

Clearly, Warrior was never going to wrestle. They never had any plans to put him in the Battle Royal, and he didn't pass a physical because he didn't take one. He had no desire whatsoever to wrestle, obviously considering he didn't even run to the ring for his Raw promo, and they definitely had no desire to let him wrestle. They were more likely to put Bruno in that match than Warrior. So, with that in mind, it makes no sense to think this would bring about any changes for people who actually can wrestle, let alone an age cap. Macho Man's death didn't bring an age cap. Eddie Guerrero's death didn't bring an age cap. Test's death didn't bring an age cap. The list goes on and on, and most people on that list are much younger than Warrior. The only way Warrior's death would be any different is if he wrestled or did something physical that lead to his death, and obviously his appearances had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with his death.

As for Undertaker, I'm not sure why he's mentioned in the same post as Warrior. Warrior had a heart attack, Undertaker had a concussion. Those are two completely different, unrelated issues. It makes no sense whatsoever to compare Undertaker's appearances to Warrior's for that very reason. Aside from the fact that we obviously have no idea what Warrior looked like in the moments before his death, obviously just because two people might look similar that in no way whatsoever means they're going to have the same result. Undertaker was never going to have a heart attack and die because he had a concussion. That makes no sense whatsoever. While we have no idea how much he was legitimately rattled and unable to stand up, we do know that since it was his last time in the ring he probably wanted to walk out alone, although I was surprised nobody really checked on him, even though saying it would've fueled conspiracy theories makes no sense whatsoever on any level considering officials help wrestlers all the time and I have no idea how the hell that would make people think it was a screw job, I mean if anything the lack of help would indicate a screw job...ok, I'm getting off track, there's just so many things in this most that just make no sense whatsoever.

Even if Undertaker had collapsed, people would have thought it was part of the show, I'm not sure how that would have looked awful, so I don't get that one either. And considering the story about his collapse "leaked" with Heyman announcing it on Raw, and who knows if it was true or not, I'm not sure how they "got away" with that happening.

As for how Undertaker looked leaving his hotel compared to Warrior, again, we're talking a concussion compared to a heart attack. It makes no sense to think that Undertaker could've had a heart attack and died just because he looked bad due to a concussion. I've looked 100x worse than that when I had the flu, obviously I was never in any danger of collapsing and dying from a heart attack just because I might've looked like somebody who later had a heart attack. That just defies all logic, to be honest.

Also, I have no idea what Warrior has to do with the concussion stuff, since he had a heart attack, not a concussion, and the two could not be more unrelated. Concussions are already taken very seriously, but obviously Warrior's death will have nothing to do with them being taken more seriously. It almost seems like you're acting like Warrior wrestled, got a concussion, and that's why he died. None of those things are true, so I don't get it. Even Undertaker ended up fine, so his concussion is unlikely to bring about any changes.

And am I reading this right? The OP suggested Undertaker and Sting go out on top, which I assume means win, against Orton and Batista? And nobody's crying about how they would be burying them? Can you imagine the reaction if Cena and Triple H beat Orton and Batista? Again, the double standard...

Anyway, Undertaker is clearly done. The OP said he and Sting have one more match left in them, well Undertaker has negative one match left in him. He clearly had zero matches left in him before his match with Brock, so he's obviously never wrestling again, singles or tag. As for Sting, we knows if he's even going to sign with the WWE(I'll believe Meltzer when Punk 100% shows up on Raw in Chicago), let alone appear on WWE TV, let alone get involved in storylines let alone have a match. Personally, I doubt it. But even if he does, clearly it's not going to involve Undertaker since he's I think it's safe to assume Sting would do a singles match. Like I said in the other thread, it'd probably be against Triple H. But it could be someone like Orton, sure. The only thing we know is it won't be against Undertaker, since he's done, and we know that it's far from a sure thing, since as far as we know he hasn't even signed with the WWE yet. So anything could happen.

The reason both Warrior and Taker are so linked this week is because both could have had their emergencies in front of the crowd very easily indeed... it changes things because WWE hasn't lost anyone in the ring since Owen and two "near misses or possibles" in as many days will put the fear back into them when it comes to booking and using older talent... Sure anyone can drop at any time or get a bang on the head... but there are sensible precautions and things NOT to do that will reduce those risks cos they really don't want someone collapsing on screen... Cardio screening will drastically increase in all talent over 40 for example but also in general. They do good stuff now, indeed they picked up a serious defect in MVP several years ago... but now, they'll go stronger cos again people have questioned them, cos Nancy Grace and Cowherd have opened the doors to the "It's wrestling, wrestlers die young"...

In reality now it's gonna probably end up "wrestling is a young mans game" and anyone over 45 is gonna be "off the card".

Some are saying the two health problems the 2 men had are different and they are... but it all points to WWE's medical testing and screening - Taker will have a MUCH harder time convincing the docs that he can "go" especially for a singles match after this because WWE will have to make the tests more stringent on allround health not just concussions. They didn't send the doctor in to check on Taker, not out of anything other than protecting his gimmick/his wishes... however a doctor absolutely should have been in there checking on him the moment they knew it was a concussion and was serious... hell they stopped Bryan's match a while back...I get it's Mania, the stakes being higher but it'll change the rules now and EVERYONE will be subject to it... if it was serious enough for Vince to leave the show then the match needed to be stopped or he needed medical assistance earlier... had he died backstage or at the hospital or been impaired, then that's a lawsuit right there...

There has been criticism that Warrior "looked bad" but no one did anything, he clearly had his medical for "action" at Mania and failed it, hence his line at the HOF of it "not happening now". It's that thing of just cos someone says "I can go" or "I'm fine" doesn't mean they are and if they are going to be on camera for the WWE they absolutely HAVE to be fine... cos the price of someone dying on camera is too high to the company.

It changes the WWE's attitude to Sting as well, he is older and will have to pass again, very stringent tests to be allowed to wrestle... Will he want to bother? Or just go back to TNA where he knows they'll let him do what he does till he says enough or he drops? Would Sting want to sign a deal only to be told before Mania "We can't clear you?" or "We can't risk the Taker match, we're putting you with someone else"?
I agree that The Undertaker should retire with the streak. It seems like the story book ending to his career and after watching the end of the match I got sense that this is really the end of The Undertaker. There's a reason why he only wrestles once a year and he's not getting any younger.
If Sting ends up coming to WWE and having a few more matches then theres other people he can work with. I think Sting vs Triple H would be dream match with two of the last active stars from the Monday Night Wars. I think the ship has sailed and It's too late to have Sting vs Undertaker.
I wouldn't mind seeing HHH vs. Sting. HHH would put on a great match with Sting unlike Taker.

I wonder would a rematch of Brock/Taker work, or would that be too predictable at WM or even worse meltdown if Brock wins again

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