States to secede?

This is fucking ridiculous. I bet the people petitioning to secede are the same ones who claimed to be patriotic and all that jazz prior to the election. They obviously don't love America if they can't handle losing to a democratically-elected President.

I think we might've found a good use for the NDAA.
Let these people have a statewide poll

"If you win the poll you can have your independence. If you lose, your citizenship will be revoked and we're sending you to Mexico"

Let's see how strongly they want to leave then.
This is fucking ridiculous. I bet the people petitioning to secede are the same ones who claimed to be patriotic and all that jazz prior to the election. They obviously don't love America if they can't handle losing to a democratically-elected President.
Right on.

I can't even handle hearing about these kind of stories; it highly irritates me. These people need to have a fucking seat and chill for a minute. If it makes them feel better, they can fly their rebel flag at half-mast and begin their support of the 2016 campaign early. But please quit being morons. Rally around your president no matter what creed, race, or alignment. My dad voted for Romney, can't say the same for myself, but he's still in support of Obama as President because my dad wants to see better days for the country. If someone really dislikes their leader that much, make like the Cubans and get out of your country, but leave on your own.
There are so many things wrong with this...

For starters, what is their post secession plan? Are all these states going to unionize together or all be separate countries? Government? Currency? Banking? Military? For me to even take this slightly serious I would need answers to these questions for starters, but they don't have any answers because this is just a bull shit scare tactic. Scratch that its not even a scare tactic its a look at me while I whine like an infant tactic.
I don't understand the point of it all. Yes things are bad but that's when we need to unify the most as a single nation. We can't split up just because you don't like who got elected. You've got to stand behind him and hope he makes the best decision. I don't think anything will come of it. I am ashamed to say that my state, Georgia, is in on this too. Again I think they're all talk.

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This is nothing new people. There are so many distinct regions within our country that most places feel like their own unique country to begin with. Texas and the South are their own country in a sense. Culturally, the don't see eye to eye with the Liberal attitude of the New England states and California.

If those states want to leave, and form their own country, why stop them? Did you know that there is a movement in the Pacific Northwest to break off and form it's own country too? Succession movements happen all of the time, nothing ever has any legs though. is reporting that the number of states where a petition of secession has been filed has reached 50. I'm not sure what the fuck they'd all be seceding from but again, I don't think anything will come from it. About 6 or 7 states have gotten more that the 25,000 signatures needed to get a white house response. Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky. I can't remember the other one. Ridiculous.
I'm a Texan Republican, but even I label this as bullshit. I was a bit disappointed Romney lost, but so what? I went 4 years with Obama as president, I can go another 4. He's not as terrible as other radical conservative rednecks make him out to be- fuck, he isn't even terrible. I like the man for the most part, and while there are a few things I disagree with him about, the same held true for Romney. Either way, the losing side just needs to shut the fuck up and deal with it. I say quit being so butthurt about it and keep going on. You're halfway there! Asswipes- I seriously doubt Democrats would be doing this if Obama had lost.
If a state decides to secede I have no problem with that and wish them the best of luck. The problem with seceding leaves the state with two issues. The first being that odds are the population of the state as a whole probably isn't as on board with the idea of secession as say The South was Pre-Civil War, and the other being that the United States just won't let them secede. If the state does decide to secede they will just be met with the same dick moves made by a particular scumbag with a tall hat did 150 years ago.

Oh you guys want to secede peacefully and keep good relations with us? That's cool I'll just prevent you from trading with us, and kill you.

On a related note, the Pacific Northwest has had a secession movement building up a lot of momentum for a while now but it has nothing to do with Obama or Romney.
To everyone proposing the idea of seceding from the Union as a result of Obama's reelection (and those who were entertaining it had Romney been elected-yes, there were liberal reactions that were similar when the polls were closer), consider the financial hardships of starting a new nation and subsequent inflation:

-In 1863 in the South, a bar of soap was priced at $1.10, 10% of a soldier's monthly wages.

-Also in the South, at the beginning of 1863, a barrel of flour cost $ year's end, the price increased to $250.

(Ken Burns - "The Civil War")
but they don't have any answers because this is just a bull shit scare tactic. Scratch that its not even a scare tactic its a look at me while I whine like an infant tactic.

That's about it too. A bunch of butthurt crybabies decided since they didn't get their way they're gonna scream and carry on like a bunch of chafing 2 year olds. I don't care for Barrack Obama much either but he was fairly elected and we're stuck with him for the next four years. Your boy lost, suck it up and move on with your life.
It's childish, people are just waisting their time. Cool you can get 25000 people to sign something. But tbh, it's just eating up more time in the white house. If people wanted to make the country a better place, they could oh idk work to support Obama? That could go over well, maybe work to make the US a better place?

Fucking people....
That's about it too. A bunch of butthurt crybabies decided since they didn't get their way they're gonna scream and carry on like a bunch of chafing 2 year olds. I don't care for Barrack Obama much either but he was fairly elected and we're stuck with him for the next four years. Your boy lost, suck it up and move on with your life.

I was a Romney supporter, but I'm not even entertaining the idea of secession without a serious plan in place and a serious plan would take at least the next four years.

On top of that as Snitsky4GM said eariler

If a state decides to secede I have no problem with that and wish them the best of luck. The problem with seceding leaves the state with two issues. The first being that odds are the population of the state as a whole probably isn't as on board with the idea of secession as say The South was Pre-Civil War, and the other being that the United States just won't let them secede. If the state does decide to secede they will just be met with the same dick moves made by a particular scumbag with a tall hat did 150 years ago.

Oh you guys want to secede peacefully and keep good relations with us? That's cool I'll just prevent you from trading with us, and kill you.

The union flat out won't let it happen peacefully. If people really want to secede they need to realize that it will end in Civil War.

Barrack Obama may be a problem, but as a nation he is the least of our problems. The people are a big part of the problem. Everyone feels entitled. They are entitled to six figure jobs. They are entitled to health care. They are entitled to welfare. They are entitled to food stamps. They are entitled to everything except having to roll up their sleeves and work for food, clothing, healthcare, housing, etc.

What happened to American exceptionalism?


The people have to fix this mess, not the government, and we can do it we've done it before.


The first step in accomplishing this is to eliminate this mentality.

For the record, This is not a Republican Democrat thing as they are both to blame and are both a fucking problem. These comments were directed at the country as a whole. We need to get away from all the politics and back to "We the people"
i doubt romney or obama are going to help the country. If all 50 states left i guess Obama would remain the head of state of DC, Peurto Rico, Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Marianas, and the U.S. Antarctic Shelf lands..

But realistically how are you going to succeede w/o the help and blessing of your state's NG units? Obama gets hated on daily, i think he might be grateful for the opportunity to "bring the troops home" and station them in ur home town.. Theres no way any head of state is going to not use overwhelming military force so the secessionists need to quit talking out of the side of their neck. I dont even know how long a militia could hold out against the army. And if its a racialized issue the military is very diverse so the state NG might not even be down with breaking free.
There will always be people that over react when they don't get what they want. There will always be people that are ignorant. There will always be people that take things to the extreme when it's completely unnecessary. If they want their state to secede, then put it to a vote. They'll lose. And then they can leave if they don't like it. Idiots will be idiots. Most of the states wouldn't be able to make it on there own economically anyway. I don't think we'll see a major succession movement in this country again. Most people are too damn comfortable to actually organize such a thing.
Whats awesome is that the great people in Austin have stated that they would like to still be considered part of the US if Texas does secede. Why? Because they realize the people signing said petition are just a bunch of idiots.

No way the states are going to be granted their wish. If by some illogical chance that does happen, they will regret it when their 'self sufficient' economy crashes or someone tries to take them over. Silly Republicans. Who will they look to for aid when something bad happens? The same government that they turned their back on....

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