

Quote the Raven, nevermore.
So, Rybaxel just lost to Goldust and his new partner Stardust (Cody Rhodes).

Honestly, it seemed like a joke but seeing as how they put the effort into a new outfit and entrance, do you think the gimmick is going to stick for a while?

Personally, I think this storyline will pan out with Cody turning on Goldust but who knows.

Let me know what you guys think about it.
At first I thought it was going to be a joke, but hearing the commentators mention how a slight change leads to success makes me think that this May last a little while before eventually the 2 feud somewhere down the line.
I don't have a problem with this, and it's a genuinely surprising swerve, because I'm sure most of us were expecting a "you're the problem, not me" heel turn for Cody to lead to a feud between the two. I'm glad that didn't happen, because let's face it, a win or wins over Goldust won't do anything for Cody in the long run.

Also, with Cesaro, Bray, and others on the rise, there's no room for Cody to do anything with a significant push, he's a mid card guy at best, and he hit a ceiling with the disfigured character. Now, with the Stardust persona, Cody gets a fresh start to start a new character, and The Rhodes Bros. can reinvent themselves as a tag team
This new character could do wonders for Cody. I was not sure what to think at first, but I decided to give it a chance. I'm glad I did. The match was enjoyable and this is the most interesting Cody has been in quite some time. Now I want to see the Rhodes brothers become Tag Team Champions again. Forget the heel turn for Cody. A face run as Stardust would be excellent. The tag division needs more people, so keep Goldust and Stardust together. I really hope Cody keeps this persona. I'll be interested in seeing what happens with it.
I think they're going to stick with it.

I see Cody Rhodes turning on Goldust at Battleground and then having a match with his brother at Summerslam.

What it basically looks like is that they're trying to drag it out so they can have their big match at a big PPV such as Summerslam.
It's pretty great if you ask me. I was wondering where this angle would go and the payoff was well worth the awkwardness that started when Cody said his brother needed a better partner. Thinking they are at the top of the tag title picture after Money in the Bank.
I marked out for Stardust. They are now a bonafide tag team in the old school sense, with a shared gimmick and appeal. Tag team champs again for sure. Love it!
It's weird, it's different, and we have no idea what the hell is going on. Stardust is very much the new Goldust. I wonder how far Cody will take it. I'm always a fan of weird, out there characters when they're done right, such as Goldust, Bray Wyatt, or Willow. I think if they let Cody develop this character, it can flourish. When I first saw it, I thought it ight last a few weeks and then we'll get a Cody vs. Goldy SummerSlam match. But as the match went on, I saw big potential in letting this go. It can reinvigorate the team, and hopefully help relaunch the division again. And if WWE let's them both start going out there with their characters and maximize the weirdness, it could be one of the best tag team acts we've seen in a long time. Just think, Goldust mentoring his younger brother in the way of the weird. And given how well Cody pulled off the disfigured character, I think he could do wonders with a completely crazy character. But then again, this is a million dollar idea that could really work out well, so that means WWE isn't going to let it be anywhere near as good as it can be, right?
Wasn't "Stardust" a wrestling character on a old wrestling video game from Nitendo in the early 90's? But anyway. I like the way that the WWE is keeping Cody Rhodes fresh and up to date with his persona changes from over the years. But I guess the bump in the road (no pun intended) is this new team Goldust. Goldust & Stardust. Sounds like a late night movie on the Max network. But this looks like an entertaining tag team thus far.

And if these brothers are going to feud in the near future then of course have Cody (or Stardust) as the heel in this feud. And in my opinion Stardust should have been silver not gold.
Wasn't "Stardust" a wrestling character on a old wrestling video game from Nitendo in the early 90's?

You're thinking about this guy
and that was from Pro Wrestling on the NES in 1986. He was my favorite character to play in that game.

As for Stardust...I actually really liked the gimmick for Cody, and it seemed like he fully embraced it and even had fun with it. Hope he keeps it for awhile at least.
Storyline aside, Cody was fantastic as stardust, how he managed to get the look, moves everything after a couple weeks is test amount to how good he is.

There is no reason why Cody cannot stay at the top of the mid card for a long time
He'll never make it above the level he occupied a few years ago when he was I.C. champion, so I have no problem if he takes a similar path to Goldust. Cody isn't terribly interesting, Goldust was at one point, maybe they can do something similar to The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust.
I would like to see Stardust ultimately turn against Goldust. I have seen the performance from Raw and Cody Rhodes really nailed it. He got the character off brilliantly - and he looked like he enjoyed playing the role.
I'm not ultimately sure where it's heading, but I honestly have to say that I thought it was entertaining. Cody Rhodes has a lot of genuine personality, I thought he was great on the mic during his "Dashing" days and while wearing his "mask" years back. It's been a while since we really got a chance to see him show off his personality and I thought he did a great job last night.

Stardust is definitely cut from the same cloth as the Goldust character, obviously in terms of both looks and mannerisms, but he didn't try behave EXACTLY like Goldie. I still think it's leading to some sort of surprise turn somewhere in the near future with WWE hoping to catch us off guard. They've done that several times this year with some match endings and turns, so I think they may be going down that road with Cody before it's all said and done.
I hope this lasts all but negative 1 day. It's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Why not just have cody turn on goldust already and feud it out. The ONLY way i'm ok with this is if it pans out with Cody turning on Goldust and SOON too, saying that goldust was the reason behind them always losing
This new character could do wonders for Cody.

Yes, it could, and it seems to return things to the days a couple years ago when the company was trying absolutely everything it could to find the right persona for him to play. From "Dashing Cody" to "Mutilated Cody" and everything in between, they wanted this guy to make it big. After it appeared nothing could get him and his bland personality to the top, management seemed to give up the chase, allowing him to function on the mid-card and finally turning him face.....which is what he should have been all along, imo....he never featured well as a heel.

Okay, so they're trying something again. Now, instead of having to speak his role, he can act it out, as he did very well last night. I wasn't expecting anything like this.....and before their inevitable break-up, the brothers can accomplish some good stuff.

I'm liking it.
the only thing i didn't like about it was how quickly he won. after being on a long losing streak he suddenly becomes stardust and wins really quickly? the match should have been longer than their entrance was! need to give it time but u could see cody was totally into the character even though the crowd wasn't as they hardly reacted to his entrance or the match or when they won.
I'm clearly in the minority here, but I didn't particularly like the arrival of Stardust. In fact, I found it a little silly and over the top. When the character of Golddust debuted, it was a different era, when over the top characters were a little more prevalent. Golddust, despite his family history (and to some degree, his personal history), was pretty much an unknown entity, so it was a new, unique gimmick assigned to a relative unknown, in an era when cartoonish guys were more frequently seen.

In this case, it's a guy who everyone knows, who all of a sudden, for dubious reasons, has decided to paint his face, don an unusual costume, and try to recapture lightning in a bottle (in a manner similar to the transformation of Jeff Hardy into Willow). At best, this will go on for a while, with the brothers enjoying some success in the tag team division (which is hardly an enormous accomplishment in today's WWE), but this will ultimately culminate in one brother turning on the other in the tired and true sibling rivalry. At worst, this has the potential to turn Cody Rhodes into a joke, someone who may be difficult to take seriously in the future. Guys such as Brodus Clay, Fandango, or Santino Marella have gimmicks that can attest to the fact that it is difficult to go from unusual, non-mainstream gimmick, back to a serious character. I guess when push comes to shove, nothing ventured, nothing gained, as I don't see Cody Rhodes progressing beyond the upper mid card anyway. It's just that I would think it would be a shame to see Cody Rhodes deteriorate into a comedy gimmick who no one will take seriously ever again. Kind of like his former tag team partner.
i like the new stardust gimmick. i hope he continues to change up his moves and his movement/facial and hand gestures for stardust. i think they will have a good short run. until dust to dust, cool name i think, finally break up. i think golddust will be the one to turn heel and they will face off at summerslam, with stardust going over goldy.
To me, I like how they're making Cody out to be the younger brother who idolizes his older brother. I mean sure, he's been successful on his own, even winning the IC title. But every little brother at some point wants to impress his older brother. That's what I'm getting from the Stardust character. It's Cody's way of wanting to make Dustin proud of him, and it's almost like giving Goldust a little brother as well.

But as far as the gimmick itself, I really hope Cody can become less Cody and more Goldy. I think that if they can both become equally psychological masterminds and freak out their opponents, then WWE would have a unique tandom on their hands. And I'm all for uniqueness.
Cody Rhodes is that type of guy, who can work in almost any gimmick given. He is a hard worker, and I don't think much separates the skill level of him and Orton. He did well as "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, he did well with the face protector, he even pulled off the mustache look with Damian Sandow. Stardust may not be the eerie character that Goldust was in his debut, but it reminds me of some classic old-school wrestling. Guys like Road Warriors, 3D, Hart Dynasty. People who had shared the same outfits and gimmicks. Cody is really talented in the ring, and Goldust has returned from being nothing to a seriously entertaining performer. If this gimmick doesn't work, I still doubt Cody will be released. I still believe one day he will break through and win the WWE WHC title. But with Cesaro, Bray, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, BNB, Sheamus, Cena and Orton still in the main picture, teaming up with Goldust as Stardust is a good way to keep them in the tag team picture and relevant as well.
This is the kind of "Blue Sky Thinking" that WWE needs to be making, not just "shoving Tyson Kidd into a Lucha Mask".

This plays to Cody's true strength, he is great with gimmicks. "Deformed" Cody was by far his best work but Dashing Cody with the Tasche was almost as good. When he's "vanilla" it exposes his almost blandness, but this new gimmick rocked...

New moves, mindset, even the way he countered was totally different. Now I don't expect the plan is to stay as this forever, but it COULD be... There is no real reason for these two guys to ever "fight" or even till Mania. What this does do is add a string to Cody's bow, he doesn't have to be Stardust all the time, but he can break it out occasionally just like Foley did with Cactus or Dude Love. Personally I'd have made him a bit more colourful but that can still come.

This could even be plan B to the Tyson Kidd stuff... if they went cold on it and Cody came up with this, it might achieve the same thing. Stardust is a nickname that can stay with Cody for his career, even if the whole paint/get up doesn't... it sounds like a mainevent name and if done right this could be his ticket... Is it a copy? No, if anything it makes total sense...

Dustin as himself was exactly where Cody is in WCW, he changed his ways and became Goldust... that was almost 19 YEARS AGO... Cody could be stuck in limbo but Stardust could work for a longer spell. No one saw Goldust lasting a year when he debuted, if you'd have said he would not only be still active for the majority of 19 years, still in the top 5 workers in the company and more over than ever... you'd have been called crazy.

Change the colour up, perhaps more akin to TAFKA Goldust with the neon etc... get his wife in as his valet... but even if the Star Paint on the hands stays and nothing else, it's gonna work.

If they are gonna feud them, I can see now Goldust becoming the "weak link" and perhaps "freaked out" by the pops Star gets etc... Cody could even get frustrated and shed it... or Dustin could go back to being "himself" cos his brother "stole Goldust" from him... There are options for sure, but personally I would rather they re-win the tag titles and just not feud... let Dustin go out at Mania with a big title defence with Stardust, perhaps losing to the Acension and if Cody "takes it on" from there then so be it.

The fans love it, Cody clearly enjoyed it and I think Dustin did too... if there's a 2nd MITB match, I think our winner might just have been found.
This was the best possible thing for Cody right now.

ZERO room for him to move up to any other division or title race right now so a heel turn would have done him no good.

But embracing his brothers gimmick and, what looks like, re-strengthening themselves as a tag team is great in a tag team division that really needs more clear-cut, recognizable tag teams and ones that can be on PPVs!

Hopefully this doesn't lead to a heel turn too fast and they allow this Stardust gimmick to go for a few months at least.

Glad to see Cody finally not wrestling in trunks. With this new gimmick he will also get to show a bunch of new moves probably which will be interesting.
Stardust is love. Stardust is life.

I'm loving the new Cody Rhodes persona. The entrance; the theme; his mannerisms... everything he's done in the first glimpse of portraying Stardust has sold me and I'm looking forward to a resurgence to the Rhodes brothers tag team. Good to see that they aren't getting cast aside considering the size of the tag team division is pretty small.

As for the future, apparently Goldust's contract runs out at SummerSlam and with WWE making all these cuts, he has a good chance of being let go without renewal. So I'm going to make a bold prediction here and call the entire feud. Quote me on this if you want (I'm putting it in spoiler tags because it is essentially fantasy booking):

This new tag team will go on a winning streak and challenge for the tag titles. During this time, Cody Rhodes becomes too involved with his persona and becomes warped by how deranged it is, causing Goldust to become worried but not so much because they seem to be winning and he believes winning is what is keeping Stardust in check. After they lose the title Stardust snaps. Goldust tries to appeal to Cody Rhodes (probably going as far as removing the paint to become Dustin Rhodes) but he says he doesn't exist any more (think Reek's denial from Game of Thrones crossed with Willow's craziness) and the feud ends in a match between the two where the loser leaves the WWE or something along those lines. Goldust loses (allowing his contract to expire) and gives Cody/Stardust a boost and propel him up the card again as this crazy character.

If Goldust does indeed resign with the WWE, then this storyline will go longer.

Whatever happens, this is what Cody Rhodes needs. He did extremely well when he was "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and he's already doing well as Stardust so I trust him to make this character work because Cody is a gimmick wrestler. As himself, he sucks. As someone else, he excels. He is very good in the ring and I haven't heard any bad stories about Cody so why not give him a chance to shine once more?
I think Cody will try to slowly but surely one up Goldust and steal his gimmick somewhat, eventually until Goldust gets so tired of it he turns heel. Golddust will get jealous that Cody stole his gimmick and gets a bigger pop and will turn on his brother causing an epic rivalry probably ending in a texas death match or a loser has to give up gimmick/leave www match as Golddust is hardly needed anymore.

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