Star Wars VII Finds Its Director - Live Long and Prosper!

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
According to several credible sources, J.J. Abrams is all but confirmed to be the official director for the 2015 Star Wars: Episode VII.

Even though Abrams has said several times that he turned down the project, it looks like they eventually got the better of him. It's too early to tell at this point, but it's likely that Paramount would keep him on to direct a 3rd Star Trek film as well, as they feel he's done a fantastic job with the series thus far.

So the brilliant mind behind LOST, the new Star Trek franchise, Super 8, Alias and my personal favorite Mission Impossible movie is now at the helm for the reinvention of the Star Wars franchise. The movie is expected, but not confirmed, to feature many of the original cast members in some capacity.


I have mixed feelings about JJ. I liked Star Trek, but I never cared for LOST or Alias. Either way, if it fails- people will say 'I told you so'. If it does great, people will say 'I told you so'....

I will always prefer the 1st trilogy & Lucas. The 2nd? Not as much. Great visually, but just not the same.
Lucas only directed 1 of the original trilogy. He did all of the new trilogy that's why the new one sucks balls compared to Empire and Jedi.
That the best Star Wars film - Empire - has the least to do with Lucas is no coincidence.

I would also say that it is little wonder that Revenge of the Sith was a better film than Phantom and Clones considering Lucas had certain events that needed to happen and had to get the film to a certain point - birth of Vader, Vader/Kenobi, rise of the Empire, purge of the Jedi, birth of Luke/Leia. I think he was somewhat reined in by that.

Lucas doing the bare bones of the story and leaving others to flesh it out and direct it would probably have worked better in the second trilogy.

Abrams is a decent choice. Did a good job with Star Trek, although aside from scenes not involving the Empire, Star Wars is a very different atmosphere. Far less polished than the worlds of the Federation and the ships of Star Fleet.
There are two camps of sci-fi fans in the world: Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans. Abrams managed to do a well enough job on rebooting Trek, that he appeased almost the entire community. It really brought the whole series into the modern era, the casting was great, writing was solid, and of looked fucking awesome. The sound track was arguably the best part of the film though.

Anyways, LucasArts has a lot to prove with a new series. I think it's generally decided that the second trilogy was terrible, with Revenge of the Sith providing some good eye-candy and a few dramatic moments that weren't eye-rollingly-awful. There's a debate as to if Jar-Jar or Hayden Christiansen were a bigger blight on the series as a whole. So they had to do something to gain the trust of their following again, because any new SW movie is going to generate a bajillion dollars at the box office. I think throwing in an established director who knows his way around the genre, and is a huge Star Wars fan with the respect of millions of sci-fi fans, has to be regarded as a good choice.

From a production standpoint, Abrams has had a few flops. Revolution is pretty popular, but I still haven't found anybody that likes it. The common phrase as "it's such a good concept, I keep watching hoping that it will get better." Person of Interest was another great concept, with one of the best LOSt characters, but Jesus is one of the worst, most boring actors on the planet. I like Fringe, but it's been met with some deserved criticism. The point is, he's had some TV shows that didn't catch on, or just weren't written well or casted for properly. Not really JJ's fault, although he does shoulder some of the blame as executive producer.

That being said, as a director - the thing he'd be actually responsible for in Star Wars VII - he's got a pretty decent track record. It's short, but I thought Super 8, MI:3 and Star Trek were all fantastic films. And as a writer he brings those, plus shows like Lost and Alias to the table.

Abrams knows his way around science fiction. He lives it and breaths it; it is his personal favorite thing to work on. But despite everything else he's done, the best example you can look at is the Star Trek reboot. I saw it 4 times in theaters, so maybe I'm a little bit biased. But his reboot of it made me a Star Trek fan. I was never into it, but he made me want to go back and watch episodes of TOS, and the entirety of TNG. And I will be first in line to see Into Darkness this summer.

So with J.J. Abrams directing, George Lucas working on the characters, Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3, Oblivion, Brave, Little Miss Sunshine) writing the screenplay and LucasFilms pumping an unlimited amount of resources into the project, I see potential for greatness. I don't think Abrams will settle for anything bad. He's too big of a fan, and too proud of his own work to make another second trilogy. Plus, they have completely uncharted territory to work with. Lucas hasn't already written these films. They can go in new directions, and the fans won't know what to expect. I've never lived in an age where, as a Star Wars fan, I didn't know what was coming in the next film. And I'm really excited to see how that team works together, particularly if the rumors of the original cast returning are true.

Still, it would have been badass to see Timothy Zhan's trilogy become a reality...
Abrams is good with the popcorn movies. Odd to have the same guy leading the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises, but anything is better than Brett Ratner or Michael Bay.
Darth Bane..... Nuff said.

An excellent character but is actually portrayed far more as an anti-hero than a villain for large parts of the Darth Bane series.

Also, he died nearly 1000 years before the Battle of Yavin.

I have heard a suggestion that there is some plan to have the next generation of Skywalkers appear. It is most likely to mean Leia's children - Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo - but it could also mean Ben Skywalker, although that would be a long way into the future and possibly incorporate the Yuuzahn Vong, who would be an excellent enemy for the Republic and the Jedi but considering they are a rather hideous sight, I would imagine that they are not Disney fodder.

As for the EU post-Battle of Endor, there are plenty of decent villains, Thrawn being the stand out but there is also the likes of Ysanne Isard and Natasi Daala.

Unfortunately, there is no real stand out Sith Lord or Dark Jedi to stand up to Luke and the revived Jedi Order, unless they go with the reincarnation of Emperor Palpatine or go far into the future with the appearance of Darth Krayt. Dark Empire could be a good storyline to follow - planet destroying superweapons (World Devastators and the Galaxy Gun), clones, the next generation of Solo-Skywalkers, the fall of redemption of Luke Skywalker, although Palpatine needing to use one of the Solo children as a vessel is very Vigo the Carpathian.
Барбоса;4305067 said:
An excellent character but is actually portrayed far more as an anti-hero than a villain for large parts of the Darth Bane series.

Also, he died nearly 1000 years before the Battle of Yavin.

Could still be used as a Force Ghost.
Барбоса;4305079 said:
Nope. Sith do not leave Force Ghosts and the circumstances of Bane's demise make that even less likely.

Ahh yes I forgot about that aspect. hmmm. maybe for the next set of movies? From what I understand about Luke's Order nobody could really defeat him. Haven't really read that part of the EU
Some Sith Lords have been able to anchor their spirit close to the living world (Exar Kun for example) but it is not the same as how a Jedi does it.

As for Luke's prowess as a warrior, it all depends when we are talking. At the end of Return of the Jedi, he is not really all that proficient. A middling Jedi Knight at best, who only beat Darth Vader because Vader was a shadow of his former self and his heart was not really in it as "there was still good in him." Palpatine would have eaten him for breakfast in a duel.

However, after he does a lot of training and research into archives, he becomes a far more accomplished fighter and by the Yuuzahn Vong invasion (20 years after Endor), there is basically no one that can touch him as a warrior - although I think that at the height of his Jedi powers, Jacen Solo would have provided a real challenge.
Would be awesome to see Knights of the old republic brought to the big screen. But I see this movie as Luke now the head of the new Jedi temple and a new evil rising.
As terribly unlikely as this would ever be, I want a movie portraying the life and deeds of Cade Skywalker.

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