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Stampede Wrestling

Minister Christian

Wrestling Official #1 Critic

Stampede Wrestling is back!

Smith Hart has teamed up with some of his brothers; Bret and Keith. To try and bring Stampede Wrestling back to it`s glory days. Bret Hart has also asked Jim "The Anvail" Neidhart to come along. The Hitman has been busy making a few phone calls and managed to bring some of the best superstars from WWE, TNA and other wrestling promotions.

Here is the Roster;

Kurt Angle
Rob Van Dam
Randy Orton
Daniel Bryan
John Morrison
Ezekiel Jackson
Drew McIntyre
Cody Rhodes
Ted DiBiase
Yoshi Tatsu
David Hart Smith
Tyson Kid
Eve Torres
Alica Fox

Only 20 wrestlers registered, but Smith Hart isn`t fussed. He says "Yes Cj were starting off as a small wrestling promotion, i think 20 is a decent number to play about with. We will see how this first show goes. Our ambition is to tour worldwide in the long run and compete with TNA and the WWE. But as for now we just want to give the Calgary fans a show and hopefully we can do it weekly."

I managed to get a hold of Bret Hart who was helping setup the ring..

"Hello Bret, what kind of Championships are the wrestlers going to compete for"?

Bret said "We are going to have a North American Heavyweight Championship, a British Commonwealth title, International Tag team Championship and a Women`s Pacific Championship."

Right the wrestlers are ready, the championships have been announced. Tune in on Thursday night for the Live show.

Venue - Stampede Corral Arena, Calgary, Canada


First come first served!


Smith, Bret and Keith Hart are in the ring with Jim Neidhart..

Smith has the mic.."Welcome to the opening night of Stampede Wrestling everybody!

Crowd cheers

Keith is handed the mic by Smith,"Were going to give you a show tonight ladys and gents, boys and girls!"

Keith passes the mic to The Anvail.." Oooh Bret...i heard someone mention you have a friend coming down to join you on the commenrty box, is that right/"

"Yes, Jim that is right, let`s bring him out just now and get this show started!


Crowd goes wild

"Hello Calgary! I`am going to be the Best commentator you have ever seen!"

Smith heads backstage, as Keith strips into his referee suit..Bret and Roddy take there seats at the commentry table.

Keith grabs the mic " Oh i almost forgot, were going to have a speical guest ring announcer...put your hand up if you want to have that duty tonight"

Keith scans near the ring announce table...a little boy in a canada flag t-shirt is givin the little ring hammer.

Bret " The first match is yoshi tatsu and hornswoggle against young david hart smith and tyson kid, accompanied by Natalya my lovely niece"

Roddy " Oh i don`t think i`am going to keep up with this commentating that long, i think i will be checking out young Natalya!"

Bret shakes his head at Roddy..

Yoshi and Hornswoggle make there way to the ring

"Here comes the Hart Dynasty!" says Roddy

The crowd are going crazy!

Ding, ding the bell is rung to start the match

Yoshi grapples up with Tyson kid

Tyson kid lifts up Yoshi,, ohh german suplex...Yoshi gets up kicks Tyson in the stomach... uppercut to the face and puts Tyson into the corner of the ring.

Yoshi tags hornswoggle, he tells him to climb onto the top of the turnbuckle

Yoshi suplexs Tyson to the middle of the ring!

Roddy " Hornswoggle is going for the Tadpole Splash!"

Tyson moves out of the way...both wrestlers are down. slowly trying to get across to the other side to tag in there partners

Tyson tags young Davey, runs in and dropkicks Yoshi to the outside!

Bret "Young Davey has picked up Hornswoggle"

Into a belly to belly, Davey whips himself into the ropes...Leg drop 1....2....oh davey has lifted up horsnwoggle

"Ohhh noo!!" says bret

He`s got him into the running powerslam position..on top of the turnbuckle...


Right into the commentry box, Piper is killing himself laughing!

Bret doesnt look happy

Tyson looks shocked too!

Yoshi rings the bell, signals for help

"Hornswoggle may be broken in half here" said bret

Here comes the ambulance staff with a stretcher...

David hart smith is punching and kicking young hornswoggle on the ground

Piper is cheering him on" Go davey go!!"

Bret says "Come on, he`s had enough punishment!"

Tyson pushes hart away, both eye to eye...Hart walks out.

Yoshi and Tyson are trying to help Horswoggle

"This is carange, Hornswoggles career may just have ended!" Bret said

Commercial break

Welcome back, Cody Rhodes and John Morrsion are doing battle in the ring!

Cody Rhodes is throat thursting Morrison in the corner.. stomping him down..

Cody steps back and taunts the crowd

John Morrison is getting up slowly, turns around.SPEAR! by morrison,

both stager to there feet whip to the ropes, cody ducks, morrison comes back with a diving cross body.

Morrison celebrates with the crowd.

Cody gets up gets him into the Cross Rhodes,, but no Morrison connects with the spinning heel kick, Cody is lying at the turnbuckle out cold.

John Morrison climbs the top turnbuckle..STARSHIP PAIN!


John Morrsion is victouries and celebrates with the crowd on the turnbuckle!

Roddy jumps into the ring

" Our next match is for the WOMENS PACIFIC CHAMPIONSHIP!

It will be a Fatal 4 Way Pillow Fight Battle Royal!

Here comes out first Diva, Alicia Fox in a black night gown.

Next is Eve Torres, wearing very low cut shorts and a low cut vest top showing off her perfect six pack.

Followed by Aksana, who is wearing a leather bra and leather panties, then Maryse.

Maryse is looking good wearing just a white bikini.

ding ding.

Maryse looks like shes teaming up with Alica Fox

Maryse gives Alica fox the wink, and Alica nods in approval.

"But no double cross!!" says Roddy.

Eve and Aksana team up with Maryse and batter Alica senseless with 3 pillows, Alica has been ragged dolled right out the ring. Alica is eliminated.

Maryse then takes on both Eve and Akasana at the same time, but then Aksana accidenty hits Eve and Eve goes to work on Aksana. Maryse is out cold lying on the ring apron.

Aksana has been hip tossed out the ring by Eve. "It`s just down to Eve and Maryse" Piper explains

Maryse throws herself towards Eve, but Eve ducks! DROPKICK! Eve has sent Maryse tumbling throw the ropes, crashing down face first onto the concrete.

Eve is declared the Womens Pacific Champion.

The main event has been decided and it will be a 4 way elimantion match.

Rvd Vs Randy Orton Vs Christain Vs Kurt Angle

We can go backsatge with Cj who is standing with fan favourite Christain

Yeah Cj, this one if for my peeps! I`am going to become the North American Heavyweight Champion, even though i`am Canadain.

Randy Orton walks by and laughs

Daniel Byrans music hits, Daniel Bryan walks out, smiling waving at the crowd, they sure do appreciate great wrestlers here in Calgary!

This next match is scheducled for one fall, and its Daniel Bryan Vs Ted Dibiase

Ted Dibiase comes out with his million dollar swagger, smirking at the crowd.

He wastes no time and catches Bryan off guard with a spine buster!

Ted gives Daniel multiple elbows.

Bryan looks done for now!

Ted plays the crowd, the crowd booo

Dibiase lifts Byran up, looks like hes going for the Million Dollar Dream, but Daniel rakes his eyes.

Daniel bryan punches and kicks away at Ted Dibiase.

Bryan "ooh dragon suplex!" says Bret

What a great wrestler this daniel bryan is" Piper states

Bryan onto the top rope now, diving headbutt

The crowd roar!

Ted is lying on his front, daniel bryan into the finishing move Lebel lock..Dibiase taps out.. Keith raises Daniel Bryans hand!

"Ohh what a great victory for Daniel Bryan, i`am sure we are going to see more of this young man in Stampede Wrestling" The Hitman says.


Bret takes to the ring, he has a bag with him.

"Right here it is, the Stampede Wrestling North American Heavyweight Championship.

Rvd comes out and shakes Brets hand, bret makes his way back to the commenrty box.

Orton comes out..slowly like a poisonous snake, the crowd are giving him a hard time.

Kurt angle comes out and shakes Pipers hand

Christain comes out to a huge pop, the fans want Christian to win.

The Viper lunges at Christain and goes for the RKO but Christian manages to push him away.

Angle and RVD lock up,

Christain is at the ropes

Angle pushes Orton into christian , but christian pulls down the ropes and Orton is elimated!

"Randy looks to keen to impress" explains Bret.

Orton is furious outside. He is punching the concerte floor with his fits in disgust with himself.

RVD gives angle the one handed bulldog, Christain gives RVD the tornado DDT and makes his way to the top rope.

"It looks like Christian is going for the RVD`S OWN 5 STAR FROG SLASH!" Piper says. But randy orton has picked up the steel steps and throws towards christian.

Chritain has been elimated!

Christain is helpless outside, Orton is sizing up Christian.

Back in the ring Angle and RVD are trying to stand up slowy.

Angle gets the olympic slam on RVD, then climbs to the top rop and moonsault, RVD managed to move slightly out of the way.

Rvd gets the nothern lights suplex on angle, climbs to the top rope for the finshing move the 5 star frog spalsh, and angle catches his ancle in mid air and puts the ankcle lock on!

Rvd looks like he has passed out, his face hit the mat with some impact...

Smith hart signals its over, RVD is knocked uncouncious.

The litle boy sings the bell.

Roddy piper is happy Kurt angle has won.

The winner of this match and NEW north american heavyweight champion.. KURT ANGLE

Kurt angle closes the show, celebrating like hes won another gold medal!
Bearded Review

-I love the idea around the show CJ and I think this could potentially be something really good around here. However this show wasn't that great to be honest. First off the format is sloppy and difficult to read. Formatting is just as big an aspect to a book this as everything else. Check out other successful shows here to pick up on some formatting details.

-You're promos could use some work. The one that comes to mind is Christian's. He is fighting for the North American title and he says even though he is Canadian. Canada is in North America. The Orton bit showed foreshadowing, but seemed a bit out of character for Randy. Check out promos of certain guys if you are having problems getting their character across in words.

-Matches were short and too the point. They could definitely be longer and provide some more detail. I like the added commentary in during the match, as it provides a bit of realism to it all.

-No storylines were really developed minus Orton and Christian. It is the first show, so there is plenty of time to get storylines built up. Maybe the Hart Dynasty thing is a storyline in the works, though that bit had me a tad confused. Hornswoggle's involvement as an active star and DH Smith and Tyson Kidd potentially having some tension, I'm not sure what went down.

-All in all it could use some work, but it certainly has potential. If you can work on the negatives it will develop into a quality book this. Like I said check out some other shows for formatting details and work on your promos and you should be good to go. Best of luck homie.
Heels in red, faces in blue.A recap on last week`s highlights, David Hart Smith and Tyson Kid beat Hornswoggle and Yoshi. Hornswoggle injured. John Morrison beats Cody Rhodes. Eve wins against Alica Fox, Maryse and Aksana. Daniel Bryan defeats Ted DiBiase. Kurt Angle beats Randy Orton, Christian and RVD.

Roddy piper and Bret Hart walk out with Smith the referee. Piper takes postition in the commentry box. Smith standing at the corner of the ring. Bret Hart is in the middle of the ring with the mic.."Hello everyone, due to high demand..Stampede Wrestling is back again. We have this arena booked for the next 11 months. One show a month, two if your lucky and every
week if the people of calgary want it! I would like to hand these tag titles to the best tag team in the world..The HART Dynasty!"

Hart dynasty tune hits. David Hart Smith and Tyson Kid accompanied by Natalya make there way to the ring. The crowd is loving it.


Roddy "Here comes Cody and Ted argubally the best tag team in the world, don`t tell Bret i said this you people back home."

"Hey, I`am sick of this Calgary Cliq going on everywhere throughout Stampede Wrestling!" DiBiase says

"Hey Bret, we wanna match with the Hart Dynasty for the International Tag Team Championship!" Cody explains

Bret says "Ok main event tonight The Legacy Vs The Hart Dynasty for the International Tag Team Championship."

David Hart is angry at Bret, but Tyson is taunting the legacy with his hand telling them to bring it on" Bret chooses to ignore Davey Hart Smith, and tells Tyson to stop taunting the legacy. The Legacy disappear backstage.


Yoshi is standing in the ring. "Here comes by fellow countryman, Drew McIntyre." Strolling along smirking and laughing at the heat he is getting. He climbs into the ring, onto the top turnbuckle to point his finger at the crowd in disgust.
"C`mon Drew!" says roddy
Yoshi is sick of Drew disrespecting the calgary faithfull and wastes no time by running over to drew and whacking him from behind with fast right and left fists.

"Wow look at Yoshi go with fists of fury" Bret says

Yoshi trys to lift Drew up, Drew spins behind Yoshi.

"Look at the speed of the scottish lion" Piper gasps

Yoshi turns round, right into a hard clothesline! Drew goes straight down to fight on the ground with a flurry of his own punches, stands up and walks around strutting like he owns that ring. Yoshi gets to his feet and attempts to fly into drew, but drew moves out of the way. Yoshi again is lying on his back. This time drew gets right into business, picks up yoshi and belly to belly suplex! Right onto the mat. Drew goes for the pin.1..2..Yoshi kicks out, is there still life in this japanese sensation?
Drew is complaining to the referee, he thinks it was a slow count. "Yoshi is up!" Bret says "Lookout Drew" says Roddy
Dropkick! drew is on the mat, Yoshi gets a hold on drew on the floor mat, double knee drop into Drew`s shoulder!
and again! again! Yoshi covers drew, 1..2..Drew kicks out! "Yes Drew c`mon send this jap back to Tokyo!" Roddy says
Yoshi picks up Drew, irish whip...no Drew reverses, Yoshi ducks a Drew clothesline, Yoshi comes back with a clotheline of
his own. This time Drew ducks. Yoshi comes back. Drew streches out his big boot, and Yoshi roundhouse kick!
REFEREE COUNTS 1...2....3....4
both men are down and out cold just now. " i think Yoshi may have the advantage now" explains Bret
6..Yoshi is on his kness now..7...Yoshi is up..8...Drew is on one leg and one knee. 9..both men are up!
Yoshi grapples Drew, Drew pushes Yoshi away!" ooh kick to the stomach by The scotsman! Roddy says excitely
"FUTURE SHOCK DDT!" "HES GOT IT, HES GOT IT! RODDY IS ESTATIC! Drew goes for the pin. 1..2...3!
Drew Mcintryre has won the match in a hard fought victory over Yoshi!
Roddy is standing up clapping, cheering Drew on, Drew gives Roddy Piper the thumbs up!

The next match is Aksana Vs Alica Fox vs Maryse in a triple threat match for the number 1 contendership for the Womens
Pacific Championship!

Aksana`s music hits, she struts out..followed by Alicia Fox. Maryse music hits, the young canadian women gets a huge pop from the crowd. She is wearing red and white canadian bikini. The three competitors are in the ring. EVE TORRES music hits.
"What is the womens pacific champion doing out here?" Bret says Eve is showing off her prized possession, the womens championship belt. Eve takes a seat inbetween Bret and Roddy at the commentry table and sticks on the headphones with the built in mic.DING DING the bell rings for the triple threat match to start. "Hello Mr Piper" Eve plants a kiss right on the lips of Roddy. Bret is killing himself laughing at the big red lipstick mark on roddy`s face. But roddy doesn`t seem to care, he is loving the attention of a beautiful latino women. Eve goes to kiss bret, but bret moves slightly and Eve`s big red lips land on his cheek. "Aksana and Alica Fox are double teaming against Maryse" Roddy says, "So Eve, what brings you out here?" asks Bret. Aksana climbs the top rope, while Alica gives Maryse a bit more punishment. "Well Bret, I`am the women`s champion, i want to get a closer look at my next opponent" "Eve i appreciate this, but this is mine and roddys table, why didn`t you watch on the tv backstage?" Maryse moves out of the way! Aksana attempt at an elbow drop from the top turnbuckle fails "Now come on Bret, leave Eve alone" "I also came to talk to roddy" Eve explains. Roddy flirts with Eve, and Eve winks back. "Now enough of this flirting and stuff, we need to start commentating on this good wrestling match" Bret explains. Alica goes for a scissors kick on Maryse but Maryse blocks and throws Alica away. Maryse puts Alica into the camel clutch, but Aksana comes to the rescue. Pummelling away at Maryse. "Looks like Aksana is going for her finisher" Bret states. SPINBUSTER! "What a great move by Aksana" says Roddy, "Go aksana, kick the **** out of her!" Eve interupts.
Roddy and Bret are stunned and disgusted at the flith that just came out of eves mouth. 1...2...now alica kicks aksana to break the pin! "Right Eve i think you have had enough fun, can you go backstage and watch the match there?" Bret asks
Eve storms away from the commentry table in the huff. Alica picks up Aksana, backbreaker, now Alica goes for the pin on
Aksana,1..2...Maryse dives in with a sharp elbow to the head of Alica, Alica is rolling about in pain. Maryse lays into Aksana now with visious left and right slaps."AWWCH THAT GOTTA HURT" Roddy says. Now Eve has started walking back towards the ring. Alica runs at Maryse, ducks the shot,and sends Alica tumbling over the ropes, right into Eve Torres!!
Aksana gets up to her feet, and swings at Maryse, but Maryse blocks again! DDT!! "DDT" SAYS BRET. Thats is surely!" Piper says. Maryse has hit her finisher the FRENCH KISS DDT on Aksana, 1...2...3 Maryse is the number 1 contender to face Eve Torres. The crowd are extremly happy that the canadian won! Alica and Eve roll into the ring. They both team up and
give Maryse a pounding."Security, security!" Bret gasps "THATS WHY EVE IS THE CHAMPION!" she can punish anyone! Piper says. Eight secruity men from backstage run to the rescue of Maryse, and lead away Alica and Eve. Aksana is still out cold on the ring aprin. "What carnage here with the women here tonight, i would like to personally apologize for this disgusting act from Eve Torres tonight""We are going to take a commercial break, but do join us for out next match on the card tonight Ezekial Jackson Vs Suicide

Ezekial Jackson`s music hits, he walks along into the ring with alot of heat from the crowd. Suicide music hits....
"I think this will be a good match, i hope its not as vicious as the previous one" Bret says. Suicide music hits again...2mins
into the song, He has came out. Suicide music starts again.The crowd look confussed as do the commenators and Ezekial
Jackson. Keith Hart has stepped out of the ring and is jogging backstage. " There he is! There he is! THERE HE IS!! Roddy
gasps. Suicide has ran into the ring with a steel chair and hit Ezekial Jackson from behind to the back of his head. And again another chair shot this time to the back.. Now he jabs it into his kness. Keith runs back into the ring and
grabs the steel chair from suicide and walks towards bret and roddy with it. "Ezekial Jackson looks hurt badly" Bret
says. Keith plants the steel chair next to Roddy Piper. Suicide is playing dirty in the ring with Jackson, giving him stomps to the mid section. Keith gets into the ring and tells the young ring announcer fan to ring the bell. The match
has finally started! Suicide goes for the top rope, diving elbow. Surely this is enough punishment for Jackson.
"Jackson looks uncouncious" bret says worriedly. Suicide covers JACKSON 1...2...3. and sucide wins. Hart Dynasty music hits...its the Anvail! One of the top men in this company, Keith Hart, i have a message for everyone from high up above in this organisation. Suicide has not won this match, Jackson goes through by disqualifcation. Suicide is raging, runs for
the steel chair again, and lashes out at Jackson again. Keith runs away backstage he doesnt want anything to do with this. COMMERCIAL.

Ezekial Jackson is getting taken away on a strecher he is on his way to the hospital, Suicide got huckled away by four secruity men. "The secruity men have been busy tonight" explains Piper " Yes i know, roddy. Hope this is the last we will see of the extreme viciousness here ever!"
"Now its time for the main event for this evening, Hart Dynasty Vs The Legacy for the International Tag Team Championship! But just before this we want to inform everyone that next month in november 17TH, Kurt Angle is going to defend his North American Championship against Rob Van Dam. Legacy Music hits, here comes Ted and Cody walking to the ring with swagger, "They seem to be thinking that they are going to be the Tag Team Champions tonight" Bret says. Here comes the Hart Dynasty! accompanied by Natayla. Tyson kid and David Hart Smith make there way to the ring by high fiving all of the fans. Natayla slighty behind strutting her stuff. Natayla takes her position directly across from us on the other side of the ring. Cody and ted, DH Smith and Tyson kid all look eye to eye in the ring. The Referee is Keith Hart. Keith calms both camps down and urges one member of each team to get out of the ring so the match can start. DH Smith, and Ted Dibiase make there way to there corners. Cody and Tyson kid are left in the ring ready to square off. Ding ding, Cody and Tyson lock up. Both men struggling to rein supreme. Cody gets Tyson into a head lock, he bouces off the ropes, and tyson escapes runs to the other side of the ring bounces off the ropes, and gets the running shoulder block onto cody, cody is in the sitting position. Tyson kicks the back of cody continuesly.
cody collapses onto the floor, tyson goes for the cover.1...2...cody kicks out. Now Tyson has a sleeper hold on Cody. Cody is really struggling now, Ted Dibiase is standing on the second rope trying to stretch for a tag. Cody is making slow movements now. The referee picks up Cody`s arm. it drops....and again..same thing...and if Cody`s arm drops again this
time its all over for the Legacy. "Explains Bret. Noooo!! Piper gasps. Cody is alive! with a burst of energy..Cody is on his kness now. throws an elbow to Tyson, and again...he breaks free of the sleep hold.Suplex. Cody gets the suplex on Tyson. there both lying flat on the canvass. DH Smith is wanting a tag, as still is Ted. Cody is slowly reaching for the tag. While Tyson is still struggling to sit up right. Cody tags in Ted. Ted runs right over to
DH Smith and dropkicks him right to the outside. DiBiasie goes to work on Tyson Kid with diving elbow drops. Ted takes Tyson over to his corner, tags in Cody again. Both men double team Tyson onto the turnbuckle, and hit the super-plex on tyson kid. This is surely over for the Hart Dynasty. CODY COVERS UP TYSON..1...2..and Natayla pulls out the referee!
Here comes Jim the Anvail Neidhart! He tells Natayla to get backstage! And she goes! Back to the action now, Cody has taged
in Ted, Dibiase goes to pick up Tyson, DH smith has said something to the referee. The referee is facing DH Smtih. Low blow!, Tyson deliveiers a low blow to Ted Dibiase. Tyson runs over to tag in DH Smith. Dh smith runs towards Ted and clothelines him and dropkicks cody out side! DH Smith bounces off the ropes. Leg drop! "The crowd are going crazy out here", Bret says. DH Smith goes for the cover..1...2.and Cody breaks the pin with a diving knee drop onto DH SMITH. Tyson kid runs into the ring and dropkicks cody outside! Tyson off the top rope moonsault! cody is out cold, on the outside. David Hart Smith lifts Ted Dibiase onto his shoulders, he is going for his finisher, the running poweslam! Hes got it,
hes got it! cover 1...2...3..Oh what a match! " Bret says. And the winners of this match and new International Tag Team
Champions Tyson Kid and David Hart Smith, The Hart Dynasty! Natayla runs into the ring and celebrates with her team! Bret Hart is standing up clapping from his commentry box. It looks like David Hart Smith and Tyson Kid are back! Tune in 17th
of November for the next show!
Bearded Review

-Formatting is a lot better than the first show, so I'm glad you took that into account. Still a bit rough on the eyes though. Maybe sticking the matches in quotes to separate it from the normal text, that would definitely help it out.

-Matches were better as well and I'm glad to see that you put more time into the matches and added some length and detail to it.

-Less promo time this week, not a bad thing. The one that I saw was decent, but still could use work. Promos aren't easy, they take some time. Keep working on that aspect of the show.

-Also good to see some storylines developing. We see that Suicide has an anger streak, Legacy has it out for the Calgary Cliq, and last week we saw Christian and Orton. Maybe a heads up on that situation would have been nice.

-Overall the show was better than last week, but could still use work. You have potential and clearly you have the motivation to keep it going and getting better. The show is something different and like I said has potential. A few more tweaks are needed, but it is a work in progress and I look forward to seeing the improvements you make.

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