Squared-Circle Memories: What Wrestling Means To Me.


I Am The One Who Knocks
Wrestling for all of its intents and purposes is my best friend.

A personal quote of mine. Now I know many of you are thinking, "what a dweeb, this guy should get a girlfriend." Let me assure you I have a girlfriend, and she is perfectly ok with me loving wrestling more than her. I say wrestling is my best friend because it is, and I will explain to you why.

Have you ever just been down in the dumps and put on a wrestling match to pass the time? Have you ever found yourself counting down the seconds to 9:00 on Mondays? Have you ever bitched about the product and then turned around and kept watching it? I have done all of these things and more. You see as a kid it wasn't long before I had gotten into wrestling. I remember at the age of 3 watching a blonde haired-flat top and face paint on this guy flying all around the ring. Such bright colors he had on his tights, the elevation on those jumps from corner to corner, the pageantry of it all. I was hooked. That man that got me hooked is Sting, and he is a bastard.

You see, not only do I just watch wrestling, I love it. I get so into it that I can't separate it from reality at times. I love it so much that here I am at 3 in the morning starting a thread on a wrestling forum because I love talking about wrestling. Sound crazy? Not yet. Ever since I was a little kid I've been enamored with it. I invest myself emotionally into the story and characters involved. I cry, laugh, and get angry just as if it was all happening to my close friends and family. Remember that Sting guy? Yeah, bastard he is for that.

Growing up I had my friends and I was always hanging out with them, but when even they weren't there for me, wrestling was. Wrestling has helped me get through some of the hardest parts in my life. From standing up for myself when something is wrong, to learning to never give up and always fight. When I was sick in school and I would stay home I would take my medicine and watch wrestling. I swear to this day that it was watching wrestling that shook my cold, but modern science wants none of that shit.

Now here I am, 24 years old, and I still love it as much if not more than I did before. I will still put a headlock on my dog and force him to tap out. I will still "Wooo" when it is most inappropriate. As always as it was when I was younger as well, when the rest of the world fucks me over, it will always be there for me. I guess that Sting guy isn't that bad after all. He gave me a life-long friend that I don't think will ever let me down. Sounds pretty awesome.

What about you guys? I leave you with these following questions.

What got you into wrestling?

What are some of your favorite memories throughout your life of wrestling?

Would you consider wrestling a bigger part of your life after putting into perspective?

Am I absolutely crazy, insane, and the only person who feels this way?

Fire away.
As soon as the goddamn 24 hr rep thing goes away you are getting some brother, excellent thread.

What got you into wrestling?
I believe that I got into wrestling thanks to my Uncle David, I was around 5 years old living with my mom at my grandparents house and when he came to visit he turned on the tv and put the channel on a wrestling match and I fell in love. He was a Flair man(even looks like him a bit) so I was introduced to alot of Nature Boy from the beginning but eventually branched out and found my own favorites.

What are some of your favorite memories throughout your life of wrestling?
Watching with my uncle is where alot of the earlier ones are, we watched alot of WCW Nitro together and I thought that the NWO was the coolest thing on gods green earth. I had a great time getting my cousin and brother into it years back, my cousin will still watch occasionally and I turned my brother into a hardcore fan which I am very proud of but I had alot of fun watching with them when we'd go on vacation to Lake Tahoe and watching Raw together. I remember getting a WWE ring that came with Chris Jericho and SCSA one year for my birthday and had a reaction similar to the N64 kid. Then more recently I went to my first show last year when I went to Elimination Chamber and marked out like I was a kid again, and then watching Summerslam for the first time with a big group of friends(shoutout to Notorious).

Would you consider wrestling a bigger part of your life after putting into perspective?
Without a doubt, in a week I watch 3 wrestling shows and usually somewhere in there I pop in a WWE/WCW dvd set or I play a video game. I've got the entrance songs of all my favorite wrestlers on my ipod, still wear my signature shirts proudly and still have my action figures, and better yet I'm proud of it. It really is more than just a hobby, I love wrestling and all the memories that go along with it, I really dont know what I would have done without it in the past. It's so much more than just sports entertainment, I'm not sure if I would call it a way of life but damn close if you ask me.

Am I absolutely crazy, insane, and the only person who feels this way?
Fuck no, if you want to talk wrestling crazy I'm your guy brother. Lets see, how can I show my slightly scary love for wrestling? Well when I heard Chris Jericho was signing books in Hollywood while I was visiting Socal I drove 2 hours, parked somewhere not even close to where he was because of lack of parking and ran 3 miles like a bat out of hell to get in line and then waited 3 hours for him to show. I've blown off a date to watch Raw(not even kidding), in Orton pose in just about every picture, say WOO way too much and have I mentioned not only do I still have my old wrestling figures but for my birthday 3 weeks ago I asked for an xbox live membership and wrestling figures....I'm 20 and that's what I asked for, if that's not a fan then idk what is. Last week I told my fiance that my love for her is tied with my love for Chris Jericho, right now I'm talking about wrestling on a wrestling forum, while watching The Very Best Of Monday Nitro while wearing an Eddie Guerrero shirt and drinking out of a 7-11 Summerslam cup with Orton on it.
But aside from all the wrestling I watch and the shit I buy, it's really about the way wrestling makes me feel. It really is a huge part of my life, my love for it only continues to grow and one day when I am blessed enough to have kids I will introduce them to wrestling and hope that it means as much to them as it does to me.

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