Spot Monkeys

Who Is The The Greatest Spot Monkey In The World?

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Matt Hardy

  • Shane McMahon

  • Shelton Benjamin

  • Abyss

  • Mick Foley

  • Edge

  • Christian

  • Big Daddy V

  • Other

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Who's the best ever? Jeff Hardy fans vote here.

I wont say Hardy. Because he actually a really good wrestler. I'll go for Shelton Benjamin. I like him. But it occured to me the other day that there is no real reason for me to like him. He has potential. But that's all. He was great with Haas. But that's two wrestlers together, sharing the workload. But then I had a brain fart and I remembered something. Money In The Bank. Pointless concept. But the first two matches were pretty good. Why? Because of Shelton. He doesn't just fall off high shit. Like say Jeff Hardy. But he actually runs up high shit before falling off it. Which is considerably harder, and far more impressive than Hardy does, or ever will do.

Poll coming soon.
As soon as my own arrogance cleared, I realised this wasn't really a thread designed to insult the wrestlers within it. And with that in mind, I agreed with your reasoning for Shelton Benjamin being the greatest spot monkey. The first two money in the bank matches are evidence of that, I think.

Edge has also impressed me with some of his spots, but he's usually doing something to someone in them rather than just falling ontop of someone like Jeff Hardy. Highlight of his spots really was WrestleMania X7 with him spearing Bubba Ray off the belts. Hence why it features in all of his highlight reels.

Abyss and Jeff Hardy went hand in hand and had some fantastic matches that just featured spot after spot in TNA. Hardy would jump off tall things and Abyss would throw him through and onto shit. Best matches Hardy's ever had, in my opinion. It's like he finally admits to himself what he's best at and throws himself into it, whereas in the WWE he's not really allowed to continuously drop of really tall shit, just one in a while. A shame.
I think Abyss is the greatest "spot monkey." I guess my reasoning for this is I think that Benjamin, Christian, Jeff & Matt, Edge, Mick and even Shane actually have wrestling ability and tell stories with their matches without "the spot." Sure they all pull out the spot, but they have other qualities I think. I almost voted Shane because obviously from all of his matches you remember the big spot ... but he is entertaining otherwise.
I don't personally find Abyss all that entertaining EXCEPT for his spots, which are numerous. It is all about the blood spot for Abyss. All about how he gets to the tacks, or the barbed wire, or falls into a table, or whatever else. He is basically Mick Foley without the 10 in charisma or the mic skills.
Abyss takes the vote for me.

EDIT: I don't know who I would change it to, but I have grown to like Abyss as a lot more than just a spot monkey since making this post.
Because i consider "Spot Monkey" a derogatory term, i'm going with Jeff Hardy. If you take away his ability to fall from great heights, he has absolutely nothing. No mike skill, no wrestling skill, no ring presence and no psychology.
You can take "Spot Monkey" as a derogatory term if you wish. It is in a way. Most spot monkeys don't usually have anything other to offer than the ability to take impressive bumps. I feel the same about Hardy, as I do Shane McMahon. Take away their big bumps and what really have you got left? At least Shelton has potential. Jeff Hardy had potential 10 years ago. But then the easier/ladder way came to him. That's the reason he walks like Kevin Nash even though he's only 30.
Where's Sabu?

What do you think the other option is for? Why don't you say why Sabu is the greatest spot monkey? Would you like me to do it for you?

High spot's are all Sabu has. He can't wrestle. So like a lot of talentless wrestlers he injures himself to get over. He's very dedicated to being a spot monkey. That's all you really had to say White Machismo.
"greatest" as in the best wrestler who's a spotter or the guy who just flat out does spots for spots?

Either way, there isn't a correct answer to vote for. Matt Sydal is the best spotter who wrestles great matches and Teddy Hart is the guy who sucks because all he does is poorly executed high spots.
Mick Foley. This guy made nearly his entire career off of hardcore spots. He practically reinvented hardcore wrestling in the US. When he jumped ship to the WWE he made hardcore spots the acceptable practice and raised the bar for all spot monkeys working for mainstream wrestling companies.
Mick Foley. This guy made nearly his entire career off of hardcore spots. He practically reinvented hardcore wrestling in the US. When he jumped ship to the WWE he made hardcore spots the acceptable practice and raised the bar for all spot monkeys working for mainstream wrestling companies.

I'm surprised at you, and missing the obvious answer. Who seems to be everyone's favorite spot monkey?




Seriously, I've never seen a wrestler who has achieved more than RVD has using nothing but a spotty style. Talk about jumping off of things? That's RVD's special. RVD has got to be the biggest spot monkey around.

I mean, take away RVD's spots, and has he ever done anything of much quality?
I'm surprised at you, and missing the obvious answer. Who seems to be everyone's favorite spot monkey?




Seriously, I've never seen a wrestler who has achieved more than RVD has using nothing but a spotty style. Talk about jumping off of things? That's RVD's special. RVD has got to be the biggest spot monkey around.

I mean, take away RVD's spots, and has he ever done anything of much quality?

wait Sly you forgot some special RVD tactics kicks and jump kicks, dont wanna miss those ones. RVD I just dont know what to think of him any more I used to be a fan but as I kept watching closer and closer his matches tended to go like this Jump, Kick, Jump, Kick, Jumping Kick, Rolling Thunder, Frog Splash in that order. while its better than your typical spotty match it defenitely doesnt seem to stand out and match the praise it receives
In my opinion, the biggest spot monkey would have to be Mick Foley. That's the only reason he is so popular. Because he launches himslef off (and through) random things. The highlight of his career was being thrown of a cell, through a table by The Undertaker. He made himself famous for "destroying" his body. Take any match of his, and you will have at least one big spot by Foley.

In second I would definately have to go with Shane McMahon. His finisher is jumping from one ring post to another. He is a definately a close second.

Sly, really? RVD is definately not only a spot moneky. He hasn't made himself famous for throwing himself off things, but for his martial arts skills. Sure he still does big spots, but he's not the biggest spot monkey. He made a name for himself by being a great MMA wrestler. He is one of the best in the business, when it comes to MMA (in pro-wrestling).
Sly, really? RVD is definately not only a spot moneky. He hasn't made himself famous for throwing himself off things, but for his martial arts skills. Sure he still does big spots, but he's not the biggest spot monkey. He made a name for himself by being a great MMA wrestler. He is one of the best in the business, when it comes to MMA (in pro-wrestling).

RVD isn't an MMA style wrestler. In general those gimmicks are boring, They don't transcend into wrestling very well.

But he is a spot monkey. His repertoire is based off several big and innovate moves. There's noting wrong with that. Because some wrestlers do imaginative spots, like RVD. And others fall off shit.
In my opinion, the biggest spot monkey would have to be Mick Foley. That's the only reason he is so popular. Because he launches himslef off (and through) random things. The highlight of his career was being thrown of a cell, through a table by The Undertaker. He made himself famous for "destroying" his body. Take any match of his, and you will have at least one big spot by Foley.
Foley is definitely not a spot monkey, as he works his big spots in with a reason to do them. Generally the spots are well transitioned into, and they make sense in the context of the match. There's a difference between doing spots to further a match, and do spots for the simple fact you can't pop a crowd any other way. Mick Foley is the former. RVD is the latter.

Sly, really? RVD is definately not only a spot moneky. He hasn't made himself famous for throwing himself off things, but for his martial arts skills. Sure he still does big spots, but he's not the biggest spot monkey. He made a name for himself by being a great MMA wrestler. He is one of the best in the business, when it comes to MMA (in pro-wrestling).
RVD most certainly is a spot monkey. Being a spot monkey has NOTHING to do with jumping off things, it has to do with the style of match wrestled. Being a spot monkey means that you go from spot to spot, with no transitions, or illogical transitions in between. It means that the spots do nothing for a match, and generally have no purpose in a match's story, other than to pop the crowd simply because the wrestler cannot do it through any other way. That's what a spot monkey is, and why RVD is one of the worst offenders.
RVD most certainly is a spot monkey. Being a spot monkey has NOTHING to do with jumping off things, it has to do with the style of match wrestled. Being a spot monkey means that you go from spot to spot, with no transitions, or illogical transitions in between. It means that the spots do nothing for a match, and generally have no purpose in a match's story, other than to pop the crowd simply because the wrestler cannot do it through any other way. That's what a spot monkey is, and why RVD is one of the worst offenders.

NO transitions? Sly what the devil are you talking about. The only spotty move he does in a regular match is the five star frogsplash. The rest is martial arts typed moves. I admit he may be a spot monkey in a match such as the ladder match, but the whole point of that match is to be spotty. The closest move he uses i a regualr match that can be counted as spotty is Rolling Thunder, but that's about it.

I admit he may be a spot monkey at times, but he's definately not the "worst offender".
NO transitions? Sly what the devil are you talking about. The only spotty move he does in a regular match is the five star frogsplash.
Again, being a spot wrestler is not about doing aerial moves. It's not. Being a spot wrestler is about having poor transitions from spot to spot, and doing moves that make no sense in the context of the story of the match, and are done only for the sake of doing them.

A good example of a spotty match is Lynn vs. RVD from the last ECW PPV. That match is spotty as hell.

I admit he may be a spot monkey in a match such as the ladder match, but the whole point of that match is to be spotty.
No, it's not. There should never be a match where the point is to be spotty. See Money in the Bank ladder match from Wrestlemania 21. Yes, there were a lot of high spots, but almost all of them were transitioned very well to. Take the ladder match from Summerslam 2005. THAT is a spotty match, well, at least the last ten minutes of it is.

The closest move he uses i a regualr match that can be counted as spotty is Rolling Thunder, but that's about it.
Moves themselves do not make a wrestler spotty, it's how you use the moves that makes you spotty.
Everything RVD does is a spot he has no reason for any of the things he does. He uses absolutley no psycology in the ring what so ever it just one high spot to a different spot. He doesn't concentrate on one bodypart he is all over the place and while many fans like it, it gets very boring when you see the same thing all the time.
There is nothing "great" about being a spot monkey. The term spot monkey was coined up to be an insult. The inventor of the term "spot monkey" invented it to be an insult. He/she has copy rights to the definition. This thread is an insult to all spot monkey haters
But for me I would have to go with shane. I like how he put a comedic spin on his spot matches. Like when he would dance around after doing a spot and stuff. See he added to the spot, he didn't just do a spot. I could care less if he really is the greatest spot monkey or not, but he is my favorite based on his luster style. So I give him a 10.
How the fuck is Matt Hardy, Edge, etc, any bit of spot monkeys? God damn. If there's one term that needs to be axed from the Internet Wrestling Fan lexicon, it's "spot monkey".

The sad thing is that save for Abyss, most every single one of those guys you listed have a bunch more substance to their matches than you're giving them credit for. Matt Hardy, Christian, Edge and Foley especially. Jeff Hardy has really stepped it up ever since his return to the WWE and Benjamin's been kind of reinventing himself ever since going to ECW.
i voted for mick foley without a seconds hesitation and was amazed to see he wasn't winning?!

just to have a quick recap he got thrown off HITC through the announcers table, then returned and got chokeslammed through the cell roof....and finished the match. that match alone in my opinion means foley is the greatest spot monkey. not to mention getting thrown through the roof by HHH at NO way out 2000! along with other crazy stuff like being speared through a burning table and being knocked from a high height against the rock at rumble 99.

after foley cums hardy who is awesome aswell. if jeff were to have a HITC match against say edge it would be brilliant as they would defo be a high spot.
Ok I'm gonna say this andI know i'm gonna get creamed for it but the greatest spotmonkey in the history of wrestling is none other then SABU everyone talks about how great his matches are they all suck just one crap ass move after another for no freakin reason.He just goes for spot after spot trin to get a pop out of the crowd.
I voted jeff hardy

Everyone on the list is a spot monkey to some extent, but personally i think jeff hardy is the biggest. this is because the only reason fans like him is because he takes big bumps, hes really not that good at anything else, his ring work is uninspiring and his mic skills are non-existent. So to combat these he began to take all the bad bumps in the TLC matches and now he has a reputation so everyone expects there to be a lot of spots in his matches which basically forces him to be a spot monkey. and probably is the reason why he is hooked on drugs and got suspended.

Another thing about Jeff hardy is that his spots really don't interest me, take his jump of the raw set onto Orton for instance, it took to long to set up and as soon as he started climbing the scaffolding it was obvious what he was going to do which made the actual jump an anti-climax. i prefer more innovative spots such as when Shelton Benjamin ran up the ladder and jumped out of the ring in the second MITB match. I prefer spots like these because they look spontaneous and afterwards they leave you thinking "holy shit"
Jeff Hardy is the best spot monkey... period. You have Hardy in a regular match, it's going to usually be a bore, but put a ladder in front of Hardy and you'll know you're going to have a show. Look at Hardy's good matches, they're all ladder matches. Hardy's made a living of of gimmick matches, and it did give him a WWE Title shot. That's why I voted for Jeff Hardy.
Am I the only one who hates the term 'spot monkey'? I mean, seriously.... it's pro wrestling. There are guys who do a lot of spots, there are guys who throw a lot of punches and chops, and there are guys who do a punch of rest holds. But ALL of it is fake, and NONE of it makes sense. People talk about psychology, well... if a trained fighter punches you, you go down, plain and simple. However, whenever John Cena or HHH, who, we’re led to believe, are the best fighters in the company, have a match, they throw dozens of punches and none of them truly hurt their opponent. How does that make sense? It doesn't. But yet, people want to bitch that doing a flip from the top rope too early in the match doesn't make sense? Come on now. This is pro wrestling. In the ring, NOTHING makes sense. Why do they run the ropes? Why don't they try to hold their opponent down harder when they go for a pin? How come doing a drop kick doesn't hurt when you hit the opponent, but does hurt when you don't make contact? See... it's a show. The wrestlers jobs are to entertain at all cost. When people look too much into it, how can you enjoy it? I can watch both a John Cena and Teddy Hart match and be thoroughly entertained by both without thinking, "That didn't makes sense, fuck these guys! Blah blah blah blah."

But anyway, the best all around pro wrestler and entertainer on that list is Mick Foley. He outdoes everyone on that list on the mic, and has many more classic matches under his belt those names as well.
OK Jack Evans he was not on this list but comeon. he is the only kid i know who dose a double moonsault. He KILLS him self every match. He is the appitimy of the word spot monkey i know i cant spell. But he goes out there every night and after a match the fans say HOLY S! Even when he takes a move he sells like a spot monkey! And may i say 630 Splash? Double Moon Sault so many more!
I voted jeff hardy

Everyone on the list is a spot monkey to some extent, but personally i think jeff hardy is the biggest. this is because the only reason fans like him is because he takes big bumps, hes really not that good at anything else, his ring work is uninspiring and his mic skills are non-existent. So to combat these he began to take all the bad bumps in the TLC matches and now he has a reputation so everyone expects there to be a lot of spots in his matches which basically forces him to be a spot monkey. and probably is the reason why he is hooked on drugs and got suspended.

Another thing about Jeff hardy is that his spots really don't interest me, take his jump of the raw set onto Orton for instance, it took to long to set up and as soon as he started climbing the scaffolding it was obvious what he was going to do which made the actual jump an anti-climax. i prefer more innovative spots such as when Shelton Benjamin ran up the ladder and jumped out of the ring in the second MITB match. I prefer spots like these because they look spontaneous and afterwards they leave you thinking "holy shit"
How was it an anti-climax? He was climbing up, paused, then climbed up HIGHER. Even more "holy shit" worthy.

And Jeff Hardy is hardly a spot monkey. They save the big shit for important events. He's gotten much better at doing matches in the ring and has had many solid bouts with opponents ever since he's returned.

His matches with Umaga, his tag matches with Matt against MNM and others, his match against Hunter, his match against HBK, Orton, I think the Jericho match also got a good deal of praise.

The term "spot monkey" should be solely reserved for those wrestlers who ONLY rely on spot after spot, with little to no regard for any psychology in the matches. Most of those guys in this poll would be exempt from such terms if someone looked at this in an objective manner.

The Briscoes are a SHINING EXAMPLE of the term spot monkeys. I mean, I dig them every now and then, but their matches are all high spot after high spot and it gets so goddamned overdone. Again, I dig them every now and then, but they're no where near the level of the Hardys, MNM, London and Kendrick, etc. Those teams know how to build drama in matches rather than nonstop "lets jump and do so many bullshit spots during this match and virtually kill ourselves".

And Jeff Hardy got over because of the spots, but that kind of shit can wear people's nerves thin after a while. If he were just a spot monkey, he wouldn't be THAT over. He's more than that, though. I'm not saying he's the greatest worker ever, but he's good enough that he doesn't need to do those high risk spots all the time and ever since he has returned he hasn't been doing that much unless the match required it.

Anyways. One other thing: People seem to be just judging Mick Foley on a select few matches in the WWE and forget that many of his brawls with Rock, Triple H, Austin, etc. All had substance. And this goes all the way back to his matches in WCW against Sting, Vader, etc.

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