Richard Blonoff
Make America Rassle Again
I'm bored, so in honor of Halloween I figured I would start a thread asking for your spookiest stories.
I haven't really had much that crazy happen to me, so mine is kind of lame.
I have a cousin who is super afraid of ghosts, so one night while driving him back to his house I decided to try to scare him a bit, only to end up getting kind of scared myself.
I live in rural Southern Indiana, so there are a lot of back roads through the middle of nowhere. Down one of these roads close to where I used to live is a small cemetery from the 1880s. The cemetery is arranged in a half cirlce in a small clearing in the woods about a hundred yards off the road. We would drive past it all the time and I would always ask if he wanted to go look at the dates on the grave markers, and he would object as he was afraid. On the night I decided to scare him, I had him and a friend in my car, who was in on it. We drove past and I started to slow down and dimmed my interior lights and pretended that something was wrong with the car. We stopped and I asked them to get out while I checked the engine. That should have been his first clue because I don't know shit about cars, but he went with it. My friend acted concerned and tried to call someone on her phone, but the cell service was legit spotty where we were, so none of us could get a signal. She started walking around, trying to get a signal. She walked into the middle of the headstones and then began yelling that something was wrong, all part of the plan to scare my cousin. We both took off running toward her, me doing my best to act scared. She hid behind one of the stones and popped out to scare my cousin, which worked to great success. He pissed his pants a little in fact.
Now here is where things got scary for me. When we got back to my car, the hood was closed. I didn't think too much of it because I figured the wind had blown it shut. When we got back in and I started the car, it lurched forward just a tad before coming to a dead halt, the back wheels not turning. I got out, and it suddenly felt very cold, and there was a giant stick shoved through the tire and into the axle, preventing the wheels from turning. When I got out to remove the stick, which was wedged pretty good, I felt this constant feeling that someone was breathing on my neck and I could hear someone calling out from the woods where we just where.
I don't believe in ghosts, but this experience did keep me from sleeping that night. When I told my parents they figured someone had simply driven past and done it, but there was no one who drove while we were out of the car.
So there is my spooky story. What's yours?
I haven't really had much that crazy happen to me, so mine is kind of lame.
I have a cousin who is super afraid of ghosts, so one night while driving him back to his house I decided to try to scare him a bit, only to end up getting kind of scared myself.
I live in rural Southern Indiana, so there are a lot of back roads through the middle of nowhere. Down one of these roads close to where I used to live is a small cemetery from the 1880s. The cemetery is arranged in a half cirlce in a small clearing in the woods about a hundred yards off the road. We would drive past it all the time and I would always ask if he wanted to go look at the dates on the grave markers, and he would object as he was afraid. On the night I decided to scare him, I had him and a friend in my car, who was in on it. We drove past and I started to slow down and dimmed my interior lights and pretended that something was wrong with the car. We stopped and I asked them to get out while I checked the engine. That should have been his first clue because I don't know shit about cars, but he went with it. My friend acted concerned and tried to call someone on her phone, but the cell service was legit spotty where we were, so none of us could get a signal. She started walking around, trying to get a signal. She walked into the middle of the headstones and then began yelling that something was wrong, all part of the plan to scare my cousin. We both took off running toward her, me doing my best to act scared. She hid behind one of the stones and popped out to scare my cousin, which worked to great success. He pissed his pants a little in fact.
Now here is where things got scary for me. When we got back to my car, the hood was closed. I didn't think too much of it because I figured the wind had blown it shut. When we got back in and I started the car, it lurched forward just a tad before coming to a dead halt, the back wheels not turning. I got out, and it suddenly felt very cold, and there was a giant stick shoved through the tire and into the axle, preventing the wheels from turning. When I got out to remove the stick, which was wedged pretty good, I felt this constant feeling that someone was breathing on my neck and I could hear someone calling out from the woods where we just where.
I don't believe in ghosts, but this experience did keep me from sleeping that night. When I told my parents they figured someone had simply driven past and done it, but there was no one who drove while we were out of the car.
So there is my spooky story. What's yours?