Spoiler Regarding 2.21.11

If it does indeed happen, I think judging it by the in-ring performances alone would be missing the point. It'll be a true mark-out moment and one of those dream matches most fans can tick off their list. It'll be rememberable regardless of whether the match sucked.
Rock vs. Hogan was awful, and won match of the year.

McMahon vs. Michaels was awful, and won match of the year.

Flair vs. Michaels was awful, and won match of the year.

Undertaker can still go on the big show, no doubt about it there. IF Sting shows up and goes against Taker, I'm pretty sure being in front of 75,000 fans will get him up for the show.
Is anyone here a member here of WrestlingNewsWorld.com because they have a Story up talking about the whole 2-21 thing and I'm really curious as to what it says.
I will love the reaction on here if they play a final 2.21.11 vignette only to have Taker walk out, thereby inflamming the entire IWC for about five minutes, then have Barrett come out and talk about all these vignettes Taker's been warning us with, THEN have Taker deny anything to do with them.

Cue the big reveal video and have Sting come down from the rafters and take out Barrett.

We may need to make sure guys like Stinger are present in the LD just to get those five minutes of "Oh fuck this shit, never watching WWE aga-AAHHHHHHHDKWKJHFUIGHUJWBFIUGHi8!!!!!"
So from what I've read today, people are marking out for this possibly being Sting (when it's probably not, although I hope it is). And, to top that off, people seem to believe (if it is indeed the Stinger) that we are obviously in for a Sting vs. Taker match :lmao:

Can't wait to see the reaction to Sting and Taker having no interaction, at all.
Dude, before any of this 2.21.11 talk began, that was always the one big feud that everyone said the WWE wanted to promote if they brought Borden in.

Sting vs. Taker at Mania. Why is it hardly surprising? This time last year, a man that we thought would never come back returned and had a big D and M with Shawn Michaels before starting a program with the guy who embarrassed him in front of millions of people in Montreal.

Trust me, bigger things have happened.
I will love the reaction on here if they play a final 2.21.11 vignette only to have Taker walk out, thereby inflamming the entire IWC for about five minutes, then have Barrett come out and talk about all these vignettes Taker's been warning us with, THEN have Taker deny anything to do with them.

Cue the big reveal video and have Sting come down from the rafters and take out Barrett.

We may need to make sure guys like Stinger are present in the LD just to get those five minutes of "Oh fuck this shit, never watching WWE aga-AAHHHHHHHDKWKJHFUIGHUJWBFIUGHi8!!!!!"

Not gunna happen.
I don't know man, they did let Punk do that promo on top of the Titantron a few weeks back.

They may make an expection seeing as it is, you know, Sting.
Yeah but Sting has doner it plenty since then.
I want Sting v. Taker, at Mania, about as much as anyone - but I just don't feel this video is him.

What does walking into a cabin have anything to do with Sting? I fail to get it. If it was Sting, why not show a video of a Crow in the rain or something.. and if it was directed at a match against Taker.. why not show a Crow on a tombstone, pecking at it, in the rain?

I'm going with the math on this.. 2+2+1+1+1=7. Seven. :lmao: I'll be the only person still marking out in the world, and not throwing something through my television when Goldust-in Rhodes walks out as Seven and completely pisses off the world.
I want Sting v. Taker, at Mania, about as much as anyone - but I just don't feel this video is him.

What does walking into a cabin have anything to do with Sting? I fail to get it. If it was Sting, why not show a video of a Crow in the rain or something.. and if it was directed at a match against Taker.. why not show a Crow on a tombstone, pecking at it, in the rain?

I'm going with the math on this.. 2+2+1+1+1=7. Seven. :lmao: I'll be the only person still marking out in the world, and not throwing something through my television when Goldust-in Rhodes walks out as Seven and completely pisses off the world.

If it's Seven, I'll let you choose my next user name for the shits and giggles.
If it's Seven, I'll let you choose my next user name for the shits and giggles.

I've never been one for bets, or accepting them from others. You can keep your name or pick whatever you want. :lmao: Or just change it to "Se7en Rulz" for the lawlz of it.

Honestly though, I have more confidence in it being Seven, or a Dustin Rhodes/Se7en-ish character than it does of being Sting, Taker, or Tyler Black.

Although, for any record being kept - I slightly jumped on the TB band wagon until I seen a video of this "Seth Rollins" character and just couldn't see any connection to that, and "darkness". So I'm convinced it'll be Seven.
What does walking into a cabin have anything to do with Sting? I fail to get it. If it was Sting, why not show a video of a Crow in the rain or something.. and if it was directed at a match against Taker.. why not show a Crow on a tombstone, pecking at it, in the rain

I thought it was actually a good ode to a match with Taker at Mania. Being seeing Sting walk into his yard (WWE) and then talk right into his house (WrestleMania).

Wasn't that hard, was it?
I'm a fanboy for Sting vs. Taker as I genuinely feel that outside of Cena vs. Rock, we have no mega matches left. As long as Sting isn't signed with TNA, I'll have hope, even if it's improbable.

I would say Sting vs. Cena could possibly fit into that category, just due to the similarities between them early in their careers

in fact if Sting has signed with WWE I'm hoping that Sting vs. Cena is something we get, Sting vs. Taker NEEDS to happen at a WM if it's gonna happen at all, and their is no better WM for it to happen in than this one (seeing as how it's being held in ATL), but if we get another WM out of him I would love for that match to be him vs. Cena

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