Spider-Man 4?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
After committing several years of his life to the series and seeing his third effort greeted with less than enormous enthusiasm, it was widely thought that Sam Raimi would probably only come back to the Spider-man series in a producing capacity, rather than directing. But speaking to Comingsoon.com Raimi gave every indication that he's open, and actually quite eager, to direct a fourth.

"James Vanderbilt is writing the script and I'm excited to read it. I think it's going to be done in a few months," Raimi said. "I'm hoping it's as great as our discussions were about it and I'm hoping it feels right for me because I love Spider-Man. I'm hoping I'm well rested enough to embrace it and I'm hoping Sony wants me to do it. If all of those things come together, I would love to do it."

He also stated that were he to return he'd have no intention of re-casting the roles. For the rest, head here.

In relate news, IESB spoke to J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson in the series) who says he'd be up for further films and said he'd spoken to Tobey Maguire about the possibility of coming back for more.

"There was talk of doing four and five concurrently and I don’t know if they’re still considering that or not," he said, "I spoke to Tobey in, I guess it was February…sort of awards season time and, y’know, he’s certainly amenable to doing some more and hopefully we’ll be able to get everybody back and make another good one."

There's more of that interview here. That, of course, doesn't count as confirmation of anything, but all this is suggesting that a fourth film in the series with all the original cast members is still a definite possibility. Does that have you excited or would you rather leave it at three?

After the awful Spider-Man 3 I couldn't less excited. If Sam Raimi had any intention of doing some more of these films then maybe he should have left out at least one of the villians from the last film. What was the point of Venom anyway? As a result none of them were any good. To be honest I wouldn't mind a couple of new faces for the roles. J.K. Simmons would be a welcome return. In fact give him his own movie. But I wouldn't mind it if the main characters were recast. A new director wouldn't bother me either. Raimi can do a more intresting film, so long as it's not Brett Ratner I don't care who replaces him.
He reportedly didn't want Venom in there but was told that he had to be so I wouldn't hold him responsible for that. The interview where he made that claim is somewhere online of course. Rumor has it, as also mentioned here that regardless of who directs and stars in the next installment (s) 4 and 5 may be filmed together which would probably mean the typical big storyline/cliffhanger aspect and probably multiple villians again if it's really that big of an arc. So hopefully it's a good script so that it's not a big cluster of stuff for people to dislike. I personally am not too hard to please, not because I don't notice the faults in things, rather that I don't let them get to me. Therefore I'll probably be fine with however the next movie or two turn out. Batman and Robin was actually the only comic book related movie that I didn't care for at all though i have seen that a few times.
Great another spiderman four, the first was was excellent the second was ok but the third was the only movie i ever fell asleep watching. what is the point with yet another one? i know this will be one movie i wont be watching. when will people learn that the more sequals to a movie you make the crappier it will be. they would have to have a very suspenful twist to the movie to make it good. a new directer and stars would be good, im over kirstyn dunst and tobey maguire as the leads, but still wouldnt make it worth watching. what a waste of money they will go through to make this movie.
They'll make another because of the ammount of money the movies make. Spider-Man 3 might have been a poor film. But it was very profitable. It's the same reason they keep making all those shit spoof films. Critical acclaim doesn't mean shit to the studio who makes them. It's all about how much they make. And they makes lots. So if Spider-Man makes a lot of money, but the majority think it's a poor film. Doesn't matter. Because teenage boys will see them regardless.
If you go look at spoiler clips for Spiderman 4, you can see that somebody had far too much time on their hands as they splice clips from several movies in and use Resident Evil pics for Carnage.

As far as three is concerned, I think that it was essential to have Venom there if you were going to have the symbiote in the film. It sows the bond between Eddie's hatred for Parker and the symbiote's spite for being rejected. Plus, the story can always be that the symbiote and Eddie bonded and thusly kept him from being destroyed and thusly leads to the offspring that creates Carnage.

It will lead to the new Venom: Lethal Protector movie and will lead to non-mainstream tweener hero's getting some spotlight like Deadpool, Venom, perhaps US. Agent, and others who are not your typical "good guys". While the product that lead to this was not the best, I'm still anticipating the opportunities that it opened up during the process.
The first Spider-Man was fantastic. On par with everything they could've done.

Second one focused way too much on Mary Jane and such. I've always thought the 2nd would've been much better if the storyline was that Conners turns into Lizard, Mac Gargan turns into Scorpion via the same method, and Harry hires Kraven to hunt down Lizard, Scorpion, and Spider-Man. Peter's being hunted while trying to hunt Scorpion/Lizard. Kraven is "the violent hero that kills", Peter is the opposite. Scorpion is "the criminal that kills", Lizard is trying not to. In the end, Kraven and Scorpion kill each other (the lesson being not to kill, lol) and Lizard is reverted back to Conners by Peter. Harry learns of Peter's identity.

Third film, make it so with Peter's help, Conners has developed a symbiotic suit to maintain his stability so he doesn't change back into Lizard. This suit is the Venom symbiote, which latches onto Peter. Harry, meanwhile, becomes Hobgoblin (not NEW GOBLIN, that surfboard bullshit) and Peter has to deal with Eddie Brock as well as Harry attacking him everywhere. Suit drives him nuts, he nearly kills Harry, so the church bell scene takes place. Brock becomes Venom, Peter can't destroy him, so Harry helps in the end and sacrifices himself via explosion...which we later see Venom has survived (just to open up the possibility of Carnage in the future).

There. Mary Jane's the C story throughout the trilogy, wherein by the end, they're together.

Spider-Man 4 doesn't need to be done. But, if it IS done, it needs to be done by completely different people. Sam Raimi started off so strong but became a total fanboy. "I want Sandman in it cause I like him. Who cares if nobody else does and if he's a supporting character at best?! I know, how about Mary Jane now has orange hair, wears clothing your grandmother owns, and keeps getting uglier? Oooh, oooh, and make sure we have lots of crotch jokes!"

Best casting in the entire series = Dafoe, Molina, Simmons, Franco. Everyone else you could recast. They should've went with Gyllenhaal instead of Maguire. If Raimi stays on board, he's going to try to force a whole film about Vulture, probably.
Personally I got tired of the Sam Raimi crap about halfway threw Spiderman 2. The whining crying Spiderman is not what I want to see on the screen. The second movie, while praised as the best, was a steamy pile of boring crap in my opinion. Doc Ock is a terrible villian to begin with, and to give him the nod in film two over Venom was crap.

As no fate said, Raimi is out of touch with post-McFarlane Spiderman. Don't be surprised to see a movie filled of Electro, Rhino, Shocker, Mysterio, Chameleon or any other B list spiderman villian that's left out there. Raimi needs to hand the reigns to someone else that could do the film series justice.

Also, Kirsten Dunst needs to go. No female lead has ever made you want her character to get killed off as much as Dunst's version of Mary Jane Watson. An absolutely terrible portrayal of the character in an it's all about me version. MJ has been portrayed terribley and it's criminal.

As far as my ideas for Spiderman 4. Go with the Lizard and Kraven. Two solid spiderman characters that can make for a damn good storyline. Have the symbiote piece come into play somehow and create the Lizard. Lizard goes on a rampage which promps Kraven to come in and hunt him, but Spidey must try to protect his friend. However, the Kicker at the end would be that Kraven was dead, and it was Brock in disguise, fulling implementing the symbiote as camoflauge.

At the end, he goes to jail, and is celled up with...Cletus Kassidy.
I'm not sure if I understand Shocky and No Fear too much here. On one hand they are criticizing the director for not sticking to the comic book purity of the Spiderman storyline. On the other, you guys are suggesting that the symbiote be a lab created manifestation and be the creation the the man who would eventually become The Lizard? That's just nerdish greed talking. lol

I just look at it like this. I don't like ANY of the Spiderman movies. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy certain parts of them, but I'm not going to kick them apart if I plan to watch them. Now Resident Evil is an entirely different story. I invested money in the games, therefore I feel like I have some ownership. Not so much with Spiderman though. lol
I agree with what everyone said except fpr the fact someone said Doc Oct was a terrible villian and that Electro is a B villian no he is an A villian he was one of Spidey's toughest villians to ever fight. Now how they did Spiderman 1 and 2 was great this ish ow Spiderman 3 should have been done. Harry Hires Kraven to kill Spiderman and Dr. Connors becomes the Lizard by some expirement gone wrong. Kraven wnats to kill both Spiderman and Lizard to he can complete his hunter adventures and get his money from Harry who promised to pay him if he killed Spiderman. Spiderman battles Lizard and Kraven who battles Spiderman and Kraven who battles Lizard and Spiderman. At the end Kraven gets killed by Spiderman and the Lizard turns back into Dr. Connors who turns evil. Then Harry decides to take things into his own hands which sets up for Spiderman 4 for him to be The Hobgoblin. And in Spiderman 4 Venom could be in this one along with Hobgolbin.
I'm not sure if I understand Shocky and No Fear too much here. On one hand they are criticizing the director for not sticking to the comic book purity of the Spiderman storyline. On the other, you guys are suggesting that the symbiote be a lab created manifestation and be the creation the the man who would eventually become The Lizard? That's just nerdish greed talking. lol


True to a point. Put it this way, Sam Raimi is sticking to the purity of the comics, as if we were stuck in 1965 still. Myself, along with anyone under the age of 30, don't care for the 60's version of Spiderman, or any other version of a superhero. It's dated, severly. If I wanted to watch a 60's style superhero show, I'll find batman on family channel some where and watch some good ole fashioned nut hugger tight action.

Sam Raimi is out of touch with his core audience, the 18-35 demographic that everyone is so keen on. For me, Electro and Doc Ock are terrible cookie cutter villians that don't deserve their own film. Electro and Doc Ock are in the same league as the Owl and the Shocker too me.

For me, it's Hobgoblin, Green Goblins, Venom and insert random Symbiotes, along with the Scarlet Spider and other characters like that, characters that I'm sure Sam Raimi has never heard of.
True to a point. Put it this way, Sam Raimi is sticking to the purity of the comics, as if we were stuck in 1965 still. Myself, along with anyone under the age of 30, don't care for the 60's version of Spiderman, or any other version of a superhero. It's dated, severly. If I wanted to watch a 60's style superhero show, I'll find batman on family channel some where and watch some good ole fashioned nut hugger tight action.

Sam Raimi is out of touch with his core audience, the 18-35 demographic that everyone is so keen on. For me, Electro and Doc Ock are terrible cookie cutter villians that don't deserve their own film. Electro and Doc Ock are in the same league as the Owl and the Shocker too me.

For me, it's Hobgoblin, Green Goblins, Venom and insert random Symbiotes, along with the Scarlet Spider and other characters like that, characters that I'm sure Sam Raimi has never heard of.

Okay those villians i have not even heard of. But whats wrong with Electro he was a great villian and gave Spiderman problems and Doc Ock was good too. I mean these are villians people know and love to see Spiderman battle. Nobody would care for villians they have not even heard of like Scartlet Spider and the other symbiotes. Only of those people know is Carnage and Venom.
There's nothing wrong with Electro or Doc Ock, I just don't think that those two characters are characters people today care about. An older crowd cares, but older folks aren't the ones packing movie theaters, teenagers are. Electro and Doc Ock haven't had a relevant Spiderman storyline in at least 20 years, where Kraven, Green Goblin, Venom and Carnage all have, (granted the Kraven storyline was probably 20 years ago when he buried Spiderman alive, but still a kick ass storyline nonetheless.)

I wouldn't worry though. I'm pretty sure that if Raimi does SM4, that Electro and the Lizard will be the villians of choice, (possibly Bruce Campbell as comical Mysterio cameo as well). This is the problem though that Avi Arad recognized before SM3, that Raimi was out of touch with his audience and Arad essentially forced Venom into the movie against Raimi's will, which led to the butchering of one of the best villains in all of comicdom. Arad realizes that symbiotes and goblins sell, but Raimi doesn't see that. He sees the colorful one dimensional villains of the 60's as sellers. If it were up to Raimi, we would have a series of movies featuring characters like Rhino, The Shocker, Owl, Vulture, Electro, Lizard and Chameleon before we got to Venom or Carnage, which is a damn shame.
There's nothing wrong with Electro or Doc Ock, I just don't think that those two characters are characters people today care about. An older crowd cares, but older folks aren't the ones packing movie theaters, teenagers are. Electro and Doc Ock haven't had a relevant Spiderman storyline in at least 20 years, where Kraven, Green Goblin, Venom and Carnage all have, (granted the Kraven storyline was probably 20 years ago when he buried Spiderman alive, but still a kick ass storyline nonetheless.)

I wouldn't worry though. I'm pretty sure that if Raimi does SM4, that Electro and the Lizard will be the villians of choice, (possibly Bruce Campbell as comical Mysterio cameo as well). This is the problem though that Avi Arad recognized before SM3, that Raimi was out of touch with his audience and Arad essentially forced Venom into the movie against Raimi's will, which led to the butchering of one of the best villains in all of comicdom. Arad realizes that symbiotes and goblins sell, but Raimi doesn't see that. He sees the colorful one dimensional villains of the 60's as sellers. If it were up to Raimi, we would have a series of movies featuring characters like Rhino, The Shocker, Owl, Vulture, Electro, Lizard and Chameleon before we got to Venom or Carnage, which is a damn shame.

Your right Rami should go with the best villians spiderman had faced but their si notihng wrong with the villians he has. The villians are not the problem here. If their is enough action and good fighting scenes plus a good storyline, the movie itself will be awesome. The Shocker, Rhino, Scorpion, Carnage, Ele tro, Lizard are good villians. The Owl????? Never heard of him.
True to a point. Put it this way, Sam Raimi is sticking to the purity of the comics, as if we were stuck in 1965 still. Myself, along with anyone under the age of 30, don't care for the 60's version of Spiderman, or any other version of a superhero. It's dated, severly. If I wanted to watch a 60's style superhero show, I'll find batman on family channel some where and watch some good ole fashioned nut hugger tight action.

Sam Raimi is out of touch with his core audience, the 18-35 demographic that everyone is so keen on. For me, Electro and Doc Ock are terrible cookie cutter villians that don't deserve their own film. Electro and Doc Ock are in the same league as the Owl and the Shocker too me.

For me, it's Hobgoblin, Green Goblins, Venom and insert random Symbiotes, along with the Scarlet Spider and other characters like that, characters that I'm sure Sam Raimi has never heard of.

Electro may not be a big time villian but having the Sinister 6 would be a good bonus. If people think that Electro is so bad, then I wonder what they think of Rhino and Shocker.

But I find that for people to suggest that Harry be the Hobgoblin is just insane. They have to stick with the comic book purity here as The Hobgoblin was a thief and stole the items to become The Hobgoblin. I think it would be good for someone else to be that part instead of someone who is so emotionally torn.

Nope, so no go. I think that 4 should have Venom, Carnage, And Hobgoblin. I think that it should be discovered that Venom and Eddie Brock didn't actually die. While in, Kingpin hires the new criminal for hire, Hobgoblin, to find and steal the symbiote from him. Hobgoblin does, but in the extraction, the symbiote baby gets away. The baby, from the a-sexual symbiote, eventually becomes the mass murderer Carnage.

Eddie and Spiderman join forces to find the symbiote that has become a dna bond with Brock while Carnage begins his murder spree, showing the dangers that can come from the symbiotic creatures and showing Eddie that he must right this wrong at all costs. At the same time, Dr. Connor's experiments to regrow his arm creates the new enemy, The Lizard. Once the symbiote is recovered, Hobgoblin hightails it while Venom squares off against Carnage and Spiderman has to take down The Lizard.

Venom takes down Carnage and destroys him while Spiderman is taking on the Lizard. Spiderman finally best the Lizard and is about to kill him when he learns of Lizard's true identity. Connors begs Spiderman to kill him and he is about to do it until none other than Venom stops him and shows his new found humanity by begging Spiderman to spare Connor's life. The experience helps set up the Venom: Lethal Protector movie while leaving many question marks that will either end the series or set the stage for Spiderman 5.
Electro may not be a big time villian but having the Sinister 6 would be a good bonus. If people think that Electro is so bad, then I wonder what they think of Rhino and Shocker.

But I find that for people to suggest that Harry be the Hobgoblin is just insane. They have to stick with the comic book purity here as The Hobgoblin was a thief and stole the items to become The Hobgoblin. I think it would be good for someone else to be that part instead of someone who is so emotionally torn.

Nope, so no go. I think that 4 should have Venom, Carnage, And Hobgoblin. I think that it should be discovered that Venom and Eddie Brock didn't actually die. While in, Kingpin hires the new criminal for hire, Hobgoblin, to find and steal the symbiote from him. Hobgoblin does, but in the extraction, the symbiote baby gets away. The baby, from the a-sexual symbiote, eventually becomes the mass murderer Carnage.

Eddie and Spiderman join forces to find the symbiote that has become a dna bond with Brock while Carnage begins his murder spree, showing the dangers that can come from the symbiotic creatures and showing Eddie that he must right this wrong at all costs. At the same time, Dr. Connor's experiments to regrow his arm creates the new enemy, The Lizard. Once the symbiote is recovered, Hobgoblin hightails it while Venom squares off against Carnage and Spiderman has to take down The Lizard.

Venom takes down Carnage and destroys him while Spiderman is taking on the Lizard. Spiderman finally best the Lizard and is about to kill him when he learns of Lizard's true identity. Connors begs Spiderman to kill him and he is about to do it until none other than Venom stops him and shows his new found humanity by begging Spiderman to spare Connor's life. The experience helps set up the Venom: Lethal Protector movie while leaving many question marks that will either end the series or set the stage for Spiderman 5.

Okay having Lizard come out of nowere wouldn't be a good idea. I think Spiderman 4 should have Venom, Carnage and Lizard in it. Pretty much the same idea as yours except Carnage kills Dr. Connors, and Venom teams up with Spiderman to kill Carnage and they do. But Venom sacrifices himself to kill Carnage so he goes down too. Peter Parker and Mary J finally get married.

Setting up Spiderman 5 for the villians Hobgoblin and Scorpion. Kingpin hires Hobgoblin to steal stuff for him and then he hires someone esle and turns them into Scorpion to kill Spiderman. Spiderman kills both Scorpion and Hobgoblin and Spiderman sends a message to Kingpin that he will get him. Also Mary J gets killed in the movie by Hobgoblin. Setting up Spiderman 6.

Kingpin forms the Sinister 12 with Electro, Shocker, Vulture, Rhino, Mysterio, Kraven, The Owl, Scartlet Spider, Chameleon, Hammerhead, and Green Goblin. They take on Spiderman who has help from Nick Fury and the Avengers which sets up a Nick Fury and The Avengers movie.
Okay having Lizard come out of nowere wouldn't be a good idea. I think Spiderman 4 should have Venom, Carnage and Lizard in it. Pretty much the same idea as yours except Carnage kills Dr. Connors, and Venom teams up with Spiderman to kill Carnage and they do. But Venom sacrifices himself to kill Carnage so he goes down too. Peter Parker and Mary J finally get married.

Setting up Spiderman 5 for the villians Hobgoblin and Scorpion. Kingpin hires Hobgoblin to steal stuff for him and then he hires someone esle and turns them into Scorpion to kill Spiderman. Spiderman kills both Scorpion and Hobgoblin and Spiderman sends a message to Kingpin that he will get him. Also Mary J gets killed in the movie by Hobgoblin. Setting up Spiderman 6.

Kingpin forms the Sinister 12 with Electro, Shocker, Vulture, Rhino, Mysterio, Kraven, The Owl, Scartlet Spider, Chameleon, Hammerhead, and Green Goblin. They take on Spiderman who has help from Nick Fury and the Avengers which sets up a Nick Fury and The Avengers movie.

So do you like the clusterfuck approach to the Spidey movies?, cause Spidey 3 was a mess with three villains, and Peter's identity crisis (yet again), and now you want them to do basically the same thing with Spidey 4 as they did with 3?!, terrible idea, and your ideas get more terrible as you move on to movies 5 & 6, with 6 just being a mess, I mean 12 fucking villains!?!?, how the hell is do do expect them to do that and balance that shit out and make a watchable movie?!, seriously they just need to go back and simplify shit, there's no need for overload the movies with every villain the guy has ever fought

They do need to do some recasting though, I mean I LMAO at Spidey 3 when I saw they casted Eric for that 70's Show as Eddie Brock, how the fuck am I suppose to beleive that scrawny little fuck is Venom?!:lmao:
So do you like the clusterfuck approach to the Spidey movies?, cause Spidey 3 was a mess with three villains, and Peter's identity crisis (yet again), and now you want them to do basically the same thing with Spidey 4 as they did with 3?!, terrible idea, and your ideas get more terrible as you move on to movies 5 & 6, with 6 just being a mess, I mean 12 fucking villains!?!?, how the hell is do do expect them to do that and balance that shit out and make a watchable movie?!, seriously they just need to go back and simplify shit, there's no need for overload the movies with every villain the guy has ever fought

They do need to do some recasting though, I mean I LMAO at Spidey 3 when I saw they casted Eric for that 70's Show as Eddie Brock, how the fuck am I suppose to beleive that scrawny little fuck is Venom?!:lmao:

Okay okay so my idea was a bit over board so your saying they should have only one villian Spidey faces and only the villians that really mean something. Okay then this is how they really should have done it.

Spiderman 1 was great with the Green Goblin and Spiderman 2 was good with Doc Ock. Spiderman 3 should of only had Venom and in this upcoming Spiderman movie they could have Carnage as the villian only. Happy now thats how they should do it only have one villian and side criminals.

Like the new Batman movies were they have a main villian and side villians. Batman Begins had Ras Al Gaul as the main villian and Carmine Falcone and Scarcrow as the side criminals. So thats how they could have done the Spidey movies.
All these geek opinions are making me queezy. Sinister 12?! That's just awful. First, to Justin, Topher Grace was cast as Eddie Brock, Jr. NOT Eddie Brock. Eddie Brock is big and bulky and would have had to have been played by some muscled-up meathead who can't act. Eddie Brock , Jr. looks completely normal, and he's the Venom from Ultimate Spider-Man, who happens to kind of look like Topher Grace. Personally I thought Topher was one of the better parts of the movie. Sure, some of his lines as Venom were a little cheesy, but I think he did a good job. Better than Thomas Hayden Church anyways, who I was deeply disappointed with. Then again, Sandman has always been rather 1-dimensional, he's a career criminal with a grudge against Spider-Man, oh, and he loves his mama. They had to make up a bunch of stuff that was never even in the comics or TV shows in order to give him a purpose in the film. Alright, I can accept him as Uncle Ben's killer (better than it being Mysterio, like in the 90's cartoon), and that would have been enough to make him a sympathetic character. But giving him a dying daughter was just overkill.

James Franco was great in the first two, and there were parts in the third one where he was just as good, but he did not make a good supervillain. He was NOT Willem Dafoe.

In the end, I think all of Spider-Man 3's problems can be attributed to a script that had too much content and not enough depth, with a cast that wasn't quite sure what to do with what they had. Personally, I thought they could have set up Venom, but not waste him in he last quarter of the movie. They should have saved him for the fourth movie. Then again, it's not impossible to bring him back. He easily could have escaped. But that's lame.

However, just because there may not be a Venom, that doesn't rule out using Carnage in the future. The Carnage symbiote was created from a piece of the Venom symbiote that seperated from the rest. IT's possible that remnants survived the explosion in the third movie. Although personally, I can't picture Carnage without Venom. It's like Costello without Abbot, it jut doesn't seem plausible.

I actually like the idea of using Kraven the Hunter and Lizard It makes for a storyline that's simple, yet would be popular with fans, and would probably be well received by mainstream audiences as well. Dr, Connors turns into the Lizard, so "the government" hires Kraven, the world's greatest hunter, to track him down and capture him. However, Kraven plans on killing Lizard (cuz he's a hunter, duh!), and so Spider-Man has to fight both Kraven AND the Lizard, while finding a cure for Connors. Simple enough to be captivating, yet complex enough to fill a whole movie. AND, it wouldn't be entirely out of the realm of possiblity to use Kraven's half-brother, The Chameleon. Although, Chameleon is more like a spy-for-hire, so they may have to change the plot around so that Kraven and Chameleon are actually trying to find the formula that created the Lizard, and retrieve it for someone.
All I know is, Vanderbilt is a great writer (If you haven't seen Zodiac, see it!), and I have faith that he can write a great script, at least a better script than Raimi, who is NOT a writer. Despite the fact that the third one was a little disappointing, I'm still looking foward to future installments. There's still plenty of stories to be told.
All these geek opinions are making me queezy. Sinister 12?! That's just awful. First, to Justin, Topher Grace was cast as Eddie Brock, Jr. NOT Eddie Brock. Eddie Brock is big and bulky and would have had to have been played by some muscled-up meathead who can't act. Eddie Brock , Jr. looks completely normal, and he's the Venom from Ultimate Spider-Man, who happens to kind of look like Topher Grace. Personally I thought Topher was one of the better parts of the movie. Sure, some of his lines as Venom were a little cheesy, but I think he did a good job. Better than Thomas Hayden Church anyways, who I was deeply disappointed with. Then again, Sandman has always been rather 1-dimensional, he's a career criminal with a grudge against Spider-Man, oh, and he loves his mama. They had to make up a bunch of stuff that was never even in the comics or TV shows in order to give him a purpose in the film. Alright, I can accept him as Uncle Ben's killer (better than it being Mysterio, like in the 90's cartoon), and that would have been enough to make him a sympathetic character. But giving him a dying daughter was just overkill.

James Franco was great in the first two, and there were parts in the third one where he was just as good, but he did not make a good supervillain. He was NOT Willem Dafoe.

In the end, I think all of Spider-Man 3's problems can be attributed to a script that had too much content and not enough depth, with a cast that wasn't quite sure what to do with what they had. Personally, I thought they could have set up Venom, but not waste him in he last quarter of the movie. They should have saved him for the fourth movie. Then again, it's not impossible to bring him back. He easily could have escaped. But that's lame.

However, just because there may not be a Venom, that doesn't rule out using Carnage in the future. The Carnage symbiote was created from a piece of the Venom symbiote that seperated from the rest. IT's possible that remnants survived the explosion in the third movie. Although personally, I can't picture Carnage without Venom. It's like Costello without Abbot, it jut doesn't seem plausible.

I actually like the idea of using Kraven the Hunter and Lizard It makes for a storyline that's simple, yet would be popular with fans, and would probably be well received by mainstream audiences as well. Dr, Connors turns into the Lizard, so "the government" hires Kraven, the world's greatest hunter, to track him down and capture him. However, Kraven plans on killing Lizard (cuz he's a hunter, duh!), and so Spider-Man has to fight both Kraven AND the Lizard, while finding a cure for Connors. Simple enough to be captivating, yet complex enough to fill a whole movie. AND, it wouldn't be entirely out of the realm of possiblity to use Kraven's half-brother, The Chameleon. Although, Chameleon is more like a spy-for-hire, so they may have to change the plot around so that Kraven and Chameleon are actually trying to find the formula that created the Lizard, and retrieve it for someone.
All I know is, Vanderbilt is a great writer (If you haven't seen Zodiac, see it!), and I have faith that he can write a great script, at least a better script than Raimi, who is NOT a writer. Despite the fact that the third one was a little disappointing, I'm still looking foward to future installments. There's still plenty of stories to be told.

I like Papa Shango's idea the best out of everyone's esle. I think the villians in Spiderman 4 should be Kraven, The Lizard and The Chameleon. The storyline should be just the way Papa Shango said.

And in the future Spiderman movies they could have Venom return and Carnage. Also i would like it if they had villians like Electro, Shocker, Scorpion, Vulture, and Rhino them villians were kickass and also Mysterio and you cannot forget The Kingpin. Come on Kingpin was the shit!!! And have him be played by Micheak Clark Duncan he was perfect in Daredevil and fits the Kingpin role very well.
The Kingpin was in Daredevil, and I think that anyone who wants to make a good superhero movie should start by keeping as far away from Daredevil as possible.
Scorpion and Vulture I think would make pretty good movie villains, but the rest are a little 1-dimensional, although they could maybe be used in smaller capacities, kind of like Bane in Batman and Robin, but better than that. Maybe more like Toad and Sabretooth in X-Men. As for Venom and Carnage, I really think that storyline has been ruined beyond repair. Maybe they could have thier own film, but unless there is a script out there with them in it that is absolutely breath-taking, I say leave it alone.
I'm very interested in seeing what Vanderbilt has pieced together that can span two movies, and do it well. As long as it has nothing to do with Cosmic Spidey and the Tri-Sentinal lol. The only thing I could think of is maybe something to do with the Hobgoblin, but at this point, I think most of us are a little tired of goblins.
The Kingpin was in Daredevil, and I think that anyone who wants to make a good superhero movie should start by keeping as far away from Daredevil as possible.
Scorpion and Vulture I think would make pretty good movie villains, but the rest are a little 1-dimensional, although they could maybe be used in smaller capacities, kind of like Bane in Batman and Robin, but better than that. Maybe more like Toad and Sabretooth in X-Men. As for Venom and Carnage, I really think that storyline has been ruined beyond repair. Maybe they could have thier own film, but unless there is a script out there with them in it that is absolutely breath-taking, I say leave it alone.
I'm very interested in seeing what Vanderbilt has pieced together that can span two movies, and do it well. As long as it has nothing to do with Cosmic Spidey and the Tri-Sentinal lol. The only thing I could think of is maybe something to do with the Hobgoblin, but at this point, I think most of us are a little tired of goblins.

Okay but i said KIngpin in that movie was awesome the only good thing worth seeing. And Micheal Clark Duncan is great as Kingpin. Anyway yeah they killed off the Carnage idea so its best if they don't go don't go down that route.

Scorpion and Vulture would make good movie villians as well as Kraven, and Lizard. The others can just be like side villians like how Scarcrow was in Batman Begins and like how Bane was in Batman and Robin but better like Papa Shango said.

And this Vanderbilt dude really going to try and span two spidey movies good luck with that bro.
I hated Spider-Man 3 with a passion and so when I heard the rumors of 4 -6, I screamed out in agony and prayed that the Lord would smite whoever thought of the idea and erase it from existence and if it got through that the pits of hell would open up and swallow the entire studio it was being filmed at. That is all I can say to any idea of future Spider-Man films. If anyone can assure me it will by truly amazing, then maybe and the only way that could happen is if Marvel Studios and only Marvel Studios would head it up.
I hated Spider-Man 3 with a passion and so when I heard the rumors of 4 -6, I screamed out in agony and prayed that the Lord would smite whoever thought of the idea and erase it from existence and if it got through that the pits of hell would open up and swallow the entire studio it was being filmed at. That is all I can say to any idea of future Spider-Man films. If anyone can assure me it will by truly amazing, then maybe and the only way that could happen is if Marvel Studios and only Marvel Studios would head it up.

Spiderman 3 was doesn't that bad to me i thought it was alright. I think as long as they have good villians and don't overrun them like in this one then 4-6 should be good. I'm telling you Spiderman 4 villians should be Kraven, Chameleon and Lizard, Spidey 5 Scorpion and Vulture and Spidey 6 Kingpin and Hobgoblin. Now that would be awesome.
Sony Pictures are about to wrap up deals that will see Sam Raimi return to direct, and Tobey Maguire return to star in, Spider-Man 4 and Spider-Man 5.

Yes, two more Spider-Man films, which will be shot back-to-back, starting in the autumn of 2009, with the first set for release in 2011.

Returning with Raimi and Maguire - who have yet to officially sign anything, but it's only a matter of time - will be producers Laura Ziskin and Avi Arad.

There’s been no word yet on Kirsten Dunst, although Mary-Jane Watson will apparently feature in Spider-Man 4, the script for which has been written by Zodiac scribe, James Vanderbilt. The villain hasn’t been confirmed, although a source of columnist Nikki Finke, who originally reported the story, says that, "once you find out who the villain is, you'll know who's playing it." Intriguing…

We have to say that, though Raimi’s involvement had been rumoured for a while, we’re a little surprised that Maguire is willing to come back to play Peter Parker. The impression we got from Maguire during press duties for Spider-Man 3 was that he was perhaps done with the character, and was keen to break away from typecasting. Clearly that wasn’t the case – and we’re glad. Recasting the role would have been possible, but Maguire has excelled in the role so far, so we’re glad to see him back.

However, he’s not getting any younger, either, which is perhaps another reason why 4 and 5 might be shot back-to-back, so that Maguire, who’s 33 now, can still convince as a 20something Peter Parker come 2011 or 2012.

Spider-Man 3, of course, made a ton of money worldwide, so there’s no surprise that Sony were keen to make more Spider-movies. But it was also a huge critical disappointment and a massive letdown following the heights hit by Spider-Man 2. So perhaps Raimi’s return to the directing chair is a tacit admission on his part that Spider-Man 3 wasn’t all it could be. Let’s hope that Spider-Man 4 (and 5) is a return to form for one of the most brilliant and naturally talented directors in the business.

Now, go Spidey, go!

Meh, but I though people would be intrested. I enjoyed the first and I loved the 2nd, but the third was very poor. But each had the same story, with the same villain redemption at the end. It was fine if it was just Venom. But they had to ''save'' the Goblin & Sandman, HBK style at the end. Poor. What's wrong with villians who are just born naughty?
I'm actually surprised I didn't catch this one. Jake, do you think you could post the actual link to the article?

Anyways, I'm actually not surprised that Sam and Tobey have signed back on, what with Iron Man and The Dark Knight being such massive hits. I think those two movies may have saved the super hero genre, with a little help from Hellboy and the Hulk. 2006-2007 was filled with disappointing super hero movies (Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four movies, Superman Returns, X-Men 3, Spider-Man 3, which honestly I still enjoy a little) and I really think that if this summer's super hero movies had disappointed yet again, the genre would be almost dead.

However, now that the genre has be resucitated, all the super hero movies are back on track. WB is ready push through for another Superman film, along with all sorts of other possibilities (Justice League?? Hey, it could still happen). So of course Tobey and Sam would be willing to give it another shot. If all else fails they'll still be cashing in on two big fat paychecks. It'd be stupid to leave a franchise these big. And I'm sure having a strong and talented writer like James Vanderbilt on the job. No offense to Sam Raimi, but he's only good at writing lovable cheese, and he took that cheese just a bit too far in Spidey 3.

Kirsten Dunst I really couldn't care less about. She has been consistently the ball-and-chain of the franchise, and that includes James Franco trying to pull off evil. (Spider-Man 2 sleazy= genius, Spider-Man 3 main villain= not genius). But Dunst was straight-up painful to watch in the latest installment. Part of it may have been the flimsy script, but a better actress than Dunst would have made it work nonetheless. I don't care if they re-cast her.

Once you know who the villain is, you'll know who'll be playing him. That either implies that someone will be returning from the dead (personally, I'm hoping it's Obidias Stane lol), OR the most logical choice... The Lizard will be the villain in at least one of the films. His counter-part, Dr. Curt Connors has already been in Spidey 2 and 3, as played by the terminally-puzzled Dylan Baker. And, I'm sticking to my guns on this, a Lizard storyline is the perfect way to introduce Kraven the Hunter, and also possibly The Chameleon. What this does for a possible return for Venom/ introduction to Carnage, I'm not sure. However, I've heard that the studio really wants to do a Venom spin-off with Carnage as the villain, so they may refrain from using those characters directly in the Spidey franchise. However, they could always do the ol' Die Hard 3 routine, and have Venom and Carnage come around in Spidey 5.

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