Songs You Are Ashamed To Admit You Like

"iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls. LOVE that song.

but fuck it, Will does too, and we are both fuckin badass. So damn what.

also I rock out Hulk Hogans theme music as if it were a regular tune. Not strange to us, VERY damn strange to the rest of the world lol

:lmao: 'Iris' was actually the song "dedicated" to my relationship with my Ex. So I had a remote reason, but all in all I'll fully admit my love for that song. With or without memories. Its a good song.

Songs I'd be ashamed to admit I like..

"Womanizer" by Britney Spears: I jam the shit outta that whenever it comes over the radio. :lmao: I can't help it, its a great song.

"Fighter" by Christina Aguilera: I don't think I can spell her name for shit, but this is an amazing song as well. I was gonna make it a "Pay per view" song to one of my old-school A.C.W shows.

I have several other sappy songs too. But anyone who knows me, knows this isn't really a big shock. LOL
there really arent songs im ashamed to admit I like, becuase if I like it, its probably going to be pretty damn good quality. Iris might be sappy, but its a pretty good damn song.

*waits for Becca to chime in on NorCal's amazing taste in music that she has raved about so many times*
NorCal actually has amazing taste in music. Speaking of which you haven't given me anything good to listen to in a while.
Fine. The Rick Roll song.

ROFL Not even ashamed to admit my full love for that song.

Anyone remember the "We Like To Party" Vegaboys or some shit like that? I liked the Six Flags commercial with the old guy, dancing to that song.

I also love this song.

"If I Don't Tell You Now" by Ronan Keating

Fucking song is UNfindable on Projectplaylist. Pisses me the fuck off.
I have no shame with the music I listen to, I like it and I don't give a fuck what other people say. In my car with my iPod and the speakers going, sure I will change it if a song comes on like "A Whole New World" but that is because it isn't a driving song.
NorCal actually has amazing taste in music. Speaking of which you haven't given me anything good to listen to in a while.

I just put a new one on the official NorCal myspace. its two songs in one, but one is classical music, and another one is a lady singing in french.

both are beautiful peices of music though. Check em outs if you want
When I'm driving to work, and hear this song.. I sing the parts as if I'm the guy doing the duet. :lmao:

"Love Story" by Taylor Swift w/ Def Leppard

I WILL find a chic to Karaoke this song with me, someday. lol
"She's So High" by Tal Bachman

I love that song, and I don't care who knows. However, somtimes at work, I'll find myself singing along to "Kiss Me" and "There She Goes" by Sixpencenonethericher. That would be my guilty pleasure. It's funny 'cause I'm a 240 pound metalhead, with quiet a few tattoos, and a full on Mike Knox beard, but I secretly listen to Sixpence, the Corrs, and Tori Amos.
BTW, I forgot to mention "I'll Be" by Edwin Mccain.

I'm not ashamed of that song in the slightest. I karaoked that song so amazingly that I had 3 couples dancing to my singing. It was an honor to have that happen. Especially in a karaoke bar of all places. :lmao:

Then my follow-up song was Bloodhound Gang's "Bad Touch" to which I had 2 girls grinding in front of me, while I sang that.. so.. go figure. LOL
I'm not ashamed of that song in the slightest. I karaoked that song so amazingly that I had 3 couples dancing to my singing. It was an honor to have that happen. Especially in a karaoke bar of all places. :lmao:

Then my follow-up song was Bloodhound Gang's "Bad Touch" to which I had 2 girls grinding in front of me, while I sang that.. so.. go figure. LOL

I've had the Edwin McCain thing happen to myself before too, but the only reason I mentioned is the same reason I said Sixpence. I've got a rep to maintain here in Hamilton to maintain as our only black metal fan, for Christ's sakes! Also Supertones Strike Back , by the OC Supertones!

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