Songs That Tell Your Life Story?


Dark Match Jobber
Apparently, through your life, you will find a song which can tell pretty much your life story, or that you can relate your life to, a lot.

So yeah, was wondering, are there songs out there which, lyrically, you relate to highly?
For the Love of the Game by Pillar
This song defines me. I am 100% into anything I do, and I don't care what I have to do to make it happen.
I can't really say that there is one song that tells my life story, but maybe an album. Before I really knew myself I may have been able to narrow it down, but I just can't do it now.

Weezer's Green Album could really be the soundtrack to my life. All of the songs are short, sweet and to the point...that is kind of my philosophy. The album is under 30 minutes long and can be enjoyed on a short car ride. This kind of speaks to my attention span. :lol:

Most of the songs are upbeat, especially the intro "Don't Let Go," "Photograph," and "Hash Pipe." And there are songs that are relaxing like "Island in the Sun" and "Glorious Day."

If I had to choose one I'd say "Don't Let Go." It's about not giving up and going after the things in life that you want---going after happiness.

Should be ok to bump this thread, one page back.

I'm going to have to go with something which is extremely out of my usual comfort zone and it's something which I only got into recently despite it being out for a long time, the meaning behind it has only come of importance to me now which is why I am into it.


Soulja Boy - Kiss Me Thru The Phone.

Normally I listen to rock, hardcore, screamo and the like but after listening this song today in my friends car when I was hanging out with my mates, it hit me, this song sums up perfectly the current situation I'm in with my girlfriend.

She lives in Sydney aswell but not close enough for me to see every day once her Tafe starts up, so I'd probably see her once a week on a Saturday or Sunday and at the moment her parents have an unofficial ground on her from going out to see me because she stayed over my place without telling them (strict Greek parents) so I haven't seen her since New Years Day and I don't know when I will next, so this song perfectly sums up the situation, not being able to see her and wanting to hug and kiss her but not being able to so having to settle for talking on the phone every night. I've had it on repeat a lot tonight.
I can brief on why "Sunshine on my shoulders" John Denver describes my life. I was brought into the world like an average baby with the mom, dad, maybe a sibling(s), the off chance you see an uncle or so. So they surround you with love, warmth and grace that they're blessed to see. Thats when I didn't know how much it meant to me. Shooting to age 16, I lost someone I grew up loving as my second icon, my uncle. He taunt me to be unique and live like you want to live and not follow the road most taken. He was the most loving, gullible, fat soab I could love to death. Before he died about a year to be more accurate I talked to him about if you could have a theme song what would it be. He was someone who could go much deeper than Inception. He said his theme song would be "Sunshine on my shoulders" John Denver. He said, "Whats a man got to live when he has already lived but not his way of life but by everyone elses?" I shruged. He put his arm around me and said, "You are a talented handsome young man. Most people use signs or vocalize their feelings/thoughts at whatever annoys them. Not you. Whatever situation is thrown at you, you act like it was a scratch from a playground. Just promise me you will your life like it is how you want it to live." I replied, "I can be whatever I want? Like a rockstar or an actor?" He nodded and said, "The sky isn't your limit, nothing is." Month later he got drafted into Iraq to serve the country. Weeks later he got stressed and had a drinking problem. He'd call us late at night drunk but we thought he would grow out of it until the next day. That next day, nothing. That three days, nothing. The fourth day, a call to my dad saying his brother had passed. I was 4 weeks of graduating from high school in honors because I made it my mission to be someone that isn't someone else. When I walked to get my diploma and have my hand shanked, I looked into the bleachers and then into the sky. The evening sky had one cloud. I knew he would never miss this day even if he passed. The song, "Sunshine on my shoulders" describes my life from what my uncle said to me," The sky isn't your limit, nothing is." Live each day not only as it was your last, but everyday and to not let the things bother you. To look up into the sky knowing theres always a sunshine on you, for you. Right now I am 18 heading to a university soon to start what I wanted to be, a Psychical Therapist. Helping people is what makes me, well.. Me.

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