Song lyrics that have helped you in life


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I've got to release all the shit that has made up my past.
Great song in general but the line I'm talking about is in the spoiler tags.​

In order for this to make sense you need to realize it's very hard for me to let go of the past. Good, bad and everything in between stays with me for a very long time and I'm guessing it's not good for me pyschologically. I first heard this song as Lita's entrance theme and like I usually do I looked it up on Youtube so I can hear the music and not the audience but it wasn't until recently while I was listening to it on WWE Forceable Entry that this line really stuck with me. Now when I start thinking about the past and getting depressed I think of this line and it helps a lot.
I always found the lyrics in Our Lady Peace's "Life" to be helpful.

Basically a song of hope, saying that know matter what, we are alive and we will survive. People may suck and friends my prove to be anything but friends, but living is important.

"Oh, Life is waiting for you
So messed up, but we're alive
Oh, Life is waiting for you
So messed up but we'll survive"

This song helped me understand that I shouldn't try and be something I'm not. I should just Be Myself.
I cannot think of any song in particular that has helped me in life but the one song that I know helped someone I know is

"If you tolerate this, then your children will be next" by the Manic Street Preachers


My friends Mum told me recently that this song is what finally convinced her to leave her husband (my friends Dad) a few years ago. He used to beat her, and the lyric in the song (which is the title) made her think, if he was beating her now and she accepted it, then he would eventually turn to hitting her son and daughter. My friend was only about 12 at the time (he is my age now), but she was worried enough for the safety of her children that she left her bully of a husband.

So, something good happened because of that song, and she left him, divorced him and thankfully has not seen the guy since then.
Aerosmith: Amazing


This song is great. I had a tough period of my life and it's like Aerosmith was there too writing this song. It's like they were reading about me and the challenges I faced like my life was an open book. This song I could easily relate to me.

There is one line in the song that got my attention and it's "life's a journey, not a destination." I think so many of us get so caught up in trying to find the point or "destination," in life that we forget to live. This song definately helped me through some tough times and keep hope.

I'd been feeling depressed that my life was going nowhere and I was just stuck in the same loop all the time.

This song helped me realise that even though it may seem dull, life is unpredictable anything can happen so just go with it.

And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don't know how

I was always a massive fan of Oasis, but this song meant more to me after last September. Friend killed himself, by suffocation, and at his funeral this was played by someone on guitar. It hit me then, that those lyrics tell the truth, every path in life you take is a bitch and their will always be times you feel lost. And most of the time, you won't have the words to describe it.

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