Someone help me do my job for a minute so I could keep my sanity...


Gone but never forgotten.
You all want to be mods? Well here's your chance.

I'm asking the general public about this to prove a point. Here's my question:

Let's say someone creates a thread about John Cena joining Nexus. For argument's sake, we'll call the thread "John Cena joins Nexus." And let's just say here are a few posts from the thread:

Poster A said:
John Cena's joining of Nexus is unfortunate. He's a hero on Raw and shouldn't have to subject himself to this kind of torture. Nexus already has Barrett, Gabriel, Otunga, and Slater and got rid of Darren Young, Daniel Bryan and lost Skip Sheffield to injury. Don't they have enough members?


Poster B said:
I agree with Poster A. John Cena is too much of a draw to turn into a heel and join Nexus. He sells tons of merchandise, is a role model for children, and Raw needs babyfaces right now. Plus, they have enough heels in the rest of the members of Nexus... especially Justin Gabriel. His 450 splash is devastating.

Last reply:

Poster A said:
Yeah, Gabriel is shit. And he wear purple tights so he must be a wuss. I hate him.

Now here's my question... Do you guys see any spam in these posts? If so, please point it out. Then I'll get to my point.
Yes Doc. Let the general public answer.

So far, BC thinks the third post is spam. Anyone else?
Well for one thing it's a duplicate topic. Second the last sentence of the second post could be deleted. The third is spam and since he's STILL bitching about it he's on the verge of going into prison.
Sure, I agree with BC here. Poster A's original post is non-spam. Poster B responds with a non-spam post as well. These two are OK. Then Poster A comes back with a total spam reply to what Poster B said.

Then again, what the hell do I know?
Well for one thing it's a duplicate topic. Second the last sentence of the second post could be deleted. The third is spam and since he's STILL bitching about it he's on the verge of going into prison.

I just can't seem to wrap my head around how fucking stubborn and stupid posters on this site can be. The guy thinks this is People's Court or something. It's FUCKING WRESTLEZONE FORUMS. If you don't like it, GTFO and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way.
I only have the third one being spam...but none of them really express anything other then answering the initial question which may as well be a "No Cena shouldn't join Nexus".
The last one.

Well for one thing it's a duplicate topic. Second the last sentence of the second post could be deleted. The third is spam and since he's STILL bitching about it he's on the verge of going into prison.

Sure, I agree with BC here. Poster A's original post is non-spam. Poster B responds with a non-spam post as well. These two are OK. Then Poster A comes back with a total spam reply to what Poster B said.

Then again, what the hell do I know?

I only have the third one being spam...but none of them really express anything other then answering the initial question which may as well be a "No Cena shouldn't join Nexus".

The obvious answer is Post Number 3.

Yeah the third one is spam. Irrelevant and slightly homophobic.

Hey Optimist Prime, do you see how fucking stupid you are now?!?!? Everyone else gets it but you!!
third post is definately a spam but i think post 1 should be considered a spam too.

the guy says nothing and is just answering from a kayfabe point of view
WHAT?! Hey, I wore Purple track pants during my short wrestling ventures. I fucking stabbed my leg once! See if I'm a wuss, ya jackass!

Who the hell is it?
Optimist Prime. I think he's an Impact Player...


If I were mod, I'd have his sig removed, too.
Well for one thing it's a duplicate topic. Second the last sentence of the second post could be deleted. The third is spam and since he's STILL bitching about it he's on the verge of going into prison.

I'll be honest; this was my original thought except that last bit about prison..
I love the Ask a WZ Staff Member Thread.

That fucker PM'd me and of all his stupid accusations, being a troll of that thread was one I owned up to. God damn I love it when cry babies like him take that thread (or the old Complaint Thread) by storm.

third post is definately a spam but i think post 1 should be considered a spam too.

the guy says nothing and is just answering from a kayfabe point of view

And you claimed your posts are better than mine, LULZ.

If I were mod, I'd have his sig removed, too.

Turn heel and take control of the situation. Maybe even buy off some ex-RAW Talent guys to lead an invasion.

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